1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Amakusa
AMAKUSA, an island belonging to Japan, 261/2 m. long and 131/2 in extreme width, situated about 32° 20′ N., and 130° E. long., on the west of the province of Higo (island of Kiushiu), from which it is separated by the Yatsushiro-kai. It has no high mountains, but its surface being very hilly—four of the peaks rise to a height over 1500 ft.—the natives resort to the terrace system of cultivation with remarkable success. A number of the heads of the Christians executed in connexion with the Shimabara rebellion in the first half of the 17th century were buried in this island. Amakusa produces a little coal and fine kaolin, which was largely used in former times by the potters of Hirado and Satsuma.