
Ælfric's Lives of Saints/32ead

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Ælfric's Lives of Saints
by Ælfric, translated by Gunning / Wilkinson
Of Saint Edmund
1312624Ælfric's Lives of Saints — Of Saint EdmundGunning / WilkinsonÆlfric

xii. kl̅. dece̅br̅. passio sci̅ eadmvndi regis et martyris.

SVM SǷYE GELÆRED MUNUC cō suþan ofer sǽ frā sce̅ 001
benedictes stóƿe on æþelredes cynincges dæge to dunstane
ærce-bisceope þrim gearū ær he forðferde · ⁊ se munuc hatte
abbo · þa ƿurdon hi æt spræce oþ dunstan rehte be sce̅
eadmunde · sƿa sƿa eadmundes sƿurd-bora hit rehte æþelstane
cynincge þa þa dunstan iung man ƿæs · ⁊ se sƿurd-bora ƿæs forealdod
man ·

Þa gesette se munuc ealle þa gereccednysse on 007
anre béc · ⁊ eft ða þa seo bóc com to ús binnan feaƿū
gearum þa aƿende ƿe hit on englisc · sƿa sƿa hit her-æfter
stent ·

Se munuc þa abbo binnan tƿam gearū · geƿende ham 010
to his mynstre ⁊ ƿearð sona to abbode geset on þā ylcan
mynstre ·

Eadmund se eadiga eastengla cynincg 013
ƿæs snotor ⁊ ƿurðfull · ⁊ ƿurðode symble
mid æþelum þeaƿum þone ælmihtigan god ·

He ƿæs ead-mod · ⁊ geþungen · ⁊ sƿá an-ræde þurh-ƿunode 016
 he nolde abugan to bysmorfullū leahtrum ·
ne on naþre healfe he ne ahylde his þeaƿas ·
ac ƿæs symble gemyndig þære soþan lare ·
[gif] þu eart to heafod-men ge-set · ne ahefe þu ðe ·
ac beo betƿux mannū sƿa sƿa an man of him ·

He ƿæs cystig ƿædlum and ƿydeƿū sƿa sƿa fæder · 022
and mid ƿel-ƿillendnysse geƿissode his folc
symle to riht-ƿisnysse · and þam reþum styrde ·
and gesæliglice leofode on soþan geleafan ·

Hit ge-lamp ða æt nextan  þa deniscan leode 026
ferdon mid scip-here hergiende and sleande
ƿide geond land sƿa sƿa heora geƿuna is ·

On þā flotan ƿæron þa fyrmestan heafod-men 029
hinguar and hubba · geanlæhte þurh deofol ·
and hí on norð-hymbra-lande gelendon mid æscum ·
and aƿeston  land · and þa leoda ofslogon ·

Þa ge-ƿende hinguar east mid his scipum · 033
and hubba belaf on norð-hymbra-lande ·
geƿunnenū sige · mid ƿælhreoƿnysse ·

Hinguar þa becō to east-englum roƿende · 036
on þam geare þe ælfred æðelincg · an and tƿentig geare ƿæs ·
se þe ƿest-sexena cynincg siþþan ƿearð mære ·
⁊ [And @ Skeat] se fore-sæda hinguar færlice sƿa sƿa ƿulf
on lande bestalcode · and þa leode sloh
ƿeras and ƿíf · and þa ungeƿittigan cild ·
and to bysmore tucode þa bileƿitan cristenan ·

He sende ða sona syððan to þā cyninge 043
beotlic ærende ·  he abugan sceolde
to his man-rædene gif he rohte his feores ·

Se ærendraca com þa to eadmunde cynincge 046
and hinguares ærende him ardlice abead ·

Hinguar ure cyning cene and sigefæst · 048
on sǽ and on lande · hæfð fela þeoda geƿyld ·
and cō nu mid fyrde færlice her to lande
 he her ƿinter-setl mid his ƿerode hæbbe ·

Nu het he þe dælan þine digelan gold-hordas · 052
and þinra yldrena gestreon ardlice ƿið hine ·
and þu beo his under-kyning · gif ðu cucu beon ƿylt ·
for-ðan-þe ðu næfst þa mihte  þu mage him ƿið-standan ·

Hƿæt þa eadmund clypode ænne bisceop · 056
þe him þa gehendost ƿæs and ƿið hine smeade
hu he þā reþan hinguare and-ƿyrdan sceolde ·

Þa forhtode se bisceop for þā færlican gelimpe · 059
and for þæs cynincges life · and cƿ̅  him rǽd þuhte
 he to þam gebuge þe hī bead hinguar ·

Þa suƿode se cynincg and beseah to þære eorþan · 062
and cƿ̅ þa æt nextan cynelice hī to ·

