A Brief History of Modern Philosophy/Index

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2023863A Brief History of Modern Philosophy — IndexCharles Finley SandersHarald Høffding


Abstraction, 93, 99.

Agnostics, 250.

Althusius, 9.

Ampère, 222.

Analogy, 18, 81 ff., 101, 180, 202, 237, 275.

Apperception, 84, 144.

Ardigò, 219, 266.

Associational Psychology, 114 f., 233, 242, 284 f.

Atom, 34, 272.

Attribute, 72.

Avenarius, 297.

Bacon, 17.

Bain, 242.

Bayle, 58, 87 f.

Being, Problem of, 2, 44, 90, 170, 246.

Beneke, 211.

Bentham, 232.

Bergson, 294.

Berkeley, 98.

Bodin, 12, 13.

Böhme, 13, 181.

Boström, 200.

Boutroux, 294.

Boyle, 93.

Bradley, 284.

Bruno, 29.

Büchner, 270.

Burckhardt, 4.

Butler, 104.

Cabanis, 220.

Caird, 284.

Carlyle, 234, 236.

Category, 143, 145, 147.

Causality, 46, 55, 57, 71, 94, 108, 142, 144, 240, 297.

Cherbury, 12.

Clarke, 98.

Cohen, 291.

Coleridge, 234, 236.

Comte, 224, 230.

Condillac, 120.

Continuity, 79, 123, 135, 145, 261.

Copernicus, 27.

Cosmological problem, 2, 44, 90, 170, 246.

Cousin, 222.

Critical Philosophy, 137 f., 189, 205, 289.

Crusius, 134.

Culture, Problem of, 103, 124, 154, 167, 307.

Cusanus, 22.

Czolbe, 270.

Darwin, Charles, 247, 268.

Darwin, Erasmus, 115.

Deduction, 37, 39, 51, 74, 185 f., 239.

Descartes, 144.

Destutt de Tracy, 221.

Dialectic, 185, 190 f.

Diderot, 122.

Docta ignorantia, 23, 36, 250, 262, 267.

Dogmatism, 44, 90, 117, 121, 138, 171.

Dühring, 219, 261.

Edelmann, 134.

Encyclopedists, 123.

Energy, Concept of, 80.

Energy, Constancy of, 80, 268.

Energy, Principle of, 37, 50, 268.

Enlightenment, 117, 14O.

Erdmann, J. E., 213.

Evolution, 51 f., 121, 123, 140, 246.

Ethical problem, 2, 90, 102 f., 11O, 153 ff., 215, 248, 284 f.

Eucken, 304, 310.

Experience, 108, 146, 147 f., 285.

Fechner, 278.

Feuerbach, 213, 214.

Fichte, J. G., 171.

Fichte, J. H., 214.

Force, Concept of, 80.

Fries, 205.

Fouillée, 287.

Galileo, 39.

Gassendi, 59.

Geijer, 200.

Geulincx, 55.

Gioberti, 264.

Glanvil, 57.

Göschel, 213.

Green, 284.

Grotius, 11.

Guyau, 303 f.

Haeckel, 270.

Hamann, 162.

Hamilton, 236, 256, 298.

Hartley, 114.

Hartmann, 275.

Hegel, 182.

Hegelian school, 213, 284.

Helvetius, 122.

Herbart, 207.

Herder, 163.

Hobbes, 59.

Hoijer, 200.

Holbach, 121.

Hume, 106.

Hutcheson, 104.

Idea, 33, 92, 144, 149, 150.

Idealism, 81, 170, 171, 272, 284.

Identity, Principle of, 85.

Ideology, 224, 229.

Idola mentis, 17.

Induction, 20, 39, 237, 238 f.

Inertia, Principle of, 24, 37, 39, 53.

Jacobi, 149, 164 f.

James, 301, 312.

Jevons, 241.

Kant, 132 , 137.

Kepler, 37.

Kierkegaard, 20l.

Knowledge, Problem of, 2, 90, 105 f., 138 ff., 238 f., 240 f., 289.

Krause, 214.

Lambert, 135.

LaMettrie, 120.

Lange, F. A., 289.

Lasalle, 213.

Lavoisier, 268.

Leibnitz, 44, 83.

