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The Surnames of the Chinese in America/General Regulations

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The Surnames of the Chinese in America 旅美華人姓字 (1904)
David D. Jones 約翰大衛德
General Regulations 禁例撮要
4363915The Surnames of the Chinese in America 旅美華人姓字 — General Regulations 禁例撮要1904David D. Jones 約翰大衛德

General Regulations Governing the Exclusion of Chinese.

The authority, power, and jurisdiction in relation to the exclusion of Chinese persons and persons of Chinese descent, heretofore vested by law and treaty in Collectors of Customs, have been conferred upon and vested in the Department of Commerce and Labor. Letters of inquiry relating to Chinese matters should be addressed to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor or to the Commissioner-General of Immigration, Washington, D. C.

The authority, power, and jurisdiction in relation to the registration of Chinese, heretofore vested in Collectors of Internal Revenue, are conferred upon H. L. Pittenger, Chinese Inspector, Bureau of Immigration, Washington, D. C.

All the books relating to the registration, heretofore in possession of Collectors of Internal Revenue in the different Internal Revenue Districts throughout the United States, have been removed to Washington, D. C.

Chinese students, travelers, merchants, school teachers, and all others than natives resident in the Philippine Islands, Hawaiian Islands, Porto Rico, and all other insular possessions, desirous of entering the United States, must secure from the officer of the port, discharging the duties of the enforcement of the Chinese Exclusion Act, a certificate under Section Six of the Act of 1884.

Registered Chinese laborers, officials of the Chinese Government, teachers, students, travelers for curiosity or pleasure, natives, merchants and their lawful wives and children, laborers seeking in good faith to pass through the country to foreign territory, Chinamen under bond, and persons whose physical condition demands immediate hospital treatment, shall be permitted to land in the United States, subject to rules governing such case.

The landing of Chinese persons, other than Consular or diplomatic officers and their attendants, is permitted only at the Ports of San Francisco, Cal.: Portland, Ore.; Boston, Mass,: New York, N. Y.; New Orleans, La.; Port Townsend, Wash.; Richford. Vt.: Malone, N. Y.; Portal, N. Dak.: Sumas, Wash.; Honolulu, H. I.; San Juan and Ponce, P. R.; San Diego, Cal., and Tampa, Fla.

Permission is refused to Chinese persons to communicate with friends, relatives, or attorneys, pending decision upon their application to land, except on special authority.

The examinations of applicants and their witnesses are conducted in the presence of Government officials only, from which the public is excluded.

If application to land is refused by the Commissioner of Immigration, the applicant may appeal to the Department at Washington, D. C. His attorneys must give written notice of intention to appeal within two days after such refusal. Three days afterwards the records in the case are forwarded to Washington, D. C.; additional evidence may be submitted and heard, and will be forwarded. Complete records much be kept of the departure and arrival of all Chinese at the port of departure, The burden of proof rests with the applicant claiming the right to enter or reside in the United States.


  • 一日前美國稅關司理華人入境之權現已轉給與 工商部人員凡有查問華人入境事情之信當寄 至美京華盛頓之工商部或專理(illegible text)人入境之總 委員均爲合例
  • 一日前美國內地稅關司理華人註册之權現已轉 給與美京華盛頓總理外人入境處之專查華人 入境事務員疋淺珠士司理凡日前貯在各內地 稅關之華人註册紀錄存底簿須一律繳呈華盛 頓工商部
  • 一華人凡非屬美國以及飛獵濱夏威夷砵土力哥 各海島之美產者其敎商遊讀等事業之華人欲 入美境必要照一千八百八十四年所立之禁例 在關員處取禁約第六欵憑照一張
  • 一凡經註册之華工朝廷命官士生與商敎遊讀等 華人以及其正妻子女皆准登岸並眞實由本國 假道往別國者或負病急需醫治者亦准其寫保 單保其登岸
  • 一凡非屬中國朝廷命官與其隨員之華人有限准 入美國之關口開列如下 嘉罅寬省金山大埠  山姐姑埠 柯利近省破崙埠 馬斯丑實省坡士 頓埠 紐約省紐約埠 馬崙埠 雷氏晏拿省紐 柯連埠 華盛頓省砵黨順埠 蘇馬士埠 胡網 省列治佛埠 南地哥打省波多路埠 夏威夷島 檀香山埠 富老理打省浸巴埠
  • 一凡華人到步未經工商部批准登岸者除另取准 情之外不許與其親友或律師叙談
  • 一凡欲入美境之華人所有審問口供係美國官員 在密房審問不准外人同聽
  • 一凡管理外人入境委員已批不准登岸之華人其 律師欲提案入華盛頓工商部須在批定後兩日內 聲明入禀三日後須將記錄該案之供詞寄入華人 出境入境等紀錄一一呈覽有華人應所得居美之 憑據係華人自備
  • 一凡華人遞出所有各欵憑照証實其應居美國者 除册紙之外應一律留存在美國王家衙門凡華 人可免拘拿之騷擾必湏恒居於美國之事業照 依其帶來之憑照而行


  • 一凡華人有前執第六欵例照准入美國後變爲工 人者當卽拘拿撥囘中國
  • 一凡華人有被官差尋出其不合居于美國者經官 審實或判准居美或判撥囘
  • 一凡華商之正妻與子女無執第六欵例憑照亦應 准其登岸


加拿大 域多利 咸水埠 哥林巴等埠之總理華人入境委員

中國 皇帝與各關口之總稅務司
