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The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley (ed. Hutchinson, 1914)/The World's Wanderers

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78241The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley — The World's WanderersPercy Bysshe Shelley


[Published by Mrs. Shelley, Posthumous Poems, 1824.]

ITell me, thou Star, whose wings of light Speed thee in thy fiery flight, In what cavern of the nightWill thy pinions close now?
IITell me, Moon, thou pale and gray 5Pilgrim of Heaven's homeless way, In what depth of night or daySeekest thou repose now?
IIIWeary Wind, who wanderestLike the world's rejected guest, 10Hast thou still some secret nest On the tree or billow?