Translation:Thammasat University Act, 2531 BE

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Thammasat University Act, 2531 BE (1998)
National Assembly of Thailand, translated from Thai by Wikisource
National Assembly of Thailand1391843Thammasat University Act, 2531 BE1998Wikisource

Volume 105, Number 206
Special Edition, Page 1
Royal Gazette

8 December 2531

Seal of the Royal Command
Seal of the Royal Command

Thammasat University
2531 BE

Bhumibol Adulyadej R
Given on the 28th day of November 2531 BE
Being the 43rd year of the present reign

Phra Bat Somdet Phra Paramin Maha Bhumibol Adulyadej gives a great royal command by which He orders with His pleasure that it be announced as follows:

Whereas it is appropriate to improve the law on Thammasat University;

Therefore, by and with the advice and consent of the National Assembly, He orders with His gracious pleasure that the following Act be enacted:

Section1.This Act is called the "Thammasat University Act, 2531 BE".

Section2.This Act shall come into force from the day following the day of its publication in the Royal Gazette onwards.

Section3.Repealed shall be—

(1)the Thammasat University Act, 2495 BE;

(2)the Thammasat University Act (No. 2), 2499 BE;

(3)the Thammasat University Act (No. 3), 2499 BE;

(4)the Thammasat University Act (No. 4), 2500 BE;

(5)the Announcement of the Revolutionary Party No. 178, dated 19 July 2515 BE;

(6)the Thammasat University Act (No. 5), 2516 BE.

All laws, statutes, and regulations which have already been incorporated into this Act or which are contrary or repugnant to the provisions of this Act shall be replaced by this Act.

Section4.Thammasat University under the Thammasat University Act, 2495 BE, shall become Thammasat University under this Act and shall be a juristic person.

Section5.In this Act—

"University" means Thammasat University;

"University Council" means Thammasat University Council.

Section6.The Subminister of Universities shall be in charge of the execution of this Act and shall have the power to issue announcements of the Subministry of Universities for execution of this Act.

Those announcements of the Subministry of Universities shall come into force upon publication in the Royal Gazette.

Section7.The University shall be an institution of education and research with objectives to provide education, promote advanced academic affairs and professions, conduct teaching, conduct research, provide academic services to the society, and nurture arts and culture of the Nation.

Section8.Public bodies of the University may be divided into the following:

(1)Office of the Rector;

(2)graduate colleges;



(5)independent sections.

In order to execute one or several of the objectives under section 7, the University may establish as its public bodies institutes, bureaus, centres, or agencies called otherwise which are equivalent to faculties.

Section9.Public bodies of the Office of the Rector may be divided into divisions or agencies called otherwise which are equivalent to divisions.

Public bodies of a graduate college, faculty, college, or independent section may be divided into departments, divisions, secretariats, or agencies called otherwise which are equivalent to departments or divisions.

Public bodies of an institute, bureau, centre, or agency called otherwise which is equivalent to a faculty according to section 8, paragraph 2, may be divided into divisions, secretariats, or agencies called otherwise which are equivalent to divisions.

Public bodies of a division, secretariat, or agency called otherwise which is equivalent to a division may be divided into subdivisions or agencies called otherwise which are equivalent to subdivisions.

Section10.Establishment, merger, or dissolution of the Office of the Rector, graduate colleges, faculties, colleges, independent departments, institutes, bureaus, centres, or agencies called otherwise which are equivalent to faculties according to section 8 shall be effected by royal decrees.

Division of public bodies into departments, divisions, secretariats, or agencies called otherwise which are equivalent to departments or divisions shall be effected by announcements of the Subministry of Universities.

Section11.Subject to the objectives under section 7, the University may affiliate to itself other advanced education institutions or research institutions, and shall have the power to confer degrees, diplomas, or certificates at any level to persons who have completed education at those advanced education institutions or research institutions.

Affiliation of an advanced education institution or research institution, or cancellation thereof, shall be effected by a royal decree.

Control of the affiliated advanced education institutions or research institutions shall be as set out in the regulations of the University.

Section12.Apart from the money designated in the national budget, the University has the following income and property:

(1)benefit money and fees which belong to the University;

(2)income or benefit which is obtained from the use of the crown land administered, taken care of, or utilised by the University;

(3)money and property which are dedicated to the University;

(4)other income or benefit.

