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"A Modern Hercules," The Tale of a Sculptress/Chapter 14

From Wikisource



There were many brilliant women at the great social function, but the only feast for the eyes of Milton Royle was Marie Salmon. But she was very much in demand. The hostess apparently had a mortgage upon the young girl's time and attention. At length, however, Milton could endure it no longer. He marched down upon his victim, captured her, and forcibly led her to a quiet and secluded spot in the conservatory, determined to hold her captive until he should have accomplished his purpose.

"I shall not see you again before my departure for Europe, so, my darling, I shall have to bid you good-bye here."

"I could be completely happy, dear Milton, if it were not for dad's frightful opposition to you."

"He forbid me the house," said Milton, sadly, "but such a course only makes me more determined than ever."

"You cannot imagine what a hard time I will have while you are gone. It was only yesterday dad told me that it would greatly please him if I would consider young Clafton as a suitor for my hand."

"What! That brainless ape?" said Milton, indignantly.

"Now don't get angry, dear; you know very well if he were the last man on earth, I would not consider him for a moment," she made haste to say.

"I tell you what it is, Marie," said Milton, "I think I will alter my plans and remain in New York, until we get this thing settled."

"And I tell you," said the girl, firmly, "you shall do nothing of the kind. Such a course on your part would make me think you had no faith in me."

"But it looks cowardly," said he, "for me to go abroad and leave you to fight this thing out alone."

"I am not a bit afraid. Besides, I am more than anxious that you should go to Rome and finish your studies. Nothing must be allowed to hinder that great and glorious future which must, which shall, be yours."

"Now you are my brave darling." He embraced her fondly, just as Mr. Salmon appeared upon the scene, an angry scowl disfiguring his usually calm and placid brow.

"I had hoped, sir, that your sense of honor would have prevented you from encouraging this young girl in a disobedience of her father."

"Father, dear, I pray you refrain from speech of that kind to Milton. I love you, sir, with deep affection; but I also love Milton, and I tell you now, as I have told you before, that if I live, and he still wants me, I shall marry him."

"Marry, girl!" said the aroused father. "I tell you that you will never have my consent to marry him."

"Then," said the girl, "I shall marry him without it."

"I regret, sir," said Milton, with utmost deference and respect, "that trouble with my father, almost before I was born, should tinge and shape your opinion of me. It is most unjust."

"Frankly speaking," said the lawyer, "I do not like you. I do not want an artist in my family."

"You are her father, sir," said Milton, with suppressed anger, "and that shields you from the answer that rises within me."

Marie interposed at this point, and said: "You are both dear to me, and I beg you, in the name of the love you have for me, do not quarrel."

"I obey your wishes, my darling," said Milton.

"This is no place for discussion of this kind, anyhow," said Salmon. "Come, Marie, Mr. Clafton was looking everywhere for you."

"I do not wish to see him, father. Good-bye, Milton."

"Good-bye, Marie. May angels guard you everywhere."

And there the lovers parted. The lawyer was full of anger, but he had no chance at that time to show it.