1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Lacroma
LACROMA (Serbo-Croatian Lokrum), a small island in the Adriatic Sea, forming part of the Austrian kingdom of Dalmatia, and lying less than half a mile south of Ragusa. Though barely 11/4 m. in length, Lacroma is remarkable for the beauty of its sub-tropical vegetation. It was a favourite resort of the archduke Maximilian, afterwards emperor of Mexico (1832–1867), who restored the château and park; and of the Austrian crown prince Rudolph (1857–1889). It contains an 11th-century Benedictine monastery; and the remains of a church, said by a very doubtful local tradition to have been founded by Richard I. of England (1157–1199), form part of the imperial château.
See Lacroma, an illustrated descriptive work by the crown princess Stéphanie (afterwards Countess Lónyay) (Vienna, 1892).