1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Settle (town)
SETTLE, a market town in the Skipton parliamentary division of the West Riding of Yorkshire, England, 411/2 m. N.W. from Leeds by the Midland railway. Pop. (1901) 2302. It lies in the upper part of the Ribble valley, amid the wild scenery of the limestone hills of the Pennine system. The district includes several caves, such as Victoria Cave, close to the town, where bones of animals, and stone, bone and other implements and ornaments have been discovered. Other points of interest are Malham Cove and tarn, the ravine of Gordale Scar, the cliffs of Attermyre, Giggleswick Scar and Castleberg (the last immediately above Settle itself), the Clapham and Weathercote caves, the chasm of Helln Pot and the waterfall of Stainforth Foss. In the town are cotton factories and a tannery. To the west of the town is the grammar school of Giggleswick, one of the principal public schools in the north of England, founded in 1512.