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1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec/AFO

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1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec
the United States Copyright Office
20483661977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec — AFOthe United States Copyright Office


AFO-85067. Haydn-Studien. nest Germany. 57 p. (Veroeffentlichungen des Joseph Haydn- Instituts. Bd. 4, Heft 1. Hrsg. von Georg Feder) 6 G. Henle Verlag; 17May76; AFO-85067.

AFO-86070. Chemical senses and flavor. Vol. 2, no. 1, May 1976. Editors: E. P. Koester 6 H. B. Noskowitz. Holland. 136 p. Appl. au: C. E. Eriksson, fi D. Reidel Publishing Company, employer for hire of editing. ^ D. Reidel Publishing Company; 10ct76: AFO-86070.

AFO-86071. Space science instrumentation. Vol- 2, no. 1-3, Aug. 1976. Zditor: J. G. Emming. Holland. 378 p. Special issue: proceedings of the Symposium on the Techniques of solar and cosmic x-ray Spectroscopy, held at Holmbury, England, 22 5 23 May 1975. edited by L. H. Acton £ J. L. Culhane. Appl. au: K. D. Evans, 6 D- fieidel Publishing Company, employer for hire of editing. O D. Reidel Publishing Company; 16Sep76: AFO-86071.

AFO-87438. Uncle Sam. U.S.A. Produced by a process other than those enumerated in 17 O.S.C. sec. 16. 1 p. Appl. au: Bella Antoinette Jones. O Bella Jones; 10ct76; AFO-87438.

AFO-87591. Safari cards. Nr. 25-48. Switzerland. 24 cards. Danish. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberq, Philippe Duflon G Andre Estoppey. on. Danish text; Editions Bencontre, S. A. ; 24Dec76 (in notice: 1975); AFO-87591.

AFO-88293. Biochemistry of membrane transport. Edited by Giorgio Semenza S Ernesto Carafoli. Hest Germany. €69 p. (Proceedings of life sciences, FEBS symposium, no. 42) Proceedings of the FEBS Symposium on the Biochemistry of Membrane Transport, held at the Swiss Institute of Technology, Zurich, July 18-23, 1976. Appl. au: H. Affolter 6 H. Alpes. © Springer- Verlag; 4Apr77; AFO-88293.

AFO-88294. Structure and bonding. Vol. 32. Editors: J. D. Dunitz E other editors. Hest Germany. 171 p. Appl. au: Heinrich varenkdi r^iffy. © Springer- Verlag; :-0aar77; AFO-88294.

AFO-88295. Le Temps des amours: souvenirs d'enfance. By Marcel Pagnol, postface de Bernard De Fallois. France. 329 p. e Julliard; 30Apr77; APO-88295.

AFO-88296. Sur Israel. De Friedrich Duerrenmatt, traduit de I'allemand par Salter Seidell. France- 186 p. original ti. : Zusam- menhaenge Essay ueber Israel: eine Konzeption. © on French translation; Editions Albin Michel; 4May77; AFO-88296.

AFO-88297. Ces dieuz Venus d'ailleurs: ure decouverte archeologique. By Christine Dequerlor. France. 246 p. NM: new text e illus. £ compilation. © Editions Albin Michel; 30aar77; AFO-88297.

AFO-88298. Sentiers et randonnees de la cote d'Azur- By Jean Boissieu cartes executees par Michel Pluvinage. France. 288 p. Librairie Artheme Fayard ; 11May77; AFO-88298.

AFO-88299. Le Fait du jour: les chrqnigues du matin de Badio Monte-Carlo. By Claude Maurel. France. 294 p. © Editions de la Table Eonde; 14Bay77; AFO-88299.

AFO-88300. De naissance en naissance: temoignage sur une vie anterxeure. By Denise Desjardins. France. 261 p. UM: new text £ illus. £ compilation. © Editions de la Table Ronde; iaMay77; AFO-88300.

AFO-88301. Contemplation: croissance de I'eglise. By Jean Danielou. France. 173- p. NM: text 6 compilation. © Librairie Artheme Fayard: 11May77; AFO-88301-

AFO-88302. Radio-France presente Les Dossiers de France-Inter- T. 2- Sous la direction de Michel pericard- France- 190 p. NM: new text £ compilation- © fiadio- France £ Presses de la Cite; 30May77; AFO-88302.

AFO-88303. Recherches sur la liberte humaine. De F.-B. Schelling, introd., traduction, notes £ commentaires de Marc fiichir. France. 343 p. NM: introd., translation, notes £ commentaries. Payot; 16May77: AFO-88303.

AFO-88304. Introduction critique aux theories d'organisation- By Bruno Lussato- 2- ed- , revue G augmentee- France. 228 p- © Bordas; 15Jun77; AFO-88304.

APO-88305. Le Jardin de la licorne. By Jacques Sadoul. Prance. 214 p. © Societe Nouvelle des Editions Jean-Jacques Pauvert; 30May77; AFO-88305.

AFO-88306. Le Voyage en Barbarie. By Max Guedj. France. 212 p. © Editions Albin Michel; 4May77; AFO-88306.

AFO-88307. Histoires magigues de I'histoire de APO-8B307 (con.) France. By Louis Pauvels £ Guy Breton. France. 306 p. IIH: nen text 6 cob- pilation of texts, soiie of Khich Here prev. pub. C Editions Albiu aichel; Itaay77; )iFO-88307.

IFO- 88308. La Beyanche des seiqneurs. By Vahe Katclia. France. 310 p. Librairie irtheac Payard: 1laay77: JFO-88J08.

1PO-8B309. Marietta. By Constance Heaven, traduit de I'anqlais par Anne Joba. France. 300 p. Translation of The Fires of Glenlochy. on French translation; Editions Albin Bichel; I4(lay77; AFO-88309.

AFO-88310. Hethodes ultidiBensionnclles; analyse des donnees et choir a criteres multiples. Par Jean-Louis Suiqou, pref. de Bernard Boy. 2. ed. cOBpietee. France. 286 p. (Finance et economie appliquee, vol. 56) 1st ed. pub. as Analyses des donnees et choir a criteres multiples in 1971. O Bordas: 30aay77; APO-88310.

AFO-883)1. Le Hacrane: Bateriel, Batieres et realisations. By Janine Habert 6 Jean-Pierre Habert. France. 168 p. Editions Universitaires, Jean-Pierre Delarqe: 30Hay77: AFO-88311.

AFO-88312. la Saison chaude. By Arlette Jaqu (Arlette Jaqu Le Noel) Prance. 218 p. Presses de la Cite; 30ipr77: APO-e8312.

APO-88313. Les Bille et un secrets des ieur televises et radiophoniques. By Gerard LaBbtet. prance. 213 p. O Presses de la Cite; 30Apr77: AFO-88313.

APO-8831«. La soufriere: a qui la fautc? By Bernard Loubat t Anne Pistolesi-Lafont, pref. de Haroun Tazieff. France. 217 p. HH: ne» tert 6 illus. C coBPilation of text 6 illus. C Presses de la Cite; 30Apr77: APO-88314.

APO-88315. Lacoabe: Bernard coeur de Lyon. By Christian Vella. France. 123 p. Add. ti: Bernard coeur de Lyon: Lacombe. NM: ne» tert S compilation of illus., soBe of which vere prev. pub. Calaann-Levy ; 28Apr77; AFO-88315.

APO-88316. La Chanson que nous cfaantons. By Eduardo Galeano, traduit de I'espaqnol par Beqine Hellac £ Annie Hoivan, pseud, of Annie viqhetti. France. 27 1 p. Translation of the oriqinal Spanish ed.; La Cancion de nosotros. O on French translation: Editions Albin aichel: l4Hay77: APO-88316.

APO-88317. Hadeaoiselle Pifi. fty Guy De Hau- passant, ed. presentee & annotee par Hubert Juin. Prance. 216 p. BB: pref. t notes. Editions GalliBard; 1<IBay77: APO-88317.

AFO-88318. 8erbes et epices; petit dictionnaire de sorcellerie culinaire. By Clotilde Boisvert pseud, de Clotilde Bassot, 6 Annie Hubert. France. 207 p. US: neii tert f. compilation of texts 6 illus. e Editions Albin Michel: iinay77; AFO-88318.

AFO-88319. Jacques Chirac: le 12e maire. By aobert aadlar, avec la collaboration de Dominique Prehu. France. 168 p. HB: ne* text 8 coBpilation of texts. O Presses De La Cite; 30Apr77; AFO-88319.

APO-88320. Vivre leune et lonqtcaps. By Aiae Benqui. France. 217 p. Hfl: new text £ compilation of texts £ illus. O Presses De La Cite; 30Apr77; AFO-88320.

AFO-88321. Penelope etait da voyaqe; autour du Bonde filant la toile. By Annie van De Wiele. France. 339 p. Appl. au: Louis yan De Biele- NB: revisions £ additions. Librairie Arthaud; 30Bay77: APO-38321.

APO-88322. Le CoBique des idees. Par Judith Schlanqer. Prance. 163 p. C Editions GalliBard; 30Har77; APO-88322.

APO-88323. Les Guerisseurs philippins. By Bene Haquin avec, en postface, les coBBentaires du Dieudonne Benissen £ Paul Maldaque. France. 195 p. BB: new text £ coB- pilation of texts. O Editions Oniver- sitaires, Jean-Pierre Delarqe; 5Apr77; AFO-88323.

AFO-883211. La Vallee des justes. By Jean-Louis Cotte. France. 363 p. O Editions Albin Bichel; HMay77; AFO-883211.

APO-88325. Les Batieres plastiques; fabrication- -technoloqie. By Jacques Gossot. Uth ed. , rev. fi enl. France. 356 p. Bordas; 30aar77; APO-88325.

AFO-88326. Je reviens de I'inconnu. By Lyall Uatson, traduit de I'anqlais par Bobert Genin. France. 258 p. Oriqinal ti.: Gifts of unknown thinqs. on tran- slation; Editions Albin aichel; «aay77; AFO-88326.

APO-88327. Les Hommes de l"Islam; approche des mentalites. By Louis Gardet. France. 145 p. BH: new text £ compilation of texts. Librairie Hachette; 30aay77: AFO-88327.

AFO-88328. Victoria: histoire d'un aaour. De Knut Hamsun, traduit du norveqien par Inqunn Guilhdn. France. 188 p. NB: tran- slation. CalBann-Levy; 28Apr77; APO-88328.

