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1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June/AI

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1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June
the United States Copyright Office
20559241977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June — AIthe United States Copyright Office



Education in the Horld ecumenical movement. By William B. Kennedy. Suitzerland. (In The Ecumenical revie«, Apr. 1975, p. 147-156) 6 Abinqdon Press; 1Apr75: AI- 16240.


The Guide for foreign settlers: Eio de Janeiro, Brasil. By Joyce Lancaster Oirens. Brazil. 58 p. e Joyce Lancaster Owens; 1Dec76; AI-16241.


Enerqy in an age of limited availability and delimited applicability. By Philip Sporn. Great Britain. 38 p. 6 Philip Sporn; 110ct76; AI-16242.


Developmental biology and pathology. Editors: A. Gropp fi K. Benirschke. West Germany. 216 p. (Current topics in pathology, vol. 62) Appl. au: Ch. J. Epstein. 6 Springer-Verlag; 280ct76; AI-16243.


Dickens: the smile on the face of the dead. By Frederick Busch. Canada. (In Mosaic, summer 1976. p. 149-156) e Frederick Busch; 17Aug76; AI-16244.


Structural ceramics. By 4. G. Evans S T. G. Lanqdou. Great Britain. p. 171-441. (Progress in materials science, vol. 21, no. 3/4. 19 76) 6 Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 250ct75; 41-16245.


Multiple periodic variable stars; proceedings of the International Astronomical Union colloquium no. 29, held at Budapest, Hungary. 1-5 September 1975. Edited by Walter S. Fitch. Holland. 348 p. Appl. au: J. P. Cox. e Akademiai Kiado; 31Dec76; 41-16246.


4tmospheric effects on radar target identification and imaging; proceedings of the N4TO Advanced Study Institute held in Goslar/Harz, Federal Republic of Germany, September 22-October 3, 1975. Edited by H. E. G. Jeske. Holland. 463 p. Appl. au: aarley E. Bechtel 6 Anthony V. Along!. d D. Eeidel Publishing company; 8Dec76; 41-16247.

AI- 16248.

Wind effects on structures; proceedings of the Second U.S. A. -Japan Eesearch Seminar on Wind Effects on Structures. Edited by Hatsuo Ishizaki 6 Arthur N. L. Chiu. Japan. 306 p. Held in Kyoto, Japan, Sept. 1974. 6 University of Tokyo Press; 10ct76; 41-16248.


Energy: the battle for survival in a uorld of limited resources. Best Germany. 6 p. Appl. au: Eichard V. Denton. e Richard V. Denton; 15Dec76; AI-16249.


People of Sale: tradition and change in a Horoccan city, 1830-1930. By Kenneth L. Brown. England. 265 p. S Kenneth L. Brown; 23Nov76: 41-16250.


Tense loqic. By Bobert P. acArthur. Holland. 84 p. O D. Eeidel Publishing company; 8Dec76; AI- 16251.


Surrender and catch: experience and inquiry today. By Kurt H. Wolff. Holland. 410 p. O D. Eeidel Publishing Company; 31Dec76; 41-16252.


Russia and America: a philosophical comparison; development and change of outlook from the 19th to the 20tJi century. By William J. Gavin 6 Thomas J. Blakeley. Holland. 114 p. (Sovietica, vol. 38) Appl. states copyright not claimed for chap. 16 2. e D. Eeidel Publishing company; 31Dec76; 41-16253.

AI- 16254.

Structure and evolution of close binary systems; symposium no. 73, held in Cambridqe, England, 28 July-1 August, 1975. Edited by Peter Eggleton, Simon Mitton £ John Whelan. Holland. 414 p. Appl. au: H. Gursky £ B. Nelson. The International Astronomical Union; 10Dec76; Al-16254.

AI- 16255.

Mechanics today. Vol. 3. Edited by S. Nemat-Nasser. Great Britain. 306 p. Appl. au: 4. Bedford 6 L. B. freund; Pergamon Press, employer for hire of editor. & Pergamon Press, Inc. ; 8Hov76; AI- 16255.


Health, medicine, society; proceedings of the International Conference on the Sociology of Medicine, Warsaw (Jablonna), 4ugust 20-25. 1973. Editors: Magdalena Sokolowska, Jacek Holowka 6 Antonina Ostrowska. Holland. 516 p. Appl. au: Eenee C. Fox 6 Saad Z. Nagi. PHN-Polish Scientific Publishers; 10Dec76; AI- 16256.


Charged gels and membranes. Pt. 2. Edited by Eric Selegny. Holland. 244 p. (Charged and reactive polymers, vol, 4) Appl. au: Anita Thorhaug £ Sally Krasne. e D. Eeidel Publishing company; 10Dec76; AI-16257.


Advances in ready mixed concrete technology. Edited by Eavindra K. Dhir. Great Britain. 492 p. Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Eeady-Mixed Concrete held at Dundee University, Dundee, Scotland, 29th Sept. -1st Oct. 1975. Appl. au: F. W. Beaufait. O S. K. Dhir; 250ct76; 41-16258.


Blood vessels: problems arising at the borders of natural and artificial blood vessels; 8th scientific conference of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Na turf orscher und 4erzte. Edited by Sven Effert 6 Johannes Dietrich Meyer-Erkelenz. West Germany. 181 p. Appl. au: A. L. Copley £ S. Bruck. e Springer-Verlag; 19Nov76; Al-16259.

AI- 16260.

Cranial computerized tomography. Edited by Wolfgang Lanksch £ Ekkehard Kazner. west Germany. 478 p. Appl. au: G. Di Chiro £ J. E. Gelety. O Springej-Verlag; 24BOV76; AI-16260.


GI — 6. Jahrestagung; Stuttgart. 29. Sept.-l. Okt. 1976. Hrsg. von Erich J. Heuhold. west Germany. 484 p. (Inf ormatik-Fachberichte, Bd. 5. Hrsg. von U. Brauer) Appl. au: George Eadin. e Springer-Verlag ; 15Sep76; AI-16261.


Tennessee Williams' letters to Donald Windham, 1940-65. Edited with comments by Donald Windham. Italy. 333 p. Donald Windham; 15Sep76; AI-16262.

AI-16263. Watamkitachi no Nippon go (gonec) Japan. 132 p. EDqlish, Japanese £ cofflaoized Japanese; title rooanized on appl. O California Association o£ Japanese Language School, Inc. (in notice: The California Association of Japanese Language Schools, Inc.); 1Nov76; AI-16263.


Stereotactic Treatment of Epilepsy. Edited by Franci ; John Gilliughau, Ediiard Eobert Hitchcock £ Faiel Nadvoroik. Austria. 281 p. (Acta neurochirurgica, Supplementus 23) SysiposiuD] held in Bratisla»a, Czechoslovakia, in 1975. Appl. au: X. K. Kim, J. B. Stevens £ T. acLardy. O S pringer- Verlag; 280ct76; AI-1626"t.


Current problems in elementary particle and mathematical physics. Edited by Paul Oskar Orban. Austria. 638 p. (Acta physica Austriaca, Suppleaentum 15) Proceedings of the 15th Internationale nniversitaetswochen fuer Kernphysik 1976 der Karl-Franzens-Universitaet Graz at Schladminq (Steiernark, Austria) Feb. 16-27, 1976. Appl. au: J. L. Challifour, J. J. Sakurai £ J. Froehlich. O Springer- Verlag; 280ct76; AI- 16265.


The Question of things happening: the letters of Virginia uoolf. Vol. 2: 1912-1922. Editor: »igel Hicolson, assistant editor: Joanne Tiautmann. England. 627 p. NH: editing £ editorial note. O Nigel Nicolson; 23Sep76;

AI- 16267.

Old age in European society: the case of France. By Peter N. Stearns. United Kingdom. 163 p. C Peter N. Stearns; 21Dec76; AI-16267.


Hilton reconsidered; essays in honor of Arthur E. Barker. Edited by John Karl Franson. Austria. 215 p. (Elizabethan and fienaissan(^e studies, 19. Salzburg studies in English literature) O John Karl Franson; 60ct76; AI-1626e.


Chroma Theoy; on the origins and theological interpretation of the musical imagery used by the ecclesiastical vriters of the first three centuries, uith special reference to the image of Orpheus. By

lobert A. Skeris. Uest Germany. 259 p. (Husicae sacrae melethmata, vol. 1) English £ Greek; title romanized. Eobert A. Skeris; litSep76; AI-16269.


Essays on ethics, social behavior, and scientific explanation. By John C. Harsanyi. Holland. 262 p. (Theory and decision library, vol. 12) O D. Seidel Publishing Company; 310ec76; AI-16270.

AI- 16271.

The Insect integument. Edited by B. B. Hepburn. The Metherlands. 5 71 p. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company; 21Sep76: AI- 16271.

AI- 16272.

Oligopoly and the theory of games. By James ». Friedman. The Metherlands. 311 p. (Advanced textbooks in economics, vol. 8) North-Holland Publishing Company; 6Jan77: AI-16272.

AI- 16273.

World mineral supplies; assessment and perspective. Edited by G. J. S. Govett £ H. H. Govett. The Hetherlands. 1172 p. (Developments in economic geology, 3) Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company; 18Aug76; AI-16273.


Tektites and their origin. By John A. O'Keefe. The Netherlands. 254 p. (Developments in petrology, <1) C Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company; 24Aug76; AI-t627i».


From baroque to store and stress, 1720-1775. By Friedhela Eadandt. Great Britain. 209 p. (Literary history of Germany, it) 6 friedheim Hadandt; 2Jan77; AI-16275.


A Parting of ways: government and the educated public inSussia, 1801-1855. By Nicholas V. Biasanovsky. United Kingdom. 323 p. Oxford University Press; 6Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AI-16276.


Belief and probability. By John H. Vickers. Holland. 202 p. (Synthese library, vol. 10 H) 0. Seidel Publishing Company; 31Dec76; AI-16277.


Differential geometry and relativity; a volume in honor of Andre Lichnerouicz on his 60th birthday. Edited by Hichel Cahen £ aoshe Flato. Holland. 3011 p. (Hathematical physics and applied mathematics, vol. 3] Appl. au : eobert S. Cahn £ Peter B. Gilkey. O 0. Seidel Publishing Company; 310ec76; AI-16278.


Metabolic aspects of alcoholism. edited by Charles S. Lieber. England. 30b p. U KTP Press, Ltd.; 29Nov76 (in notice: 1977) ; AI-16279.


Fundamental and clinical studies of bleomycin. Edited by Stephen K. Catter £ other editors. Japan. 320 p. (GAUN monograph on cancer research, no. 19. Issued by Japanese Cancer Association) O University of Tokyo Press; 10ct76 ; AI-16280.


Fundamentals in cancer prevention; proceedings of the 6th international symposium of the Princess Takamatsu Cancer Besearch Fund, Tokyo, 1975. Edited by Peter N. Hagee £ other editors. Japan. 433 p. Appl. au: 0. A. Goldthuait £ a. H. Lieberman. University of Tokyo Press; 8NOV76; AI- 16281.

AI- 16282.

Neuro-otological examination; with special reference to equilibrium function tests. By Takuya Uemura, Jun-ichi Suzuki, Jiro Hozaua £ Stephen h. Highstein. Japan. 176 p. O Iqaku Shoin, Ltd.; 1SNOV76 (in notice: 1977); AI- 16282.

AI- 16283.

Principles of dairy processing. By James Nickerson Warner. India. 317 p. Riley Eastern. Ltd.; 8Dec76; AI-16283.

AI-162 8it.

Chemistry of organic fluorine compounds; a laboratory manual with comprehensive literature coverage. By Hilos Hudlicky. 2nd rev. ed. England. 903 p. 6 Hilos Hudlicky £ Ellis Horwood; 30Nov76; AI- 16284.


Anales de la novela de posguerra. Vol. 1, 1976. Editor: Luis I. Gonzalez- Del-Valle 6 other editors. Spain. 109 p. Add. ti: ANP, volume 1, 1976. English t Spanish. Q Society of Spanish and

AI- 16286.

Irish tinkers. Photographed 6 compiled by Janine Hiedel with a foreword £ transcripts by llartina 0' Feacadhaigh. Great Britain. 121 p. O Janine aiedel £ Martina o'Fearadhaigh; 23Sep76; AI- 16286.


Apple pigs. Britten £ illustrated by Buth orbach. United Kingdom. 1 v. C Euth orbach; 23Aug76; AI- 16287.


Bela Bartok essays. Selected £ edited by Benjamin Suchoff. Great Britain. 567 p. O Benjamin Suchoff. successor-trustee, the Estate of Bela Bartok; 1 Nov 76; AI- 16288.

AI- 16289.

The New limerick: 2700 unpublished limericks, American and British. Edited by George Alexander Legman. France. 1 v. 6 George Alexander Legman; 5Jan77; AI-16289.


World naphtha survey, 1976. No. 15. By Parpinelli TECtiON, S.e.L. , DeWitt and Company, Inc. £ The Stakes Consulting Group. Switzerland. 2 v. Hyplan. A.G.; 22Sep76; AI- 16290.

