- Popper, David
- Porter, Benjamin Curtis
- Porter, Horace
- Porto Rico
- Portugal
- Portuguese East Africa
- Potiorek, Oskar
- Poultry
- Power, Sir William Tyrone
- Poynter, Sir Edward John
- Preece, Sir William Henry
- Pressensé, Francis de
- Pretoria
- Prices
- Prince Edward Island
- Princeton University
- Prisoners of War
- Profiteering
- Profit-Sharing and Co-Partnership
- Prohibition
- Propaganda
- Propellants
- Prothero, Sir George Walter
- Protopopov, Alexander Dmitrievich
- Protozoology
- Pryor, Roger Atkinson
- Przemysl, Sieges of
- Psychical Research
- Psychotherapy
- Public Assistance
- Public Trustee
- Puccini, Giacomo
- Pulitzer, Joseph
- Putnik, Radomir
- Putumayo
- Pyle, Howard
- Pyrometry
- Quaritch, Bernard Alfred
- Quebec (Province)
- Quebec (City)
- Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur Thomas
- Rachmaninoff, Sergei Vasilievich
- Radioactivity
- Radiotherapy
- Raemakers, Louis
- Railways
- Railway Stations
- Rainer
- Raleigh, Cecil
- Raleigh, Sir Walter
- Rampolla, Count Mariano del Tindaro
- Ramsay, George Gilbert
- Ramsay, Sir William
- Ramsay, Sir William Mitchell
- Randegger, Alberto
- Range-Finders and Position-Finders
- Ranger, Henry Ward
- Rasputin, Gregory Efimovitch
- Rathenau, Walter
- Rathmore, David Robert Plunket, 1st Baron
- Rationing
- Ravel, Maurice
- Ravenstein, Ernst Georg
- Rawlinson, Henry Seymour Rawlinson, Baron
- Rayleigh, John William Strutt, 3rd Baron
- Rea, Samuel
- Reading, Rufus Daniel Isaacs, 1st Earl of
- Red Cross Work
- Redesdale, Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford, Baron
- Redmond, John Edward
- Redwood, Sir Boverton
- Rehan, Ada
- Reid, Sir George
- Reid, Sir George Houstoun
- Reid, Whitelaw
- Reinach, Joseph
- Réjane, Gabrielle
- Relativity
- Renevier, Eugène
- Rennenkampf, Paul
- Renner, Karl
- Renoir, Auguste
- Reparation Commission
- Repin, Ilja Jefimovich
- Repplier, Agnes
- Reszke, Edouard de
- Réville, Albert
- Reyer, Ernest
- Reynolds, Osborne
- Reynolds, Stephen
- Rhode Island
- Rhodes, James Ford
- Rhodesia
- Rhondda, David Alfred Thomas, Viscount
- Rhys, Sir John
- Riaz Pasha
- Ribot, Alexandre Félix Joseph
- Ribot, Théodule Armand
- Richards, Theodore William
- Richborough