APO-88329. La Vie quotidienne en France au teips du Front populaire, 1935-1938. By Henri Noqueres. France. 312 p. NB: new text E compilation of texts, some of which have been prev. pub. Librairie Hachette; 30Apr77; APO-88329.

AFO-88330. Aux confins de la medecine. Ey Gaston Baissette, pref. de Bernard Clavel. France. 218 p. NB: new text £ com- pilation of text fi illus. some of which have been prev. pub. O Julliard; 30Apr77; AFO-8B330.

AFO-88331. Le Temps des esperances (1894-1932) By Francois Gibault. France. 334 p. (Celine, 1. ptie.) HB: new text £ new illus. £ coBpilation of texts some of which have been prev. pub. Hercure de Prance; 22Apr77; AFO-88331.

APO-88332. L'Uomme qui court: I'aventure du qrand reporter. By Yves Courricre. France. 263 p. MB: new text, new illus. £ compilation of illus. some of which have been pcev. pub. Librairie Artheme fayard; 4»pr77; APO-88332.

APO-88 333. Histoire de la corrida en Prance: du Second Empire a nos jours. By Auguste Lafront. France. 221 p. SB: new text, new illus. £ compilation of texts £ illus. some of which have been prev. pub. Julliard: 30Apr77; AFO-88333.

APO-88334. Droit d'asiles en Union Sovietique; document. By Elizabeth Aatebi, pref. d'Euqene lonesco. France. 284 p. »B: new text £ compilation of texts some of which have been prev. pub. C Julliard; 30Bar77; APO-88334.

APO-86335. Le Jeu du cavalier. By Bichel Brice. France. 218 p- (Brigade mondaine, no 12) O Librairie Plon/G.E.C. E. P. a.a.d.o. Generale Europeenne de Creation et de Participation; 30Apr77; APO-88335.

APO-88336. fioger Pierre: raconte raconte raconte. Pref. de Jean Bichard. Prance. 20 3 p. Editions de la Table Sonde; 27aay77; APO-88336.

AFO-88337. Bocaidour. By Jacqueline Bruller, pref. d'Araand Lanouz. France. 295 p. Julliard; 30Apr77: AFO-88337.

APO-88338. Le leaps des punaises. By Alex Boscovitch. Prance. 234 p. O Editions de la Table Bonde; 24aar77; AFO-88338.

APO-88339. Les Voies du chatiment. By Andre Benzimra. France. 189 p. Andre Benziara £ Librairie des Chaaps-Eljfsees; 30Hay77; APO-88339.

APO-88340. Bemento de pediatrie pratique. By Andre Hennequet. 2. ed . Prance. 367 p. Baioine, S.A., Editeur; 30Bar77; APO-e8340.

AFO-88341. Les Baisins sont bien beaux: corres- pondance de guerre d'un rural, 1914-1916. aecjeillie £ annotee par Paul Eaybaud, prefacee par Robert flandrou. France. 229 p. Add. ti: Les Baisins sont beaux: correspondance de querre d'un rural, 1914-1916. HB: editing £ notes. O Librairie Artheme Fayard; 4Apr77; AFO-86341.

APO-88342. Le Cercle brise: I'iaage de I'Indien dans le western. By Georges-Henri Borin. France. 312 p. NM: additions £ compilation. Payot; 16Bay77; APO-88342.

APO-88343. Coae; ou, Le Desir de Dieu. By Pierre De Calan. France. 219 p. O Editions de la Table Bonde; 14aay77; AFO-88343.

AFO-88344. En Israel. Ce guide a ete etabli par Victor aalka. France. 166 p. (Guides bleus. A) Librairie Hachette; 30Jan77; AFO-88344.

APa-88345. Les Espaces brules: meaoire d'un autre. By Pierre Silvain, pseud, of Pierre Duret. France. 173 p. O Bercure de Prance; 30Apr77: AFO-88345.

APO-88346. L'Econoaie industrielle en question. By Jean-aarie chevalier. Prance. 268 p. APO-88346 (con.) NM: additions £ conpilation. Levy; 28Apr77: AFO-88316. Calsana-

AFO-88347. Le Livre de la securite faoiliale. Photos: Monique Hanceau G Bichacd Fcieoan, illus: narie-Aone Fronty. France. iai p. Appl. an: Sylvie Diarte 6 Briqitte D'Beuqueville. NHi text £ compilatiOD of illus. a librairie Hachette; 30Har77; AFO-88347.

AFO-88348. Je n* avals pas pense a toi. By Cecile Aubry, pseud, of Anne- Jose Beuard. France. 287 p. e Julliard; 30Apr77; AFO-883K8.

AFO-88349. Salivan: ou. La Parole liberatrice, by Henri Guillenin, suivi de Passez les passants, par Jean Sulivan. France. 21 U p. HN: additions & conpilation. e Editions GalliBard; 511ay77: »FO-883a9.

AFO-88350. Bay Vien: le maitre de Cholon. By Pierre Darcourt. France. .417 p. O librairie Hachette; 30Apr77; AFO-88350.

4FO-88351. Le Printemps s'aDuse et autres nouvelles. By Vladimir Tendriakov, traduit du russe par Bernadette Du Crest, pseud, of Bernadette Deqa. France. 349 p. on French translation: Editions Gallinard; 511ay77: AFO-88351.

AFO-88352. Brief an General Franco. zuei Einalcter. By Fernando Arrabal* aus deo Spanischen Oebertraqunq von Olrich Kunzmann, aus dem Franzoesischen Qebertraqung von Lore Kornell, Nachvort von Karlheinz Barck. East Gernany. 109 p. Add. ti: Brief an Franco. Translation of Carta al General Franco. MM: epilogue & German translation of Bri^f an Franco, a Verlaq Philipp Reclam Junior; 30Dec76; AFO-88352.

AFO-88353. Vier Linien aus neiner Hand; Gedichte 1943-1971. By Paul Biens. 2. Aufl. East Germany. 154 p. C Terlaq Philipp Seclas Junior; 30Dec76; AFO-88353.

AFO-88354. Gespraeche nit Witold Lutoslawski* by Tadeusz Kaczynski« aus dem Polnischen uebertraqen von Lothar Fahlsbusch, ait einem Anhanq: Neun Stunden bei Lutos- lavski, by Balint Andras Varqa, aus dem Enqlischen uebertraqen von Christine Bueqer. Hrsq. von Fritz Hennenberq. East Germany. 252 p. Add. ti: Gespraeche ait Lutoslawski. Oriqinai ti. : Rozmouy z iitoldem Lutoslavskia. NH: foreword & German translation. Q Verlaq Philipp Beclam Junior; 30Dec76; AFO-88J54.

APO-88355. Ketschua-Lyrik. Mit einen Aufsatz von Jose Maria Arquedas G Aleiandro Ortiz Bescaniere* aus dem Spanischen nach- qedichtet von Juliane Bambula-Diaz, vorwort von Orsula Schlenther, hrsq. von Mario Bazzeto. East Geraany. 259 p. Free-verse translation of Poesia quechua. NM: foreword & German translation. O Verlaq Philipp Heclam Junior; 30Dec76; AFO-88355.

AFO- 88356. Versacli einer Bekonstruktion. By Tadeusz Bozevicz, aus dem Polnischen hrsq. & ait einem Essay von Heinrich Olschovsky* illus. von Gisela Kohl. East Germany. 207 p. Appl. an: Gabriele Schroeder. Portions prev. pab. in Schild aus Spinnqeueb 6 others. Translation of Proza. MM: compilation, illus. £ German translation of Das Laub ist gefallen, Beim Bier £ Oas Alte Biest. e Verlaq philipp Heclam Junior; 30Dec76; AFO-88356.

AFO-88357. La Couture en 10 lecons. By Fabienne Cousin, illus: Damienne Mattel. France. 188 p. e Librairie Hachette; 30Apr77; AFO-88357.

AFO-88358. Le Manuel du routard. By Philippe Gloaquen £ Michel Duval. France. 175 p. O Librairie Hachette; 30Mar77: AFO-88358.

AFO-88359. Poemes. By Christian Moncel. France. 12 p. a Christian Honcel; 15Apr77; AFO-88359.

AFO-88360. Expose de poetigue; de guelgues phenomenes psycho log igues: description et theorie experimentale. Vol. 1. By Christian Moncel. France. 110 p. NM: new text £ compilation of texts, some of which were prev. pub. Christian Moncel: 15Apr77; AFO-88360.

AFO-88361. Le Capital-temps, pouvoxr, repartition et ineqalites. By yoland Bresson. France. 218 p. MM: new text fi com- pilation of texts, some of which were prev. pub. © Caimann-Levy; 28Apr77; &FO-88361.

AFO-88362. Aimez-vous le champagne rose? By Kathleen Bartlett, texte francais de Hartine Millon. France. 218 p. Translation of Love of an heiress. NH: French translation. © Librairie Hachette; 30Apr77: AFO-88362.

AFO-88363. Le Micro baladeur. By Gerard Pablot, pref. de Jacques Martin. France. 242 p. e Editions de la Table Bonde; 27Jlay77; AFO-88363.

AFO-88364. Dn Soir. By Andre Dhotel. France. 236 p. 9 Editions Galliaard; 5May77: AFO-88364.

AFO-88365. La Cuisine des jeunes. By Sylvie, pseud, of Sylvie Brossolette t Valerie- Anne, pseud, of Valerie-Anne Giscard D'Estaing. France. 201 p. C Librairie Artheme Fayard; 26May77: AFO-88365.

AFO-88366. Amere revolution. By Pavel Tigrid, pref. de Vladimir Boukovski, texte francais de I'auteur avec la collaboration de Milena Brand. France. 285 p. NM: French translation. O Editions Albin Michel; 4May77; AFO-88366.

AFO-8a367. La Colofflbie. Documentation: Elisabeth Hheeler, cartagraphie: Dominique Lippus. Prance. 72 p. (Les chemins d*Anerique latine. Dirigee par Patrick Bizzi) e Decouverte du Nouveau Monde; 30May77; AFO-88367.

AFO-88368. La Conpaqnie. By John Ehrlichman* traduit de I'aaericain par France-Marie Hatkins, pseud, of France-M. Eoucayrol. France. 282 p. Translation of The Company. NH: translation. 6 Librairie Artheme Fayard; 11May77; AFO-88368.

