1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/South Portland

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31593131911 Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 25 — South Portland

SOUTH PORTLAND, a city of Cumberland county, Maine, U.S.A., on Casco Bay, an arm of which separates it from Portland, with which it is connected by a ferry and four bridges. Pop. (1900) 6287 (763 foreign-born); (1910) 7471. South Portland is served by the Boston & Maine railway. It is the seat of the State (Reform) School for Boys. At Spring Point is Fort Preble, established in 1808 and now a coast artillery station; and at Portland Head is Fort Williams. The city has steel-rolling mills, car shops of the Boston & Maine railway, and ship-building interests, and manufactures marine hardware and varnish. South Portland was part of the old town of Cape Elizabeth (pop. in 1900, 887) until March 1895; the legislature granted it a city charter in 1895, which was not accepted by the town until December 1898.