The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/Thou Knowest, Lord, the Weariness
Thou Knowest, Lord, the Weariness | 231 | ||||
(THOU KNOWEST, LORD. 11, 10, 11, 10, 10, 10) | |||||
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- Thou knowest, Lord, the wea - ri-ness and sor row
Of the sad heart that comes to thee for rest;
Cares of to-day, and bur-dens of to-mor- row,
Bless ings em-plored, and sins to be con - fessed ;
We come be - fore thee at thy gracious word,
And lay them at thy feet; thou knowest Lord. - Thou knowest all the past : how long and blind - ly
On the dark mountains the lost wanderer strayed ;
How the good Shep-herd followed, and how kind - ly,
He bore it home, up - on his Shoulders laid ;
And healed the bleed - ing wounds,and soothed the pain,
And bro't back life,and hope,and strength a-gain. - Thou knowest all the pres-ent; each tempta -tion,
Each toil-some du ty, each fore-bod-ing fear;
All to each one as- signed of trib - u - la - tion,
Or to be - lov ed ones, than self more dear ;
All pen-sive memories, as we jour-ney on,
Long- ings for vanished smiles and voic-es gone. A-men.