AFO-88369. La Dynamigue de I'examen psychologigue. By Jean Guiliauain. 2nd ed. Prance. 352 p. Bordas; 30May77: AFO-88369.

AfO-88370. Bleu algerien. By Jean-Louis lerrade. France. 210 p. 6 Editions Gallimard; 5May77; AFO-88370.

AFO- 88 371. Pepino, berger corse. By Pepino Nizzi, Laurent Cabrol E Jean-Paul Gree. France. 23i( p. e Librairie Hachette; 30Apr77; AFO- 88371.

AFO-88372. Histoires extraordinaires de la resistance. By Paul Dreyfus. France. 381 p. NM: new text £ compilation. Librairie Artheme Fayard: IIMay??; AFO-88372.

AFO-88373. Bataillon Bigeard: Indocbine, 1952-1954, Algerie, 1955-1957. By Erwan Bergot, pref. du Bigeard. France. 292 p. NM: new text fi compilation of illus. Presses de la Cite; 30Mar77; AFO-88373.

AFO-88374. Comment definir des objectifs peda- gogigues. By Bobert F. Hager, traduit £ adapte par Georges Decote avec une pref. du traducteur. 2. ed. , revue £ augmentee. France. 131 p. 1st ed. prev. pub. under the title. Vers une definition des objectifs dans l*enseignement ; translation of 2nd ed. of Preparing instructional objectives, prev. pub. 1975. Q Bordas; 30May77; AFO-88374.

AFO-88375. Les Marechaux de la Legion; "terror belli, decus pacis. ** By Pierre Sargent. France. 432 p. NM: new text, illus. 6 compilation of illus. Librairie Artheme Fayard; 18May77: iFO-88375.

AFO-8e376. Augustine Bouviere, cevenole. By fiaymonde Anna Bey, pseud, de Baymonde Valentin. France. 229 p. © Jean-Pierre Delarqe, Editions Dniversitaires; 30May77; AFO-88376.

AFO-88377. On Esprit libre; ne doit rien apprendre en esclave. By Boberto Bossellini, traduit par Paul Alexandre. France. 218 p. NH: translation. Q Librairie Artheme Fayard; 4ipr77; iFO-88377.

AFO-88378. La Yougoslavie de Tito. By Thomas Schreiber, photographies: Magnum G Agence Tanjoug. France. Ill p. NH: new text £ compilation of text £ illus. 6 Presses de la Cite; 30Mar77; AFO-88378.

AFO-88379. Histoire de Pico Stern. By Jacques Perry. France. 139 p. 6 Jacques Perry; 20May77; AFO-88379.

AFO-8a380. Benjamin Britten: three letters to Anthony Gishford. United Kingdom. (In Tempo, Mar. 1977, p. 7-9) The Executors of the Estate of the late Lord Britten (Peter Pears, Donald Mitchell, Isador Caplan £ Leslie Periton) ; 31 Mar 77; AFO-88380.

AFO- 88381. La Musigue moderne: aethode de piano et d'orgue. Vol. 1: support theorigue et pratique. Par Patrice Galas G Pierre Cammas. France. 106 p. NH: text £ compilation. Q PaLtrice Galas £ Pierre Cammas; lDec76; AFO-88381.

AFO-88382. Les Transports verticaux dans les etablissements hospitallers. By Gerard Anjuere. France. 160 p. (Hautes etudes 4FO-88382 (con.) hospitalieres) Haloin S.»., Editeur; 30»ar77: AFO-88382.

lFO-88383. Plant qro»th regulation; proceedings of the 9th International conference on plant Growth Substances, Lausanne, Aug. 30-Sept. «. 1976. Edited by Paul Efflile Pilet. yest Gernanv. 305 p. (Proceedings in life sciences) Proceedings held at the Onivetsitv of Lausanne, Switzerland. Appl. au: P. F. Bocion 6 J. Bruinsua. e Springer-Vetlaq; 12nay77; AFO-88383.

AFO-88384. Explorations f onctionneiies en obstetrique. By Pierre Kaiiina, avec la collaboration de Francis colasson, pref. de H. De Tourris. France. 190 p. Baloine, S.A., Editeur: 30Har77: AFO-8838U.

AFO-88385. Traitement des osteites selon Papineau. Technique de Baynond Boy-Canille , Daniel Berteaui, Gerard Saillant 6 B. Beignier. Prance. 16 p. (Technigues orthopediques. 1977/51 e Expansion Scicntifigue Francaise; 30Bar77: AFO-88385.

AFO-883e6. La Besection des tetes netatar siennes (ou aliqnement articulaire) par voie dorsale. Technique de Alexandre Naschas. France. 8 p. (Techniques orthopediques, 1977/7) (Collection Bobert Heary. Controlee par Jean Casta inq £ Louis Descamps) O Expansion Scientifique Francaise: 30Mar77; AFO-88386.

APO-88387. Hallux yalgus traitenent conservateur. Technigue de B. Meary 6 Bernard Toneno. France. 8 p. (Techniques orthopediques, 1977/8) (Collection Bobert Heary. Controlee par Jean Casta inq 6 Louis Descaops) Expansion Scientifique Francaise: 301lar77: AFO-88387.

AFO- 88388. Notre corps, nous-nemes. Par Le Collectif de Boston pour la Sante des Feumes, adapte de I'anericain par un collectif de fenmes: Nicole Bizos-Cor»ier, Koulibali, pseud, de Catherine Benoit, Sophie (layoux, Briqitte petit-Archambault, Anne Baulin 6 I yba Spring. France. 239 p. Oriqinal ti. : our bodies, ourselves. NH: adaptation. Editions Albin Hichel; 16Feb77: APO-88388.

AFO-88389. Le Pied bot varus equin congenital- Sous la direction de Henri Carlioz e Jean-Gabriel Pons, pref. de P. Petit. France. 117 p. (Cahiers d'enseiqneaent de la SOFCOT, 3. Collection diriqee pal Jacques Ouparc) Expansion Scientifigue Francaise: 30llar77; AFO-88389.

AFO-88390. La Chaine du Sont Blanc. 2.: les aiguilles de chamonii. Par Lucien Devies 6 Pierre Henry. 3. ed. France. 316 p. Editions Arthaud; 30Apr77: AFO-88390.

AFO-88391. Bennett fait son nuaero. D'Anthony lis d'Olivier Billon. France. 21U p. Oriqinal ti.: Jenninqs, of course! US: illus. 6 translation. Librairie Hachette: 30Apr77: AFO-88391.

AFO-88392. Zephyrin traverse la mer. D'Eliiabeth Cbapaan, texte francais de Beqine Fournel, illus de Philippe Deqrave. France. 117 p. NH: illus. £ translation. O Librairie Hachette: 30Hay77: AFO-88392.

AFO-8B393. La Table de 7. De Paul Biegel, teitc francaise d'Olivier Sechau, illus de Francoise Pichard. Prance. 222 p. Original Dutch ti.: Ik wou dat ik anders was. NH: illus. 6 translation. O Librairie Hachette; 30Apr77;

AFO-88393. Buckeridge, texte fra ians nom. AFO-883914. La Princesse Bonzon, illus de Laurence He 188 p. Librairie Hachette; 30Apr77; AFO-8839«.

AFO-88395. Le Cavalier de la mer. By Paul-Jacques Bonzon, illus de Philippe Deqrave. France. 1119 p. C Librairie Hachette; 30Apr77; APO-B8395.

AFO-88396. Le Honde animal et se complexes. By Bemy Cha comportements lin 6 Bernadette France. 282 p. NH: text 6 compilation of text 6 illus. e Librairie Plon; 30Apr77; AFO-88396.

AFO-88397. Atlas en couleurs des aaladies iDfectieuses. De R. T. D. Emond, traduit de I'anglais par Francoise Polqe D'Autheville £ Bene-Henri Polqe D'Aut- heville. France. 386 p. Original ti.: » colour atlas of infectious diseases. NH: translation. O Baloine, S. A., Editeur; 30Apr77; AFO-88397.

AFO-88398. L'Aaour au bout du chemin. De Barbara Cartland, traduit de I'anglais par Hichele Lamot. France. 216 p. Oriqinal ti.: No time for love. O on translation; Editions de Trevise; 3DHay77; AFO-88398.

AFO-88399. Segur san ceremonie. 1757-1805; ou. La Gaiete libertine. By Gabriel De Broqlie. France. 331 p. NH: text £ compilation of text E illus. Librairie Academique Perrin: 30Apr77; AFO-88399.

Apo-88400. Le Languedoc. By Louis Doucet. France. 263 p. (Histoires d 'amour des provinces de France, t. 10) NH: text £ compilation of text £ illus. e Presses de la Cite; 30Apr77; SFO-Se^OO.

AFO-88401. Crise a Saint-Chad. De Theresa Charles, traduit de i'anglais par Jeanne Pournier- Parqoire. Prance. 219 p. Original ti. : crisis at Saint chad's. O on translation; Editions de Trevise; 30Hay77; AFO-88U01. nest Germany. 350 p. Verlag Ferdinand Hirt; 17Bar77; APO-88401.

APO-88402. Knock; ou Le Triomphe de la medecine. By Jules Bomains, editorial selections & compilation o£ texts & illus. by Bernard Planche, Jean-Olivier Heron & Pierre Harchand. Prance. 133 p. NH: editorial selections & compilation of texts & illus. e Editions Gallimard; 30Mar77; AFO-88402.

APO-88403 David et Prisca. By Cecile Aubry. France. 252 p. C Librairie Hachette; 30May77; AFO-88403.

AFO-88404. Les Monuments seconnus: Paris et Ile-de-France. By Henri-Paul Eydoux. France. 379 p. NH: new text £ compliation of of texts & illus., some of which were prev. pub. O Librairie Academique Perrin; 30Apr77; AFO-88404.

AFO-88405. Heinkunde i Stichworten; ein Bein- koileq. Von Kurt H. Hoffmann. 2. neu erweiterte Aufl., 1977 West Germany. 150 p. Verlag Ferdinand Hirt; 17Mar77; APO-88405

AFO-88406. Pediatric pratique. T. 1. Par Boger Perelaan, avec I'aide de Claudine Amiei-Tison, Claude Attal £ Jean-Claude Desbois. Prance. 1328 p. Haloine, S.A. , Editeur; 30Apr77; APO-88406.

AFO-88407 . Le Cout social du tabac. By Emile Levy, Hartine Bungener, Francis Fagnani £ Gerard Dumenil. France. 209 p. NH: new text £ compilation of texts, some of which were prev. pub. O Bordas; 30Hay77; AFO-88lt07.

