Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Trahaearn ap Caradog

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760774Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 57 — Trahaearn ap Caradog1899John Edward Lloyd

TRAHAEARN ap CARADOG (d. 1081), Welsh prince, was, according to the heralds (Lewis Dwnn, i. 266; History of Powys Fadog, i. 72), the son of Caradog ap Gwyn ap Collwyn. Originally lord of Arwystli (the region around Llanidloes), he became in 1075, on the death of his cousin Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, ruler of the greater part of North Wales. His claim was at once contested by Gruffydd ab Cynan [q. v.], representing the old line of Gwynedd, who defeated Trahaearn at Gwaeterw in the region of Meirionydd, but was himself worsted at Bron yr Erw later in the year and forced to return to Ireland. In 1078 Trahaearn defeated at ‘Pwllgudic’ Rhys ab Owain (d. 1078?) [q. v.] of South Wales, who was soon afterwards slain. His power brought about a coalition between Gruffydd ap Cynan and Rhys ap Tewdwr, who in 1081 led a joint expedition against him from St. David's, and defeated him and his allies at Mynydd Carn (South Cardiganshire), in which Trahaearn fell. The battle is commemorated in a poem by Meilyr Brydydd (in ‘Myvyrian Archaiology,’ 2nd edit. p. 142). Robert of Rhuddlan's epitaph attributed to him a victory over ‘Trehellum’ (Ord. Vit., viii. 3). Trahaearn left four sons, of whom Meurig and Griffri were slain in 1106. Llywarch became lord of Arwystli, and died about 1128, and Owain was grandfather of the Hywel ab Ieuaf who ruled the district in Henry II's reign.

[Annales Cambriæ; Brut y Tywysogion; Brut y Saeson and Buchedd Gruffydd ap Cynan in the Myvyrian Archaiology.]