The University shall have the power to administer, take care of, maintain, use, and seek benefit from its property which is the crown land according to the law on crown land.

The income of the University is not required to be sent to the Ministry of Finance according to the law on treasury reserve and the law on budgetary procedure.

Section13.All the income and property of the University must be managed for the benefits which are within the scope of the objectives of the University according to section 7.

The money and property dedicated to the University must be managed in accordance with the conditions designated by the dedicators and in line with the objectives of the University.

Section14.There shall be a University Council composed of—

(1)the Chair of the University Council who is appointed by His Gracious Majesty;

(2)the Deputy Chair of the University Council who is the Rector ex officio;

(3)nine Members of the University Council who are elected from amongst the holders of the positions of Deputy Rectors, deans, independent section chiefs, institute directors, bureau directors, centre directors, and chiefs of the agencies called otherwise according to section 8, paragraph 2;

(4)the President of the Faculty Senate ex officio and six other Members of the University Council who are elected from amongst the regular members of the teaching faculty who have taught at the University for not less than five years and are not the holders of the positions under (3);

(5)two Members of the University Council who are elected from amongst the civil officials of the University with the ranks of division chiefs or equivalents and are not the holders of the positions under (3);

(6)qualified Members of the University Council numbering not less than nine but not more than fourteen, who are appointed by His Gracious Majesty from amongst persons outside the University upon advice of the Chair of the University Council, Deputy Chair of the University Council, and Members of the University Council under (3), (4), and (5).

Section15.In elections of Members of the University Council under section 14(3), the holders of the positions of Deputy Rectors, deans, independent section chiefs, institute directors, bureau directors, centre directors, and chiefs of the agencies called otherwise according to section 8, paragraph 2, shall be the electors. In elections of Members of the University Council under section 14(4), the regular members of the teaching faculty of the University shall be the electors. And in elections of Members of the University Council under section 14(5), the civil officials of the University with the ranks of division chiefs or equivalents and are not regular members of the teaching faculty shall be the electors.

The criteria and procedure for elections of Members of the University Council according to paragraph 1 shall be as set out in the regulations of the University.

Section16.The Chair and Members of the University Council shall be in their positions for a term of two years and may be reappointed by His Gracious Majesty or may be reelected.

The Members of the University Council under section 14(3), (4), and (5) retire from their positions before the end of their terms when they lack a requirement for their memberships in the University Council.

In the event that the Chair and Members of the University Council have retired from their positions before the end of their terms and their replacements have been appointed by His Gracious Majesty or have been elected, or in the event that Members under section 14(6) have been additionally appointed to the University Council, the appointed or elected persons shall be in the positions for the remaining terms of the Members previously appointed or elected to the University Council.

In the event that the Chair and Members of the University Council have retired from their positions, the retired persons shall continue to perform the duties until new persons are appointed by His Gracious Majesty or are elected, as the case may be.

Section17.The Deputy Rector shall be the Secretary of the University Council. In the event that there are several Deputy Rectors, the University Council shall appoint one of the Deputy Rectors as the Secretary of the University Council upon advice of the Rector.

Section18.The University Council has the power and duty to control general affairs of the University and has the following specific powers and duties:

(1)to lay down policies of the University relating to education, research, provision of academic services to the society, and nurture of arts and culture of the Nation;

(2)to lay down regulations and rules of the University, or authorise public bodies of the University to lay down their own regulations and rules on a case-by-case basis;

(3)to consider and propose establishment, merger, or dissolution of graduate colleges, faculties, colleges, independent sections, institutes, bureaus, centres, departments, and agencies called otherwise which are equivalent to faculties or departments;

(4)to approve affiliation of advanced education institutions or research institutions, or the cancellation thereof;

(5)to consider and approve academic curricula in line with the policies of the University and the standards designated by the Subministry of Universities;

(6)to approve conferral of degrees, graduate certificates, diplomas, and certificates;

(7)to appoint and remove Deputy Rectors, deans, deputy deans, chiefs of independent sections, deputy chiefs of independent sections, directors of institutes, deputy directors of institutes, directors of bureaus, deputy directors of bureaus, directors of centres, deputy directors of centres, chiefs or deputy chiefs of agencies called otherwise which are equivalent to faculties, chiefs of departments, chiefs of agencies called otherwise which are equivalent to departments, and emeritus professors;

(8)to carry out proceedings for having the Rector, professors, and adjunct professors appointed or removed by His Gracious Majesty;

(9)to consider and approve the budget based upon the income of the University under section 12;

(10)to lay down rules relating to administration, finance, and seeking of income and benefit from the property under section 12;

(11)to appoint a person who meets the requirements under section 22 to act as the Rector in the event that the position of the Rector has become vacant;

(12)to appoint committees, subcommittees, or persons to carry out any actions which are under the powers and duties of the University Council;

(13)to exercise other powers and duties relating to the affairs of the University, when the powers and duties have not been specifically given to anyone.

