1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Sus
SUS, a province of southern Morocco, once an independent kingdom, and still too unruly to be opened to Europeans, who have nevertheless for centuries past made efforts to secure a foothold. Its principal towns are Tarudant, Iligh (the old capital), and Glimin on the Wad Nun. Tarudant, the present capital, flourished in the 12th century on account of the neighbouring copper-mines. Saltpetre is now the only important product. Ports might be opened at Agadir Ighir (once occupied by the Portuguese for thirty years as Santa Cruz), Massa, Ifni, Arksis and Assaka at the mouth of the Wad Nun. As a coveted district, all kinds of natural riches are attributed to Sus, but it may be assumed that they are exaggerated. Europeans land at their peril, since the coast is by imperial order closed to trade, no custom-house being provided. Most of the business of Sus is carried on at great fairs lasting eight or fifteen days, during which time all roads of approach are guaranteed safe by the tribesmen that trade may be uninterrupted. Caravans from Sus laden with copper-ware, olive oil, butter, saffron, wax, skins, dates, dried roses, &c., are sent to Marrakesh, four days’ journey from Tarudant. Susis are well known in the north of Morocco as able tradesmen and clever metal workers. They live frugally, and are only prodigal in powder and human life. Their language is almost exclusively Shilhah, a dialect of Berber. (K. A. M.*)