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The Statutes at Large (Ruffhead)/Volume 1/The Statutes of the Exchequer (51 Hen3. Stat 4 & 5) (1266)

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The Statutes of the Exchequer (51 Hen3. Stat 4 & 5)
by Parliament of England / Crown of England.

Portions of these Statutes may still be in force in England, (see [1]) (in bold text below) Legislation.gov.uk also notes that the dating of these statutes are uncertain, although mentions the traditional dating used in the title(s) here.

1310694The Statutes of the Exchequer (51 Hen3. Stat 4 & 5)Parliament of England / Crown of England.

De Distriction Scaccarii


The Statute De Distriction Scaccarii, made Anno 51. Hen. III. Stat 4. and Anno Dom. 1266

What Distress shall be Taken for the King's Debts, and how it shall be used

Cotton MS. Claudius, D. 2.

PUreco qe la comunalte du roialme ad eu graunt damage per torcenouses prises, quont este faites per viscountes, & per autres Bailliffs le Roi, pour acheson de la dette le Roi, ou per autre acheson; purveu est que ceux asqueux les avers sount le puissent pesttre de lour saunz destourber, quant eux serrount emparkez, saunz rien doner pur la garde; & que les avers, ne nulle autre destresse pris pur las dette le Roi, ou per autre encheson, ne soient venduez [ ne donez] deinz les xv jours [de la prise] Et si nul porte taille come de paie faite a Leschequer, cesse as destrresce & sil [si null] porte taille de nul Viscounte ou de Baillif de paie faite a lui de a chose demanaunde, et voille trover pleggs desttre aal Eschequer al proschein acompt, afaire qe droit ferra, adonqes cesse la destresse - & qe le Viscount, ou les baillifs, face attacher lui que les deust aveir aquite, sil soit sur mesme lacompte, afaire sur ceo qe droit serra; & eit illoeques le nouns des plegges.

Unqore est purveu, qe null homme de religon, nature, soit destreinte per [ses] beste qe gaignent sa terre, ne per ses berbis, pur la dette le Roi, ne pur la dette dautri, ne per autre encheson, per le baillif le Roi, ne per autre homme, taunt come lem trove autre destresce. & autres chateux suffisauntz, dount ils poicnt lever la dette, ou ceo qe suffice al demaunde, horspis emparkementz des bestes quant home les trove fesauntz damage, selonc leie & lusage de la terre: & qe les destresces soient resonables a la mountaunce de la dette, ou de la deamande [damage,] selonc resoun, & noun pas outrageous [la value per estimacion des vesins & nemye per estranges.] Unquore voet le Roi, & commaunde, que touz les Viscountes & les Baillifs, quont resceu le dettes le Roi de la somons del Eschequer, & qi naquittent de ceo les dettours sur lour proschein acompte soient puniz selonc le estatutz nadgairs faites, Et voet Roi, qe tous les dettes de la sommons de Lesquher, qe les Viscountes, ou les Baillifs ount resceu, qils soient maintenaunt allowez; le quel qils eient resceu toute la dette, ou partie, issint qe mes ne viegne en somons, ceo qe le Viscount avera conu soi aver resceu, &c.

The Owner may feed his Cattle impounded
Bro Distr, 72.
9 Ed 4 s.2.
5 H. 7. s. 9
21 Ed 4. s. 53
FOrasmuch as the Commonalty of the Realm hath sustained great Damage by wrongful taking of Distresses, which have been made by the Sheriffs, and by others the King's Bailiffs, for the King's Debt, or for any other cause: It is therefore provided and ordained that [1] when a Sheriff or any other man doth take the Beasts of other , they to whom the Beasts do belong may give them their Feeding without Disturbance (so long as they be impounded) without giving anything for their keeping. No sale of Distress within 15 Days.,
Altered by 2 W. & M Sess. 1. c. 5.
And farther by 8 Ann. c14.
And 11 G. 2.