Section19.Meetings of the University Council shall be as set out in the regulations of the University.

Section20.There shall be one Rector to command and be responsible for the administration of the University, and there may be one or several Deputy Rectors or Assistant Rectors, or both Deputy Rectors and Assistant Rectors, to assist in the affairs assigned by the Rector.

It shall be considered that the Rector is a director general and the Deputy Rectors are deputy directors general according to the law on rules for civil officials in universities and other laws.

Section21.The Rector will be appointed by His Gracious Majesty from amongst persons who meet the requirements under section 22 upon advice of the University Council and shall hold his position for a term of three years and may be reappointed by His Gracious Majesty, but he shall not hold the position for more than two consecutive terms.

The University Council shall appoint Deputy Rectors from amongst persons who meet the requirements under section 23 upon advice of the Rector.

The Rector shall appoint Assistant Rectors from amongst persons who meet the requirements section 23 and shall have the power to remove the Assistant Rectors also.

When the Rector retires from his position, the Deputy Rectors and Assistant Rectors shall retire from their positions also.

Section22.The Rector must meet the following requirements:

(1)having received a doctoral degree or equivalent from the University or other advanced education institution recognised by the University Council; or

(2)having received any degree or equivalent from the University or other advanced education institution recognised by the University Council, and having taught at the University or other advanced education institution recognised by the University Council for not less than five years in total, or having held a position of Member of the University Council for not less than four years in total.

Section23.The Deputy Rectors must meet the same requirements as those for the Rector, or must be public officials under the law on rules for civil officials in universities, with a qualification not lower than a bachelor's degree and with not less than ten years in public service.

The Assistant Rectors must meet the requirement of having any degree or equivalent from the University or other advanced education institution recognised by the University Council.

Section24.In the event that the position of Rector becomes vacant, the University Council shall appoint a person who meets the requirements under section 22 to act as Rector whilst a Rector is pending appointment by His Gracious Majesty.

In the event that the Rector is unable to perform his duties, the Deputy Rector shall act as the Rector. If there are several Deputy Rectors, the Deputy Rector authorised by the Rector shall act. If the Rector has not authorised any Deputy Rector to act, the most senior Deputy Rector shall act.

In the event that there is no person to act in accordance with the stipulations of paragraph 1 or there is one who, however, is unable to perform duties, the University Council shall appoint a person who meets the requirements under section 22 to act as the Rector.

Section25.The Rector has the following powers and duties:

(1)to administer the affairs of the University in accordance with the law, objectives, policies, rules, and regulations of the University, for which the purpose he shall have the power to issue rules, orders, and announcements;

(2)to control the finance, supplies, places, and other property of the University in accordance with the law, objectives, rules, and regulations of the University;

(3)to represent the University in general affairs;

(4)to produce annual reports on all affairs of the University and submit them to the University Council;

(5)to exercise other powers and duties according to the rules and regulations of the University or as assigned by the University Council.

Section26.There shall be a Faculty Senate of the University composed of a President of the Faculty Senate and Members of the Faculty Senate elected from amongst the regular members of the teaching faculty of the University. It shall have the duty to provide counsel and recommendations to the Rector, in addition to other duties assigned by the University Council or Rector.

The number of the Members and the criteria and procedure for their elections and for the operation of the Faculty Senate of the University shall be as set our in the regulations of the University.

Section27.In a graduate college, there shall be one dean to command and be responsible for the work of the graduate college, and there may be one or several deputy deans to assist in the affairs assigned by the dean.

The University Council shall appoint the dean from amongst persons who meet the requirements under section 28.

The dean shall nominate persons who meet the requirements under section 29 to the University Council for appointment as deputy deans.

The dean shall hold his position for a term of three years and may be reappointed, but he shall not hold the position for more than two consecutive terms.

When the dean retires from his position, the deputy deans shall retire from their positions also.

