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The Surnames of the Chinese in America/Merchants

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The Surnames of the Chinese in America 旅美華人姓字 (1904)
David D. Jones 約翰大衛德
Merchants 華商
4364111The Surnames of the Chinese in America 旅美華人姓字 — Merchants 華商1904David D. Jones 約翰大衛德


A merchant is one who buys and sells goods and merchandise. He may own the whole business or he may have partners. He may be a manufacturer when the goods he makes are sold as part of the business he is doing. The Chinese as so described are entitled to leave and return to the United States.

Chinese who own interests in fruit canneries and are employed as foremen or overseers are skilled laborers. They are not merchants.

Chinese having interests in mercantile firms, but engaged in laundries, gambling establishments, restaurants, and like places, or as peddlers, are not merchants.

Merchants are required to establish that they are owners of the business claimed, or are partners in the firm who owns the business. If partners, they must give proof of the amounts actually paid in to become partners, and the times on which the payments were made. If they were residents of the United States during the period of registration, and failed to register, they must show the reason for such failure.

A Chinese merchant who failed to register during the period of registration, and since became a laborer, is entitled to remain in the United States.

Every Chinese merchant who lives within the United States, and who wishes to go abroad and return, must show by affidavit his actual ownership in an established mercantile business in the United States; the amount of his interest in such business; the character of his personal employment in conducting such business; and that for at least one year before the making of such affidavit he was engaged in no manual labor except as was necessary to carry on such business. The affidavit must be signed and sworn to by two witnesses who are not Chinese. It must be in duplicate, and photograph of applicant attached to each.

The testimony of these witnesses must show conclusively and specifically the kind of work the Chinese has done during the entire year, and that he has performed than no other manual labor that specifically set forth.

The affidavit may be filed upon the day of departure of the applicant from the United States or thirty days prior to that day, as applicant may desire. There is no limitation of time that a Chinese merchant may remain abroad, provided his mercantile status in the United States continues.

A Chinese merchant may secure a Return Certificate by transmitting to the Commissioner of Immigration at the port of departure the proofs mentioned above, if the Commissioner is satisfied that the statements contained in the affidavits are true. These proofs must be submitted to the Commissioner at least thirty days prior to his departure.

A Chinese merchant whose business is the United States, and who is visiting China, may, at least ninety days prior to his return, file a request with the Commissioner of Immigration at the port of his departure from the United States that his status be inquired into. An investigation will be made, and if satisfactory the merchant will be permitted to land immediately upon his arrival in the United States.

A departing merchant belonging to a firm should be certain that the partnership list of the firm is on file in the Chinese Bureau at the port of departure; that his true name, correct residence, and interest in the business appear therein. His affidavits should be carefully and properly prepared, and the names, localities, etc., spelled according to the David Jones system.

Departing and returning Chinese merchants engaged in any manufacturing business should insist that their status be passed upon prior to their departure or return.

All names should be correctly spelled according to the David Jones System, and old spelling referred to if changed.


凡華人有開設舖店買賣貨物或開設廠口所製造之貨物係屬於賣賣者可稱爲華商倘其人 離美應准復囘

凡華人有開設菓廠或有該廠之生意股份自當管工此乃精巧之工人不得謂爲華 商倘其雖有股本在買賣商店並兼涉洗衣館賭博館大餐館以及沿門負販等生意皆不得稱之爲華 商

凡華商所開設某店或在某店有生意之股份所値股本銀若干創於何時湏要報明確據若該 華商居美不曾註册須指明其因何不註册之原由

凡華商不曾註册後遇生意不前迫要變作華工 亦應准其居美

凡應 居美之華商若欲出境 遊厯或囘唐然後返美 所做之護照必湏繕備 兩張每貼該商之原照 相頭有可信之美人証 人二名矢誓作証表明 該華商未回唐之先係 做買賣生意已越一年 之久除合宜辦理其自 己生意事務外不曾做 過手作工夫

凡華商護照可以整便即日報名落船回唐或預早三十日到工商部報名均隨其便華商囘唐居住久 漸例無限期

凡華商欲管理外人入境委員預爲查實其囘唐返美之護照內確據然後起程囘唐當爲預早三十日 將其護照呈交管理外人入境委員查騐

凡華商已離美回唐欲返美國料理其生意可預早九十日由唐山寄字禀知伊前日由某關口離美境 之管理外人入境委員俾得查明 來歷勘實確據至該華商到步時 即准登岸不致阻留

凡已離美之華商尙有生意在美 其生意股份屬於某店該店務湏 將其生意股東人名報關存册錄 明姓字住址生意股份若干尤湏 留意以本書之串字法最善

凡華商係屬於工廠生意須預爲 查明整妥合例之護照始可離美