1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Palfrey
PALFREY, a riding-horse, particularly one of smaller and lighter type than the war-horse, the “destrier” (Med. Lat. dextrarius, because led by the right hand till used), which was only ridden in battle or tournament. The palfrey was thus used on the march, &c., and also as a lady’s riding-horse. “Palfrey” came into English through the O. Fr. palefrei, one of the numerous forms which the word took in its descent from the Late Lat. paraveredus, a hybrid word from Gr. παρὰ, in the sense of extra, and veredus, a post-horse, probably a Celtic word, for one who draws a rheda or carriage. The form parafredus gives the Mod. Ger. Pferd, horse, through the O.H.G. pfarifrid.