1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Damask
DAMASK, the technical term applied to certain distinct types
of fabric. The term owes its origin to the ornamental silk fabrics
of Damascus, fabrics which were elaborately woven in colours,
sometimes with the addition of gold and other metallic threads.
At the present day it denotes a linen texture richly figured in
the weaving with flowers, fruit, forms of animal life, and other
types of ornament. “China, no doubt,” says Dr Rock (Catalogue
of Textile Fabrics, Victoria and Albert Museum), “was the first
country to ornament its silken webs with a pattern. India,
Persia, and Syria, then Byzantine Greece followed, but at long
intervals between, in China’s footsteps. Stuffs so figured brought
with them to the West the name ‘diaspron’ or diaper, bestowed
upon them at Constantinople. But about the 12th century the
city of Damascus, even then long celebrated for its looms, so
far outstripped all other places for beauty of design, that her
silken textiles were in demand everywhere; and thus, as often
happens, traders fastened the name of damascen or damask upon
every silken fabric richly wrought and curiously designed, no
matter whether it came or not from Damascus.” The term is
perhaps now best known in reference to damask table-cloths, a
species of figured cloth usually of flax or tow yarns, but sometimes
made partly of cotton. The finer qualities are made of the best
linen yarn, and, although the latter is of a brownish colour during
the weaving processes, the ultimate fabric is pure white. The
high lights in these cloths are obtained by long floats of warp
and weft, and, as these are set at right angles, they reflect the
light differently according to the angle of the rays of light; the
effect changes also with the position of the observer. Subdued
effects are produced by shorter floats of yarn, and sometimes
by special weaves. Any subject, however intricate, can be
copied by this method of weaving, provided that expense is no
object. The finest results are obtained when the so-called
double damask weaves are used. These weaves are shown under
Die, and it will be seen that each weave gives a maximum float
of seven threads. (In some special cases a weave is used which
gives a float of nine.) The small figure here shown to illustrate
a small section of a damask design is composed of the two single
damask weaves; these give a maximum float of four threads or
picks. No shading is shown in the design, and this for two
reasons—(1) the single damask weaves do not permit of
elaborate shading, although some very good effects are obtainable;
(2) the available space is not sufficiently large to show the
method to advantage. The different single damask weaves used
in the shading of these
cloths appear, however,
at the bottom of the
figure, while between
these and the design
proper there is an illustration
of the thirty-first
pick interweaving with all
the forty-eight threads.
The principal British centres for fine damasks are Belfast and Dunfermline, while the medium qualities are made in several places in Ireland, in a few places in England, and in the counties of Fife, Forfar and Perth in Scotland. Cotton damasks, which are made in Paisley, Glasgow, and several places in Lancashire, are used for toilet covers, table-cloths, and similar purposes. They are often ornamented with colours and sent to the Indian and West Indian markets. Silk damasks for curtains and upholstery decoration are made in the silk-weaving centres.