1922 Encyclopædia Britannica/Weston, Agnes
WESTON, AGNES (1840-1918), English philanthropic worker, was born in London March 26 1840. In 1868 she took up hospital visiting and parish work in Bath, and through beginning a correspondence with a seaman who asked her to write to him, developed into the devoted friend of sailors, superintendent of the Royal Naval Temperance Society and founder of the Royal Naval Sailors' Rests, or clubs for sailors, at Devonport and Portsmouth. She published Life Among the Bluejackets in 1909. She died at Devonport Oct. 23 1918. Shortly before her death her work for the navy had been recognized by the bestowal of the G.B.E.
See S. G. Wintz, Our Bluejackets, Miss Weston's Work (1894).