AI- 16291.

World naphtha survey capacity tables, 1976. No. 101 £ 110. By Parpinelli TECNON. S.K.L.. DeUitt and Company, Inc. £ The Stokes Colii^ultiug Group. Switzerland. 2 v. O Hyplan, A.G.; J0Jun7b; AI-16291.


The Nature novel from Hardy to Lawrence. By John Alcorn. England. 139 p. c John Alcorn; 13Jan77; AI-lb292.

AI- 16 29 3.

In vitro metabolic activation lu mutagenesis testing; proceedings of the Symposium on the Bole ot Metabolic Activatj-on in Producing Mutagenic and Carcinogenic Environmental Chemicals, Besearch Triangle Park, NC. Feb. 9-11, 1976. Editor: Frederick J. Ue Serres £ other editors. The Netherlands. 363 p. C Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press; I5Dec76; AX- 16293.


National planning for informatics in developing countries; proceedings of the IBI international symposium, 2-6 Nov. 1975. Edited by G. Bussell Pipe £ 4. A. M. Veenhuis. The Netherlands. 531 p. Proceedings of the Conference on National Planning for Informatics in Developing Countries. O IBI (InteC9avernmental Bureau for Informatics) ; 21Sep76; AI-16294.


Critical perspectives on the Decameron. Edited by Bobert S. Dombroski. Great Britain. 148 p. O on introd.. tran- slations £ editorial material; Eobert S. Dombroski; 210ct76; AI-16 29 5.

AI- 16296.

The Dual vision; Alfred Schutz £ the myth of phenomenologjcal social science. By Bobert A. Gorman. England. 234 p. O Eobert A. Gorman; 6Jan77; AI-16296.


As I see it; the autobiography of J. Paul Getty. Great Britain. 361 p. Appl. states all new except for prev. pub. material. O Jean Bonald Getty. Gordon Peter Getty. Title Insurance and Trust Company, executors of the Estate of J. Paul Getty (in notice: J. Paul Getty); 12JU176: 41-16297.


Pathology o£ the qastro-intestinal tract. Editor: B. C. Horson. Best Germany. 353 p. (Current topics in patholoqy, vol. 63) Appl. au: H. T. Enterline 6 a. D. Goldenberq. e Sprinqer- Verlaq: 15Dec76; &I-16298.


Pulsed hiqh beta plasmas; proceedinqs of the third topical conference held at UKAEA Culham laboratory, Abinqdon. Oxfordshire, U.K.. Sept. 9-12, 1975. Edited by D. E. Evans. Great Britain. 625 p. Suppl. to the iournal Plasma physics; papers presented at the Third Topical Conference on Hiqh Beta Plasmas. Appl. au: J. P. Freidberq, R. C. Davidson £ D. E. Bells. e Perqamon Press, Ltd. ; 8Nov76; AI-16299.


Jon Ga Kunq Fu, 1976-7. Honq Konq. 16 p. Appl. au: Dean Chin. 8 Jon Ga Kunq Fa Association, Inc. ; 3Jan77 (in notice: 197M) ; Al-16300.

AI- 16301.

Antibody structure and molecular immunoloqy. By Gerald B . Edelman. Sueden. 1 v. O Nobel Foundation; 30Jan73; AI-16301.


General economic equilibrium; purpose, analytic techniques, collective choice. By Kenneth J. Arroy. Sueden. 47 p. O Nobel Foundation; 30Jan73; AI-16302.

AI- 16303.

The Chemical structures of pancreatic ribonucjease and deoxy ribonuclease. By Stanford Boore E William H. stein. Sueden. 25 p. ifl Nobel Foundation; J0Ja[i73; AI-16303.

AI- 163011.

Fiqures in briqht air. By David Plante. Enqland. Ill p. <3 David Plante; 29Apr76; AI- 1630K.


A View with a room. By Lloyd Elston BcCune. Portuqal. (In The Anqlo- Portuquese news, Lisbon, Dec. 3, 1976, p. 1) 9 Lloyd Elston acCune; 3Dec76; AI- 16305.


CAD systems. Edited by John J. Allan, 3rd. The Netherlands. 457 p. Proceedinqs of the IFIP Borkiuq Conference on Computer-Aided Design Systems, Austin, Feb. 12-14, 1976. 6 IFIP; 4Jan77; AI-16306.


Commentaries in plant science- Edited by Harry Smith. Great Britain. 286 p. Appl. au: B. A. Fluclt & B. J. Jaffe. e Perqamon Press, Ltd.; 250ct76; AI-16307.


Bodern art and the object: a century of chanqing attitudes. By Ellen H. Johnson. Great Britain. 240 p. 9 Thames and Hudson; 40ct76; AI-16308.


The Stability of dynamical systems. By J. P. LaSalle, appendix A by Z. Artstein. Enqland. 76 p. C Society for Industrial and Applied Bathematics; 120ct76; AI-16309.


Lai. Tai«an. 173 p. O Bessie C. Lai; 3Feb77 (in notice: 1976); AI-16310.


Scientific applications of lunar laser ranging; proceedings of a symposium held in Austin, IX, U.S.A.. 8-10 June, 1976. Edited by J. Derral Bulholland, associate editors Creighton A. Burk £ Eric C. Silverberq, uith a foreuord by Neil A. Armstronq. Holland. 302 p. (Astrop- hysics and space science library, vol. 62) Appl. au: James Dorman. 9 D. Beidel Publishinq Company; 3Jan77; AI-16311.


Formal methods in the methodology of empirical sciences; proceedings of the Conference for Formal Bethods in the Methodology of Empirical Sciences, Warsaw, June 17-21, 1974. Edited by Barian Przelecki, Klemens Szaniauski £ Byszard Uojcicki, associated editor; Grzegorz aalinonski. Holland. 457 p. (Synthese library, vol. 103) Appl. au: Veikko Bantala 6 Bobert L. Causey. D. Eeidcl Publishing company; 3Feb77 (in notice: 1976); AI-16312.


Sensory Functions of the Skin in Primates; with special reference to man. Edited by ynqve Zotterman. Great Britain. 607 p. (Henner-Gren Center international symposium series, vol. 27) Proceedinqs of the International symposium on Sensory Functions of the Skin in Primates held at the Henner-Gren Center, Stockholm, Jan. 13-15, 1976. Appl. au: I. Benzinger, D. Kenshalo 6 J. Liebeskind. 8 Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 250ct76; AI-16313.


Consensus on menopause research: a summary of international opinion. Edited by P. A. Van Keep, E. B. Greenhlatt £ fl. Albeaux-Fernet. England. 183 p. Proceedings of the First International Congress on the Menopause held at La Grande aotte, France, in June 1976. Appl. au: u. D. odell £ C. Longcope. 9 MTP Press, Ltd.; 30Dec76; AI-16314.


Ohta's creative oriental brush painting: fundamental techniques. Photos, by Jim Goss, calligraphy by the author. Japan. 148 p. Prev. pub. 13Feb72. »H: abridgment £ additions. 9 Hisashi Ohta; 10Sep75; AI-16315.


The Symbol of the soul from Hoelderlin to Yeats: a study in metonymy. By Suzanne Nalbantian. Enqland. 151 p. 9 Suzanne Nalbantian; 27Jan77; AI-16316.


Food: the qift of Osiris. Vol. 2. By William J. Darby, Paul Ghalioungui £ Louis Grivetti. Great Britain. p. 453-877. Academic Press, Inc. (London) Ltd.; 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976); AI-16317.


Food: the gift of Osiris. Vol. 1. By Hilliam J. Darby, Paul Ghalioungui £ Louis Grivetti. Great Britain. 452 p. 9 Academic Press, Inc. (London) Ltd.; 1Feb77; AI-16318.

AI-163 19.

Progress in optics. Vol. 14. Edited by E. Holf. The Netherlands. 422 p. e North Holland Publishing company; 27Dec76; AI-16319.


Polyvinylidene chloride. By Bitchie A. Wessling. Great Britain. 199 p. 9 Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc.; lFeb77; AI-16320.


Bathematics for financial analysis. By Hichael Gartenberg 6 Barry Shan. Great Britain. 2 10 p. 6 Michael Gartenberg £ Barry Sha«; 22Nov76; AI-16321.


Beam-foil spectroscopy. Edited by Stanley Bashkin. Best Germany. 318 p. (Topics in current physics, vol. 1) Appl. au: Donal Burns. 8 Springer- Verlag; 12NOV76; AI-16322.


Intracranial pressure, 3. Edited by Johannes a. F. Beks, D. Andries Bosch £ Mario Brock. Best Germany. 352 p. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Intracranial Pressure, held at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. June 1-3, 1976. Appl. au; D. p. Becker £ D. A. Bruce. 9 Springer- verlag; 29Nov76; AI-16323.

AI- 16324.

Metabolic interconversion of enzymes, 1975. Edited by Shmuel Shaltiel. Best Germany. 234 p. (Proceedings in life sciences) Fourth International Symposium held in Arad (Israel) Apr. 27th-May 2nd. 1975. Appl. au: Donald J. Graves £ Edmond Fischer. 9 S pringer- Verlag ; 22Nov76: AI- 16324.


Eecent advances in rheumatology. No. 1. pt. 1-2. Edited by Hilliam Uatson Buchanan £ Hilliam Carson Dick. Great Britain. 2 v. 9 Longman Group, Ltd. ; 24Jun76; AI-16325.

AI- 16326.

The National union catalog: pre-t956 imprints; a cumulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. Vol. 475-479. Compiled B edited nith the cooperation of the Library of Congress £ the National Union catalog Subcommittee of the Eesources Committee of the Eesources and Technical Services Division, American Library Association. United Kingdom. Appl. au: The American Library Asso- ciation. Appl. states copyright not claimed in the original National union catalog, pre- 1956 imprints, as maintained in the Library of Congress in card form or in any publication of the U.S. Govt. uithin the meaning of Title 17 U.S.C. 8. NM: new compilation, abridgment £ editorial revision of entries £ original prefatory materials. 9 The American Library Association; 22Nov76; AI- 16326.

AI- 16327.

The National union catalog: pre-1956 imprints; a cumulative author list representing Library of Conqress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. Vol. 480-484. Compiled £ edited uith the cooperation of the Library of Congress £ the National Union Catalog Subcommittee of the Eesources Committee of the Eesources and Technical Services Division, American Library Association. United Kingdom. Appl. au: The American Library Asso- ciation. Appl. states copyright not claimed in the original National union catalog, pre-1956 imprints, as maintained in the Library of Congress in card form or in any publication of the U.S. Govt, uithin the meaning of Title 17 U.S.C. 8. NM: new compilation, abridgment £ editorial revision of entries £ original prefatory materials. 6 The American Library Association; 16Dec76; AI- 16327.

AI- 16328.

The Alamo remembered (2) By Ken Sutak. Belgium. (In Soundtrack collector's nenslettei:, Oct. 1976, p. 3, etc.) S Ken sutak; 5NOV76; AI-16328.


Willy, the bat and how he won his wings. By DeUayne Carroii, pseud, of DeUayne Carroll Davis. Brazil. 50 p. DeUayne Carroll Davis (DeHayoe Carroll): lDec7£: AI- 16329.

AI- 16330.

The Art of the real: poetry in England and America since 1939. By Eric UoiBberger. England. 246 p. 6 Eric Homberger; 3Feb77; AI-16330.

AI- 16331.

Gamaa-ray astronomy: nuclear transition region. By E. L. Chupp. Holland. 317 p. e D. Beidel Publishing Coapanyi 100ec76: AI-16331.


The Oraaa of U. fi. Yeats: Irish nyth and the Japanese no. By Richard Taylor. England. 2il7 p. Appl. states all new except p. 46-52, Ikuta atswnori £ p. 121-127, yoro. e Yale University; 15Sep76; AI-16332.

AI- 16333.

Platouica: the anecdotes concerning the life and writings of Plato. By Alice Swift Biqinos. Holland. 2il8 p. e Trustees of Colunbia University in the City of New York; 230ec76; AI- 16333.


The Construction of sadness; energiog conceptions S interventions into the psychotic process. Edited by Peter A. nagaro. Great Britain. 221 p. O ferqaaon Press. Ltd. £ Peter A. nagaro; llOct76; AI-16334.


United States olyapic book, 1976. Editor-in-chief: C. Robert Paul, Jr. £ other editors, art director: Willy Fleckhaus, photographers: Edwin Fieger, Albrecht Gaebele £ Bainer nartini. Vest Geraany. 327 p. Appl. au: United States Olyapic Cooaittee 6 Olyapiscbe Sport Bibliothek. United States Olyapic Comaittee; lDec76; AI- 16335.


The Economics of the arts. Edited by Mark Blauq. England. 272 p. MM: coapilation C new text. Hark Blaug: 31Dec76; AI-16336.


Allegory and the aigcation of symbols. By Budolf Hittkowec. England. 223 p. C Hargot uittkower; 280ct76 (in notice: 1977); AI-16337.


