1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Sampierdarena
SAMPIERDARENA (San Pier d’Arena, i.e. St Peter of the Sands), a town of Liguria, Italy, in the province of Genoa, 21/2 m. by rail W. of the city of that name, 16 ft. above sea-level. Pop. (1906) 37,582 (town); 43,654 (commune). It is practically a suburb of Genoa and contains a number of handsome palaces, including the Palazzo Spinola and the Palazzo Scassi, both probably built by G. Alessi. It has become a place of great industrial and commercial activity, the Ansaldo ship-building yard being the most important of its workshops. Near the neighbouring town of Cornigliano is a bridge, where Masséna signed the capitulation of Genoa.