AFO-88408. Le Guide des ports et mouillages: Corse, Nord-Sardaigne, lie d'Elbe. Ouvraqe realise par: Jean-Hichel Barrault, nautisme, assiste de Pierre- Henri Chauveau, tourisme: Andre Cojuet £ Pierre Orsini. France. 191 p. NH: French translation. O Librairie Arthaud. S.A.; 30Har77; AFO-88«0a.

AFO-88409. Guide therapeutique du chirurgien- dentiste. By Gerard Bourgeois. 2. ed. France. 300 p. O Haloine, S.A., Editeur; 30Har77; AFO-88409.

Apo-88410. Le Veau; pathologie. By Paul Hornet & Jean Espinasse. prince. 607 p. Haloine, S.A, Editeur;



Apo-88411. Le Clan des betes sauvages. By Bene Guillot, illus de Jean-Harie yives. France. 152 p. NH: illus. O Librairie Hachette; 30Apr77; AFO-881111.

AFO-8ait12. bouleurs d'oriqine vertebrale et traitements par manipulations: medecine orthopedique des derangements inter- vertebraux mineurs. By Robert Baigne. 3. ed. Prance. 518 p. Expansion Scientifique Francaise; 30Har77; AFO- 881412.

AFO-88413. Seiuaiite et reproduction des mammiferes domestiques et de laboratoire. By Jean-Pierre Vaissaire, avec la colla- boration de Jean Secchi £ d'Anne Hunt, pref. du F. Lagneau. France. 157 p. e Baloine, S.A., Editeur; 30Apr77; AFO-88413.

APO-88414. Hethode pratique de la couture rapide. By Hi rie-Therese Vauthier, dessins de Evelyne Noviant. France. 383 p. O Librairie Artheme Fayard; 26Hay77; APO-88414.

AFO-88415. Alice et I'esprit frappeur. By Caroline Ouine, pseud., texte francais d'Anne Joba, illus de Jean-Louis Hercier. Prance. 151 p. Prev. pub. under the ti. : The Ghost of Blackwood Hail. NH: translation E illus. Librairie Hachette; 30Apr77; AFO-88415.

AFO-88416. La Fete au village. Imagine par Hare Saver, pseud, de Philippe Schuwer B Daniel Sassier; texte de Jean-Pierre Enard, illus de Jean Sidobre. France. 1 v. (Vincent et Nathalie) Librairie Hachette; 30Apr77; AFO-a8416.

AFO-88417. Au bord de la riviere. Imagine par Hare Saver, pseud, de Philippe Schuwer £ Daniel Sassier, texte de Jean-Pierre Enard, illus de Jean Sidobre. France. 1 v. (Vincent These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. 4FO-88417 (con.) et Nathalie) <3 Libra .rie Hacheite; 30Apr77: AFO-88»17.

4FO-88418. L'Rquitaine des chateaux, Peril; par Claude Freqnac, edite par Hacbette Realites. France. TiS p. NH: new text, compilation of text & illus. © Librairie Hachette; 30Har77; »FO-88it18.

AFO- 88419. La Bourqoqne des chateaux. Ecrit par Claude Freqnac, edite par Hachette Realites. France. 151 p. NH: neM text, compilation of text S illus. © Librairie Hachette: 30(lar77; AF0-a8«.

AFO-a8lt20. J •observe le bord de la mer. Texte de Su Swallov, adapta'-.ion de Michel Cuisin. France. 31 p. NH: translation. e Librairie Hachette; 30Har77; &FO-881t20.

SFO-88421. J 'observe les fleurs sauvaqes. Texte de Sue Tarskv, adaptation de Bichel Cuisin. France. 31 p. NM: translation. e Librairie Hachette; 3011ar77; AFO-881121.

AFO-8B422. Vive les papiers. Par fi. Thomson, adaptation de Christine De Coninck, illus de C. Lawson. France. 1*3 p. NH: translation. 6 Librairie Hachette; 3011ar77: AFO-88U22.

iFO-a8»23. Naqer avec Mark Spitz. Avec la collaboration de Alan Lemond, traduit de l"americain par Eric Lahoy, photos de Neil Leifer. France. 108 p. Original ti. : The Mark Spitz complete book of swimming. NH: translation. G Calmann-Levy ; 28Apr77: AFO-88a23.

AFO-88a2t. L* Implantoloqie de securite; proqres en implantoloqie dentaire; traite pratique- -les pieqes de I'ioiplantoloqie, sa demystif ication. By Raphael Chercheve, pref. des P. Pialoux G P. Klein. Prance. 177 p. e Maloine, S.A., Editeur; 30Mar77: AFO-88U211.

iF0-88lt25. Atlas des maladies chromosomiques. By Jean De Grouchy fi Catherine Turleau. France. 355 p. Q Expansion Scientifigue Francaise; 30Apr77; APO-88it25.

AFO-88lt26. Gedichte, franzoesisch-deutsch. By Arthur Bimbaud, hrsq. von Karlheinz Barck, mit 10 Radierunqen fi 8 Punzenstichen von Hermans Naumann. East Germany. 174 p. in box. French £ German. NM: illus. 6 German translation. 3 Verlag Philipp Eeclam, Junior: 30Nov76; Af0-881126.

AFO-88lt27. Maiqrir en manqeant. Illus de Claude Dessirier. France. Poster. Appl. au: Claude Chauchard. @ Claude Chauchard G Dessirier: J0Apr77; AFO-881(27.

AFO-881t28. Photonuclear reactions 2. Edited by Serqio Costa 6 Carlo Schaerf. West Germany. 301 p. (Lecture notes in physics, vol- 62) Proceedinqs of the International School on Electro- and Photonuclear Reactions, Erice, Italy, 1976. Appl. au: Ph. Catillon e D. Drechsel. Q Sprinqer- Verlag ; 26Apr77; AFO-88lt28.

AFO-881129. Oltrashort light pulses: picosecond techniques and applications. Edited by Stanley L. Shapiro, with contributions by D. J. Bradley & Dietrich Von Der Linde, Hest Germany. 369 p. (Topics in applied physics, vol. 18) © Sprinqer- Verlag;' 15Apr77; AFO-88429.

AFO-BStSO. Photonuclear reactions 1. Edited by Serqio Costa 6 Carlo Schaerf. Sest Germany. 650 p. (Lecture notes in physics, vol. 61) Proceedings of the International School on Electro- and Photonuclear Reactions, Erice, Italy, 1976. Appl. au: R. Bergere 6 G. Bicco. © Sprinqer-Verlaq; 26Apr77; AFO-88430.

AFO-88a31. Interactive systems; proceedinqs, 6th Informatik Symposium, Bad HoKburq vcr der Hoehe, Sept. 1976. Edited by Albrecht Blaser fi Clemens Hackl. Hest Germany. 380 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 49) Eaqlish fi German. Appl. au: Gerhard Seeqmueller fi Hans- Juerqen Hoffmann. @ Springer- Verlag; 26Apr77; AFO-88431.

AFO-88432. Current topics in pathology. Vol. 64. Editors: E. Grundmann- 6 R. H. Kirsten, contributors: K. Kuechemann fi D. Maas. Hest Germany. 228 p. 6 Springer- Verlag; 22Apr77; Ar3-88432.

AFO-88433. Aventures prodiqieuses de Tartarin de Tarascon. D'Alphonse Daudet, illus de Roger Blachon. France. 159 p. NM: illus. e Editions Gallimard; 14May77; AFO-88433.

AFO-88434. Contre la nouvelle philosophie. By Francois Aubral fi Xavier Oelcourt. France. 345 p. NH: new text 6 com- pilation of texts, some of which have been prev. pub. Q Editions Gallimard; 14May77; AFO-88434.

AFO-88435. Le Prince heureux, Le Geant egoiste, et autres contes. D'Oscar Hilde, traduit de I'anglais par Leo Lack, illus d"Etienne Delessert. France. 118 p. Original ti. : The Happy prince and other tales. © on illus.; Editions Gallimard; 14May77; APO-88435.

&F0-88436. Grabuge et 1* indomptable Amelie. By Elvire De Brissac, illus de Claude Lapointe. France. 117 p. © Editions Gallimard; 14May77; AFO-88436.

AFO-88437. Gros oeuvre du batiment. By Benjamin Boulet. 72. ed. France. 236 p. (Aide-memoire) S Bordas; 30Bay77; AFO-88437.

APO-88438. Vol de Noel pour OSS 117. Par Josette Bruce, pseud, de Josette Dourne. France. 186 p. e Presses De La Cite; 30IIa777; AFO-88438.

AFO-88439. Le 18. siecle. No 2: 1750-1778. By Robert Mauzi C Sylvain Menant. France. 289 p. (Litterature francaise, 10) NM: new text fi compilation of texts E illus., some of which have been prev. pub. © B. Arthaud; 16Hay77; AFO-88439.

AFO-88440. Auto-analyse pour PDG. Par John H. Ockert. France. Sheets. Add. ti: Self-analysis for general managers. John H. Ockert; 1Aug76; AFO-88440.

AFO-88441. Berlin: Bezirk Hitte, Potsdam: Stadt und Jmgebunq, Park Sanssouci. Rest Germany. 104 p. (Grieben-Reisefuehrer, Bd. 303) Add. ti: Berlin/Mitte und Potsdam. Appl. au: Verlagsredaktion Grieben-Beisef uehrer. © Grieben-Verlag, G.M.B.H.; 16Feb77; AfO-88441.

AFO-88442. Sizilien und Malta. Sest Germany. 242 p. (Grieben-Reisefuehrer, Bd. 119) Accompanied by map. Appl. au: Verlag- sredaktion Grieben-Reisefuehrer. NH: tourist information updated fi place descriptions supplemented fi extended, e Grieben-Verlag, G.M.B.B. ; 3Jan77; AFO-88442.

AFO-88443. Salzburger Land; Salzburg, Salzkammergut (mit oberoesterreichischem und steirischem Teil) Hest Germany. 204 p. (Grieben- Beisef uehrer, Bd. 48) Add. ti: Land Salzburg — Salzkammergut. Accompanied by map. Appl. au: Verlagsredaktion Grieben-Beisef uehrer- NM: tourist information updated fi place descriptipns supplemented fi extended. 6 Grieben- Verlag, G.M.B.H. ; 3Jan77; AFO-88443-

AFO-a8444- Muenchen und Umgebung- Nest Germany. 215 p. (Grieben-Beisefuehrer. Bd. 252) Accompanied by map. Appl. au; Verlag- sredaktion Grieben-Reisefuehrer. NM: tourist information updated fi place descriptions supplemented fi extended. ©Grieben-Verlag, G.M.B.H.; 24Feb77; AFO- 88444.