The "New corporatisa" , centralization, and the welfare state. By Harold L. Hilensky. England. 73 p. O Sage Publications, Ltd.; 100ec76; AI-16338.


Social change, political change, and public policy: Norway and Sweden, 1875-1965. By David Klinqaan. England. 54 p. O Sage Publications, Inc. ; 10Dec76; AI-16339.


The National union catalog: pre-1956 iaprints; a cumulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. Vol. 395-399. Coapiled £ edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress £ the National Onion Catalog Subcommittee of the Besources Committee of the Besources and Technical Services Division, American Library Association. United Kingdoa. Appi. au: The American Library Asso- ciation, Appl. states copyright not claimed in the original National union catalog, pre-1956 iaprints, as maintained in the Library of Congress in card form or in any publication of the U.S. Govt. within the meaning of Title 17 U.S.C. 8. NH: new compilation, abridgment £ editorial revision of entries £ original prefatory materials. 6 The American Library Association; 15Jul75; AI-16340.


structure and bonding. Vol. 30: Bare earths. Editor: J. D. Ounitz £ other editors. West Germany. 197 p. Appl. au: G. K. Nertheim. 6 Springer- Verlag ; 15NOV76; 41-16341.


A History of China. By Nolfram Eberhard. Oth ed. , rev. Great Britain. 388 p. First pub. in Switzerland, 1948, as chinas Geschichte. e Wolfram Eberhard; 20NOV76 (in notice: 1977); AI-16342.


Shakespeare's use of dream and vision. By John Arthos. England. 207 p. O John Arthos; lFeb77; AI-16343.


Economic progress, private values and public policy: essays in honor of William Fellner. Edited by Bela Baiassa £ Eichard a. Nelson. The Netherlands. 339 p. North-Holland Publishing company; t1Jan77; AI-16344.


The Picaresque. By Harry Sleber. Great Britain. 85 p. (The Critical idiom. 3JJ O Harry Sleber; IJJan77; AI- 16345.


Geiiqiou and respectability: Sunday schools and workinq class culture, 1780-1850. By Thomas baiter Lagueur. England. 293 p. O lale University; 15Dec76; AI- 16346.


Letters of Jaaes Taylor, Junior. Vol. 1. Editor: Jaaes Taylor, 3rd. United Kingdom. 364 p. C James Taylor, 3rd; 24Dec76; AI-16347.


Fiesta San Antonio. By Janet Dailey. England. 188 p. e Janet Dailey; 5Jan77: AI-16348.


Transylvania and the history of the fiumanians. By Eugene Horvath. Argentina. 82 p. Q Oanubiao Press, Inc.; 2Feb77 (in notice: 1976); AI-16349.


Through the gate of tears; being the true neaioirs. hitherto unpub., of Francis Hontagu, esg. late of Suffolk E Oxford. Edited by Stephen Ely Tabachnick. Israel. 280 p. C Stephen Ely Tabachnick; 15NOV76; AI-16350.


Aldehydes — photometric analysis. Vol. 4. By Eugene Sawicki £ Carole B. Sawicki. Great Britain. 285 p. Academic Press, Inc. Condon) Ltd.; 6Dec76; AI-16351.


The Analysis of rocket propellants. By Hugh E. Halone. Great Britain. 148 p. <} Academic Press, Inc. (London) Ltd.; 6Dec76; AI-16352.


Tree rings and climate. By U. C. Fritts. Great Britain. 567 p.

AI- 16354.

Experimental embr yogenesis in vascular plants. By V. Baghavan. Great Britain. 603 p. C Academic Press, Inc. (London) Ltd.; 6Dec76; Al-16354.

AI- 16355.

Computer science and mult iple- valued logic theory and applications. Edited by David C. Bine. The Netherlands. 548 p. a North-Holland Publishing Company: 2Feb77; 41-16355.

AI- 16356.

Clinical pharmacy and clinical pharmacology; proceedings of an inter- national symposium held in Boston, HA, U.S.A., Sept. 17-19, 19T5. Editors: William A. Gouveia, Gianni Tognoni £ Eppo Van Der Kleijn. The Netherlands. 463 p. C Elsevier/North-Hoiiand Biomedical Press; 21Dec76; AI-16356.


HPILC: High performance, thin-layer chromatography. Editors: A. Zlatkis £ a. E. Kaiser. Hest Germany. 240 p. Institute of Chromatography; 10Jan77; AI-16357.


A History of the churches in the United states and Canada. By Bobert T. Hanuy. England. 471 p. O Oxford University Press; 27Jan77 (in notice: 1'J76); AI-1l.35a.

AI- 16359.

Introduction to modular torms. By Serge Lang. West Germany. 261 p. (Grundlehren der mdtheihd tischeu Wisseuschaf ten. Bd. 222) <3 Springer-Veilag; 10Dec76; AI-16359.

AI- 16360.

Biological insect pest suppression. By Hairy Charles Coppel £ James W. Hertins. West Geraany. 314 p. (Advanced series in dgiicultural sciences, vol. 4) O Springer-Verlag; 1Jan77; Al-16360.


Grundlagen Koovexer Optiaierung. By Soger J.-B. Wets. West Germany. 146 p. (Lecture notes in economics and mat- hematical systems, vol. 137) C Springer- Verlag; 15Dec76; AI-16361.

il- 16362.

Nilpotent lie gioups: structure and applications to analysis. By Boe William Goodman. West Germany. 209 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 562) Springer-Verlag; 15Dec76; 41-16362.

AI- 16363.

On construction and identification of graphs. By Boris Weisfeiler. West Germany. 237 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 558) e Springer-Verlag; 15Dec76: AI-16363.


Categories of algebraic systems; vector £ projective spaces, semigroups, rings £ lattices. By Mario Petrich. West Germany. 2 17 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 553j O Springer-Verlag; 15Dec76; 41-16364.


Vectors and tensors for engineers and scientists. by Fred 4. Hinchey. India. 298 p. O Wiley Eastern. Ltd., Publishers; 8Dec76; 41-16365.


Cost-benerit analysis: a case study of the Batnagiri fisheries project. By S. N. Hishra fi John Beyer. India. 171 p. e Institute of Economic Gronth; 1SJul76; A1-16366.


Nineteenth century ornamented typefaces. By Nicolete Gray, uith a chapter on ornamented types in America by Ray Nash. United Kinqdom. 238 p. Prev. put. as 19th century ornamented types and title paqes, 1938. e on chap. 9; Bay Mash; 30HOV76; AI-16367.


optical and electrical properties. Edited by Peter A. Lee. Holland. '46'4 p. Appl. au; Richard Zallen £ Daniel r. Blossey. e D. Reidel Publishing Company; 2aDec76; AI-16368.

AI- 16369.

Proceedinqs of the Fifth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics, June 2e-July 2, 1976, luente University, Enschede. Edited by Adriaan Isak Van De Vooren 6 P. J. Zandbergen. West Germany. 1(59 p. (lecture cotes in physics, vol. 59) Appl. au: Steven A. orszaq S 0. B. Eurqgraf . Sprinqer- Verlaq; 29Sov76; AI-16369.


Laser monitoring of the atmosphere. Edited by Everett David Hinkley. Best Germany. 380 p. (Topics in applied physics, vol. IH) Appl. au: Ronald T. H. Collis. 9 Sprinqer-Verlaq; 10Dec76; AI-15370.


Lanquaqe hierarchies and interfaces; International Summer school. Edited by Friedrich Ludniq Bauer 6 Klaus Sanelson. Uest Germany. 428 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 16) Appl. au: Per Brinch-Hansen £ B. A. uulf. O Sprinqer- Verlaq; 15Dec76; AI-16371.

AI- 16372.

Psycholinquistics series. No. 1: developmental and pathological. By Eve V. Clark, David Bloor, Joanna Ryan £ John C. narshall. edited by John Horton E John C Marshall. Great Britain. 160 p- C Paul Elek (Scientific Books) Ltd.; 10Feb77; AI-16372.


Lectures on solid state physics. By Georq Busch £ Horst Schade, translated by Ferdinand Cap, translation editor: D. Ter Haar. Great Britain. 538 p. Translation of Vorlesungen ueber Festkoerperphysik. NH: translation. Q Pergamon Press, Ltd. ; 8HOV76; AI-16373.

AI- '163711.

Protides of the biological fluids; proceedinqs of the twenty- fourth colloquium, Bruqqe, 1976. Edited by H. Peeters. Great Britain. 836 p. Papers from 24th Colloquium on Protides of the Bioloqical Fluids. Appl. au: J. C. Daniel, Jr., B. 8. Berne £ R. H. Persellin- © Perqamon Press, Ltd. ; 20Dec76; AI- 16374.

AI- 16375.

The Hidden manna. By Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet. India. 385 p. e Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet; 26Nov76; AI- 16375.


Norkinq class radicalism in mid- Victorian England. By Tryqve B. Tholfsen. Enqland. 332 p. 6 Irygve H. Tholfsen: 30Dec76; AI- 16376.


Analytical biochemistry of insects. Edited by Ralph B. Turner. The Net- herlands. 315 p. e Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company; 8Feb77; AI-16377.


Radiationless processes in molecules and condensed phases. Edited by Frances K. Fong. Best Germany. 360 p. (Topics in applied physics, vol. 15) 6 Springer— Verlag; 261Jov76; Al-16378.


Saints of Carmel: a compilation of various dictionaries. Under the direction of Louis Saqqi £ uith special colla- boration of Valentine 13acca, translated from the Italian by Gabriel N. Pausback (Nicholas Albert Pausback) Portugal. 356 p. Prev. pub. 1972. Nil: translation, additions £ revisions. O Gabriel N. Pausback; 2Jan77 (in notice: 1975); 41-16379.


Nonlinear control systems; some practical methods. By Kuang-uei Ban. Taiwan. 294 p. Shu-park Chan d.b.a. Academic Cultural Company: 1Feb77; 41-16380.


Argyll — the first floating production platform: a critical study. Great Britain. 10 p. Appl. au: Harry S. Bluston (H. S. Bluston) The Enerqy Consultancy £ H. S. Bluston; 19Feb77; 41-16381.


Lymphocytes, macrophages and cancer. Edited by Georges flathe, Irene Florentin £ Harie-Christine Simmler. Best Germany. 160 p. (Recent results in cancer research, 56) Proceedings of the EOBTC-SymposiuB held in Paris on June 26-27, 1975. 4ppl. au: R. R. Joseph £ H. M. B. Kay. e Springer-Verlaq; 24Nov76; 41-16382.


Lasers and their applications. Edited by 4. Sona. Great Britain. 629 p. 4ppl. au: A. E. Siegman £ H. Kressel. 6 Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Ltd.; 140ct76; 41-16383.


Breast cancec: a multidiscipliaary approach. Edited by Guy Saint-Arneault, Pierre Band £ Lucien Israel. Best Germany. 195 p. (Recent results in cancer research, vol. 57) Proceedings of the National Conference on Breast Cancer, held in Hontreal, Canada, Oct. 31-Nov. 1, 1975. Appl. au: D. E. 4nderson £ P. P. Garbone. 9 Springer-Verlag; 14Dec76; 41-16384.


Ordinary and partial differential equations. Edited by Billiam Norrie Everitt £ Brian D. Sleeman, Best Germany. 551 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 564) Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, University of Dundee, Scotland, Bar. 30-4pr. 2, 1976. 4ppl. au: H. E. Benzinger £ C. Conley. e Springer-Verlag; 29Dec76; AI-16385.


Current topics in microbiology and immunology. Vol. 75. Edited by B. Arber £ other editors. Best Germany. 202 p. Appl. au: S. C. Eansal £ B. R. Bansal. e Springer-Verlaq; 22Dec76; 41-16386.


Mobile intensive care units: advanced emergency care delivery systems. Edited by Rudolf Frey £ other editors. Best Germany. 271 p. (Anaesthesiology and resuscitation, 95) (Anaesthesiologie und Biederbelebunq, Bd. 95) English £ German. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mobile Intensive Care Units ana Advanced Emergency Care Dnits, Mainz, Best Germany, Sept. 24-27, 1973. Appl. au: R. F. Aldrich £ D. Allan. e Springer-Verlag; 22Dec76; AI-16387.


Basic mechanisms of solar activity. Edited by Vaclav Bumba £ Josip Kleczek. Holland. 481 p. (International Astronomical Union, symposium no. 71) Appl. au: E. N. Parker £ Robert Howard. @ The International Astronomical Union; 14Dec76; AI-16388.

AI- 16389.

The Hiddle Platonists: a study of Platonism, 80 B.C. to A. D. 220. By John Dillon. Great Britain. 427 p. e John Dillon; 27Jan77; 41-16389.


Buddha Haitrya-Amitabha has appeared. By Jaushed K. Fozdar. India. 591 p. NM: text e compilation of quotations. e Jamshed K. Fozdar; 3Jan77 (in notice; 1976): 41-16390.

AI- 16391.

