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1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Rosswein

From Wikisource

ROSSWEIN, a town of Germany, in the kingdom of Saxony, situated on the Freiberger Mulde, 46 m. S.E. from Leipzig by the railway via Dobeln to Dresden. Pop. (1905) 9297. It is famous for its technical schools, among which are one for builders, another for furniture-makers, and a third for ironmongers. The industries are considerable, and include woollen and cloth manufactures, dyeing, spinning, and the making of agricultural machinery, cigars, chemicals, bricks and iron goods. Rosswein is an old town, cloth-making being a flourishing industry here in the 14th century.

See C. V. Böhmert, Die Stadt Rosswein, 1883–94 (Dresden, 1895).