The Riverside song book/The Harp at Nature's Advent

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2621517The Riverside song book — The Harp at Nature's AdventJohn Greenleaf Whittier


John Greenleaf Whittier. German Air.

1. The harp at Na - ture's ad - vent strung Has nev - er ceased

2. The green earth sends her in - cense up From many a moun - tain

3. The mists a - bove the morn-ing rills Rise white as wings

4. The winds with hymns of praise are loud, Or low with sobs of

5. The blue sky is the tern - pie's arch, Its tran - sept earth and

play; The song the stars of morn - ing sung Has

shrine; From fold - ed leaf and dew - y cup She

prayer; The al - tar - cur - tains of the hills Are

pain,— The thun - der or - gan of the cloud. The

air, The mu - sic of its star - ry march The

nev - er died a - way. Has nev - er died a - way.

pours her sa - cred wine, She pours her sa - cred wine.

sun - set's pur - ple air, Are sun - set's pur - ple air.

drop- ping tears of rain. The drop - ping tears of rain.

cho - rus of a prayer. The cho - rus of a prayer