1922 Encyclopædia Britannica/Fischer, Theobald
FISCHER, THEOBALD (1846-1910), German geographer, was born at Kirchsteitz, Thuringia, Oct. 31 1846. He was educated at the universities of Heidelberg and Halle, and at first devoted himself to history. A travelling tutorship directed his attention to geography, and he visited many parts of Europe in the pursuit of this study, but especially the Mediterranean lands, including North Africa (Atlas lands). The “Mediterranean region,” perhaps the primary example now in the study of regional geography, is a conception the world owes to Fischer: his thesis for the rank of Privatdozent in the university of Bonn (1876) was entitled Beiträge zur physischen Geographie der Miltelmeerländer, and his most important publications are a collection of Mittelmeerbilder and his work on the Mediterranean peninsulas of Europe in Kirchhoff's Allgemeine Länderkunde. He held professorships of geography at Kiel (1879-1883) and at Marburg from 1883 until his death, which took place on Sept. 17 1910.