- Flood Plain
- Floor
- Floorcloth
- Floquet, Charles Thomas
- Flor, Roger di
- Flora
- Flore and Blanchefleur
- Florence, William Jermyn
- Florence of Worcester
- Florence (Alabama)
- Florence (Italy)
- Flores (Azores)
- Flores (East Indies)
- Florez, Enrique
- Florian, Saint
- Florian, Jean Pierre Claris de
- Florianopolis
- Florida
- Floridablanca, Don Jose ..., Count of
- Floridor
- Florin
- Florio, Giovanni
- Floris, Frans
- Florus
- Florus, Julius
- Florus, Publius Annius
- Flotow, Friedrich Ferdinand Adolf von
- Flotsam, Jetsam and Ligan
- Flounder
- Flour and Flour Manufacture
- Flourens, Gustave
- Flourens, Marie Jean Pierre
- Flower, Sir William Henry
- Flower
- Flowers, Artificial
- Floyd, John
- Floyd, John Buchanan
- Floyer, Sir John
- Fludd, Robert
- Flügel, Gustav Leberecht
- Flügel, Johann Gottfried
- Fluke
- Flume
- Flumini Maggiore
- Fluoranthene
- Fluorene
- Fluorescein
- Fluorescence
- Fluorine
- Fluor-spar
- Foil-fencing
- Foix, Paul de
- Foix
- Folard, Jean Charles, Chevalier de
- Fold
- Folengo, Teofilo
- Foley, John Henry
- Foley, Sir Thomas
- Foli, Allan James
- Foligno
- Folio
- Folium
- Folkes, Martin
- Folkestone
- Folkland
- Folklore
- Follen, August Ludwig
- Follen, Karl
- Follett, Sir William Webb
- Fonblanque, Albany William
- Fond du Lac
- Fondi
- Fonni
- Fonsagrada
- Fonseca, Manoel Deodoro da