Section28.The dean of a graduate college must meet the following requirements:

(1)having received any degree or equivalent from the University or other advanced education institution recognised by the University Council; and

(2)having taught for not less than three years in total at the University or other advanced education institution recognised by the University Council.

Section29.The deputy deans of a graduate college must have received any degree or equivalent from the University or other advanced education institution recognised by the University Council and—

(1)have taught for not less than three years in total at the University or other advanced education institution recognised by the University Council; or

(2)have been public officials according to the law on rules for civil officials in universities for not less than five years.

Section30.In a graduate college, there shall be a standing committee for the graduate college which has the power and duty to administer the work of the graduate college, and when the University Council finds it appropriate, there may also be other committees as necessary for the carrying out of all work of the graduate college.

The composition, powers and duties, and tenures of the standing committee of the graduate college and other committees shall be as set out in the regulations of the University.

Section31.In a faculty or college, there shall be one dean to command and be responsible for the work of the faculty or college, and there may be one or several deputy deans to assist in the affairs assigned by the dean.

In an independent section, there shall be one chief to command and be responsible for the work of the independent section, and there may be one or several deputy chiefs to assist in the affairs assigned by the chief.

As regards the procedure for appointment and removal of, the requirements for, and the tenures of deans, independent section chiefs, deputy deans, or independent section deputy chiefs, section 27, section 28, and section 29 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Section32.In a faculty, college, or independent section, there shall be a standing committee for the faculty, college, or independent section composed of the dean of the faculty or college or chief of the independent section as president; the deputy deans of the faculty or college, deputy heads of the independent section, chiefs of departments, and chiefs of agencies called otherwise which are equivalent to departments, if any, as ex officio members; and members numbering not more than half of the ex officio members, who are appointed by the University Council from amongst the regular members of the teaching faculty, adjunct professors, adjunct instructors, and adjunct lecturers of the faculty, college, or independent section, or other qualified persons.

In the event that there is no department or there are less than four departments, the members appointed by the University Council from amongst the regular members of the teaching faculty, adjunct professors, adjunct instructors, and adjunct lecturers of the faculty, college, or independent section, or other qualified persons, shall be in the number designated in the regulations of the University.

The president shall be the person who appoints and removes the secretary of the committee under paragraph 1. When the president retires from his position, the secretary shall retire from his position also.

Appointment of and requirements for the members appointed by the University Council shall be as set out in the regulations of the University.

Section33.Members of the standing committee of a faculty, college, or independent section who are appointed by the University Council according to section 32 shall be in their positions for a term of two years and may be reappointed.

If the position of a member appointed by the University Council becomes vacant before the end of his term, the University Council may appoint a replacement. In such event, the appointed person shall hold the position for the remaining term of his predecessor.

In the event that a member has been additionally appointed by the University Council, the appointed person shall hold the position for the remaining term of the members previously appointed.

Section34.The standing committee of a faculty, college, or independent section has the following powers and duties:

(1)to lay down policies and plans of the faculty, college, or independent section in line with the policies of the University;

(2)to lay down academic rules and regulations of the faculty, college, or independent section, in so far as they are not contrary to the rules and regulations of the University, and to lay down other rules and regulations as authorised by the University Council;

(3)to consider and lay down curricula and their details for the faculty, college, or independent section to further be submitted to the University Council;

(4)to hold final examinations for the faculty, college, or independent section;

(5)to provide counsel and opinions to the dean of the faculty or college or chief of the independent section with respect to affairs of the faculty, college, or independent section.

(6)to consider the budget of the faculty, college, or independent section in order to propose it to the University Council;

(7)to propose appointment and removal of adjunct professors and emeritus professors of the faculty, college, or independent section to the University Council.

Section35.The operation of the standing committee of a faculty, college, or independent section shall be as set out in the regulations of the University.

Section36.In an institute, bureau, centre, or agency called otherwise which is equivalent to a faculty, there shall be one director or chief to command and responsible for it, and there may be one or several deputy directors or chiefs to assist in the affairs assigned by the director or chief.

The requirements for, the procedure for appointment of, and the tenures of the directors or chiefs and deputy directors or deputy chiefs shall be as set out in the regulations of the University.

When a director or chief retires from his position, the deputy directors or deputy chiefs shall retire from their positions also.

The operation of an institute, bureau, centre, or agency called otherwise which is equivalent to a faculty shall be as set out in the regulations of the University.