From Galbraith to economic freedom. Occasional paper 49- By Hilton Friedman. Great Britain. 64 p. 6 The Institute of Economic Affairs; 15Jan77; 41-16391.


Mabel: a story and other prose. By Robert Creeley. England. 169 p. Prev. pub. as Isabel, a story. NM; additions, e Robert Creeley; 30sep76; AI- 16392.

AI- 16393.

Interflora membership list, 1977. Switzerland. 418 p. Add. ti; Interflora 1977 membership list. English; with portions in German, French £ other languages. O Interflora, Inc.; 20Dec76; il- 16393.

AI- 16394.

The Sea around me, the hills above. By Rod HcKueo, drawings by Hy Fujita. England. 152 p. Portions prev. pub. in Listen to the warm £ others. NM; additional text £ drawings. 6 Bod McKuen; 20Sep76; AI-16394.

41-1639 5.

United States Navy aircraft since 1911. By F. Gordon Swanborough £ Peter M. Bowers. 2nd ed. Great Britain. 545 p. Add. ti: United States aircraft since 1911. e F. G- Swanborough £ P. B. Bowers; 5Dec76; AI-16395.


Physics in Industry; proceedings of the international conference iield in Dublin, March 9-13, 1976. Edited by E. O'Mongain £ C. P. O'Toole. Great Britain. 595 p. Appl. au: L. a. Branscomb, B. Aden fi A. G. Chynoweth. e Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 11NOV76; AI- 16396.


Scliizophrenia today. Edited by D. Kemali, G. Bartholini £ D. Bichter. Great Britain. 282 p. 4ppl. au: S. Arieti, I. Bieber E E. B. Brody. 8 Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 22NOV76; 41-16397.


Non-comcutative harmonic analysis; actes du Colloque d' Analyse Harmonigue Non Commutative, Marseille-Luminy, 1 au 5 juiilet 1974. Edited by Jacques Carmona, Jacques Dixmier £ Hicheie Vergne. Best Germany. 231 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 466J English £ French. Appl. au: Robert J. Blattner £ Jonathan Brezin. S Springer-Verlag; 28Jul75; AI-16398. AI-16399.

Mathenatical fouDdations o£ cooputec scieace 1975; nth syaposius^ Harianske* Lazne, Sept. 1-5. 1975. Edited by Jiti Becvar. Meat Gernaoy. ^76 p. (Lecture notes Id computer scieoce, vol. 32) ^tth Syaposium on Hatheaatical Foundations of Computer Science, held in Hacianske Lazne, Czechoslovakia. Appl. au: Hichael A. Harrison & Zvi Galil. O Springer- Verlag ; 6Auq75; AI-16399.


Variable structure systems with application to economics and biology: proceedings of the 2nd US-Italy Seminar on Variable Structure Systems, Bay 1974. Edited by A. Buberti £ B. B. aohler. Uest Germany. 321 p. (Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, vol. Ill) Appl. au: A. V. Balakrishnan & Soger U. Brocitett. 6 Springer-Verlag : 31Jul75; AI-16400.

AI- 16401.

Fourier integral operators and partial differential equations: collogue international, Oniversite de Nice, 1974. Edited by Jacques Chazarain. Uest Germany. 372 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 4S9) Proceedings of a conference entitled OperateuLs Integrauz de Fourier: French S English. Appl. au: V. U. Guillemiu C A. Ueinstein. (3 Springer-Verlag; 28Jul75; Al-16401.


Guam telephone directory, January 1, 1977. Hong Kong. O Guam Telephone Authority; 1Jan77; AI- 16402.


Nemesis at Potsdam: the Acq lo- Americans and the expulsion of the Germans, background, execution, consequences. By Alfred naurice Oe Zayas, foreword by Bobert nurphy. England. 268 p. C Alfred ». De Zayas; 13Jan77: AI-16403.

AI- 16404.

Informus: handy guide to vital information and services for Hetropolitan Los Angeles. Prepared by the English Communications Institute. Japan. 117 p. Appl. au: John V. Hoen. Engli Communications Institute (in notice: ECI) : 14Feb77 (in notice: 1976); AI- 16404.


Uolf. Icilll the Hilderness called Sbunka. By Harika Lumi. Canada. 175 p. O Van Nostrand Beinhold, Ltd.: 26Nov76; AI-16405.

il- 16406.

Information systems for patient care. Edited by J. Van Egmond, P. P. Oe Vries Bobbe C A. H. Levy. The Netherlands. 479 p. Proceedings of the IFIP IC-4 Uorking Conference on Information Systems for Patient Care: Beview, Analysis and Evaluation. Amsterdam, 27-31 Oct. 1976. O IFIP a.a.d.o. International Federation for Information Processing; 150ec76; iI-16406.


The Cell surface in animal embryogenesis and development. Edited by George Poste & Garth L. Nicolson. The Netherlands. 766 p. (Cell surface reviews, vol. 1) Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press; 28Dec76; AI- 16407.


Climates of the Soviet Onion. By Paul E. Lydolph. The Netherlands. 443 p. (Rorld survey of climatology, vol. 7) Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company; 1Feb77: AI-16408.


An Annotated checklist of Osleriana. By Earl F. Nation, Charles G. Boland & John P. HcGovern. England. 289 p. C The Kent State University Press; 2aar77; Al-16409.


Tome seven. By Uilliam Perry Gray 2nd. Greece. 143 p. O Hilliam Perry Gray 2nd; 150ct76; AI-16410.


Algebraic K-Theory: proceedings of the conference held at Northwestern Uni- versity. Evanston. January 12-16, 1976. Edited by flicbaei B. Stein. Uest Germany. 409 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics. vol. 551) Appl. au: floqar Alperin. Sprinqei^Verlag: 2«Nav76: AI-16411.


Approximation Theory: proceedings of an international colloquium held at Bonn, Germany, June 8-11, 1976. Edited by Bobert Schaback £ Karl Scherer. Nest Germany. 466 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 556) German & English. Appl. au: Carl De Boor C Joseph D. Uard. O Springer-Verlag; 29Nov76; AI-16412.


Fossil algae: recent results and developments. Edited by Erik Fluegei. Nest Germany. 375 p. Lectures presented at the First International Symposium on Fossil Algae held at the University of Erlangen. Nuernberg. Oct. 1975. Appl. au: E. S. Barghoorn £ St. Galubic. O Sprlnger-Werlag; 7reb77; AI-16413.

AI-164 14.

laCoraatics and medicine: an advanced course. Edited by P. L. ueichertz £ Gerhard Goos. Nest Germany. 712 p. (Hedizinische Informatik und Statistlk, Bd. 3) English £ German. Appl. au: G- S. Lodwick £ C. Vaiibona. O Springer-Verlag; 2SJan77; AI-164 14.

AI-164 15.

Differential geometrical methods in mathematical physics; proceedings of the symposium held at the University of Bonn. July 1-4, 1975. Edited by Konrad Bleulet fi Axel Beetz. Nest Germany. 576 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 570) Appl. au: J. Blatter £ a. E. Mayer. Springer-Verlag; 31Jan77; AI-16415.


Proceedings of the 9th Symposium on Fusion Tectinology, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, June 14-18, 1976. Great Britain. 925 p. Appl. au: J. S. Uatson, J. Powell £ 8. Finis. European Coal and Steel community, European Economic community fi European Atomic Energy Community a.a.d.o. ECSC, EEC 6 EAEC; 20Dec76; AI-16416.


The English communicatioDS Institute: new language series. Book 2: inter- mediate. By John Vincent aoen, prepared by the English Communications Institute. Japan. 10 2 p. Japanese £ English. The English Communications Institute (in notice: ECI) ; 14Feb77 (in notice: 1976); AI-16417.

AI-164 18.

The English Communications Institute: new language series. Book 3: advanced. By John Vincent Hoen , prepared by the English communications Institute. Japan. 143 p. The English Communications Institute (in notice: ECI) ; 14Feb77 (in notice: 1976); AI-16418.


The English Communications Institute: Dew language series. Book 1: basic. By John Vincent noen, prepared by the English Communications Institute. Japan. 171 p. Japanese £ English. Q The English Communications Institute (in notice: ECI); l4Feb77 (in notice: 1976); AI-16419.

AI- 16420.

fluorescence and phosphorescence spectroscopy: physicocbemical principles and practice- By Stephen Gregory Schulman. Great Britain. 288 p. £ S. G. Schuiman; 25feb77; AI-16420.

AI- 16421.

Parliament, policy and politics in the reign of Nilliam 3rd. By Henry Horwitz. United Kingdom. 385 p. C Manchester University Press; 6Jan77; AI- 16421.

AI- 16422.

The fiace. By Kaare Holt, translated from the Norwegian by Joan Tate. England. 255 p. Appl. au: Hichael Joseph. Ltd. £ Dell Publishing company. Inc., employers for hire. Prev. pub. in Norwegian under the title Kapploepet. O on translation; Michael Joseph, Ltd. £ Dell Publishing Company, Inc.; 13Sep76; AI- 16422.


Amerasians: past, present, and you. Cy Narren Allen Stewart £ Susan Jo Brady. Korea. 1 V. NM: quotes from advertising brochures. Narren Allen Stewart; 23Mat77; AI-16423.

AI- 16424.

AM multilith offset duplicators, 1250 series. Parts catalogue, AM1-40O2-0U. United Kingdom. 1 v. O Addressograph- Hultigraph Corporation; 15Dec76; AI-16424.


Jean UuLuffet. By Andreas Fcanzke. translation by Joachim Neugroschrl. Switzerland. 175 p. C on translation; Joachim Neuqroschel; 40ct76; Al-16425.

AI- 16426.

The Translation of art: essays on Chinese painting and poetry. Editor: James C. I. Natt. translators: Aileen Huang Uei £ uang Fang-yu. Hong Kong. 216 p. (Benditions. no. 6) Chinese £ English. NM: translation, additional text £ compilation. O The Chinese University of Hong Kong; 310ec76: AI- 16426.


The Developing individual in a changing world. Vol. 1-2. Edited by Klaus F. Biegcl £ John A. Meacham. Netherlands. (Studies in the social sciences, 24) Houton and Company a.a.d.o. Mouton Publishers; 50ct76 ; AI- 16427.

AI- 16428.

Radiation and life. By Eric J. Hall. Great Britain. 201 p. 6 Pergamon Press. Ltd.; 22NOV76; AI-16428.

AI- 16429.

The Hittites, people of a thousand gods. By Johannes Lehmann, translated by J. Maxwell Brownjohn. United Kingdom. 317 p. Appl. au: Nilliam Collins Sons and Company, Ltd. £ The Viking Press. Translation of Die Hethiter, Volk der tausend Goetter. NM: translation. a Nilliam Collins Sons and Company, Ltd. £ The Viking Press; 28i;ar77; AI- 16429.

AI- 16430.

Space and energy; proceedings of the 26th International Astronautical Congress, Lisbon, 21-27 Sept. 1975. Edited by L. G. Napolitano. Great Britain. 487 p. Appl. au: K. Thom. G. K. O'Neill £ B. Beichel. O Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 25Feb77; AI-16430. AI-16131.

Biochemistry of cutaneous epidermal differentiation; proceedings of the Japan-U.S- Seminar on Biochemistry of Cutaneous Epidermal Differentiation. Edited by Hakoto Seiji S I. 4. Bernstein. Japan. Sla p. Held in Sendai, Japan, June 2-U, 1976. ippl. au; Georqe F. Odland £ Joseph HcGuire. S University of Tokyo Press: 14pr77; AI-16t31.


&tlas of colposcopy. By Per Kolstad £ 4dolf Stafl. 2nd re». ed. Norvay. 152 p. © Universitets Forlaqet; 154pr77; 41-161(32.


Junipero Serra in his native isle, 1713-1749. Text: Annie Francis Hoore BoHden, photos.: Stefan Laszlo, drawings: Xam. Spain. 170 p. English £ Spanish. @ 4nnie Francis tloore Bouden (Dina) (in notice: Dina Hoore Bouden) ; 30Dec76: 41-161133.


Physical work and effort; proceedings of the first international symposium held at the Henner-Gren Center, Stockholm, December 2-1, 1975. Edited by Gunnar Borg. Great Britain. 139 p. (Benner- Gren Center international symposium series, vol. 28) Appl. au: B. S. Cain, S. a. Horvath £ H. C. Knuttgen. S Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 23Feb77; 41-16131.


Hello: Robert Creeley. New Zealand. 1 V. Add. ti: Hell'; poems: Robert Creeley. O fiohert creeley; 31Dec76; 41-16135.


Blueqrass king. By Janet Dailey. England. 187 p. C Janet Dailey; 6Feb77; 41-16136.


Best meets East, an encounter with Korea. Selected writings by James Bade. South Korea. 252 p. NH: revisions e editing. James Bade; 23Feb77 (in notice: 1975); AI-16137.

41-1613 6.

