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1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Starnberg

From Wikisource

STARNBERG, a village and climatic health resort of Germany, in the kingdom of Bavaria, on the Starnberger See, 16 m. by rail S. from Munich. Pop. (1905), 3257. It has an evangelical and a Roman Catholic church, an old castle (now government offices) and a bathing establishment. The Starnberger See (or Wurmsee) is a lake with a length of 12 m., a breadth of 3 m., and covering 23 sq. m. Its greatest depth is about 400 ft. The lake is girdled by hills, studded with attractive villa residences, commanding beautiful and extensive views of the Alps. On the Roseninsel, an island in the lake, remains of lacustrine dwellings have been discovered. The waters abound in fish. In the summer steamboats ply, touching at all the villages lying on the shores.

See Ule, Der Würmsee in Oberbayern (Leipzig, 1901).