(2) And that the Beasts, nor no other Distress taken for the Kings Debt, not for any other cuase, be given ne sold within Fifteen Days after the taking.(3) And if he bring the Tally of any Sheriff or Bailiff, of payment made to them of the thing demanded, and will find Pledges that he will appear in the Exchequer, upon the next account, to do as Right shall require, then the Distress shall cease. And the Sheriff or Baillif shall cause him to be attached that ought to have acquitted him,[2] that he appear on the same account, to do as Right shall require; and there shall have the names of the pledges. No Distress shall be taken of Plough-Cattle or Sheep
Enforced by 28 ?? 1. stat 3. C12. Regist. 97. Ratt 2?6. Bro Distress s. 31. 6? 4. H.7. s. 8 Dyer,s. 312 Fitz. Brief 662
(4) Yet it is provided, that no man of Religion, nor other, shall be distrained by his Beasts that gain his Land, nor by his Sheep, for the King's Debt, nor the Debt of any other man, nor for any other cause [3] by the King's or other Baillifs, but until they can find another Distress, or Chattels sufficient for the Demand (except impounding of Beasts that a man findeth in his Ground, Damage sisact, after the Use and Custom of the Realm.)

A Distress shall be reasonable. 52 H.3. c.4 29 E.3 f.16 29.E.3.f.24 41 E.3 f.26 (5) And that such Distress be reasonable, after the Value of the Debt or Demand, and by the Estimation of neighbours, and not by Strangers, and not outrageous

A Sheriff, which receiveth the King's Debt, shall acquit the Debtor.
Enforced by 3 Ed1. c.19. which subjects Sheriffs offending to a Penalty of treble the Recepit
(6) Howbeit, the King willwth and commandethm that Sheriffs, or thier Bailiffs, that have received the King's Debt of the Summons of the Exchequer, and have not acquitted the Debtors therof at the next account, shall be punished after the Statutes made thereupon.

(7) And the King willeth that, that all Debts of Summons of the Exchequer that the Sheriff or Baillif have confessed Recepit, shall be allowed him forthwith: so that whether lie received all the Debt, or Part, it shall never come more in Dmeand nor Summons, after the Sheriff hath confessed the Receipt.

  1. * The word in italic are not in the Original.
  2. For that read if
  3. For by the Kings or other Bailiffs read by the Kings Bailff's or other person

Statutum De Scarccario

Statutam De Scarccario, Made Ann. 51 Hen. III. Stat.5. and Anno Dom. 1266. 

Ammended by the Statute of Rutland 10 E. 1.

When the King's Fermors, Sheriffs, and Bailiffs, shall make the Accompts and Payments

Who shall be Escheators in several Shires.

Cotton MS. Claudius, D. 2.

Le Roi voet,qe toutes maneres des Baillifs, Viscountes & autres Ministres le Ros, auixbien le Justice de Cestre, & tled Baillifs Isles, come autres de tous maneres de resceites des issues, des gards, de eschetes, de lour baillies; soient respoignantz al eschquer; & illoeqes rendent acompte al Tresorer, & as Barouns, Et qe touz le Viscountes, Fermers, Baillids des fraunchises, & autres, qi devent venir al profre del Eschequer, lendemaim de seint Michel, & lendermain de la cluse de Pasque, pur paier lour fermes, rentes, & issues, qappendent au Roi, veignent as avauntditz, & portent illoqes pleinment les avauntdites fermes, rentes, & issues, & les paient al' Eschequer. Et fi nul saile de paier pleinement ceo qil doit paier, sicome avaunt est dit, son corps demoerge saunz departier jesques a taunt qi et paie, ou gree fait Et celui qi ne vendra as avantdites termes, soit americe selonc les usages del Eschequer, ceo gils averount resceu a la sommons del Eschquer, & des autres dettes le Roi, & de touz les choses avantdites soient prestes & apparaillex desaire vews dacompt.

Et touz les Baillifs des franchises, qi devient les dettes le roi [lever] et respounderont as Viscountes a lour manudement, selonc les estrets de la somons del Eschequer, viegnent & respoignent suffisantement. Et ceux qi ne frount, demorgent les corps de eux en la garde des Viscountes; & les Viscountes, pur lour defautes, envoirent lever les dettes per lour baillifs demeigne, & per la ou ils purrount, ficome lem soleit faire en temps passe. Et fi les Baillifs ne viegent a respondere a jour [de ceo an & jour] qe les Viscountes les ferront assavior, les Viscontes entrant en les fraunchises, & facent lever les dettes por lour baillifs demeigne [en mesme la manere]