Section37.In the event that a faculty, college, or independent section is divided into departments, there shall be chiefs of departments to command and be responsible for the work of those departments.

The University Council shall appoint the chief of a department from amongst the regular members of the teaching faculty of the University who have received any degree or equivalent from the University or other advanced education institutions recognised by the University Council and have taught for not less than two years in total at the University or other advanced education institutions recognised by the University Council.

The chief of a department holds his position for a term of three years and may be reappointed, but he shall not hold the position for more than two consecutive terms.

Section38.The stipulations of section 32, section 33, section 34, and section 35 shall apply mutatis mutandis to institutes, bureaus, centres, and agencies called otherwise which are equivalent to faculties.

Section39.The procedure for recruitment of persons to be appointed as Chair of the University Council, qualified Members of the University Council, Rector, deans, independent section chiefs, institute directors, bureau directors, centre directors, department chiefs, and chiefs of agencies called otherwise which are equivalent to faculties or departments shall be as set out in the regulations of the University.

Section40.The holders of the positions of Rector, Deputy Rectors, deans, independent section chiefs, institute directors, bureau directors, centre directors, department chiefs, and chiefs of agencies called otherwise which are equivalent to faculties or departments must be able to serve full-time and shall not hold more than one of the said positions at the same time.

The holder of one of the positions under paragraph 1 may act as the holder of another one of them, but this must not be longer than six months.

Section41.Regular members of the teaching faculty of the University have the following academic ranks:


(2)associate professors;

(3)assistant professors;


Section42.Professors, associate professors, and assistant professors must have qualifications, teaching ability, and academic works according to the law on rules for civil officials in universities.

Instructors must have received any degree or equivalent from the University or other advanced education institution recognised by the University Council, or must specialise in an academic field taught at the University.

Professors will be appointed by His Gracious Majesty upon advice of the University Council.

Section43.In addition to the regular members of the teaching faculty under section 41, the University may invite persons who meet suitable qualifications and requirements to serve as adjunct instructors or adjunct lecturers.

Section44.Adjunct professors will be appointed by His Gracious Majesty upon advice of the University Council from amongst person who serve or once served as adjunct instructors in the fields in which they specialise.

The requirements for the persons who may become adjunct professors shall be as set out in the regulations of the University.

Section45.Professors who are of special knowledge, ability, and proficiency and have already retired from the public service at the University may be appointed by the University Council as emeritus professors in the fields in which they are expert.

The requirements for the persons who may be appointed emeritus professors shall be as set out in the regulations of the University.

Section46.Degrees have three levels, namely—

doctor's degrees, called dutsadibandit, abbreviated as do;
master's degrees, called mahabandit, abbreviated as mo;
bachelor's degrees, called bandit, abbreviated as bo.
Section47.The University has the power to confer degrees in the fields taught at the University.

Designation of any degrees and abbreviations for any fields shall be effected by royal decrees.

Section48.The University Council may issue regulations entitling persons who have completed education at the bachelor's degree level to degrees with honours.

Section49.The University Council may issue regulations establishing the following graduate certificates, diplomas, or certificates:

(1)graduate certificates for conferral upon persons who have completed education according to the curriculum in any field after having received certain degrees;

(2)diplomas for conferral upon persons who have completed education according to the curriculum in any field before receiving a bachelor's degree;

(3)certificates for conferral upon persons who have completed education according to the curriculum of any specific subject.

Section50.The University has the power to confer honorary degrees upon persons whom the University Council finds to be of qualifications deserving the degrees, but it shall not confer the said degrees upon regular members of the teaching faculty, Chair of the University Council, or Members of the University Council whilst they are incumbent.

Levels, fields, and criteria for conferral of honorary degrees shall be as set out in the regulations of the University.

Section51.The University may establish positional gowns for the Chair of the University Council, Members of the University Council, Rector, Deputy Rectors, deans, chiefs of independent sections, regular members of the teaching faculty of the University, adjunct instructors, and adjunct lecturers, and may establish academic standing gowns or academic standing brooches as emblems of the academic standing of recipients of degrees, graduate certificates, diplomas, and certificates.

Designation of appearances, types, classes, and components of positional gowns, academic standing gowns, and academic standing brooches shall be effected by royal decrees.

Occasions and conditions for use of positional gowns, academic standing gowns, and academic standing brooches shall be as set out in the regulations of the University.