AFO-884a5.. Teutoburger Bald und Muensterland; Egge-, Riebengebirge und Lippisches Berqland. Rest Germany. 196 p. (Grieben-Reisefuehrer, Bd. 178) Accompanied by map. Appl. au: Verlag- sredaktion Grieben-Beisefuehrer. NM: tourist information updated fi place . descriptions supplemented fi extended. e Grieben-Verlag, G.M.B.H.; 29ipr77; AFO-88445-

AFO-88446- Hestschweiz; Berner Oberland, Genfer See, Ralliser Alpen- Hest Germany- 231 p. (Grieben-Beisefuehrer, Bd. 258) Accompanied by map. Appl. au: Verlag- sredaktion Grieben-Reisefuehrer. NB: tourist information updated fi place descriptions supplemented fi extended. ©Grieben-Verlag, G.M.B.H.; 19Jan77; AFO-88446-

AFO- 88447. Belgien und Luxemburg. Rest Germany. 208 p. (Grieben-Reisefuehrer, Bd. 22) Accompanied by map. Appl. au: Verlag- sredaktion Grieben-Reisefuehrer. NM; tourist information updated S place descriptions supplemented C extended. ©Grieben-Verlag, G.M.B.H.; 28Apr77: AFO-88447.

AFO- 88448. Recorder humour- Cartoons by Ronald King- Great Britain. 37 p. Schott and company, Ltd.; 25Nov76; iFO-88448.

iFO-88449. Dichtung im Leben und in der Schu'le; zwei Vortraege. By Nikolaus 6rit£. Austria. 50 p. © Rilhelm Braumueller, Universitaets-Verlagsbuchhandlung, G.M.B.H.; 24May77; AFO-88449.

AFO- 88450. Trames planes; introduction a une etude architecturale des trames. By Jean Zeitoun. France- 175 p- (Aspects de I'urlianisme) © Bordas; 30May77; AFC- 88450-

AFO-88451- Les Balcons de Babel- By Gerard Mace. France. 67 p. 6 Editions Gallimard; 5May77; AFO-884S1. AFO-88452. Hienec Jahrbuch fuer Philosophie. Bd. 9, 1976. Hrsq. voD Erich Ueiotel e other edltocs. tDstria. 398 p. Hilheli BrauBuelier, Oniversitaets-Veriaqsbac- hhaudiaDq, S.H.B.B.; 22aar77: AFO-88452.

iPO-881453. emp Das Potsdaaer Abkomaen and die £ue Deutschlaadfiraqe. T. 1; Geschichte G (iD rechtliche Gruodfcaqea. Bearb. vod HaDS-GueDther Parpiies, hcsq. tod Pciedrich Klein e Boris Heissnec. Austria. 179 p. (Voelkerrechtliche Abhaadlunqen, Bd. 1) Wilhela Brau- maeller« DDiversitaets-VeriaqsbuchhaD- dlanq, S.B.B.B.: 28Apr77: AFO-e8<l53.

AFO-881t5lt. Exercices de proqraamation en FortraD ^4 Pac JeaD-Pierre Lanoitier. France. 1U6 p. O Bordas; 30Har77: AFO-88<(5<(.

AFO-88a55. 3 rilerazione dei teatri e dei cinenatoqraf i esistenti in Italia* 31 aiceabre 1973. Italy. 73 p. O Societa Italiana deqli Autori ed Editori fS.I.t.E.): 5JU177; AFO-881t55.

-881466. nstitutionalisierte Hessapq des dlenfolqes oit statistischen Hethodeo. Beitraeqen von L. Otruba C others C e« Vorwort Ton Hertha Firnberq. tria. 325 p. Appl. au: Bundesai- teriuB fuer Hissenschaft und Forschung* loyer for hire. Bundesaioisteriua r Hissenschaft und Forschunq; 14Har77 tice: 1976) : APO-BBtee.

APO-881156. Les Jours du aonde. Br Bene BariaTel & Olenka De Veer. France. 262 p. (Les Daaes a la licorne) Presses de la Cite; 30Apr77: APO-88lt56.

AFO-881157. Koaauoikationstecbnilc. By Karl Steinbuch. Best Geraany. 273 p. (Coaaunications and cybernetics, 16. Editors: Hans iolter S others) Sprinqer-yerlaq; 10llar77: AFO-e8»57.

AFO- 881(58. Carqese lectures in physics. Vol. 7. Edited by Maurice Leyy* author; Guy Hayer & others. Great Britain. 500 p. O Gordon and Breach Science Publishers* Ltd.; 1llJun77: AFO-881158.

AFO-881t60. The Social production of scientific knotfledqe. Edited by ETerett Mendelsohn* Peter Beinqart & Bichard D. Bhitley. Bolland. 29ii p. (Socioloqy of the sciences* Tol. 1) D. Beidel Publishinq Coapany; 5HaT77; AFO-88460.

AFO-881161. Lehrbuch der aatheaatischen PhysiK. Bd. 1; Iclasslsche dynaaische Systeae. By Baiter E. Thirrinq Austria. 255 p. Sprinqer-Verlaq; 7Apr77; AFO-BBiei.

AyO-83lt62. Geoaetrief alctaren in der FeldphysiJt; theoretische & aesstechnische Beruec- lisichtiqanq endlicher Anordnnnqen. By Berner Prochazka & Priedrich Benscb. Austria. 151 p. C Sprinqer-Verlaq; 16Har77: AFO-88462.

APO-8B1163. Grundlaqen der Coaputer-Arithaetilc. Brsq. Ton Budolf Albrecht 6 Olrich Kulisch. Austria. 150 p. (Coaputinq suppleaentua , 1) C Sprinqer-Verlaq; 3laar77: AFO-88t63.

AFO-884611. East-Best cooperation in business: inter-fira studies. Edited by Christopher T. Saunders. Austria. 207 p. (East-Best European econoaic interaction* toI- 2) O Sprinqer-Verlaq; 13Apr77; AFO-88it6it.

iPO-881t65. Industrielle Kooperation zaiscben Ost und Best. By priedrich Levcik £ Jan StankoTsky. Austria. 308 p. (Studien ueber Birtschafts- und Systeaierqleiche, Bd. 8) Sprinqer-Verlaq; 28Feb77; APO-881165.

AFO-881167. Peace research abstracts journal* 1976; annual index. Vol. 13. Canada. 1 v. Appl. au; Alan Neucoabe & Hanna NeHcoabe. Alan Neucoabe S Banna Neiicoabe; 27Jun77; AFO-B8a67.

AFO-8aa68. The Schroedinqer equation. Edited by Baiter E. Thirrinq e Paul oskar Orban. Austria. 224 p. (Acta physica Austriaca, Suppleaentua 17) Springer-Verlag; 29Apr77; AFO-88468.

AFO-88469. Seeaald, 1889-1976. Eiue Berkaasiiahl* oit zeitqenoessischen Buerdigungen G Zitaten aus Buechern von Bichard Seevald* einleitende Honographie von Anton Sailer. Best Geraany. 227 p. Verlag Karl Thieaig* A.G. ; 27Apr77; AFO-88469.

AFO-88470. The Acute facial palsies; investigations on the localization and pathogenesis of aeato-labyrinthine facial palsies. By Erlo Esslen, aith a forevord by U. Fisch. Best Geraany. 163 p. (Neurology series* 16. Schnftenreihe Neurologic* 18) d Sprinqer-Verlaq; 28Apr77; AFO-88470.

AFO-86471. Endoscopic retrograde pancreaticoc- holanqioqraphy (EBPC) By Bereann Anacker* Hans-Dieter Beiss 6 Bernhard Beinrich Kraaann. Best Geraany. 123 p. O Sprinqer-Verlaq; 11Bay77; AFO-88471.

AFO-88472. IncoDpatibility in anqiosperas. By Dreux De Nettancourt. Best Germany. 230 p. (HoDoqraphs on theoretical and applied qenetics* 3) O Sprinqer-Verlaq; 29Apr77; AFO-88472.

AFO-88473. Synergetics* an introduction; none- quilibriUB phase transitions & self- organization in physics, cheaistry & biology. By Beraann Hakeo. Best Germany. 325 p. O Sprinqer-Verlaq; 12llay77; AFO-88473.

AFO-884'74. Bagner and his vorld. By Charles Osborne. England. 128 P- 9 Thaaes and ' Hudson, Ltd.; 12Apr77: AFO-86474.

AFO-88475. Narod i postep; probleaatyka narodowa w ideoloqii i aysli spolecznej pozytyvistow warszawskich. By Bojciech HodzeleifSki* redaktor: Haria Dietl. Poland. 240 p. O PanstHove Bydaiinictiio Naukone; 17Apr77; AFO-88475.

AFO-88476. Odkrywanie Bezopotaaii. By Janusz , Heuszynski. Poland. 347 p. C Panstwoae Bydannictao Naukove; 25nar77; AFO-88476.

AFO-88477. Koniecznosc przypadek pravo staty- styczne. By Bladyslan Krajevski. Poland. 272 p. O Pansttfove Bydawnictvo Mauxotie; 3Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AFO-88477.

AFO-88478. Probleae aus der Physik; Aufqaben ait Loesungen. By Belaut Vogel. Best Geraany. 326 p. Proa Physik* 13. Auflage, by Christian Gerthsen, Kneser t Belaut Vogel. BH; editorial revisions S additions. Springer-Verlag; 7Apr77; APO-88478.

AFO-88479. laaunological diagnosis of leukeaias and lyaphoaas. Edited b; Stefan Thierfelder* Bans Bodt C Eckhard Thiel. Best Geraany. 367 p. (Haeaatology and blood tran- sfusion* TOl. 20) Proceedings of the international syaposiua of the Institut fuer Baeaatologie* Gesellschaft fuer Strahlen- und Oaveltf orschung* Neuher- berg/aunich* Oct. 28-30* 1976. O Springer-Verlag; 268ay77; APO-88479.

