Hymns for Advent and Christmas/The Nativity II.
(Redirected from The Nativity (Tute, "Blessed Jesus! Thou in love"))
For works with similar titles, see The Nativity.
Blessed Jesus! Thou in love
Dost descend from Heaven above,
And art born of Virgin mild,
A holy sinless, perfect Child.
Thou the Son of God most high,
Comest here for us to die;
And, to cleanse Thine own from stain,
Dost not the Virgin's womb disdain.
In a manger Thou art laid;
By that pure and gentle Maid;
Son of David! Israel's King!
Now Thou dost Salvation bring.
Thou, the Day-spring from on high,
Risest, and the shadows fly:
From the joyful East art Thou
A King, 'fore whom all earth shall bow!