1922 Encyclopædia Britannica/Beach, Rex
BEACH, REX (1877-), American writer, was born at Atwood, Mich., Sept. 1 1877. He was educated at Rollins College, Fla. (1891-6), the Chicago College of Law (1896-7), and Kent College of Law, Chicago (1899-1900).
His tales of adventure include Pardners (1905); The Spoilers (1906, also dramatized); The Barrier (1907); The Silver Horde (1909); Going Some (1910, also dramatized); The Ne'er-do-Well (1911); The Net (1912); The Iron Trail (1913); The Auction Block (1914); Heart of the Sunset (1915); Rainbow's End (1916); The Crimson Gardenia, and Other Tales of Adventure (1916); Laughing Bill Hyde and Other Stories (1917); Too Fat to Fight (1919); Oh, Shoot! (1921).