En droit de Justice de Cestre, & des Baillifs des des Isles, voet le Roi, qils viegnent per ascun de lour al profer de seint Michel chescun an, a rendre quant qills deivent as Roi a cel terme. Et a la [profre de la] cluse de Pasquwe, viegnent en mesme la manere, & portent ce qils deivent au Roi abonqes. Et le Justice de Cestre eit jour dacompt dan en an a la xv. de Pasque; & les Baillifs des Isles lendyerman der la close de Pasqe. Et que touz le Viscountes Dengleteere, horspirs le viscounte de Westmerl', Lanc. Wirrcester, Roteland', & Cornwaill', deformes gardent le gardes & les eschetes, qe ne fount en fee, qappendent au Roi dedinz lour Countees; & des issues loialment respoiignent al Eschequer as termes avauntides; & as termes [lour termes] qils frount per lour Countees, de lour offices, & des autres choses, qe les Eschetours soleient faire & qappent al[1] escheterie un foitz ou deux, au meindere meschief saunz grevance del people, qils purrount. Et les eschets qe cherseisent, & le facent savior au Roi saunz delaie.

Et le roi attourrnea trois prodes hommes, qi irount per tote la terre, pur [2] perfourver & estendre les garde & les eschetes avauntdites, de an en an, quant ils verrount qe bon foit. Et les Viscountes per counseil de eux proverount per mettre a ferme, & en autre manere, tiels gardes & eschetes en la manare qils verront, qe mieux foit al pru le roi.

Et en les cynk Countees avauntnomes, voet le Roi, qe le Vioscounte de Cumberl' face loffice descheterie en les Countees de Westermerl' & Lanc. & celui de Noi' en Rotel' ; & celui de Lancaster [de Gliucestre] in Wircestre ; & celui de Devenshire in Cornewaill, & souveement gardent les eschets [& les gardes] au Roi, & de mesmes les Countess, & respoignent des issues al Esqcheuer, si come ills deivent faire de lour Countees. Et los trois prodes hommes avauntditz surverount & estenderount tiels gardes & eschets, sicome aillours & per le counseil deux soient appruez. Et quaunt les Viscountes acommpterount de lour accomptz. si accomptment des gardes & des eschetes. Et per mesme la manare face le Justice de Cestre, & les Baillifs des Isles, chescun en sa baille. Et les prodes hommes avauntdites garderount les demeignes le Roi, & les empowerount selonc ceo qils verront qe mieux soit al oeps le Roi, & responderount poer de bailler pettiz manares en meins a les gentz des memes les villes [lieux] ou as autre, selonc lour difscrecion, a fermes certins de an en an, per la ou ils verrount qe soit apru le Roi. Et yceaux fermesrs responunderount des issues a ceux avauntditz principals approvers, & [soient] eux al Eschequer lendemain del Ascension de an en an.

Et qe les [principales]] Coilours de la custume des leins paient, a les deux termes avandit, touz le deniers, qils averont pris [coillez] & resceu de lavauntdit custume, & dan en an rendent acompt apertment & distinctement de touz les parcels resceux per toutes les portes, & per tout la terre, issint qil repoigne de chescun neef, ou ele serra charge & come bien el portes de la leine, & & dautre aver charge en la nief, de custume qest due, & de toute la resceite.

Et le gardien de la Garderobe le Roi rende acompt de an en an al Eschequer a le seint Margarete; Et le Tesoror & Les Barouns de Lescheuer soient charges per serment, gils nententdrount doier les plees de querelees de nulli, taunt come ils eient affaire des busoignes le Roe, si ce nest querle qe touche la dette le Roi mesmes. Et quant Viscount ou Baillis eit comence de acompter, nul autre ne seit rescceu de aconter tanque le primer qe soit assis eit perccompte, & qe le somme soit receu. Et qe ls Conestable, & le Mareschal & les mareschalx, & les Chamberlyns, & les autres, qi sont de fee al Eschequer, desoremes persentent au Roi mesmes ceux qils metterount en lour lieux affaire lour office de lieux : & celes gents soient de bon fame, & qils soient suffisentz, & tieux pur qi fates ils voillent respoundre.

