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1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Milicz

From Wikisource

MILICZ, or Militsch (d. 1374), Bohemian divine, was the most influential among those preachers and writers in Moravia and Bohemia who, during the 14th century, in a certain sense paved the way for the reforming activity of Huss. The date of his birth is not known, but he was in holy orders in 1350, in 1360 was attached to the court of the emperor Charles IV., whom he accompanied into Germany in that year, and about the same time also held a canonry in the cathedral of Prague along with the dignity of archdeacon. About 1363 he resigned all his appointments that he might become a preacher pure and simple; he addressed scholars in Latin, and (an innovation) the laity in their native Czech, or in German, which he learnt for the purpose. He was conspicuous for his apostolic poverty and soon roused the enmity of the mendicant friars. The success of his labours made itself apparent in the way in which he transformed the notorious “Benatki” street of Prague into a benevolent institution, “Jerusalem.” As he viewed the evils inside and outside the church in the light of Scripture, the conviction grew in his mind that the “abomination of desolation” was now seen in the temple of God, and that Antichrist had come, and in 1367 he went to Rome (where Urban V. was expected from Avignon) to expound these views. He affixed to the gate of St Peter’s a placard announcing his sermon, but before he could deliver it was thrown into prison by the Inquisition. Urban, however, on his arrival, ordered his release, whereupon he returned to Prague, and from 1369 to 1372 preached daily in the Teyn Church there. In the latter year the clergy of the diocese complained, of him in twelve articles to the papal court at Avignon, whither he was summoned in Lent 1374, and where he died in the same year, not long after being declared innocent and authorized to preach before the assembly of cardinals. He was the author of a Libellus de Antichristo, written in prison at Rome, a series of Postillae and Lectiones quadragesimales in Latin, and a similar series of Postils (devotional tracts) in Czech.

See Count Lützow, Life and Times of Master John Hus (1909), pp. 27–38.