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Documentation for this user script can be added at User:Samwilson/LinkIndexToWikidata. |
( function ( mw, $ ) {
/** @var {string} The fully-qualified URL of the Index page. */
const indexPageUrl = '' + mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantPageName' );
/** @var {jQuery} The table cell to add info to. */
const $tableCell = $( '<td>' );
* jQuery ajax result handler.
function handleQueryResult( result ) {
if ( !result.results || !result.results.bindings || !result.results.bindings[0] || !result.results.bindings[0].item.value ) {
var $out = $( '<span>' )
.addClass( 'error' )
.text( "This Index appears to not yet be referenced from a Wikidata item. Please go to the edition's item on Wikidata and add the following value for 'Wikisource index page' (P1957): " )
.append( $( '<code>' ).css( { fontSize: 'smaller', display: 'block' } ).text( indexPageUrl ) );
} else {
var itemUrl = result.results.bindings[0].item.value,
itemId = itemUrl.substring( "".length );
var $out = $( '<a>' )
.attr( 'href', itemUrl )
.attr( 'target', '_blank' )
.text( itemId );
$tableCell.prepend( $out );
* Set up HTML, and send request to Wikidata Query Service.
function queryWikidata() {
// First up, add a row to the metadata table, that we'll later add content to.
var $tableHeader = $( '<th>' )
.attr( 'class', 'ws-index-label' )
.text( 'Wikidata' );
$tableCell.attr( 'class', 'ws-index-value' );
var $row = $( '<tr>' )
.attr( 'class', 'ws-index-row' )
.append( $tableHeader, $tableCell );
$( '#ws-index-metadata tbody' ).prepend( $row );
// Now query for the Wikidata item.
const query = 'SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P1957 <' + indexPageUrl + '> }'
url = '' + encodeURIComponent( query );
$.ajax( { url: url } ).done( handleQueryResult );
* Entry point.
function main() {
if ( mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalNamespace' ) === 'Index' ) {
}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );