1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Tegernsee
TEGERNSEE, a lake of Germany, in the province of Upper Bavaria, situated in a beautiful mountain country, 2382 ft. above the sea, 34 m. S. from Munich by rail to Gmund, a village with a station on the north shore. The lake is 4 m. long, averages 1¼ m. broad, and is about 235 ft. deep. Its waters discharge through the Mangfall into the Inn. The southern part is environ ed by high and well-wooded hills, while on the northern side, where it debouches on the plain, the banks are flat and less attractive. Prosperous villages and handsome villas stud its shores, and it is one of the most frequented summer resorts in the vicinity of Munich.
The village of Tegernsee (pop. 1742 in 1905), on the east bank, has a parish church dating from the 15th century, a ducal castle which was formerly a Benedictine monastery, and a hospital, founded in Connexion with the large ophthalmic practice of the late Duke Charles Theodore of Bavaria.
See Freyberg, Aelteste Geschichte on Tegernseer (Munich, 1822); Hack, Tegernsee (Munich, 1888); Breu, Der Tegernsee, limnologische Studie (Munich, 1906).