Leonardo, 36.

Lessing, 135.

Locke, 91.

Lotze, 272.

Mach, 299.

Machiavelli, 5.

Maimon, 166.

Maine de Biran, 221.

Maistre, 220.

Malebranche, 55 f.

Mandeville, 105.

Mansel, 237.

Marx, 213.

Materialism, 63, 120, 269.

Matter, 37, 50, 72 f., 81, 99 f.

Maxwell, 298.

Mayer, Robert, 268.

Mechanical conception of nature, 41 f., 43 f., 49, 51, 59, 83 ff., 177 f., 272 f., 289, 298.

Melanchthon, 8.

Mendelssohn, 133, 134.

Metaphysical idealism, 82, 102, 196, 212, 272 ff.

Metaphysical problem, 2, 44, 90, 170, 246.

Mill, James, 232, 233.

Mill, John Stuart, 224, 232, 237.

Modus, 72.

Monad, 3, 33, 81, 292.

Monism, 32, 71 f., 83, 270, 275.

Montaigne, 6.

Montesquieu, 119.

Motion, Constancy of, 50, 80.

Mutation, 248.

Natura (naturans, naturata) 7, 47, 72.

Natural right, 9, 66, 95.

Natural religion, 12, 47, 95, 119.

Nature and culture, 103, 134, 154, 167, 307.

Neo-Kantianism, 289.

Newton, 64, 96.

Nietzsche, 304, 306.

Occasionalism, 54.

Ontological argument, 47, 109, 134, 153.

Optimism, 87 f., 102, 113, 306 ff.

Pantheism, 72, 95.

Pascal, 57.

Paulsen, 281, 292.

Pessimism, 57, 105, 198 f., 277.

Pluralism, 83, 302.

Pomponazzi, 4.

Positivism, 224.

Pragmatism, 297, 302.

Priestley, 115.

Primary and secondary qualities, 92.

Principle of sufficient reason, 81, 82, 87, 194 f.

Problems, 1-3, 42 f.

Psychological problem, 1, 107 f., 114 f., 127 f., 241, 284 f.

Quality and quantity, 38 f., 49 f., 272 f., 294 f., 298 f.

Ramus, 16.

Reid, 115.

Reimarus, 138.

Reinhold, 165.

Relativity, 24, 27, 28, 62, 64, 142 f., 166, 236, 250 f., 294.

Religious problem, 2, 12–14, 105, 110 f., 129, 158, 204, 214 f., 245, 306, 311 ff.

Renouvier, 292.

Richter, 213.

Rickert, 292.

Riehl, 292.

Romanticism, 169, 219.

Rosenkranz, 213.

Rosmini, 264.

Rousseau, 123.

Royer Collard, 222.

Ruge, 219.

Saint Simon, 223.

Sanchez, 16.

Schelling, 177.

Schiller, 167.

Schleiermacher, 189.

Schopenhauer, 194.

Schultze, 165.

Shaftesbury, 102.

Sibbern, 200.

Sidgwick, 244.

Smith, 113.

Sociology, 228, 258.

Spencer, 250.

Spinoza, 67, 80.

Spiritualism, 52, 121, 274 f.

Strauss, 213.

Subjectivity of qualities, 42, 49 f., 60, 92.

Substance, 49, 52, 53, 69, 71, 81, 93 f., 109.

Sufficient reason, Principle of, 81, 82, 87, 194 f.

Sulzer, 133.

Synthesis, 147 f., 150, 241, 284 f.

Taine, 287.

Teleology, 50 f., 79 f., 87, 112, 119, 140, 151 f., 161, 250.

Telesius, 24.

Tetens, 133, 135.

Theism, 219 f., 274.

Theodicy, 87 f.

Toland, 96.

Trendelenberg, 214.

Tycho Brahe, 31, 38.

Truth, 49, 69, 74 f., 185, 296 if.

Utilitarianism, 232, 243, 259.

Values, Problem of, 2, 87 f., 90, 104, 198 f., 277, 303.

Vives, 7.

Voltaire, 118.

Voluntarism, 282.

Vries, 248.

Weisse, 214.

Whewell, 237.

Windelband, 292.

Welfare, Principle of, 104, 232.

Wolff, 132.

Wundt, 280.