Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Tripp, Henry

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787300Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 57 — Tripp, Henry1899Edward Irving Carlyle

TRIPP, HENRY (d. 1612), author and translator, matriculated as a sizar of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, in May 1562, graduating B.A. in 1565–6 and M.A. in 1571. On 27 Feb. 1569–70 he was instituted to the rectory of North Ockendon in Essex on the presentation of Gabriel Poyntz, and on 10 Nov. 1572 was admitted to the rectory of St. Stephen, Walbrook, London, on the presentation of the Grocers' Company. About 1581 he and Robert Crowley [q. v.] had a conference on doctrinal matters with Thomas Pownd, a Roman catholic and former courtier, and, in reply to his objections to their method of adducing the authority of scripture, Tripp published a ‘Brief Aunswer to Maister Pownd's Six Reasons,’ which was printed with Crowley's ‘Aunswer to Sixe Reasons that Thomas Pownde at the commandement of her Maiesties commoners, required to be aunswered’ (London, 1581, 4to). Tripp resigned the rectory of North Ockendon in 1582, and that of St. Stephen, Walbrook, in 1601. On 12 May 1583 he was appointed by the bishop of London rector of St. Faith's, London, a preferment which he held until his death in 1612.

Tripp translated: 1. ‘The Regiment of Pouertie. Compiled by a Learned Diuine of our Time, D. Andreas Hyperius [Andreas Gerardus]. Translated into Englishe by H. T. minister,’ London, 1572, 8vo. 2. ‘Vade mecum. Goe with mee: Deare Pietie and rare Charitie. By Otho Casmanne, Preacher at Stoade. Translated out of Latine, by H. T. minister,’ London, 1606, 8vo (Arber, Transcript of the Stationers' Registers, iii. 304).

Tripp frequently preached before the Stationers' Company between 1583 and 1594 (ib. vol. i. passim), and he was probably identical with ‘Master Henry Tryppe’ admitted a freeman of the Stationers' Company on 26 June 1598, being ‘put over’ from the Goldsmiths' Company (ib. ii. 723). The only book entered in the ‘Stationers' Register’ as printed for him is ‘Otho Casmans Ethickes and Oeconomykes Philosophicall and Theosophicall, translated into English by Master Tripp himself,’ 16 Jan. 1608–9 (ib. iii. 399).

[Tripp's Works; Cooper's Athenæ Cantabr. ii. 329; Newcourt's Repert. i. 540, ii. 447; Hennessy's Novum Repert. Eccles. 1898, pp. 99, 386; Strype's Life of Aylmer, 1821, p. 30; Ames's Typogr. Antiq. ed. Herbert, p. 918.]