G = 11m c/r2: a new road to relativity. Pt 1-2. By Morris Redman Spivack. Sweden. 1 p. Add. ti: The Gravitational attraction between two bodies varies directly according to the product of their masses multiplied by the velocity of light and inversely according to the square of the distance between them- A revision of Newton's inverse-sguare law. NU: pt. 2 completely rewritten. 3 Morris Redman Spivack; 1Feb77; 41-16138.


Sheridan and the drama of Georgian England. By John Loftis. Great Britain. 171 p. e Basil Blackwell a.a.d. for Basil Blackwell and Hott Ltd.; 7Dec76; 41-16110.


Harvard studies in classical philology. Vol. 80. Great Britain. ?13 p. Appl. au: Albert Henrichs. 6 The President and Fellows of Harvard College; 9aar77; 41- 16111.


Frederick Rolfe: Baron Corvo; a biography. By Miriam J. Benkovitz. England. 332 p. S Miriam J. Benkovitz; 13Jan77: 41-16112.

41- 16113.

Cerebellar dentate nucleus: organi- zation, cytology and transmitters. By Victoria Chan-Palay. West Germany. 518 p. a Springer-Verlag; 28Feb77; AI-16113.


The Evolution of pancreatic islets; proceedings of a symposium held at Leningrad, Sept. 197 5. Edited by T. Adesanya I. Grille, L. leibson £ A. Eppie Great Britain. 377 p. Appl. au: S. J. Chan £ P. P. Foa. o Pergamon Press, ltd. 21Jan77; 41-16111.


Anthropology of southern 4frica in periodicals to 1950; an analysis and index. Compiled under the direction of Nicolaas Jacobus Van Barmelo. South 4frica. 1181 p. e Government Printer; 23Feb77; 41-16115.

of the domestic and Editors: Karl Brunner £ 411an H. Meltzer. The Netherlands. 318 p. (Carnegie-Bochester conference series on public policy, vol. 5) 9 North-Holland Publishing Company; 1Apr77; 41-16116.


Estimating the parameters of the Markov probability model from aggregate time series data. By T. C- Lee, G. G. Judge fi A. Zellner. 2nd rev. ed. The Nether- lands. 260 p. (Contributions to economic analysis, 65) e North-Holland Publishing Company; 2Mar77; AI- 16117.


Latent variables in socio-economic models. Editors: D. J. 4igner £ A. S. Goldberger. The Netherlands. 383 p. (Contributions to economic analysis, 103) O North-Holland Publishing Company; 25Feb77: AI-16118.


Unity of science. By fiobert L. Causey. Holland. 185 p. (Synthese library, vol. 109) KM: additions £ revisions. D. Reidel Publishing Company; 15Apr77; AI-16119.


Orga'nizational careers: some new perspectives. Edited by John Van Maanen. England. 199 p. id John Biley and Sons, Ltd.; 1Feb77; 41-16150.


The Notebooks of Edgar Degas: a catalogue of the thirty-eight notebooks in the Bibliotheque Natiouale and other collections. Vol. 1-2. By Theodore Reff. United Kingdom. NM: all text £ editorial apparatus. © Oxford University Press; ,10Har77 (in notice: 1976); 41-16151.


Clinical refraction and visual science. By John R. Levene. England. 316 p. e Butterworth and Company (Pui>lishers) Ltd.; 21Jan77; 41-16152.


Metal-ligand interactions in organic chemistry and biochemistry. Pt. 2. Edited by Bernard Pullman £ Natan Goldblum. Holland. 100 p- Proceedings of the 9th Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry, held in Jerusalem, Israel, Mar. 29-Apc. 2, 1976. Appl. au: HinslOH S. Caughey £ John C. Maxwell. (9 D. Beidel Publishing Company; 1Mar77; 41-16153.


Transport in plants, 3: intracellular interactions and transport processes. Edited by C. H. Stocking £ U. Beber. Best Germany. 517 p. (Encyclopedia of plant physiology, new series, vol. 3) Appl. au; E. H. Falk £ B. J. Graesser. @ Springer- Verlag: 20Dec76; 41-16151.

AI- 16155.

Methods of algorithmic language implementation. Edited by A. Ershov £ C. H. A. Koster. Best Germany. 351 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 17) Appl. au: E. Deak 6 J. Schwartz. © Springer-Verlag; 25reb77; AI-16155.

AI- 16156.

CNO isotopes in astrophysics; pro- ceedings of a special lAO session held on Aug. 30, 1976, in Grenoble, France. Edited by Jean Audouze. Holland. 195 p. (4strophysics and space science library, vol. 67) 4ppl. au: Robert P. Kraft £ James L. Nocar. © D. Eeidel Publishing Company; 74pi77; 41-16156.


Tumors of the male genital system. Edited by Ekkehard Grundmann & Binfried Vahlensieck. Best Germany. 268 p. (Becent results in cancer research, 60) Add. ti: Tumor of the male genital system. 7th international symposium of the Gesellschaft zur fiekaempfung der Krebskrankheiten Nordrhein-Bestf alen, E. v., Duesseldorf, Oct. 21/25, 1975. Appl. au: E. Johnson £ F. K. Mostofi. © Springer-Verlag; 22Har77; 41-16157.


K-theory and operator algebras; proceedings of a conference held at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, Apr. 21-25, 1975. Edited by Bernard B.. Morrel £ Isadore Manuel Singer. Best Germany. 191 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 575) Proceedings of the Conference on K-Theory and Operator 41gebras. Appl. au: Richard B. Carey & Joel D. Pincus. O Springer-Verlag; 22Bar77; AI-16158.


Reviews of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology. No. 78. Editors: B. H. 4drian fi others. Best Germany. 183 p. 4dd. ti: Beview of physiology, bioc- hemistry and pharmacology, 78. 4ppl. au: Bobert Crane. Formerly Ergebnisse der Physiologie, biologischen Chemie und experimentellen Pharmakologie. 9 Springer-Verlag; 28Feb77; 41-16159.


Microbial products. Editors: I. K. Ghose, A. Fiechter £ N. Blakebrough, managing editor: A. Fiechter. Best Germany. 185 p. (Advances in biociiemical engineering, vol. 5) Appl. au: E. F. Gomez. © Springer-Verlag; 23Feb77; 41-16160.

AI- 16161.

Coincidence degree, and nonlinear differential equations. By Robert E. Gaines & Jean L. Hawhin. Best Germany. 262 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 568) © Springer-Verlag; 28Feb77; AI- 16161.


Lumbar disc adult hystrocephalus. Edited by E. Huellenweber £ others. Best Germany. 3 38 p. (Advances in neuro- surgery, 1) Proceedings of the 27th annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesel- lschaft fuet Neurochirurgie, Berlin, Sept. 12-15, 1976. Appl. au: P. M. Black. ©Springer-Verlag; 23Feb77; 41-16162.


Climb every mountain; the story of Granny Brand- By Dorothy Clarke Wilson. England. 222 p. Add. ti: Granny Brand. O Dorothy Clarke Bilson; lBov76; AI-16163.

AI- 16161.

The Lord Mayor of death. By Marian Babson, pseud, of Buth Stenstreem. United KluqdoD. 193 p. iiilliaii Coiiias Sods and Company, Ltd.; 1itFeb77; AI- 16164.


Lanquaqe nan. Japan. Kit. English £ Japanese. Appl. an: Owiqht Speoser & Bobert Uhitinq. Daiqht Spenser £ Bobeirt Uhitinq; 1»o»76; AI-16465.


Cicatrix optima: techniques for ideal uound healinq. By Janos Zoltan, Enqlish- lanquaqe ed. edited by E. F. Shaw Uilqis, Fredecik Hansen & Bernard ncGibbon. Hunqary. 215 p. C Akademiai Kiado; 20Apr77; AI-16466.


Lanquaqe in Africa: an introductory survey. By Edgar A. Greqerseo. Great Britain. 237 p. C Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc. ; 18flar77; AI-16467.


dementi; bis life and music. By Leon Plaotinqa. United Kinqdoa. 346 p. O Oxford University Press; 24Feb77: AI-16468.


The Politics of South Africa; democracy and racial diversity. By Howard Herwin Brotz. England. 164 p. Howard Brotz; 31Har77; 41-16469.


4 Taste of terror. By Kartha Albrand, pseud, of Katrin Lamon. Enqland. 192 p. O Hodder and Stoughton; aOct76: 41-16470.


Ugly pieces of metal: a short story- By Ullliam J. Leahy, illustrated by Paul Peter Piech. England. 1 v. O Uilliam J. Leahy; 1SDec76; AI-16471.

41- 16472.

How can I help my child read? By Uarren Allen Stewart. South Korea. 39 p. uarren Allen Stewart; 10nar77; AI-16472.


Electronic engineers catalogue, 1977. United Kinqdoa. 1 v. Add. ti: Cataloque de 1* electronigue pour les ingenieurs, 1977; Der Produktlcatalog fuer Elekt- rouiker, 1977. English, French £ German. Appl. au: Arthur I. Babb £ Bobert J. Males. O United Technical Publications, Inc.; 3Har77 (in notice: 1976); AI-16473.

AI- 16474.

Dynamics of brain edema. Edited by Banna M. Pappius £ Hilliam Feindel. West Germany. 404 p. Proceedings of the third international Workshop on Dynamic Aspects of Cerebral Edema, Montreal, Canada. June 25-29. 1976. Appl. au: B. A. Fishman £ I. Klatzo. O Springer-Verlag; 30Dec76; AI- 16474.


Hodern three-hadron physics. Edited by Anthony H. Thomas. West Germany. 250 p. (Topics in current physics, vol. 2) 4ppl. au: Ronald Aaron £ Balph D. Amado. O Springer-Verlag; 2Jan77: AI-16475.

AI- 16476.

The Immune system. Edited by Fritz aelchers £ Klaus Bajewsliy. West Germany. 299 p. Proceedings of the 27. Colloquium der Gesellschaft fuer Biologische Chemie, 29. April-1. nai 1976 in Hosbach/Baden. West Germany. Appl. au: L. B. Amzel £ Y. Y. Chui. e Springer-Verlag; 29Dec76; AI-16476.


Six white horses. By Janet Dailey. England. 138 p. C Janet Oalley; 12Jan77; AI-16477.


Strands of light; inspirational poems. By Eose W. Kupperman. India. 95 p. Bose W. Kuppetman; 5Jan77; AI-16478.


Nicholas Bacon: the making of a Tudor statesman. By Bobert littler. Great Britain. 256 p. C Bobert littler; 17Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 41-16479.


Bentham. By James Steintrager. Great Britain. 133 p. O George Allen and Unwin (Publishers) Ltd.; 21Apr77; AI-16480.


The Periodic system, 1920-1923. Edited by J. Bud Hielsen. The Netherlands. 765 p. (Niels Bohr collected works, vol. 4) North-Holland Publishing Company; iaApr77; AI-16481.


Handbook of sexology. Edited by John Honey £ Herman nusaph. xhe Netherlands. 1402 p. Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press; 21Apr77; AI-16482.

AI- 16483.

Biomedical and clinical aspects of coenzyme U; proceedings of the Inter- national Symposium on Coenzyme u, held at Lake lamanaka, Japan, Sept. 16-17, 1976. Editors: Karl Folkers £ (. yamamura. The Netherlands. 315 p. O Elsevier /Nor th Holland Biomedical Press; 19Apc77; AI-16483.


Physics of magnetospheric substorms. By Syun-Ichi Akasofu. Holland. 599 p. (Astrophysics and space science library, vol. 47) O D. Beidei Publishing Company; 16Feb77; 41-16484.


Besistance in the desert: Horoccau responses to French imperialism, 1881-1912. By Boss £. Dunn, illustrated by Jeanne Dunn. England. 291 p. Parts of chap. 2 £ 4 prev. pub. in Arabs and Berbers: from tribes to nation in North Africa, p. 85-107 £ in African historiai studies, 4. no. 2 (1971) NH: rev. £ enl. version ol author's doctoral dissertation. 1968. Boss E. Dunn; 31Ilar77; 41-16485.


Novae and related stars; proceedings of au international conference held by the Institut d 'Astrophysique, Paris, France. 7-9 September, 1976. Edited by a. Friedjunq. Holland. 228 p. (Astrop- hysics and space science library, vol. 65) English £ French. Appl. au: Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin £ Warren a. Sparks. 6 D. Beidel Publishing Company; 14Har77; 41-16486.


Supernovae; the proceedings of a special lAU session on supernovae held on September 1, 1976, in Grenoble, France. Edited by David N. Schramm. Holland. 192 p. (Astrophysics and space science library, vol. 66) Add. ti: Suoernovae. Appl. au: Stirling 4. Colgate. D. Beidel Publishing Company; 16aar77; AI-16487.

AI- 16488.

Hetal-ligand interactions in organic chemistry and biochemistry; proceedings of the Ninth Jerusalem symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry held in Jerusalem, March 29th-April 2nd, 1976. Edited by Bernard Pullman £ Natan Goldblum. Holland. 396 p. (The Jerusalem symposia on quantum chemistry and biochemistry, vol. 9, pt. 1) Appl. au: Thomas J. Kistenmacher £ Luigi G. aarzelli. C D. Beidel Publishing Company; 4Har77; AI-16488.

