1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Provo
PROVO, a city and the county-seat of Utah county, Utah, U.S.A., on the Provo river, 3 m. E. of Utah Lake, and about 45 m. S. by E. of Salt Lake City. Pop. (1890), 5159; (1900), 6185 (1176 foreign-born); (1910) 8925. Provo is served by the Rio Grande Western and the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake railways. It is situated at an altitude of about 4530 ft., in a region of fine scenery, Provo Canon, Bridal Veil Falls and Utah Lake being of especial interest. The city has a general hospital and is the seat of the state mental hospital and of Brigham Young University (a Mormon institution), founded by Brigham Young in 1875, opened as an academy in 1876, and incorporated in 1896; it, comprises a college and high commercial, music, arts and trades, agricultural and preparatory schools. Provo has various manufactures, including woollen goods, lime, pottery and bricks, and the city is a shipping point for a fertile agricultural and fruit-producing region. Within a radius of forty or fifty miles of Provo are a number of important mines. Provo was settled in 1849 and was chartered as a city in 1851.