Eala þu bisceop to bysmore synd getaƿode 064
þas earman land-leoda · and me nu leofre ƿære
 ic on feohte feolle · ƿið þā þe min folc
moste heora eardes brucan · and se bisceop cƿ̅ ·

Eala þu leofa cyning þin folc lið ofslagen · 068
and þu næfst þone fultū  þu feohtan mæge ·
and þas flot-men cumað · and þe cucenne gebindað
butan þu mid fleame þinū feore gebeorge ·
oððe þu þe sƿa gebeorge  þu buge to him ·

Þa cƿ̅ eadmund cyning sƿa sƿa he ful cene ƿæs · 073

Þæs ic geƿilnige and geƿisce mid mode · 074
 ic ana ne belife æft̄ minū leofū þegnū
þe on heora bedde ƿurdon mid bearnū · and ƿifū ·
færlice ofslægene frā þysū flot-mannū ·

Næs me næfre geƿunelic  [þæt @ Skeat] ic ƿorhte fleames · 078
ac ic ƿolde sƿiðor sƿeltan gif ic þorfte
for minū agenū earde · and se ælmihtiga god ƿát
 ic nelle abugan frā his biggengū æfre ·
ne frā his soþan lufe · sƿelte ic · lybbe ic ·

Æfter þysū ƿordū he geƿende to þam ærendracan 083
þe hinguar him to sende · and sæde him unforht ·

Ƿitodlice þu ƿære ƿyrðe sleges nu · 085
ac ic nelle afylan on þinū [þin/um/ @ Skeat] fulū blode
mine clænan handa · forðan-þe ic criste folgie
þe us sƿa ge-bysnode · and ic bliðelice ƿille beon
ofslagen þurh eoƿ gif hit sƿa god fore-sceaƿað ·

Far nu sƿiþe hraðe · and sege þinum reþan hlaforde · 090
ne abihð næfre eadmund hingƿare on life
hæþenū here-togan · buton he to hælende criste
ærest mid ge-leafan on þysū lande gebuge ·

Þa ge-ƿende se ærend-raca ardlice aƿeg · 094
and gemette be ƿæge þone ƿælhreoƿan hingƿar
mid eallre his fyrde fuse to eadmunde ·
and sæde þam arleasan hu him ge⁊ƿyrd ƿæs ·

Hingƿar þa bebead mid bylde þā scip-here 098
 hi þæs cynincges anes ealle cepan sceoldon ·
þe his hæse forseah · and hine sona bindan ·

Hƿæt þa eadmund cynincg mid þam þe hingƿar com · 101
stod innan his healle þæs hælendes gemyndig ·
and aƿearp his ƿæpna ƿolde geæfen-læcan
cristes gebysnungū · þe for-bead petre
mid ƿæpnū to ƿinnenne ƿið þa ƿælhreoƿan iudeiscan ·

Hƿæt þa arleasan þa eadmund gebundon 106
and gebysmrodon huxlice · and beoton mid saglū ·
and sƿa syððan læddon þone geleaf-fullan cyning
to anū eorð-fæstū treoƿe · and tigdon hine þær-to ·
mid heardum bendū · and hine eft sƿuncgon
langlice mid sƿipū · and he symble clypode
betƿux þā sƿinglū mid soðan geleafan
to hælende criste · and þa hæþenan þa
for his geleafan ƿurdon ƿodlice yrre
for-þan-þe he clypode crist him to fultume ·

Hi scuton þa mid gafelucū sƿilce him to gamenes to · (sic) 116
oð  he eall ƿæs besæt mid heora scotungum
sƿilce igles byrsta · sƿa sƿa sebastian ƿæs ·

Þa geseah hingƿar se arlease flot-man · 119
 se æþela cyning nolde criste ƿið-sacan ·
ac mid anrædū geleafan hine æfre clypode ·
het hine þa beheafdian and þa hæðenan sƿa dydon ·

Betƿux þam þe he clypode to criste þagit 123
þa tugon þa hæþenan þon̄ halgan to slæge ·
and mid anū sƿencge slogon hī of  heafod ·
and his saƿl siþode gesælig to criste ·

Þær ƿæs sum man gehende gehealden þurh god · 127
behyd þam hæþenū · þe þis gehyrde eall ·
and hit eft sæde sƿa sƿa ƿe hit secgað her ·

Hƿæt ða se flot-here ferde eft to scipe · 130
and behyddon  heafod þæs halgan eadmundes ·
on þā þiccum bremelū  [þæt @ Skeat] hit bebyrged ne ƿurde ·