AI- 16489.

Compilation, critical evaluation and distribution of stellar data; proceedings of the International Astronomical Union colloquium number 35, held at Strasbourg, France, 19-21 August, 1976. Edited by C. Jaschek £ G. 4. Wilkins. Holland. 316 p. (Astrophysics and space science library, vol. 64) Appl. au: a. S. Davis £ Gart Westerhout. & D. Beidel Publishing Company; 14aar77; 41-16469.


Infrared and submillimeter astronomy; proceedings of a symposium held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. U.S.A.. June 8-10. 1976. Edited by Giovanni G. Fazio. Holland. 223 p. (Astrophysics and space science library, vol. 63} Proceedings of the Symposium on Infrared and Submil- limeter Astronomy. Appl. au: Frank J. Low. O D. Beidel Publishing Company; 25Feb77; AI-16490.


Higher combinatorics; proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held in Berlin, West Germany, September 1-10, 1976. Edited by Hartin Aigner. Holland. 256 p. (NATO advanced study institutes, series c) (Hathematical and physical sciences, vol. 31) Proceedings of U.e NATO Advanced Study Institute on Combinatorics. Appl. au: George E. AnUiey^ 6 Bichard Askey. O U. Ueidel Publishing Company; 224pr7V; 41-164^1.

AI- 16492.

Thermodynamics in geology; proceedings ol the NATO Advanced Study Institute hold in oxford, England, ieptembor 17-20. 1976. Edited by Donald G. Eraser. Holland. 410 p. (NATO advanced study institutes, series c) (hathematical and physical sciences, vol. 30) Appl. au: Bobert C. Newton £ John Grower. O 0. Beidel publishing Company; 22Apr77; AI- 16492.


International journal of clinical pharmacology and biopharaacy. Vol. 15, no. 4, Apr. 1977. Editor-in-chief ; a. P. Kuemmerle £ other editors. West Germany. 200 p. Appl. au: I. H. Cho £ W. A. Bitschel. Q Urban and Schwarzenberg, Inc.; 12Apr77; AI-16493.


Bef lections on biochemistry in honour of Severo Ochoa. Editors: Arthur Kornberg £ other editors. Great Britain. 465 p. Papers presented at the International Symposium on Enzymatic Mechanisms in Biosynthesis and Cell Function, Hadrid £ Barcelona, Sept. 1975. Appl. au : F. Lipmann, £. Backer £ B. L. Horecker. e Pergamon Press, Ltd. ; 20Dec76; 41-16494.


Karma and the fallacy of reincarnation. By Jamshed K. Fozdar. Malaysia. 115 p. NM: text £ compilation of quotations, a Jamshed K. Fozdar; 11Jan77; 41-16495.

41- 16496.

Paradise lost. By Evelyn Barter (Evelyn Harter Glick) India. (In The Illustrated weekly of India, Dec. 19-25, 1976, p. 61, etc.) O Evelyn Barter; 19Dec76; AI-16496.

AI- 16497.

An American in Epernay. By Lloyd McCune. Portugal. (In The Angloportuquese Dews, Uonte Estocil, Poctugal, Mat. 11, 1977, p. 1-2) e Lloyd McCane (in notice: Lioyd HacCune) ; 11Mai:77; 41-16497.


The Lauqhing Terran. By Pecry Anthony Chapdelaine. Great Britain. 176 p. e Perry Anthony Chapdelaine; 10Feb77; AI- 16498.


Theophile Gautier and the fantastic. By Albert Breyster Smith. Spain. 149 p. Enqlish & French. 3 Bomance Monographs, Inc.; 4Apr77; 41-16499.


Hamaalian cell membranes. Vol. 1: qeneral concepts. Edited by Graham A. Jamieson & David Hason Bobinson. England. 276 p. e ButterBorth (Publishers) ltd. (in notice; Butterworth and Company (Publishers) Ltd.); 14pr76; AI-16500.


Mammalian cell membranes. Vol. 2: The Diversity of membranes. Edited by Graham 4. Jamieson & David Mason Robinson. Enqland. 364 p. e Butterworth (Pub- lishers) Ltd. (in notice: Buttemorth and Company (Publishers) Ltd.); 13Dec76; 41-16501.


Mammalian cell membranes. Vol. 3: Surface membranes of specific cell types. Edited by Graham A. Jamieson £ David Mason Bobinson. England. 276 p. O Buttemorth (Publishers) Ltd. (in notice: ButterHorth and company (Publishers) Ltd.); 160ec76; 41-16 502.

Al-16 503.

Dragons at tuiliqht feast on the clouds: poems and photographs. By Gioia Marconi Braqa £ Alleqra Braga. Italy. 1 v. O Gioia Marconi Braga £ Allegra Braga; 7Mar77; 41-16503.


South East Asia oil directory: Singapore. 1976-77 ed. Singapore. 1 v. O J. S. Metes and Company (Pte.) Ltd.; 120ct76; 41-16504.


My poem book. By James H. Miller, introd. by James Dale Miller. Trinidad. 100 p. O J. Dale Miller; 15JU176; AI-16505.


From the ps i to charm: the experiments of 1975 and 1976; Bobel lecture, December 11, 1976. By Burton Bichter. Sueden. 1 V. 8 Nobel Foundation: 9Mar77; AI-16506.


The Discovery of the J particle, a personal recollection; Nobel lecture, December 11, 1976. By Samuel C. C. Ting. Sueden. 1 v. S Nobel Foundation; 9Mar77; 41-16507.


The Boranes and their relatives; Nobel lecture, December 11. 1976. By Hilliam N. Lipscomb. Sweden. 23 p. Q Nobel Foundation; 9Mar77; AI-16508.


Australia antigen and the biology of hepatitis B; Nobel lecture, December 13, 1976. By Baruch S. Blumberq. Sueden. 1 V. e Nobel Foundation; 9Mar77; 41-16509.


Inflation and unemployment; Nobel lecture, November 29, 1976. By Milton


Nobel lecture. By Saul Bello». Sweden. 13 p. Add. ti: Nobel literary lecture. e Nobel Foundation; 12Dec76; 41-16511.


Unconventional viruses and the origin and disappearance of kuru; Nobel lecture, December 13, 1976. fly C. Carleton Gajdusek. Sweden. 1 v. e Nobel Foundation; 9Mar77; 41-16512.


Blue water, green skipper. By Stuart Uoods. Great Britain. 190 p. Stuart Hoods; 154pr77; AI-16513.


Previously unpublished prose and poetry now published for the first time in Berryman in the forties: a biographical passage/1, by John Haffenden. By John Berryman. England. (In New review, Sept. 197b, p. 7-15) e Kate Berryman; 1Sep76; 41-16514.


Polymerization of organized systems. Edited by Hans-Georg Elias. Great Britain. 230 p. (Midland macromolecular monographs, vol. 3) Appl. au: James Economy £ Boger S. Storm. @ Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc.; 17Har77; 41-16515.


The Market and the state: essays in honour of 4dam Smith. Edited by Thomas Wilson £ Andrew S. Skinner. United Kingdom. 359 p. Appl. au: Mancur Olson, B. 4. Gordon, C. P. Kindleberger, U. Arthur Lewis, James A. Buchanan £ £. A. Musgrave. O Oxford University Press; 27Jan77 (in notice; 1976) ; AI-16516.


Science fiction and Mrs. Brown. By Ursula K. LeGuin. Great Britain. (In Science fiction at large, p. 13-33) e Ursula K. LeGuin; 18Nov76; 41-16517.


Uorlds beside worlds. By Barry Harrison. Great Britain. (In Science fiction at large, p. 105-118) O Harry Harrison; 18NOV76; 41-16518.


Science fiction and change. By Alvin loffler. Great Britain. (In Science fiction at large, p. 115-118) e Alvin Toffler; 18»ov76; AI-16519.


The Embarrassments of science fiction. By Thomas M. Disch. Great Britain. (In Science fiction at large, p. 139-155) 6 Thomas M. Disch; 181lov76; 41-16520.


The Search for the marvellous. By Bobert Sheckley. Great Britain. (In Sci<snce fiction at large, p. 185-198) e Bobert Sheckley; 18Nov76; AI-16521.


Man, android and machine. By Philip K. Dick. Great Britain. (In Science fiction at large, p. 199-224) e Philip K. Dick; 18NOV76,' AI-16522.


Budolf Peierls and theoretical physics; proceedings of the symposium held in Oxford, on July 11th £ 12th, 1974, to mark the occasion of the retirement of Professor Sir Budolf £. Peierls. Edited by Ian Johnston Bhind 4itchisoo & J. E. Paton. Great Britain. 119 p. Add. ti: 4itchison and Paton: Budolf Peierls and theoretical physics. 4ppl. au: V. F. Heisskoff £ H. 4. Bethe. I. J. B. Aitchison £ J. E. Paton; 21Feb76; 41-16523.

AI- 16524.

Progress in neurobiology. Vol. 8, pt. 2. Editors: G. A. Kerkut £ J. U. Phillis. Great Britain. p. 81-182. Appl. au: C. a. Lent, e Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 21Feb77; AI-16524.


Progress in surface science; an international review journal. Vol. 8, no. 1, 1977. Editor: Sydney G. Davison. Great Britain. 58 p. Appl. au: S. Nir. O Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 21Peb77; AI-16525.


Applied and fundamental aspects of plant cell, tissue, and organ culture. Edited by Jakob Beinert £ Yashpal P. Singh Bajaj. Hest Germany. 803 p. Appl. au: C. 4. Beasley £ S. U. Hart. 6 Springer-Verlag; 2Jan77: AI-16526.


studxen zu einer Theorie der Geset- zgebung. Hrsg. von Juergen Boedig. Hest Germany. 763 p. Appl. au: John H. Killian. 6 Springer-Verlag; 20Dec76; AI- 16527.

AI- 16528.

Hater and plant life: problems and modern approaches. Edited by Otto Ludwig Lange, L. Kappen £ Ernst-Detlef Schulze. Hest Germany. 536 p. (Ecological studies, vol. 19) Appl. au: M. M. Caldwell fi £. L. Dunn. O Springer-Verlag: 28Dec76; 41-16528.


Skew distributions and the sizes of business firms. By Yuji Ijiri & Herbert 41exander Simon, collaborators: Charles P. Bonini £ Theodore A. Van Uormer. The Netherlands. 231 p. (Studies in mathematical and managerial economics, vol. 24) e North Holland Publishing Company; 10Mar77; 41-16529.

AI- 16530.

Virus infection and the cell surface. Edited by George Poste £ Garth L. Micolson. The Netherlands. 342 p. (Cell surface reviews, vol. 2j Q Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press; 20 Apr 77; AI-16530.


The Early English carols. Edited by Bichard Leighton Greene. 2nd ed., rev. & enl. Onited Kingdom. 517 p. 6 Oxford University Press; 3Mar77; AI-16531.

AI- 16532.

Physics and chemistry of the Earth- Vol. 10, pt. 1, 1977. Editors; L. B. Ahrens, Frank Press £ S. K. fiuncorn. Great Britain. 62 p. 6 Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 21Mar77; 41-16532.


Ijumerical methods in fluid dynamics. By Maurice Holt. Hest Germany. 253 p. (Springer series in computational physics) e Springer-Verlag; 18Mar77; 41-16533.


Nonlinear infrared generation. Edited by Yuen-Bon Shen. Hest Germany. 279 p. (Topics in applied physics, vol. 16) © Springer-Verlag; 11Har77; AI-16534.


A Caste in a changing world ; the Chitrapur Saraswat Brahmans, 1700-1935. By Frank F. Conlon. India. 255 p. Q Regents of the University of California; 15Mar77; AI-16535. AI-16536.

Letters o£ Jaaes Taylor, Junior. Vol. 2. Edited by Janes Taylor 3rd. United Kingdom. 347 p. C Janes Taylor 3rd; 20ipr77; AI-16536.


Homoseiuality and literature, 1890-1930. By Jeffrey Heyers. Great Britain, Canada. 183 p. e Jeffrey Meyers; aBay77; AI-16537.

AI- 16538.

Aaerican Acadeay for Jevish Besearch: proceedings. Vol. i)«, 1977. Editor: Isaac Baczilay. Israel. 1 v. Add. ti: Proceedings of the Aaerican Academy for Jeuish Sesearch. English C Hebcev. Aaerican Acadeay for Jeuish Besearch; 15llar77; AI-16538.

AI- 16539.

Enoch Powell and the PoNellites. By Douglas £. Schoen. Great Britain. 317 p. Douglas E. Schoen: 28Apr77: AI- 16539.


Population target; the political economy of population control in Latin America. By Bonnie Mass (Ellen Bonnie Hass Lockvood) Canada. 299 p. Appl. states all new text except Colombia: anchor of the Caribbean- O Ellen Bonnie Hass; 31Dec76: AI-165U0.