AFO-8e48a. Kliuische cheaie und aikroskopie; eine Einfuehrung. By Birnt Bick. 5. ueberarbeitete Aufl. Best Geraany. 426 p. Springer-Verlaq: 20Apr77; AFO-88480.

AFO- 88481. Reader's Digest useful things to sew. Australia. 24 p. O Beader's Digest SerTices, Pty. Ltd.; 9Feb77; AFO-88481.

APO-88482. Le Criae de i'Orient-Express. By Agatha Christie, texte francais de Louis Postif, editorial reTision G additional text by Louis aireaan. France. 252 p. Translation of Burder on the Orient- Express. SB: editorial revision £ additional text- 6 Librairie Bachette; 3HOT76; AFO-88482.

AFO-88483. SuoBi--Europpa aatkakartasto. Finland. 542 p. Add. ti; Book of the road: Europe. PreT. pub. in France 1974. VB: Finnish language translation. Oy Valitut Palat — Beader's Digest* A. B. ; 17Bar77; AFO-88483.

AFO- 88484. Decapage en Alaska pour OSS 117. Par Josette Bruce, pseud, of Josette Dourne. Prance. 188 p. Presses de la Cite; 30aar77; AFO-88484.

AFO-88485. Les Foraes du chaos. De Colin Bapp* traduit de I'anglais par Prance-Barie Batkins* pseud, of France-aarie Boucayrol. Prance. 250 p. Original ti. : The Patterns of chaos. O on French tran- slation; Editions Albrn Hichel; 30aar77: APO- 86485.

AFO-88436. Generation perdue. By Jacques Paugaa* pref. de Pierre Viansson-Ponte. France. 216 p. Editions Sobert Laffont, S.A. G Badio Prance; 30aar77: APO-86466.

AFO-88487. Celui gu'on appelle Jesus. By Alain Patin. France. 155 p. O Les Editions Oavrieres; 4Jul77; AFO-88487.

AFO-88488. La Sentinelle de la liberte: Bontserrat, Carabanchel* Barceloue. By Lluis aaria Zirinacs, pref. de Bernard Clavel, texte francais £ traduction de Harie Laffrangue. France. 211 p. O on French translation; Les Editions Ouvrieres; 28Jun77; AF0-884a8.

AFO- 86 469. Initiation a 1' inforaatigue de qestion. By Jacky aailler. France. 267 p. Les Editions Ouvrieres; 21Jun77 (in notice: 1967) ; AFO-88489.

AFO-88a90. C'est contre la loi. Text de Bichard Hyaan, dessins d'Otto Soglow. Canada. 1 V. Add. ti: It's against the la*. Appl. au: Selection du Beader's Digest (Canada) AFO-98190 (con.) Itee. e Selection du Reader's Digest (Canada) Ltee. ; 27Jan77: AFQ-88490.

iFO-88U91. polen: Land. Volk, airtschaft in Stichworten. Von Stanisian Leszczyclti 6 Teofil Liienski. Austria. 160 p. e Verlaq Ferdinand Hirt, G.M.B. H. (in notice: Ferdinand Hirt, G.H.B.R.): 30Jun77: AF0-88<t91.

AFO-88192. Morals and politics: the ethics of revolution. By Billiam Franklin Ash. England. 170 p. Prev. pub. in 1964 as Marxism and moral concepts. NM: additions 6 revisions. 6 Silliam Ash; 19llay77: AFO-88492.

AFO-88lt93. Dichter zuischen den Zeiten. Hrsq. von Viktor Suchy. Austria. 535 p. © Hilhelm Braumueller, oniversitaets-Verlagsbuc- hhandlonq. G.H.B.H.: 29Apr77; APO-88a93.

AFO-88lt94. critical issues in organizations. Edited by steuart Roger Clegg 6 David Dunkerley. England. 108 p. 6 Eoutledqe and Kegan Paul Ltd.; 28Apr77: AFO-88il94.

AFO-88495. The Complete symphonic works of Muzio Clenenti. By Pietro Spada. Italy. i»5 p. O Edizioni suvini Zerboni. S.P.A.; 31Mar77: AF0-88H95.

AFO-88l(96. The Day the music stopped. By Ennio Morricone 6 Audrey Stainton. Italy. 1 v. © Ennio Morricone 6 Audrey Stainton: 10Jun77: AFO-88496.

AFO-88497. The Queen's Jubilee visit and other 'istorical incidents. By Gordon Kerr-Smith, illustrated by David Ferguson. England. 19 p. C Francis, Day and Hunter, Ltd.; 9Jun77: AFO-881197.

AF0-88lt9 8. A Golden vihale, and other poems. By George Hackay Brown. United Kingdom. (In Hesterlings, p. 1) © George (lackay Brown; 9Har77; APO-88U98.

AF0-88lt99. The Martian Inca. By Ian iatson. England. 207 p. © Ian Uatson; 10Feb77; AFO-88lt99.

RFO-88500. Le Meilleur des mondes. By AlJous Huilev, traduction de Jules Carticr, pref. de Pierre Versins, illus. originales de Lisbeth Kneen. Switzerland. 251 p- Illus. reg. KFO-191. © on pref.; Edito-Service. S.A.; 111iov76: AFO-88500.

AFO-88501. Fluid dynamics. Edited by R. Balian & J.-L. Peube. Malta. 677 p. (Les Houches. 1973A) Add. ti: Dynamique des fluides. © Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Ltd.; 17May77; AFO-88501.

AFO-88502. Language, education and social processes in a Gaelic community. By Kenneth HacAlpin MacKinnon, foreword by Basil Bernstein. England. 222 p. © Kenneth MacKinnon: 21Apr77: AFO-88502.

AFO-88503. Authors and authority: a study of English literary criticism and its relation. to culture, 1750-1900. By John Patrick Parrinder. England. 199 p. © Patrick Parrinder: 26May77; AFO-88503. schwierige Faelle. By Soger Anderson S Peter schenke. yest Germany. 131 p. Franz Ehrenwirth Verlag, G.H.B.B. £ Co., K.G.; 27Apr77; AFO-88504.

AFO-88505. Eveil et harmonie de la personnalite: culture physique et psychique par la methode arc-en-ciel. By Jacques De Coulon. Switzerland. 222 p. © Editions du Signal; 17May77: AFO-88505.

AFO-88506. Gymnastik fuer Muetter vor, nach und mit dem Baby. By Lilo Palm-Scheel, mit einem aerztlichen Vorwort von V. Scheele £ M. Kienitz. Best Germany. 73 p. © Franz Ehrenwirth Verlaq, G.M.B. a. 6 Co., K.G.; 23Feb77; AFO-88506.

AFO-88507. Musical appreciation in an infant school. By Eveline craddock. England. 45 p. © Oxford University Press; 31Mar77; APO-BBSC

iFO-88508. In the heart of the country. By J. M. Coetzee, English version prepared by the author. Great Britain. 138 p. Appl. states all new except sections 85-94 which have appeared in South Africa in the magazine standpunte 124, Aug. 1976. © J. M. coetzee; 13Jun77; APO-88508.

&FO-88509. Ireland in prehistory. By Michael Herity £ George Eogan. England. 302 p. MM: text £ arr. of prints £ drawings. © Michael Herity £ George Eogan; 20Jan77; &FO-88509.

AFO-88510. Poesie scelte, 1910-1975. By Diego Valeri, a cura di Carlo Delia Corte. Italy. 99 p. NM: introd. £ compilation of prev. pub. poems. © Arnoldo Mondadori Editore. S.P.A. ; 30Jan77; AFO-88510.

APO-88511. Poesie scelte, 1943-1975. By Nelo Bisi, a cura di Giovanni Raboni. Italy. 155 p. NM: introd. £ compilation of prev. pub. poems. © Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, S.P.A. ; 30Jan77; AFO-88511.

AFO-88512. Oltre I'eta dello spreco; quarto rapporto al Club di Soma. Di Dennis Gabor £ Omberto Colombo, con la collaborazione di Alexander King 6 Riccardo Galli, presentazione di Aurelio Peccei, traduzione a cura di Carla Sborgi. Italy. 238 p. Original ti: Beyond the age of waste. NM: Italian translation. © Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, S.P.A.; 30Dec76; AFO-88512.

AFO-88513. Heqe zur Enerqieversorgunq- Hrsq. von Karl- Joachim Euler £ Arthur Scharmann. West Germany. 359 p. Add. ti: Energy supply of the future. 9 Verlag Karl Thiemig, A.G. ; 25Apr77; AFO-88513.

APO-88514. Morphometry of the placental exchange area. By Rolf Baur. Best Germany. 65 p. (Advances in anatomy, embryology and cell biology, vol. 53, fascicle 1) © Springer- Verlag; 29Apr77; AFO-88514.

AFO-88515. Extreme games and their solutions. By Joachim Rosenmueller. Best (3ermany. 126 p. (Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, vol. 145) e Springer-Verlag; 10May77; AFO-88515.

AFO-88516. An Analysis of economic size dist- ributions. By Bertil Naeslund. Best Germany. 100 p. (Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, vol. 143) e Springer-Verlag; 26Apr77; AFO-88516.

AFO-88517. Introduction to materials of Western music. By Molly Sclater £ William G. Andrews. Canada. 244 p. NM: text £ compilation. © Gordon V. Thompson, Ltd.; 29Jun77; AFO-88517.

AFO-88518. Der Grosse Eisenbahnraub, and other titles. iest Germany. 510 p. (Reader's digest Auswahlbuecher) Add. ti: Der Grobe Eisenbahnraub. Prev. pub. in D.S. editions of Reader's Digest condensed books. MM: German translation of works £ additions. © Verlag Das Beste, G.M.B.H.; 9May77; AFO-88518.

AFO- 88519. Gisslan, and other titles. Sweden. 475 p. (Det Baestas bokval) Prev. pub. in U.S. editions of Reader's Digest condensed books. SH: Swedish translation fi additions. © Reader's Digest, A.B. ; 11May77; AFO-88519.

AFO-86520. The Sociology of secularisation; a critique of a concept. By Peter Egon Glasner. England. 137 p. (International library of sociology) © Peter E. Glasner; 5flay77; AFO-88520.

AFO-88521. The Sociology of power. By Roderick Martin. England. 203 p. (International library of sociology) © Roderick Martin; 5May77; AFO-88521.

AFO- 88 522. Secondary metabolism and cell dif- ferentiation. By Martin Luckner, Lutz Nover 6 Hartmut Boehm. West Germany. 130 p. (Molecular biology, biochemistry and biophysics, 23) © Springer-Verlag; 20Apr77; AFO-88522.