Þa æfter fyrste syððan hi afarene ƿæron 133
cō  land-folc to þe þær to lafe ƿæs þa ·
þær heora hlafordes lic læg butan heafde ·
and ƿurdon sƿiðe sarige for his slege on mode ·
and huru  hi næfdon  heafod to þam bodige ·

Þa sæde se sceaƿere þe hit ær geseah 138
 þa flot-men hæfdon  heafod mid him ·
and ƿæs him geðuht sƿa sƿa hit ƿæs ful soð
 hi behyddon  heafod on þam holte forhƿega ·

Hi eodon þa secende ealle endemes to þam ƿuda · 142
secende gehƿær geond þyfelas and bremelas
gif hi a-hƿær mihton gemeton (sic)  heafod ·

Ƿæs eac micel ƿundor  an ƿulf ƿearð asend 145
þurh godes ƿissunge to beƿerigenne  heafod
ƿið þa oþre deor · ofer dæg · and niht ·

Hi eodon þa secende · and symle clypigende · 148
sƿa sƿa hit geƿunelic is þā ðe on ƿuda gað oft ·
hƿær eart þu nu gefera · and him ⁊ƿyrde  heafod ·

Hér · hér · hér · and sƿa gelome clypode 151
⁊sƿarigende him eallū · sƿa oft sƿa heora ænig clypode ·
oþ hi ealle becomen þurh ða clypunga him to ·

Þa læg se græga ƿulf þe beƿiste  heafod · 154
⁊ [And @ Skeat] mid his tƿā fotum hæfde  heafod beclypped ·
grædig · and hungrig · and for gode ne dorste
þæs heafdes abyrian · and [[ac] @ Skeat] heold hit ƿið deor ·

Þa ƿurdon hi ofƿundrode þæs ƿulfes hyrd-rædenne · 158
and  halige heafod ham feredon mid him ·
þancigende þam ælmihtigan ealra his ƿundra ·
ac se ƿulf folgode forð mid þam heafde ·
oþ hí to tune comon · sƿylce he tam ƿære ·
and geƿende eft siþþan to ƿuda ongean ·

Þa land-leoda þa siþþan ledon  heafod 164
to þam halgan bodige · and bebyrigdon hine
sƿa sƿa hí selost mihton on sƿylcere hrædinge
and cyrcan arærdan sona him onuppon ·

Eft þa on fyrste æfter fela gearum · 168
þa seo hergung gesƿác and sibb ƿearð forgifen
þā gesƿenctan folce · þa fengon hí togædere
and ƿorhton ane cyrcan ƿurðlice þam halgan ·
for-þan-ðe gelome ƿundra ƿurdon æt his byrgene
æt þā gebæd-huse þær he bebyrgen ƿæs ·

Hi ƿoldon þa ferian mid folclicū ƿurðmynte 174
þone halgan lichaman · and læcgan innan þære cyrcan ·
þa ƿæs micel ƿundor  he ƿæs eall sƿa gehal
sƿylce he cucu ƿære mid clænū lichaman ·
and his sƿura ƿæs gehalod þe ær ƿæs forslagen ·
and ƿæs sƿylce an seolcen þræd embe his sƿuran rǽd
mannū to sƿeotelunge hu he ofslagen ƿæs ·

Eac sƿilce þa ƿunda þe þa ƿælhreoƿan hæþenan 181
mid gelomū scotungū on his lice macodon ·
ƿæron gehælede þurh þone heofonlican god ·
and he liþ sƿa ansund oþ þisne and-ƿerdan dæg ·
and-bidigende æristes · and þæs ecan ƿuldres ·

His lichama us cyð þe lið un-formolsnod 186
 he butan forligre her on ƿorulde leofode ·
and mid clænū life to criste siþode ·

Sum ƿudeƿe ƿunode osƿyn gehaten 189
æt þæs halgan byrgene on gebedū
and fæstenū manega gear syððan ·
seo ƿolde efsian ælce geare þone sanct ·
and his næglas ceorfan syferlice · mid lufe ·
and on scryne healdan to halig-dome on ƿeofode ·

Þa ƿurðode  land-folc mid geleafan þone sanct · 195
and þeodréd bisceop þearle mid gifū
on golde and on seolfre · þam sce̅ to ƿurðmynte ·

Þa comon on sumne sæl unge-sælige þeofas 198
eahta on anre nihte to þam arƿurðan halgan
ƿoldon stelan þa maðmas þe men þyder brohton ·
and cunnodon mid cræfte hu hi in cumon (sic) mihton ·

Sum sloh mid slecge sƿiðe þa hæpsan · 202
sum heora mid feolan feolode abutan ·
sum eac underdealf þa duru mid spade ·
sum heora mid hlæddre ƿolde unlucan  ægðyrl ·

