1922 Encyclopædia Britannica/Weber, Sir Hermann
WEBER, SIR HERMANN (1823-1918), British physician, was born at Holzkirchen, Germany, Dec. 30 1823, the son of a German father and an Italian mother. He studied medicine at Fulda, Marburg and Bonn, where he took his M.D. degree in 1848. His residence at Bonn brought him into touch with the English colony there, and through this connexion he received the position of house physician at the German Hospital, Dalston, London. When this appointment came to an end, he started in private practice, having become a naturalized British subject, and studied at Guy's Hospital with the object of obtaining an English qualification (1855). Weber came into great prominence as a pioneer of the open-air treatment for tuberculosis, and himself spent many winters in Switzerland in charge of patients. In 1899 he was appointed a delegate to the Berlin congress on the prevention of tuberculosis, and the same year was knighted. He retired from practice at the age of 80, but retained his health and vigour till his death, which took place in London Nov. 11 1918, in his 95th year.