Et le Roi enjoint al Trefor & as Barouns, en la foi qils lui deviant, & le serment qils fount, qils ne mettent autres deputes depar eux qe cuees qi sount resceux. Et qe Leschequer ne soit charge de pluis de gentz qe miestre est. Et que nul de laviz jure le Roi mette momme pur lui, ne clerc, ne lay, qil ne soit jure de laviz, & cco suanz especiale conge le Tresorer. Et si null'le face, soit maintenaunt remue de son office, & null' autre ne soit resceu en son lieu saunz le Roi. Et si celui qi serra mys, & celui qi lavera mys, soit puny, selonc le trespas. Et fi ambedeux ne suffisent, soient puniz oversque le seignour [sovereigne,] quel qil soit de fee, ou de autre en soin lieu, tanqe le Roi eit autre chose ordene. Et si celui qi avera tenu le lieu dautre per conge le Tresorer, face chose qil ne deyve [droit faire] soit puny selonc le trespas, sil ad de quoi; & sil nad de quoi, celui qi lavera mys respoigne de son trespas Et si celui ne suffice respoigne celui qi le avera mys en loffice, le quel soit, de fee ou dautre. Et touz ceux de laviz facent le serment, qe si null puis perveiver qe autre face defleaute, ou malveiste, our autre chose, face assavoir au Tresor & as Barouns, ou ascun de ceux, qi le face amendre, & si miestre soit, facent savoir au Roi. Et qe entour le feste de seinte Margarette, avaunt qe Leschequer soit clos, face chescun an bien serchier and veer, si Viscount ou autre Baillis, qi deust avoir acompt cel an, niet accompte [3] son accompt soit primetment oy apres le Seint Michel, avuant ceo qe nul autre Viscounte soit resceau dacompter. Et si ceo soit autre Baillif, soi maunde, ou destreint, qil veigne a certein jour dacompter, issint qe nul accomp soit suffiert dendormer. Et purceo qe les Conestables, Viscountes, & autres [baillifs] ount meintefoitz ou outrageous allowanccs per fauz testmoinances des overcignes le Roi, & des autres choses purveus per ses comuandementx. purveu est, qe touz les veours des overignes le Ro soient esluz per serement des prodes hommes, & tieux qi mieux sachent voillent & pussent a cel office entendre, & qe seinet suffizanz de respoudire au Roi, si miestre soit. & soient jurrez qe ils porterount loial tesmoignaunce. Et si le Roi ou Barouns [de leschquer] eint null' en suspecio de faux allowance faite des overignes, ou datre chose, si soit la verite en requise; & celui qi serra attenit de ceo respoigne au Roi de taunt come cele allowance amounte, & eit la prisone, & soit pany a la volunte le Roi, & les veours soient reints [puniz] pur le consente. Et per mesme la manere celui qi avera concele sur accompt le choses dount il fe deust charger, soit puny come celui qi aver [fait] faux allowance.

Et qe les Justices, enqnuerrours, & autres desormes liverant a Eschequer. a la seint Michel, de an en a, lour estretes des fins, & des amerciementz faites & taxez devaunt eux, de touz les choses dount esrtets soleinet estre liverez illoeqes. Et ceux de Leschequer facent lestrete de la somons per tous le Countees, sauve ceo qe lesrete en eire de Justices de touz plees soient maintenanunt liveres apre leire fait.

When the Kings Bailiffs and Officers shall accompt THE King commandeth, that all manner of Baillifs Sheriffs, and other Officer, as well the Justices of Chester, and other Bailiffs of these Counties, as other be Recivers [4] of Wards,of Escheats, [5]and other Bailiwicks, shall be answerable in the Exchequer, and there shall make account to the Treasurer and Barons[6]of the same place. (2) And that all Sheriffs, Fermores, Baillifs of the Franchises, and other [7] to the Profer in the Exchequer, the Monday after the Feast of St Micheal, and the Monday after the Utas of Easter, for to pay thier Ferms, Rents, and Issues belonging to the King, and [8]shall bring at the foresaid Terms, the foresaid Ferms, Rents, and Issues due, wholly into the Exchequer, as before is mentioned. (3) And if they make default, thier bodies shall remain without departing from thence until they have paid or made agreement; and he that not come at the Terms aforesaid, shall be amerced after the Customs of the Echequer; (4) and the Sheriffs and Baillifs at the same Terms shall bring and pay such money as they have received of the Summons of the Exchequer, and other the King's Debta, and shall be prepared and ready to make full accompt of the things aforesaid.

Bailiffs of Franchieses AccomptII. And that all Bailiffs of Franchises, which ought to be levy the King;'s Dbets, and be answerable to the Sheriffs thereof shall come and accompt sufficiently, according to the Exchequer; and such as do not, their bodies shall remain in Ward of the Sheriffs; and for Default in them, the Sheriffs shall cause the Debts to be levied by thier own Bailiffs, where they have Power as they have used to do in time passed. And if the Bailiffs do not come in at the Day that the Sheriff shall give them knowledge, the Sheriffs shall enter into the same Franchises, and levy the Debts with his own hand.

