1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Wuchang
WUCHANG, the capital of the combined provinces of Hup-eh and Hu-nan, China. It is one of the three cities, Wuchang, Hanyang and Hankow, which stand together at the mouth of the Han river, and is situated on the right bank of the river Yangtsze, almost directly opposite the foreign settlement of Hankow. It is the seat of the provincial government of the two Hu or Hu-kwang, as these provinces are collectively termed, at the head of which is a viceroy. Next to Nanking and Canton, it is one of the most important vice-royalties in the empire. It possesses an arsenal and a mint. The provincial government has established ironworks for the manufacture of rails and other railway material. As the works did not pay under official management, they were transferred to the director-general of railways. Wuchang is not open to foreign trade and residence, but a considerable number of missionaries, both Roman Catholic and Protestant, live within the walls. The native population is estimated at 800,000, including cities on both banks. Wuchang is an important junction on the trunk railway from Peking to Canton; and is on the route of the Sze-ch'uen railway.