1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/P
P The sixteenth letter of the English alphabet, the fifteenth
in the Latin and the sixteenth in the Greek alphabet, the
latter in its ordinary form having the symbol for x before
o. In the Phoenician alphabet, from which the Western
alphabets are directly or indirectly derived, its shape, written
from right to left, is . In the Greek alphabet, when written
from left to right, it takes the form
, the second form being
much rarer in inscriptions than the first. Only very rarely and
only in inscriptions of the 7th and 6th centuries B.C. are rounded
found. In Italy the Etruscan and Umbrian form
(written from right to left), though more angular than the
Phoenician symbol, resembles it more closely than it does the
Greek. The earliest Roman form—on the inscription found in
the Forum in 1899—is Greek in shape
, though the second leg
is barely visible. The Oscan
is identical with the rarer Greek
form. As time goes on the Roman form becomes more and more
, but not till Imperial times is the semicircle completed
so as to form the symbol in the shape which it still retains
The Semitic name Pē became in Greek πϵῖ, and has in the course
of ages changed but little. The sound of p throughout has been
that of the breathed labial stop, as in the English pin. At the
end of English words like lip the breath is audible after the
consonant, so that the sound is rather that of the ancient Greek
ϕ, i.e. p-h, not f, as ϕ is ordinarily now pronounced. This sound
is found initially also in some dialects of English, as in the Irish
pronunciation of pig as p-hig. For a remarkable interchange
between p and qu sounds which is found in many languages, see
under Q. (P. Gi.)