The Justices and Bailiffs of Chester's accompt III. Concernig Justices of Chester, and Bailiffs thereof, the King willeth, that they, or one of them shall come at the Profer of St Micheal every Year, when they ought to give account unto the King; and at the Profer of the Utas of Easter they shall come likewise, and bring in that which they owe to the King for that term; and the Justices of Chester shall have Day to accompt from Year to Year in quindena Pasche; and the Baillffs therof [9] of Easter Utas

Sherieffs shall keep the Kings Wards and Escheats
Altered by 32 H. 8. c. 45. which establishes the Court of the King's Wards and made obs by 12 Car.2. c.24
(2) And that all the Sheriffs of England, except the Sheriffs of Westmorland, Lancaster,Worcester, Rutland and Cornwall, shall from henceforth keep all such Wards and Escheats, that are not in other Fees, as belong to the King, which may be within thier Shires; and of the Issues thereof they shall be answerable in the Exchequer at the Terms aforesaid. (3)[10] and at thier Turns that they make in thier Shires, they shall find Office of other Things, which the King's Escheators have not used ro find of that which belongeth unto the King,once or twixew in the Year, to as little Grioveance of the People as they can. (4)And the Sheriffs shall seize the Escheats that fail, to remain unto the Kins in Fee, and shall certify the king of them without delay.

Three Surveyors IV. And the King shall assign the able Persons that shall go through the Realm, to survey and find the Wards and Escheats aforesaid, from Year to Year, when thy shall think requisite.

Wards and Escheats let to Ferm(2) And the Sheriffs by thier Counsel shall spprove and let to Ferm, or otherwise, such Wards and Escheats, as they shall think most for the King's Advantage.

Sheriffs Escheators in other Shires.V. Touching the five Shires named, the King will, that the Sheriff of Cumberland shall execute the Office of Escheator in the Shires of Westmorland and Lancaster; and the Sheriff of Devonshire in Cornwal; and shall safely keep the King in his Wars Escheats in the same Shires, and shall be answerable in the Exchequer for the issues of them as well as for thier own Shires. (2)And the three able Persons aforesaid shall survey and extend such Wards amd Escheats, as well there are in other places, and those shall be approved by thier Counsel. And ehn the Sheriffs do accompt for thier Counties, they shall accompt for cuh Wards and Escheats. And in like manner shall the Justices of Chester do. and their Baillifs also, every one for this Bailiwick. (3) And the said three able Persons shall keep the Kings Deameans, and shall approve them as they shall think best for the King's Advantage, and shal be answerable[11] for the issues: (4) And they shall have the power to let forth samll Manors and Demeans to folk of trhe same Places, or to toher, according to thier Discretion, and shall let them to Ferm from Year to Year, as they shall think most to the King's Profit: And the Fermors shall be chargeable for thier Ferms unto the Principal Approvers, and they unto the Exchequer the [12] next after the Ascension, from Year to Year.

Collectors of the Custom of WoolsVI. And the principal Collectors of the Custom of Wools, at the two Terms before mentioned, shall pay such Money as they have recevied of the said Custom, and shall make accompt from Year to Year clearly all Parcels recevied in the any of the Ports, or other Place of the Relam, so that they shall answer for every ship where it was charged, and how much[13] it carried, [14] and whose the Wools were, and for every other Charge in the Ship, whereof Custom is due and for the Whole receipt.

The Accompt of the King's WardrobeVII. And the Warden of the King's Wardrobe shall make accompt Yearly in the Exchequer in the Feast of St. Margret;

The King's Debt shall first be heard(2) and the Treasurer and Barons [15] shall be charged by Oath, that they shall not attend to hear the Pleas or Matters of other Men, while they have to do with the King's Business, if it be Not a Matter that concerneth the King's own Debt. (3) And when a Sheriff or bailiff hath begun his Accompt, none other shall be received to accompt, until he that was first appointed hath clearly accompted, and his Money received. (4)And that the Constable, Marshal, Chamberlain and other that of Fee in the Exchequer, from Henceforth shall present unto the King such as they have put in thier Places to do thier Offices, which must be of good Fame, and sufficient, for whole Acts themselves will answer.

