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1862 Territory of Dakota Session Laws/Chapter 4

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1862 Territory of Dakota Session Laws
Dakota Territory Legislative Assembly
Chapter 4
42147531862 Territory of Dakota Session Laws — Chapter 4Dakota Territory Legislative Assembly




Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Dakota:

Names of members of incorporation.Section 1. That J. B. S. Todd, J. S. Gregory, James Tufts, W. W. Brookings, E. Stutsman, J. H. Shober, Reuben Wallace, D. Gifford, E. Gifford, N. McDonalds, C. F. Picotte, John Stanage, J. B. Amidon, G. P. Waldron, B. M. Smith, A. C. Vanmiter, J. Deuel, J. H. Hanson, A. G. Fuller, D. T. Bramble, M. K. Armstrong, J. M. Allen, Austin Cole, F. Carman, J. Wherry, H. C. Ash, John L. Tiernon, J. M. Stone, W. P. Lyman, W. H. Granger, C. W. Cooper, R. M. Johnson, Norman W. Kitson, L. M. Griffith, F. J. Dewitt, J. C. McBride, Christopher Maloney, H. S. Donaldson, James McFetridge, William Matthews, M. Ryan, John McClellan, J. B. Laplant, A. Mason, Peter Arpin, John Brulliard, W. W. Benedict, Ole Bottleson, Ole Anderson, C. Lawson, A. B. Smith, Geo. Brown, Moses Herrick, J. McLeese, John Lafevr, Felix La Blanch, Geo. Bourett, H. Bradley, Joseph Chattelion, and A. W. Puett, and their associates, be and are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, to all intents and purposes, by the name of the "Old Settlers' Historical Association," and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto; may purchase, hold, and convey, both personal and real property, to any amount, not exceeding twenty thousand dollars, and the same to lease, grant, mortgage, and sell, or otherwise dispose of, for the benefit of the society; and to receive donations, to be applied as the donor or donors may direct; and to devise and keep a common seal, with the right to alter the same at pleasure; and to make and enforce such by-laws, rules, and regulations as they may choose, not repugnant to the laws of the territory, or of the United States, and to enjoy all the privileges and franchises incident to a corporation.

Who may be members.Sect. 2. No person shall become a member of this society who first became an inhabitant of the territory after the passage of the organic act.

Objects of association.Sect. 3. The object of this association shall be to provide a fund for the support and assistance of such of the old settlers of Dakota who may be deemed worthy of support; and, also, to collect and disseminate all useful information in relation to the early history and settlement of Dakota; and it shall be the duty of said association to record and preserve the names of its members, and the date of their arrival in the territory, the state or territory and county from which they emigrated, together with such other information relating to the early history of the Territory of Dakota and its early settlers as may be of interest to the people of the territory.

When to meet, and where.Sect. 4. It shall be the duty of the members of said association to meet together, at least once in each year (at such place in the town of Yankton as may be designated by the association), so long as any members thereof shall live or reside in the territory or future State of Dakota.

First meeting, how called, and what to do.Sect. 5. At the first meeting called by any five members of the association, the time and place of the first annual meeting shall be designated; and, at such annual meeting, under such rules and regulations as they may adopt, there shall be elected one president, two vice-presidents, one secretary, and one treasurer. Said officers, so elected, shall hold their respective offices until their successors are chosen, which shall be at the next annual meeting.

QuorumSect. 6. Seven members of the association shall, at any meeting, form a quorum for the transaction of any business.

Legislature may alter or amend this act.Sect. 7. The legislature may alter or amend this act at any time: Provided, That there be no amendment of the time herein specified, prescribing eligibility to membership.

Take effect, when.Sect. 8. This act to take effect from and after its passage.

Approved May 7, 1862.

W. JAYNE, Governor.