A Book of Nursery Songs and Rhymes/The Old Couple
There was an old couple, and they were poor,
Tweedle, tweedle-dey.
They lived in a house that had but one door,
O what an old couple were they.
The old man he went one day from home,
Tweedle, tweedle-dee.
The old woman she couldn't stay moping alone,
O meek old woman was she.
The old man he did come home at last,
Tweedle, etc.
And found the door and the windows fast,
'O! what is the matter?' quoth he.
'O I have been sick since you've been gone,
Tweedle, etc.
If you'd been in the garden you'd heard me groan.'
'O! I'm sorry for that,' said he.
'O I've a petition to make of thee,
Tweedle, etc.
Pick me an apple from yonder tree.'
'O that will I do,' said he.
The old man he got up in the tree,
Tweedle, etc.
She plucked down the ladder, and down fell he.
'This is cleverly done,' said she.
Come all pretty maidens, wherever you be,
Tweedle, etc.
And do to your husbands as done by she,
That's the true end of matrimonie.