AFO-8e523. De Baby en het slagschip, and other titles. The Netherlands. 478 p. (Het Beste boek) Prev. pub. as The Baby and the battleship 6 others in U.S. editions of Reader's Digest condensed books. NM: Dutch translation £ additions. © uitgeversmaatschappij The Reader's Digest, N.V.; 1May77; AFO-88523.

APO-88524. Sulla poesia. By Eugenio Montale, a cura di Giorgio Zampa. Italy. 643 p. NM: introd. £ compilation of prev. pub. essays. © Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, S.P.A.; 30Sov76; AFO-88524.

AFO-88525. The World's last mysteries. Australia. 319 p. Prev. pub. in France in 1976. NH: English translation. Reader's Digest Services, Pty. Ltd.; 14Jun77; AFO-88525.

AFO-88526. Fichier safari. No 1033-1056. Switzerland. 24 cards fi folder. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. © Editions Rencontre, S.A.; 18Feb77 (in notice on triptygue: 1976) ; AFO-8e526.

AFO-88527. Safari cards. No. 985-1008. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg, Philippe Duflon fi Andre Estoppey. © on English translation; Editions Rencontre, S.A.; 11Mar77; AFO-88527.

AFO-88528. Safari cards. No. 1057-1080. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg, Philippe Duflon £ Andre AFO-88528 (con.) Estoppey. 6 on Enqllsh tcanslat ion ; Editions Bencontre. S.i. : 8ipr77: SPO-93528.

4F0- 88529. Safari cards. No. IO8I-IIO11. Switzerland. 24 cards. tppi. au: Paul Schauenberq, Philippe Duflon 6 tndre Estoppey. O on English translation: Editions Bencontre, S.A. ; 8Apr77; AFO-88529.

A FO- 88 5 3 0. Socialism and the nen life; the personal £ seiual politics of Edvard Carpenter and HayelocK Ellis. By Sheila Bowbothai 6 Jeffrey Weeks. Onited Kiaqdom. 198 p. e Plato Press, Ltd.; 9Jun77: AFO-88530.

AFO-88531. A New uorld for aonen: Stella Browne: Socialist feninist. By Sheila Bowbotban. Onited Kinqdom. 128 p. Pluto Press, Ltd.; 9Jun77: iPO-88531.

AFO-88532. Catchinq then younq. Vol. 1-2. By Bobert Dixon. Onited Kinqdo». C Pluto Press, Ltd.: 9Jun77; 4FO-88532.

APO-88533. John Sheppard: 2: nasses. Transcribed £ edited by Nicholas Sandon. Onited Kinqdon. 169 p. (Early Enqlish church BUSic, vol. 18) Accompanied by music. NH: introd. 6 editorial comment. The British Academy; 1Jul76: AFO-98533.

APO-88531. Sens teoretyczny a sens empiryczny poiecia postawy; analiza metodoloqiczna zasad doboru vskazni.^ow w badaniach nad postavaml. By airoslawa aarody. Poland. 221 p. panstwowe Hydawnictwo Naukowe; 1Sep76: APO-88S3U.

AFO-88535. naqhreb wspolczesny z badan nad kontaktem i wspolrozwo-jem kultuc. By Elzbieta Beklaitis. Poland. 382 p. Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Naukowe; 1Sep76; APO-88535.

AFO-8e536. Hielka Brytania. By Jozef Barbaq. Poland. 311 p. Panstwowe Hydawnictwo Naukowe: 16Auq76: AFO-88536.

AFO-88537. Dendroloqia. By ulodzimierz Seneta. iyd. 2. poprawione & uzupelnione. Poland. 558 p. Panstwowe Hydawnictwo Naukowe: 21Auq76; AFO-88537.

AFO-88538. Grundlaqen der Oiqitaltcchnik. Von Lorenz Borucki. Best Germany. 238 p. (Boellet, Leitfaden der Elektrotechnik, Bd. 10) 6 B. G. Teubner: 12Hay77; AFO-88538.

AFO- 88539. Burda Kochspass durch Farbbilder. Kochbuch Nr. 17. Bezepte: Burda- Kochstudio. Bedaktion: Edith Bundhausen, Fotos: Burda-Fotostudio £ Gerd Feierabend. Best Germany. 207 p. Appl. . a: Verlaq Aenne Burda. Verlaq Aenne *><rda: 20Jun77: iFO-88539.

AFO-885ltO. Acceleration de la converqence en analyse numerique. By Claude Brezinski. Best Germany. 313 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 58H) Sprinqer-Verlaq; 10Bay77: APO-SSSIO.

AFO- 8851*1. Invariant theory. By Tonny Albert Sprinqec. Best Germany. Ill p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. S8S) e Sprinqer-Verlaq: 10May77: AFO-SSSII.

AFO-885H2. Compilerbau; eine Einfuehrunq. Von Niklaus Birth. Best Germany. 9i( p. O B. G. Teubner: itllay77: AFO-885a2.

AFO-88543. Die Oekoloqische Benachteiliquag der Tropen. Von Bolfqanq Beischet. Best Germany. 127 p. B. G. Teubner: 24Bay77: AFO-88543.

AFO-885<tlt. fiarks and monograms of the aodern Hovemeat, 1875-1930. By Malcolm Haslam. Enqland. 192 p. 6 Cameron and Taylor (Books) Ltd.; 1Hay77; AFO-885«it.

AFO-885l»5. Psycholoqie und Heuristik: Probleme der systematischen Ef fektivierunq von Erkenntnisprozessen. Von Bainer Bromme fi Eckhard Uoemberq. Best Germany. 178 p. (Psycholoqie und Gesellschaf t, Bd. 2) Doktor Dietrich Steinkopff Verlaq, G.M.B.H. 6 Co., K. G. : 12Hay77; AFO-885't5.

AFO-88SI16. Air pollution: phytotoiicity of acidic qases and its significance in air pollution control. By Bobert Gaderian, translated from the German by C. Jeffrey Brandt. Best Germany. 127 p. (Ecoloqical studies, 22) Sprinqer- Verlaq; 15Apr77; AFO-8851t6.

AFO-88547. Theorie des G-structures: ie probleme d 'equivalence. By Pierre Holino, notes rediqees avec la collaboration de F. Toupine. Best Germany. 163 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 588) Sprinqer-Verlaq: 1111ay77; APO-B85a7.

AFO-885148. cours pratique de qeoqraphie canadienne. By John golyneux £ Eric Jones, traduit de I'anqlais par Michel Lalbin, Pierre-Yves Le Dilicocq £ Marie-Noel Soumeillant, sous la direction de Ludger Beauregard. Canada. 158 p. Appl. ao: McGraw-Hill fiyerson, Ltd., employer for hire. Translation of Canada: profile of a nation, pub. 1974. NM: translation. McGraw-Hill Editeurs a.a.d.o. McGraw- Hill Eyerson, Ltd.; 2Mar77; AFO-88548.

AFO-83549. Zjawiska patoloqii spoiecznej wsrod mlodziezy: studium prawno-kryminologiczne. By Marian Lipka. Poland. 365 p. O Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Naukowe; 10Apr77: AFO-88549.

APO-88550. choroby cywilizacji; oddzialywanie czynnikow wspolczesnego srodowiska na orqaniza czlowieka. By Marek E. Jurczak. Poland. 345 p. Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Naukowe; 9aay77; APO-88550.

AFO-88551. Kryminoloqia: podstawowe problemy. By Brunon Holyst. Poland. 369 p. 9 Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Naukowe; 2aay77; AFO-88551.

AFO-88552. Bspolczesny menedzeryzm; teoria i praktyka. By Zyqmunt Izdebski £ Jerzy Tudrei. Poland. 278 p. © Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Naukowe; 23Mar77: APO-88552.

AFO-88553. Podstawy aikrobiologii i immunologii. By Biadyslaw Kunickt-Goldf inqer 6 Sylwester Freilak. Poland. 402 p. O Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Naukowe; 12Feb77: AFO-88553.

AFO-88554. Sueadenfall. By John Galsworthy, berechtiqte Oebersetzunq von Luise Basserthal-Zuccari. Austria. 246 p. Original ti.: Jocelyn. NH: German translation. Paul Zsolnay Verlag, G.M.B.H.; 21JU177: AFO-88554.

AFO-88555. Das Fenster zum Sommer. By Hanoelore Valencak. Austria. 269 p. Paul Zsolnay Verlaq, G.M.B.H.; 21Jul77; AFO-88555.

AFO-88556. Der Graf von Saint-Germain. By Alexander Lernet-Holenia. Austria. 271 p. Paul Zsolnay Verlaq, G.M.B.H.: 21JU177; AFO-8e556.

AFO-88557. Das Baus zu den Vier Binden. By Isabelle Holland, berechtiqte Oebersetzung von Ina Pope. Austria. 282 p. Original ti.: Kilgaren. NM; German translation. Paul Zsolnay Verlaq, G.M.B.H.; 21Jul77: AFO-88557.

AFO-88558. Paralele; studia porownawcze z poqranicza literatury i folkloru. By Julian Krzyzanowski. Hyd. 2, Poland. 974 p. O Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Naukowe; 29Apr77; AFO-88558.

AFO-88559. Spurlos. By Charles Berlitz, in Zusammenarbeit mit J. Manson Valentine, berechtiqte Oebersetzunq von Karin S. Krausskopf. Austria. 290 p. Original ti. : Bithout a trace. NM: German translation. 6 Paul Zsolnay Verlaq, G.M.B.H.; 14Jul77; AFO-88559.

AFO- 88 560. Katharina; oder, Alles Verwehen wird der Schnee. By Wlodzimierz Odojewski, aus dem Polnischen uebers. von Gerda Bagenau S Budolf Von Jouanne. Austria. 433 p. original ti.: Zasypie wszystko, zawieje. NM: German translation. O Paul Zsolnay Verlaq, G.M.B.H.; 21Jul77: AFO-88560.

AFO-88561. Die KuDSt des Handelas; oder« Das Abenteuerliche Leben des Fernand Legros. By Boger Peyrefitte, berechtiqte Oebersetzunq von Peter Linnert. Austria. 4 14 p. Oriqinal ti.: Tableaux de chasse; oa. La Vie extraordinaire de Fernand Legros. NM: German translation. O Paul Zsolnay Verlag. G.M.B.H.; 21Jul77; AFO-88561.

