1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Pocket
POCKET, a small bag, particularly a bag-like receptacle either fastened to or inserted in an article of clothing. As a measure of capacity “pocket” is now only used for hops; it equals 168 ℔. The word appears in Mid. Eng. as poket, and is taken from a Norman diminutive of O. Fr. poke, pouque, mod. poche, cf. “pouch.” The form “poke” is now only used dialectically, or in such proverbial sayings as a “pig in a poke,” and possibly in the “poke-bonnet,” the coal-scuttle bonnet fashionable during the first part of the 19th century, and now worn by the female members of the Salvation Army; more probably the name of the bonnet is connected with “poke,” to thrust forward, dig. The origin of this is obscure. Dutch has poken, pook, a dagger; Swedish påk, a stick.