Bosom of the family. By Evelyn Barter. India. (In Journal of the Indian housewife. Apr. 1977, p. 41. etc.) O Evelyn Barter; 5Apr77 ; AI-16541.


The Anti-authoritarian personality. By Uilllam P. Kreml. Great Britain. 118 p. O Pargamon Press. Ltd.; 22Har77; A 1-16 542.


Reviews of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology. No. 77. Editors: Ei. H. Adrian & other editors. Uest Germany. 236 p. Appl. au: Elmer Becker e Peter A. Uacd. Formerly Ergebnisse der Physio- iogie. biologischen Chemie und expe- rimentellen Pharmakologie. O Springer- Verlag; 25Jan77; AI-16543.


Law and politics in China's foreign trade. Edited by Victor U. Li. Bong Kong. 467 p. Appl. au: Dan Fenno Benderson. Dniversity of Washington Press; 11Har77; AI-16544.

AI- 16545.

The Philosophy of Harx. By Uilliam Leon BcBride. England. 175 p. 6 Uiiliam Leon HcBride; 7Feb77; AI-16545.


The Turkish experiment in democracy. 1950-1975. By Peroz Ahmad. Great Britain. 474 p. sn: front matter. Christopher Burst; 30Har77; AI- 16546.


Aluminum alloys: structure and properties. By L. F. Bondolfo. England. 971 p. Butterworth and company (Publishers) Ltd.; 1Aug76: AI- 16547.

AI- 16548.

The American musical theatre in the 1950's. By Glenn Benjamin Litton, Jr. Italy. (In The Theatre annual. 1976, p. 5-111) Glenn Benjamin Litton, Jr.; 2511ar77; AI-16548.

AI- 16549.

The Age of uncertainty. By John Kenneth Galbraith. England. 366 p. John Kenneth Galbraith; 24Feb77; AI-16549.


Quranic studies; sources 6 methods of scriptural interpretation. By John Uansbrough. United Kingdom. 256 p. (London oriental series, vol. 31) 6 John Uansbrough; 28Apr77; AI-16S5D.


Opportunity and attainment in Australia. By Leonard Broom & F. Lancaster Jones. Australia. 154 p. O Leonard Broom £ F. Lancaster Jones; 15Dec76; AI- 16551.


Progress in water technology; a journal of the International Association on Uater Pollution Besearch. Vol. 8, no. 2/3. 1976. Executive editor: S. H. Jenkins 6 other editors. Great Britain. 450 p. Papers discussed at the second Inter- national Congress on Industrial Haste Uater and aastes, Stockholm, 1975. Appl. au: C. U. Aurich. J. A. Both i f. G. flarston. O International Association on Uater Pollution & Pergamon Press, Ltd. ; 24Jan77; AI-16552.


Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. Executive editor: Alasdair H. Brecken- ridge, 6 other editors. Great Britain. 257 p. (Pharmacology and therapeutics, pt. C, vol. 1, no. 1/2, 1976) Appl. au: A. G. Vagenakis. J. I. Nicoloff £ B. Spencer. O Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 24Jan77; AI-16553.

AI- 16554.

Korea guide; a glimpse of Korea's cultural legacy. By Edward 6. Adams. Korea. 405 p. O Edward B. Adams; 250ct76; AI-16i54.


A lank in Bomber Command. By Bobert s. Baymoud, edited by Bichael Itoynihan, pref. by Noble Frankland. United Kingdom. 159 p. on original contents of book (chap. 1-10 including Tailpiece); Bobert S. Baymond; 15Har77; Al-16555.


The Consciousness of Joyce. By Bichard Ellnann. United Kingdom. 150 p. Bichard Ellmann; 7Feb77; AI- 16556.


Hell's representation and the spectrum of the metaplectic group. By Stephen Samuel Gelbart. Uest Germany. 140 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 530) Springer-Verlag; 50ct76; AI-16557.


Measures on topological semigroups: convolution products and random walks. By Arunava Hukherjea C Hicolas A. Tserpes. Uest Germany. 197 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 547) Springer-Verlag; 150ct76; AI-16558.


The Yugoslav experiment, 1948-1974. By Oennison Businow. England. 410 p. C Boyal Institute of International Affairs; 14Jan77; AI-16559.


Optimal strategies in sports. Edited by Shaul P. Ladany £ Bobert Engel Machol. The Netherlands. 231 p. (Studies in management science and systems, vol. 5) North-Bolland Publishing Company; 21Apr77; AI-16560.


The Nationalization of culture: the development of state subsidies to the arts in Great Britain. By Janet Oppenfaeim Minihan. England. 276 p. G Janet Oppenheim Minihan; 13Jan77; AI-16561.


Blake books; annotated catalogues of Uilliam Blake's writings in illuminated printing, in conventional typography £ in manuscript and reprints thereof, reproductions of his designs, books with his engravings, catalogues, books he owned £ scholarly £ critical works about him. By G. £. Bentley, Jr. United Kingdom. 1079 p. Bev. ed. of A Blake bibliography, by G. E. Bentley, Jr. £ a. K. Nurmi. NM: revisions, expansions, £ editorial apparatus. Oxford University Press; 31Mar77; AI-16562.


The Origins, achievements and influence of the Eoyal Observatory, Greenwich: 1675-1975. Edited by Arthur Beer £ Peter Beer. Great Britain. 272 p. (Vistas in astronomy, vol. 20, pt. 1/2, 1976) Proceedings of the fourth joint Inter- national Astronomical Union/International Union of the History and Philosophy of Scienca (lAU/lOHPS) Symposium on the History of Astronomy held at the National Maritime Museum. Greenwich, England, 13-18 July 1975. Appl. au: 0. Gingerich. I. B. Cohen £ C. B. Uaff. 6 Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 7Mar77; AI- 16563.


Kreiszylinderschalen unter radialen Einzellasten: Berechnungsverf ahren und Katalog von Einf lussf laechen. By Klaus-Uolfgang Bieger. English translation by Heinz G. Juhl. Uest Germany. 108 p. Add. ti: Circular cylindrical shells subjected to concentrated radial loads: computation methods and charts of influence surfaces. English £ German. O Springer- verlag; I7Dec76; AI-16564.


The National union catalog: pre-1956 imprints; a cumulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. Vol. 485-489. Compiled £ edited with the cooperation ot the Library of Congress £ the National Union Catalog Subcommittee of the Besources Committee of the Besources and Technical Services Division, American Library Association. United Kingdom. Appl. au: The American Library Asso- ciation. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in the original National union catalog, pre- 1956 imprints, as maintained in the Library of Congress in card form or in any publication of the U.S. Govt, within the meaning of Title 17 U . S. C. 8. NM: new compilation, abridgment £ editorial revision of entries £ original prefatory materials. 6 The Aaerican Library Association; 4Feb77; AI-16565.

AI- 16566.

The National union catalog: pre-1956 imprints; a cumulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. Vol. 495-499. Compiled £ edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress 6 the National Union Catalog Subcommittee of the Besources Committee of the Besources and Technical Services Division. American Library Association. United Kingdom. Appl. au: The American Library Asso- ciation. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in the original National union catalog, pre-1956 imprints, as maintained in the Library of Congress in card form or in any publication of the U.S. Govt, within the meaning of Title 17 U.S.C. 8. NM: new compilation, abridgment fi editorial revision of entries £ original prefatory materials. O The American Library Association; 25Mar77; AI-16566.

AI-16567. The National union catalog: pre-1956 imprints; a cumulative author list representing library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. Vol. U90-it94. compiled 6 edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress 6 the national Union catalog Subcommittee of the Besources Committee of the Resources and Technical Services Division. American Library Association. United Kingdom. Appl. au: The American Library Asso- ciation. Appi. states copyright is not claimed in the original National union catalog, pre- 1956 imprints, as maintained by the Library of Congress in card form or in any publication of the U.S. Govt, iiithin the meaning of Title 17 U.S.C. 8. NM: nev compilation, abridgment £ editorial revision of entries £ original prefatory materials. e The American Library Association: 7Mar77; AI-16567.


Mathematical models in biological discovery. Edited by Daniel L. Solomon £ Charles F. Baiter. Best Germany. 210 p. (Lecture notes in biomathematics, vol. 13) Appi. au: Stuart Kaufman. 6 Springer- Verlag; 2l|Mar77; AI-16568.


combinatorie et representation du groupe symetrigue; actes de la table roude du C.N.S.S. tenue a I'Universite Louis- Pasteur de Strasbourg, 26 au 30 avril 1976. Edite par Dominique foata. West Germany. 339 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 579) French 6 English. Appl. au: Curtis Greene £ Ladnor Geissinger. C Springer- Verlag; 2«Mar77; AI-16569.


Theoretical computer science; 3rd GI Conference, Uartistadt, Bar. 28-30, 1977. Edited by Hans Tzschach, Helmut Wal- dschmidt £ Hermann K.-G. Halter. Best Germany. 118 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 18) English, German 6 French. Appl. au: J. Hartmanis. a Springer-Verlag; 21Mar77; AI-16570.


Boundary value problems for linear evolution partial differential eguations; proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held in Liege, Belgium Sept. 6-17. 1976. Edited by H. G. Garnir. Holland. 173 p. (NATO Advanced Study Institutes series, ser. C: mathematical and physical sciences, vol. 29) Appl. au: Richard Deals £ Jeffrey Sauch. 6 D. Reidel Publishing Company; 16feb77; AI-16571.


Afferent and intrinsic organization of laminated structures in the brain. Editor: 0. Creutzfeldt. iest Germany. 579 p. (Experimental brain research, supplementum 1) Records of the 7th International Neurobiology Meeting, held at the Hai Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry in Sept. 1975. Appl. au: D. H. Hubel £ S. Levay. 6 Springer-Verlag; 3Bar77 (in notice: 1976); AI- 16572.


Leg length discrepancy. The Injured knee. Edited by David S. Hungerford. Best Germany. 160 p. (Progress in orthopaedic surgery, vol. 1) Appi. au: Raymond E. Hogue £ James L. Hughes, e Springer-Verlag; 2ejan77: AI-16573.


syntactic pattern recognition, applications. Edited by King Sun Fu. Best Germany. 270 p- (Communioation and cybernetics. 11) Appl. au: John Edyard Albus £ Robert Helms Anderson. e Springer-Verlag; 25Feb77; AI-16571.


Hathematical economics and game theory; essays in honor of Oskar Morgenstern. Edited by Rudolf Henn £ Otto Hoeschlin. Best Germany. 709 p. (Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, vol. Ill) Appl. au: S. B. Becker £ S. J. Brans. O Springer-Verlag; 31Jan77; AI-16575.


U. H- Hudson; a bibliography. By John K. Payne, foreword by Alfred A. Knopf. Great Britain. 218 p. B John R. Payne; 18Feb77; AI-16576.


Membranes and cellular functions. Edited by Graham A. Jamieson £ David Mason Robinson. England. 262 p. (Mammalian cell membranes, vol. 1) 8 Buttemorth (Publishers) Ltd. (in notice: Buttemorth and company (Publishers) Ltd.); 11Feb77; AI-16577.


Responses of plasma membranes. Edited by Graham A. Jamieson £ David Mason Robinson. England. 316 p. (Mammalian cell membranes, vol. 5) 9 Buttemorth (Publishers) Ltd. (in notice: Buttemorth and Company (Publishers) Ltd.) ; 28Feb77; AI-16578.


Fundamental problems in phonetics. By John cunnison Catford. Scotland. 278 p. e J. c. Catford; 11Feb77: AI-16579.


Stepping stones to further Jewish- Christian relations. Compiled by Helga croner, foreword by Edward A. Synan. England. 157 p. e Stimulus Books; 30Apr77; AI-16580.


Stories for the grandchildren. By Phillip C. Ferguson. Meiico. 1 v. Add. ti: Cuentos para los nietos. English 6 Spanish. C Phillip C. Ferguson; 210ct76; iI-16581.


Mi tierra. By Phillip C. Ferguson. Mexico. folder. (Stories for the grandchildren.) English £ Spanish, e Phillip C. Ferguson; 210ct76; AI-16582.


Sanza mezzo. By Frank Samperi. Italy. 1 v. e Frank Samperi; 28Apr77: AI-16583.


Prism and the pine twig: an interlude. By John Taggart. Italy. 31 p. Portions prev. pub. in Aniaa £ others. NM: compilation. 6 John Taggart; 28Apr77; AI-16581.


Batching how or why. By Larry Eigner. Italy. 37 p. Portions prev. pub. in Capilano review £ others. NM: compi- lation, e Larry Eigner; 28Apr77; AI-16585.


The Half of a circle. By David Jaffin. Italy. 61 p. Portions prev. pub. in The Antigonish review £ others. NB: compilation. 6 David Jaffin; 28Apr77; AI-16586.


Pristine orthodox dharma. Translated from the Chinese by Frederick Hong 6 George D. Fung. Taiwan. 88 p. NM: translation £ annotation. 6 Buddha's Universal Church; 8Jan77; AI-16587.

AI- 16588.