Section52.The University Council may issue regulations designating uniforms, emblems, or dresses for its students by publishing them in the Royal Gazette.

Section53.Whoever uses a positional gown, academic standing gown, academic standing brooch, or student uniform, emblem, or dress of the University without the right to use it, or shows in any manner that he has a position, degree, graduate certificate, diploma, or certificate of the University without having it, shall be punished with imprisonment of not over six months, or a fine of not over ten thousand baht, or both the imprisonment and fine, if he does so in order to cause others to believe that he has the right to use it or has the position or academic standing in question.

Section54.The holders of the positions of Chair and Members of the University Council on the day of coming into force of this Act shall continue to serve as the Chair and Members of the University Council until the Chair and qualified Members of the University Council are appointed by His Gracious Majesty and Members of the University Council are elected in accordance with this Act, which must not be longer than one hundred and twenty days from the day of coming into force of this Act.

Section55.The holders of the positions of Rector and Deputy Rectors on the day of coming into force of this Act shall continue to be in those positions. As for the holder of the position of Rector, if he has been in such position for a period not yet over three years from the day of his appointment by His Gracious Majesty, he shall continue to be in the position until completion of the three-year period. Once he has completed the three-year period, he shall continue to act in such position until a Rector is appointed in accordance with this Act, which must not be longer than one hundred and twenty days from the day of coming into force of this Act.

The holders of the positions of deans and independent section chiefs on the day of coming into force of this Act, who have been in those positions for a period not yet over three years from the day of their appointment, shall continue to be in the positions until completion of the three-year period. If they have completed the three-year period, they shall continue to act in those positions until deans and independent section chiefs are appointed in accordance with this Act, which must not be longer than one hundred and twenty days from the day of coming into force of this Act.

The holders of the positions of directors of institutes, bureaus, and centres on the day of coming into force of this Act, who have been in those positions for a period not yet over three years from the day of their appointment, shall continue to be in the positions until completion of the three-year period. If they have completed the three-year period, they shall continue to act in those positions until directors of those institutes, bureaus, and centres are appointed in accordance with this Act, which must not be longer than one hundred and twenty days from the day of coming into force of this Act.

The holders of the positions of department chiefs on the day of coming into force of this Act shall become department chiefs under this Act. If they have been in those positions for a period not yet over three years from the day of their appointment, they shall continue to be in the positions until completion of the three-year period. If they have completed the three-year period, they shall continue to act in those positions until department chiefs are appointed in accordance with this Act, which must not be longer than one hundred and twenty days from the day of coming into force of this Act.

The tenures of the Rector, deans, chiefs of independent sections, directors of institutes, bureaus and centres, and directors of departments under paragraph 1, paragraph 2, paragraph 3, and paragraph 4, shall not be regarded as the tenures under section 21, section 27, section 31, section 36, and section 37, as the case may be.

Section56.The holders of the positions of members of standing committees of graduate colleges, faculties, colleges, independent sections, institutes, bureaus, and centres on the day of coming into force of this Act shall continue to serve in those positions until members are appointed to those committees in accordance with this Act, which must not be longer than one hundred and twenty days from the day of coming into force of this Act.

Section567.The persons who are professors, adjunct professors, associate professors, assistant professors, and regular instructors of the University on the day of coming into force of this Act shall continue to be professors, adjunct professors, associate professors, assistant professors, and regular instructors of the University under this Act.

Section58.The provisions of this Act do not affect the rights of the recipients of the degrees, diplomas, advanced certificates, or certificates of Thammasat University which have been in existence since before the day of coming into force of this Act.

Section59.Whilst the royal decrees, announcements of the Subministry of Universities, rules, and regulations for the execution of this Act have not yet been enacted, the royal decrees, announcements of the Office of the Prime Minister, announcements of the Subministry of Universities, rules, and regulations which are in force on the day of coming into force of this Act, shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Major General Chatichai Choonhavan
Prime Minister

Note:The reasons for promulgation of this Act are as follows: Whereas the law on Thammasat University, which has been in force since 2495 BE and has been amended on many occasions, is still not suitable for the present situations and does not support the growth of the University in regard to the promotion and development of academic affairs, production of graduates, provision of services to the society, and promotion of arts and culture, it is appropriate to improve the said law for more suitability. It is therefore necessary to enact this Act.

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