The Canadian Soldiers' Song Book/The Magic of Your Voice
Two loving souls with but a single thought; Two happy hearts that beat as oneLove comes our way, and all the world is naught; Then, only then we know our life's begun.How can it be we once were strangers, How can it be we've liv'd apart?O, for the joy of having found you! Joy that you've won my heart.
Although we met but yesterday, To me it seems I've known you in some other world,Some world—of happy dreams. 'Twas not the language of your eyes that thrill'd me through,It was the magic of your voice that drew my soul to you
Only a song of tides that ebb and flow; Only a song of mingled hopes and fears.Sadly you sang, in accents soft and low; Sas were your eyes, while mine were fill'd with tears.Then did we know the wondrous secret, Then did we know what life can give;New life, a life that shall be deathless Now we have learn'd to live!