An American's guide to Britain. By Robin William Binks. England. 382 p. O Robin B. Sinks; 5May77; AI-16588.

AI- 16589.

Arid land irrigation in developing countries: environmental problems and effects. Editor: Edgar Barton Bort- hington. Great Britain. 163 p. Based on the International Symposium on Arid Lands Irrigation held 16-21 Feb. 1976, in Alexandria, Egypt. Appl. au: F. L. Botes. E. A. Pearson £ P. L. Schickedanz. Q International Council of Scientific Unions; 28Mar77; AI-16589.

AI- 16590.

Big night at Mrs. Maria's; a novel. By Barney Parris, a.k.a. Barney Parrish. pseud, of George Bolk. United Kingdom. 126 p. e Barney Parris a.k.a. Barney Parrish. pseud, of George Hoik; 3 Jan77 ; AI- 1659 0.


Bosom of the family. Pt. 2. By Evelyn Barter. India. (In Journal of the Indian housewife. May 1977, p. 17, etc.) e Evelyn Barter; 1May77; AI-16591.

AI- 16592.

Action English; new Michigan method. Borkbook 1, level 2. By Harvey M. Taylor. Jane M. Van Bolt. Judith Barren fi Deborah J. Helbig. produced by the English Language Institute, The University of Michigan for Borld Times of Japan, Inc.. project director £ editor: H. Douglas Brown. Japan. 1 v. Appl. au: George E. Luther. e The University of Michigan; 1Mar77; AI-16592.

AI- 16593. ^ ^

Action English; new Michigan method. Borkbook 3. level 2. By Harvey H. Taylor, Jane M. Van Bolt. Judith Barren E Deborah J. Helbig, produced by the English Language Institute, The University of Michigan for Borld Times of Japan, Inc.. project director fi editor: H. Douglas Brown. Japan. 1 v. Appl. au: George E. Luther. e The University of Michigan; lHar77; AI-16593.


Action English; new Michigan method. Handbook 2, level 2. By Harvey M. Taylor, Susumu Nagara. Shunichi Kato, produced by the English Language Institute, The University of Michigan for Borld Times of Japan, Inc., project director £ editor: H. Douglas Brown. Japan. 388 p. Appl. au: George E. Luther. «5 The university of Michigan; lMar77; AI-16591.

AI-16 59 5.

contact lens correction. By Norman Bier £ Gerald Eugene lowther. England. 520 p. e Butterworth and Company, Publishers, Ltd.; 3Mar77; AI-16595.


Bittgenstein and scientific knowledge: a sociological perspective. By Derek I. Phillips. England. 218 p. 8 Derek L. Phillips; 19May77; AI-16596.

AI- 16597.

The Philosophy of Brentano. Edited by Linda L. McAlister. Great Britain. 262 p. SM: editor's introd. £ translation of oskar Kraus' Biographical sketch of Franz Brentano. S Linda L. McAlister; 21Apr77 (in notice: 1976); AI-16597.

AI- 16598.

After all. By James L. Beil. Italy. 1 V. NM: compilation. © James L. Beil; 2eApr77; AI-16598. AI-16599.

Suppose a aan. By Joha Levy. Italy. 1 V. saz compilation. C John Levy; 28Apr77; AI-16599.


The Kolecular biology of the oaoaalian genetic apparatus. 7ol. 1. By Paul 0. P. Is'o. The Netherlands. 444 p. e Elsevier/North-Holiand Biomedical Press; lHIay77; 41-16600.

Al- 16601.

Accountancy systems in Third Uorld economics. By Adolf J. U. Enthoven, with a foreword by Jan Tinberqen. The Uetherlands. 359 p. O North-Holland Publishing Company; 12Hay77; AI-16601.

AI- 16602.

A History of thought on economic integration. By Fritz Hachlup. England. 323 p. O fritz aachlup; J1Har77; 41-16602.


Pharmacology and therapeutics. Vol. 1, no. 3-4, pt. C. Executive editor: Alasdair H. Breckenridge. Great Britain, p. 259-509. Appl. au: G. S. Levey, 0. A. Fisher G U. H. Baker. O Pergamon Press. Ltd.: 21Peb77 (in notice: 1976); AI-16603.


Quantum Dynamics: nodels and aathe- natics- Edited by Ludwig streit. Austria. 239 p. (Acta physica Austriaca, supplementum 16) Proceedings of the symposium held at Bielefeld University, Uest Germany, Sept. 8-12, 1975. Appl. au: Kohcad Ostecwalder, Oliver A. NcBryan & Joel L. Lebowitz. O Spr inger-Verlag; 15Dec76: AI- 16604.

AI- 16605.

international economic review. Vol. 17, no. 3. Oct. 1976. Editors: Bobert A. Pollak G Ken-ichi Inada. Japan. 1 v. O yharton School of Finance and Commerce, University of Pennsylvania & the Osaka University Institute of Social and Economic Seseacch Association; 10ct76: AI- 16605.


Haydn: the years of "the creation," 1796-1800. By Howard chandler Bobbins Landon. England. 656 p. (Haydn: chronicle and works, vol. 4) e H. C. Bobbins Landon; 22Apr77; AI-16606.

AI- 16607.

Horlds, times and selves. £y Arthur N. Prior 6 Kit Fine. United Kingdom. 175 p. e Kit Fine 6 Estate of A. N. Prior; 24Har77; AI-16607.

AI- 16608.

A Little who's zoo of mild animals. By Conrad Aiken, illustrated by John Vernon Lord. England. 1 v. 6 on poems; Hary Hoover Aiken; 14Apr77; AI- 16608.


Chicago is. Selections from The Hidnight socialists: a people's soap opera, by John Krich. Foreword by Studs Terkel. Italy. 56 p. Bll: abridgment. John Krich; 3Nov76; AI-16609.


Doctor y. c. James Yen: his movement for mass education and rural reconstruction. Edited by John C. K. Kianq. Taiwan. 294 p. Mil: compilation, revisions G additions. John C. K. Kiang; 10Dec76; AI-16610.


Living in the questions. By Ralph Norman Helverson. England. 1 v. 6 Balph N. Helverson; 1Apr77; Al-16611.


Structural clay products. By aayne Ernest Brovnell. Austria. 231 p. (Applied mineralogy, vol. 9. Technische Hineralogie, 9) e Springer- Verlag; 22Dec76; AI-16612.


The National union catalog: pre- 1956 imprints; a cumulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. Vol. 500-504. Compiled G edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress G the National Union Catalog Subcommittee of the Resources Committee of the Besources and Technical Services Division, American Library Association. United Kingdom. Appl. au: The American Liorary Asso- ciation. Appl. states copyright not claimed in the original National union catalog, pre-1956 imprints, as maintained in the Library of Congress in card form or in any publication of the U.S. Govt, within the meaning of Title 17 U.S.C. 8. Nil: new compilation, abridgment G editorial revision of entries G original prefatory materials. The American Library Association; 28Apr77; AI-16613.


IBB 3509 keyboard display, models 1, 2, and 3; user's guide. Japan. 1 v. (Systems) Appl. au: IBH World Trade Americas/Far East Corporation. International Business Machines Corporation; 14Har77; AI-166t4.


3609 keyboard display, models 1, 2, and 3, maintenance intoraation. Japan. 1 v. (IBM maintenance library) Add. ti; IBM 3609 keyboard display, models 1, 2, and 3, maintenance intormatiou. Appl. au: IBM Norld Trade Americas/Far Last Corporation. O International Business flachines Corporation; lHar77; 41-16615.


36 13 desk terminal printer maintenance information. 2ud ed. Japan. 1 v. (IBH maintenance library) Add. ti: IBM 3613 desk terminal printer maintenance information. Appl. au: IBM Vorld Trade Americas/Far East Corporation. e International Business Machines Corporation; 18Apr77; 41-16616.


Man iji aspic. By Constantine Fit- zGibbon. United Kingdom. 184 p. NM: compilation, f Dreword G postscript. Constantine FitzGibbon; 30May77; AI-16617.


All the gods are dying gods. By Mary C. Smith. Colombia. 191 p. Mary C. Smith; 30aay77; 41-16618.


Pancreatic beta cell culture; pro- ceedings oi the 5th Horkshop conference Hoechst, Kitzbuehel, 5-9 Oct. 1976. Editors: Ervin Von Uasielewski G Hilliam Louis Chick. The Netherlands. 197 p. (Hork^hop conference Hoechst, vol. 5) Proceedings of the Uorkshop on Pancreatic Beta Cell Culture. Excerpta Medica; 8Jun77; 41-16619.


£( non- printable data] ring spaces and EC n on- printable data] ring spectra. By J. Peter May. Vest Germany. 268 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 577) O Springer-Verlaq; 26Apr77; 41-16620.


General and systematic pharmacology. Vol. 3, no. 1, 1977. Executive editor: J. M. Ualker. Great Britain. 168 p. (Pharmacology and therapeutics, pt. B) 4ppl. au: a. Vassalle, S. C. Hang G J. U. Hard. e Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 25Apr77; AI- 16521.


Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. Vol. 2. no. 1, 1977. Executive editor; Alasdair M. Breckenridge. Great Britain. 123 jj. (Pharmacology and therapeutics, pt. C) Appl. au: B. J. Kennedy, M. D. Okerlund G I. R. McDougall. C Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 9Hay77; AI-15622.


Elements of briquetting and agglo- meration. Edited by Henry Cashei Messman G Theodore E. Tibbetts. Canada. 104 p. NM: compilation, editorial revision G additional text. O Henry Cashei Messman G Theodore £. Tibbetts; 16aay77: AI-16623.


Immunobiology of gametes. Edited by M. Edidin G M. H. Johnson. United Kingdom. 310 p. (Clinical and experimental immunoreproduction, 4) Cambridge University Press; 3laar77; AI- 16524.

AI- 16625.

English 903; teacher's manual for book 1 G 2. By Peter Strevens G English Language Services, Inc. England. 64 p. NH: adaptation. C Macmillan Publishing Company, Inc.; Ijun77; AI- 16625.

AI- 16626.

English 903; a basic course. Book 2. By Peter Strevens G English Language Services, Inc., illustrated by Gabrielle Stoddart. England. 215 p. NM: adaptation. O Macmillan Publishing Company, Inc.; Ijun77; AI-15626.


English 903; a basic course. Book 1. By Peter Strevens G English Language Services, Inc., illustrated by Colin King. England. 171 p. NM: adaptation. O Macmillan Publishing Company, Inc.; lJun77; AI-16627.


English 903; a basic course. Norkbook 1. By Peter Strevens G English Language Services, Inc. England. 53 p. NM: adaptation. Macmillan Publishing Company, Inc.; 1Jun77; 41-16628.

AI- 16629.

English 903; a basic course. Workbook 2. By Peter Strevens G English Language Services, Inc. England. 59 p. NM: aiaptation. C Macmillan Publishing Company, Inc.; Ijun77; AI-16629.


Points 2001; a comprehensive text- book/manual of 20th century acupuncture, English ed. Compiled G written by Li Su-huai, translated by Michael David Broffman G Pei Sun-fei. Republic of China, Taiwan. 587 p. NM: translation. Q China Acupuncture and Moxibustion Supplies Company, Ltd. (in notice: China Acupuncture and Moxibustion Company, Ltd.); 20Dec76; 41-16630.


Nonlinear laser spectroscopy. By Vladilen S. Letokhov £ Veniamin Pavlovich Chebotayev. Uest Germany. 466 p. (Springer series in optical sciences, vol. 4. Editor: David L. MacAdam) O Springer- Veriag; 2eMar77; AI-16631.


Modelle fuer Bechensysteme; Uorkshop der Gesexlschaft fuer Informatik, Bonn, 3 J. 3- 1. 4. 1977. Hrsg. von Peter P. Spies. West Germany. 297 p. (Informatik- Fachberichte, Bd. 9) German G English. Appl. au; W. H. Franta 6 P. C. Patton. e Sprinqer-Terlag; 26Apr77; Al- 16632.


Diqitale Bildverarbeitunq : GI/BIG Fachtaqunq Huenchen. 28.-30. Maerz 1977. Hrsq. von Hans-Hellmut Baqel. Best Germanr. 328 p. (Informatik-rachbe- richte, Bd. 8) Add. ti: Digital image pcocessinq. Proceedings from Conference on Digitized laage Processing at Hunich. Best Germany, Har. 28-30, 1977; German £ English. Appl. aui A. Eosenfeld 6 G. lauq. Sprinqer-yerlag; 15Apr77; AI-16633.


Lady Mary Hortley Montagu: essays and poems and Simplicity, a comedy. Edited by Bobert Halsband 6 Isobel Grundy. United Kingdom. 412 p. MM: introd. . compi- lation, headnotes fi footnotes to each essay & editing throughout essays. e aobert Halsband 6 Isobel Grundy; 10Mar77: AI- 16634.

AI- 16635.

Ihe Callas legacy. By John Ardoin. Great Britain. 224 p. John Ardoin; 24Feb77; AI- 16635.