Ac hi sƿuncon on idel · and earmlice ferdon · 206
sƿa  se halga ƿer hí ƿundorlice geband ·
ælcne sƿa he stod strutigende mid tole ·
 heora nan ne mihte  morð gefremman ·
ne hi þanon astyrian · ac stodon sƿa oð mergen ·

Men þa þæs ƿundrodon hu þa ƿeargas hangodon · 211
sū on hlæddre · sū leat to gedelfe ·
and ælc on his ƿeorce ƿæs fæste gebunden ·

Hi ƿurdon þa ge-brohte to þā bisceope ealle · 214
and he het hí hón on heagū gealgū ealle ·

Ac he næs na gemyndig hu se mild-heorta god 216
clypode þurh his ƿitegan þas ƿord þe hér standað ·

Eos qui ducuntur ad mortem eruere ne cesses · 218

Þa þe man læt to deaðe alys hí ut symble · 219
and eac þa halgan canones gehadodū forbeodað
ge bisceopū ge preostum · to beonne embe þeofas ·
for-þan-þe hit ne gebyraþ þam þe beoð gecorene
gode to þegnigenne  hi geþƿærlæcan sceolon ·
on æniges mannes deaðe · gif hi beoð drihtnes þenas ·

Eft þa ðeodred bisceop sceaƿode his bec syððan 225
behreoƿsode mid geomerunge ·  he sƿa reðne dóm sette
þā ungesæligum þeofū · and hit besargode æfre
oð his lifes ende · and þa leode bæd georne ·
 hi him mid fæstan fullice þry dagas ·
biddende þone ælmihtigan ·  he him arian scolde ·

On þam lande ƿæs sum man · leofstan gehaten · 231
rice for ƿorulde · and unƿittig for gode ·
se rád to þam halgan mid riccetere sƿiðe ·
and het him æt-eoƿian orhlice sƿiðe ·
þone halgan sanct hƿæþer he gesund ƿære ·
ac sƿa hraðe sƿa he geseah þæs sanctes lichaman ·
þa aƿedde he sona · and ƿæl-hreoƿlice grymetede ·
and earmlice geendode yfelum deaðe ·

Þis is ðam gelic þe se geleaffulla papa 239
gregorius sæde on his gesetnysse
be ðā halgan laurentię ðe lið on rome-byrig ·
 menn ƿoldon sceaƿian symle hu he lage ·
ge gode ge yfele · ac god hi ge-stilde ·
sƿa  þær sƿulton on þære sceaƿunge ane
seofon menn ætgædere · þa gesƿicon þa oþre
to sceaƿigenne þone martyr mid menniscū gedƿylde ·

Fela ƿundra ƿe gehyrdon on folclicre spræce · 247
be þam halgan eadmunde þe ƿe hér nellaþ
on geƿrite settan · ác hi ƿát gehƿá ·

On þyssum halgan is sƿutel · and on sƿilcum oþrū · 250
 god ælmihtig mæg þone man aræran
eft on domes dæg andsundne of eorþan
se þe hylt eadmunde halne his lichaman ·
oð þone micclan dæg þeah ðe he of moldan come ·

Ƿyrðe is seo stoƿ for þam ƿurðfullan halgan 255
 hi man ƿurþige and ƿel gelogige
mid clænum godes þeoƿum · to cristes þeoƿ-dome ·
for-þan-þe se halga is mærra þonne men magon asmeagan ·

Nis angel-cynn bedæled drihtnes halgena · 259
þonn̄ on engla-landa licgaþ sƿilce halgan
sƿylce þæs halga cyning is and cuþberht se eadiga ·
and sce̅ æþeldryð on elig · and eac hire sƿustor
ansunde on lichaman geleafan to trymminge ·

Synd eac fela oðre on angel-cynne halgan 264
þe fela ƿundra ƿyrcað · sƿa sƿa hit ƿide is cuð
þam ælmihtigan to lofe · þe hí on gelyfdon ·

Crist gesƿutelaþ mannū þurh his mæran halgan 267
 he is ælmihtig god þe macað sƿilce ƿundra
þeah þe þa earman iudei hine eallunge ƿið-socen ·
for-þan-þe hí synd aƿyrgede sƿa sƿa hí ƿiscton hī sylfum ·

Ne beoð nane ƿundra geƿorhte æt heora byrgenū · 271
for-ðan-þe hí ne gelyfað on þone lifigendan crist ·
ac crist gesƿutelað mannū hƿær se soða geleafa is ·
þonne he sƿylce ƿundra ƿyrcð þurh his halgan
ƿide geond þas eorðan ·

Þæs him sy ƿuldor 275
á mid his heofonlican fæder · and þam halgan gaste (a buton
ende)· Amen ·