1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Saronno
SARONNO, a town of Lombardy, Italy, in the province of Milan, from which city it is distant 13 m. N.N.W. by rail. Pop. (1901) 8729 (town), 9533 (commune). The pilgrimage church of the Madonna dei Miracoli, begun in 1498 by Vincenzo dell' Orto, has a dome of rich architecture externally; the campanile dates from 1516, the rest of the church is later. Internally it is decorated with fine frescoes by Gaudenzio Ferrari, representing a concert of angels, while those in the choir are by Bernardino Luini and are among his finest works (see F. Malaguzzi Valeri in Rassegna d'art, 1904, 69). The place is well known for its gingerbread (amaretti) and is also a manufacturing town. It is situated on one of the lines (Ferrovia Nord) from Milan to Como, and has branch lines to Seregno, Busto Arsizio and Varese.