To a Lady
(Redirected from To a Lady (Byron))
- "To a Lady", a poem by Charlotte Allen
- "To a Lady", a poem by Lord Byron (Oh! had my Fate been join'd with thine)
- "To a Lady", a poem by Lord Byron (This Band, which bound thy yellow hair)
- "To a Lady", a poem by Lord Byron (When Man, expell'd from Eden's bowers)
- "To a Lady who Presented to the Author a Lock of Hair Braided with his own, and appointed a Night in December to meet him in the Garden", a poem by Lord Byron (These locks, which fondly thus entwine)
- "To a Lady", a 1887 poem by Roderick J. Flanagan (Three twinkling stars the star of eve around)
- "To a Lady", a poem by Mary Whitwell Hale
- "To a Lady", a poem by Thomas Hardy
- "To a Lady; With a Perfect Ear—Of Corn", a poem by T. W. Parsons (In the days when marble beauty)
- "To a Lady", a 1891 poem by James Kenneth Stephen (A pipe's a merry madrigal)
- "To a Lady", a poem by Cynthia Taggart