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 * TemplateScript adds configurable templates and scripts to the sidebar, and adds an example regex editor.
 * @see https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/TemplateScript
 * @update-token [[File:Pathoschild/templatescript.js]]
// <nowiki>
/* CharInsert specific */
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window.charinsertCustom = {
	"User": ' – — · • ′ ″  Ç Á É ĺ Ó Ú á í ó ú ō  <br./> &nbsp; {{Dhr}} {{Em}} {{Fqm}}'

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			// Spaces
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			script: function(editor) {
				editor.replaceSelection(function(selected) {
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					return selected.toLowerCase();

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					return selected + '\n{{Parabr}}';

			// Author
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			position: 'cursor',
			script: function(editor) {
				editor.replaceSelection(function(selected) {
					selected = selected.trim();
					return '[[Author:' + selected + '|' + selected + ']]';

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			position: 'after',
			editSummary: 'Category',
			script: function(editor) {
				.append('[[Category:Not transcluded]]');

			// Main namespace, smallrefs
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			position: 'after',
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			script: function(editor) {
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