Deputy Officers in the Exchequer VIII. And the King Commandeth the Treasurer, and Barons of the Exchequer, upon thier Allegiance and by the Oath that they made to him, that they shall not assign any in thier rooms, but such as this Act meaneth of, and that the Exchequer be not charged with more Persons than is necessary. (2) And that none of them, that be sworn to the King, shall put ion his room any other Clerk or Lay Person, except he be sworn, without Special License of the Treasurer ; and if any be, he shall be forthwith removes from his Office, and none other shall be received in his stead without the King's Licence. (3) And if any that is received without the Treasurer's Licence do trespas after, Punishment shall be done as well to the Assignor, as to him that is assigned, according to the Trespass. (4) And if both be unsufficent, thier Superior shall be punished, whether he ne Officer of the Fee, or other. (5) And the Treasurer shall put no other in his room, until he hath Commandment from the King. (6) And if that keepeth the room of another, by License of the Treasurer, doth any thing that he ought not to do, he shall be punished according to the Trespass, if he have whereof; and if he have not, he that put him in Office shall be charged for his Trespass; and if he that put him in Office be not sufficient, his Superior shall be charged, whether he be of Fee or otherwise.

Ix. And they [16] of the Wool-staple shall make Oath, that if any of them may perceive that another doth commit any Default, Offence, or other thing [17]dishonest in the Office of the Wool-staple, or that he done before, that they shall certify it to the Treasurer, or to the Barons, or to some of them [18] or to the King himself, if need require. The King's Officers that ought to Accompt (2) And that about the Feast of St Margaret, herfore that the Exchequer be closed, they shall cause a Search to be made, whether any Sheriff or Bailiff that ought to have accompted the same Year, have not, an there upon a Remberance in a Roll shall be made by itself. (3)And if it be a Sheriff, his Accompt shall be first heard After Michealmas, before that any other be recevied to accompt: (4)And id he be a Baillif, he shall be summoned or ditrained to come at a certain Day for to accompt, so that no Accompt shall be suffered to sleep. (5) And forasinuch as Sheriffs,Constables, and other, obtain many times outragious Allowances, by pretence of the King's Works, and Other Things done and provided by his Commandment ; Surveyors of the King's Works it is provided, that all Surveyors of the King's Works shall be chosen by the Oath [19] Twelve Men, and of such as[20] will and may attend best to that Office; and that they be sufficeint to answer to the King, if need be, and shall swear that they hear lawful Witness. (6) And if the [21] And if the Treasurer or Barons of the Exchequer have any Suspicion of {[22] Sale, Allowances of Charges, or other Things, the Truth must be inquired, and he that is attained shall answer to the King for as much the Allowance amounteh unto, and shall be imprisoned [23] one year and Forty Days,</ref> and shall be punished for thier Consent. (7) And likewise he that upon the Accompt did conceal and kept secret such Things, Whereof he ought to have charged himself, shall be in like wise as he admitted such false Allowance.

Extreats of Fines and Americiaments shall be deliverd in Exchequer
See 37 Ed. 3 c.4. & 1 Rich 2. c. 5. concerning the Duty of Clerks of the Exchquer.
X. And that all the Justices, Comissoners, and other, shall henceforth deliver into the Exchequer, at the Feast of St. Micheal, from Year to Year the Extreats of Fines and Amerciaments made and taxed before them, and of all Things whereofr the Extreats are wont to be delivered there. (2) And they of the Exchequer shall make Extreats of the Summons through all Shires, saving that the Exreats in the Eyre of all Please shall be delivered immediately after the Eyre made.

  1. Eschequer in marg
  2. perfouver
  3. Original here seems imperfect
  4. Add of issues,
  5. For and other read of thier
  6. Words in italic not in original
  7. For shall read who ought to come
  8. For shall bring at the aforesaid Terms &c. read shall come at the aforesaid Terms, and shall bring in full the aforesaid Frems, Rents and Issue, and pay them into the Exchequer
  9. for Monday read morrow
  10. The Meaning of this Sentence seems to be as follows: And at thier Turns which they make in thier Shires, they shall be Answerable for thier Offices, and for other Things which the Escheator used to do, and which belong to the Escheat, once &c.
  11. Add in the exchequer
  12. For Monday read Morrow
  13. Add wool
  14. The words in italics not in the Original
  15. Add of the Exchequer
  16. of the Wool-staple is inserted by mistake
  17. Not in original
  18. Add who shall cause it to be amended
  19. Of good Men
  20. Add as are best sailled and will, &c.
  21. For Treasurer read King
  22. For Sale read False
  23. Not in Original