AFO- 88 562. Pizyka dla politechnik. 1. czastki. By Andrzej Januszajtis. Poland. 367 p. e Panstwowe Hydawnictwo Naukowe; 3May77; AF0-885b2.

AFO-88563. Kryteria i metody optymalizac ji konstrukcji. Praca zbiorowa pod redakcja naukowa Andrzeja Mareka Brandta. autorzy: Andrzej Marek Brandt. Hojciech Dzie- niszewski, Stefan Jendo, Bojciech Marks, Stefan Owczarek £ Zbiqniew Basiutynski, issued by Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Podstawowych Problemow Techniki. Poland. 418 p. O panstwowe Hydawnictwo Naukowe: 27Apr77; AFO-88563.

AFO-B8564. Ideology and social change in Latin America. Edited by June Nash. Juan Corradi £ Hobart Spalding, Jr. Great Britain. 305 p. C Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc.; 27Jun77: APO-88564.

AFO- 88565. Excellency, by David Beaty. And other titles. Great Britain. 508 p. (Header's Digest condensed books) Prev. pub, in the O.S. editions of Header's Digest condensed books. NM: compilation £ additional AFO-88565 (con.) material. Q The Header's Diqest AssociatioQ, Ltd. ; 20Jun77; APO-88565.

APO-88566. Ideoloqy and social order. By Eric James Carlton. England. 320 p- 6 Eric Carlton; 27Jan77; APO-88566,

AFO-88567. T. E. Laurence. By Desmond Stewart. Great Britain. 352 p. Desaond Stewart; 30Jun77; AFO-88567,

AFO-88588- The Social anthropology of Radcliffe- Brown. By Alfred Reginald Badcliffe- Brown, edited by Adam Jonathan Kuper. England. 296 p. Hfl: selection e editorial material, 3 Adas Kuper; 2Juii77; AFO-88568-

APO- 88569. Non-commutative harmonic analysis. Edited by Jacques Carmona & Hichele yerqne. Best Germany. 210 p. (Lecture notes in mathenatics, vol. 587) Actes du Colloque d' Analyse Harmonique Non- commutative, 2nd« aarseille*LuBiny, 5 au 9 luillet, 1976; Enqlish 5 French. Appl, au: Jean-Yves Ch-arbonnel. Sprinqep- Verlaq; 25May77; AFO-88569.

AFC- 88570. Electroluminescence. Edited by Jacques I. Pankove« with contcibutioos by Paul J. Dean, Toshio Inoquchi C others. Vest. Germany. 212 p. (Topics in applied physics, vol- 17) 6 Sprinqer-Verlaq; 27Hay77: AFO-88570.

AFO-88571. Platelet aqqregation in the pathogenesis of cerebrovascular disorders; proceedings of the round table conference. Borne, Oct, 30-31, 197a. Best Germany. 288 p. Appl- au: G, V. R. Born t K. Breddin. e Springer-Verlag; 31liay77: AFO-8B571.

AFO-88572. yets might fly, and other titles. Australia. 512 p. (Reader's digest condensed books) Prev. pub. in O.S. editions of Reader's digest condensed books. HH: compilation & additional material. 6 Reader's Diqest Services, Pty Ltd. ; 2aMay77; AFO-88572.

AFO-88573. Tyttoe ja kartanonfaerra, and other titles. Finland. 480 p. (Valitut paiat kirlavaliot) Prev. pub. in O.S. editions of Reader's diqest condensed books. NM; Finnish lanquaqe translation. Oy Valitut Palat — Readers Diqest A. B, ; 18Bay77; AFO-88573-

APO-88574. II Cappellano di Malta, and other titles. Italy. 502 p. (Selezione della narrativa mondiale) Prev. pub. in O.S. editions of Reader's diqest condensed books. N»: Italian lanquaqe translation £ additional material. @ Selezione dal Reader's Diqest. S-P.A.; 28Mar77; AFO-8857a.

AP0-8e575. Harlequin, and other titles- Norway. 492 p. (Det Bestes boeker) Prev, pub, in O.S. editions of Reader's diqest condensed books. NHr Noruegiao lanquaqe translation & additional material. Det Beste« A.S. ; 31May77; APO-88575.

AFO-88576- North American neiqhbours. By Allan Stewart Evans & Riley Elqih Hoynes. Canada. 372 p. Appl. states all new except for photoqraphic material, © HcGraw-Hill Ryerson, Ltd.; 26Apr77; AFO-88576.

AFO-88577- The Box qarden; a novel. By Carol Ann Shields. Canada- 213 p. 6 HcGraw-Hill Ryerson, Ltd.; 4Jul77; AFO-88577.

AFO-88578. Challenqe for chanqe: geographical approaches to selected world issues. By Hargaret Heir Fairbank Fagan 6 tfarilyn Elizabeth Aronson Andrews, maps S illus.z Frank Hammond. Canada. 336 p. © McGraw-Hill Ryerson. Ltd.; 27Apr77; AFO-88578.

AFO-88579. Preparation and crystal growth of materials with layered structures. Edited by fi. M. A. Lieth. Holland. 280 p- (Physics and chemistry of materials with layered structures, vol. 1) Q D. Reidel Publishing Company; 19Jui77; AFO-88579.

APO-88580. Lectures on group theory and particle theory. By H. Bacry. Great Britain. 580 P- NM: translation of the French & additions. 9 Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Ltd. ; 20Jun77; AFO-88580.

AFb-88581, The Invention of the world; a novel. By Jack Hodgins. Canada. 354 p- Jack Hodqins; 19Mar77; AFO- 88581-

AFO-88582- The Passion of new Eve. By Angela Carter. England. 191 p. 6 Angela Carter; 4Mar77: AFO- 88582.

AFO-88583. From the Orient and the desert. Poems by Ghazi A. Algosaibi, drawings by Andrew Vicari. England. 23 p. 3 on poems; Ghazi A. Algosaibi; 2lApr77; AF0-885e3.

AFO-88584. From the Orient and the desert. Poems by Ghazi A. Algosaibi, drawings by Andrew Vicari. England. 23 p. 3 on drawings; Andrew vicari; 21Apr77; AFO-88584-

AFO-88585. Vous et la lol: guide des droits et des responsabilites du citoyen canadien. Par Adrian Popovici & Mlcheline Parizeau- Popovici. Canada. 797 p. Add. ti: You and the law. Appl. au: Selection du Reader's Digest (Canada) Ltee Prev. pub. 1973. NM: French-Canadian language translation. © Selection du Reader's Digest (Canada) Ltee; 27Jan77: AFO-88585.

APO- 88586. Stochastic programming. By Viacheslav Viktorovich Kolbin, translated from Russian by Igor P. Griqoryev. Holland. 195 p, (Theory and decision library, vol, 14) Appl. au: D. Reidel Publishing Company, employer for hire. NM: English translation. 6 D. Reidel Publishing Company; 23Jun77; APO-885a6.

AFO-88587. The Furniture of the world. By Mario Auqusto Bunge. Holland. 352 p. (Treatise on basic philosophy, vol. 3, ontology 1) © D. Reidel Publishing Company; 23Jun77; APO-88587-

AFO-88588- MacKenzie King: his life and world. By Jack Lawrence Granatstein, general editor: H. Kaye Lamb & picture editor: Paul Russell. Canada. 202 p. © McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Ltd.; 3Jun77; AFO-88588.

AFO-88589. Merveilles de tous les temps. By Philippe Lorin. Prance. 115 p, NM: tejc^, illus. 6 compilation of texts & illus, $ome of which have been prev- pub. 3 Librairie Hachette; 30May77; AFO-88589.

AFO- 88590. Rationelle Praxisorganisation. Von O, Trillinger & K. H. Kimmel. Herausgeber: Zentraiinstitut fuer die kassenaerztliche Versorgung in der Bundesrepublik Oeutschland. 2. ueberarb. Aufl. West Germany. 95 p. (Niederlassungsser vice, Bd. 7) 3 Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag. G.M.B.H. ; 17May77; AFO-88590-

AFO-88591, Empfehlungen zur rationellen Orga- nisation von aerztlichen Laborgemein- schaften. Studie von Bainer Haeckel, Herausgeber; Zentraiinstitut fuer die kassenaerztliche Versorgung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 2. ueberarb. Aufl. Best Germany. 56 p- (Nieder- lassungsservice, Bd. 6) © Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag, G-M.B-H.; 17May77; AFO- 88 591,

AFO- 88 592, Krankheits-f rueherkennung Krebs, Frauen und Maenner; Aufbereitung & Interpretation der Dntersuchungsergebnisse aus den gesetz lichen Frueherkennungsmassnahmen 1973 & 1974- By Eckart Herwig, Heraus- qeber: Zentraiinstitut fuer die kas- senaerztliche Versorgung in der Bun- desrepublik Deutschland. Sest Germany. 168 p. (Schriftenreihe, Bd. 6) © Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag, G.M.B.H.; 20Jun77; AFO-88592.

AFO-88593. Commissaire Maigret, qui etes-vous? By Gilles Henry. France. 284 p. NM: text £ compilation of texts & illus. some of which have been prev. pub. 9 Librairie Plon; 30Hay77; AFO-88593.

AFO-88594, Eiger. By Georges Sonnier. France, 296 p. © Editions Albin Michel; 30Mar77; APO- 88 594 -

AFO- 88595. Embruns- By Phyllis A. Hhitney, traduit de i'americain par Therese Lauriol- France. 304 p. Original ti. : Spindrift. © on French translation; Editions Albin Michel; 4Jun77; AFO-88595.

AF0-8a596. Journal de prison: espacements. By Bernard Remy. France. 249 p. 3 Librairie Hachette; 30Apr77; AFO- 88 59 6.

AFO-88597- Nachrichtentheorie. Bd, 2: der Debertragungskanal. Von Rudolf Eisner. Best Germany. 175 p. 3 B. G. Teubner; 14Jun77; AFO~88597.

AFO-88598. China meistert den Hunger. Von Johannes Humlum. Best Germany. 136 p. (Geocolleg) © Veriag Ferdinand Hirt; 3Jun77; AFO-88598.

AFO-88599, Atomphysik: eine Einfuehrung. Von Theo Mayer-Kuckuk. Best Germany. 233 p. 3 B. G. Teubner; 2lJun77; AFO-88599.

AFO- 88600. Star trap; a crime novel. By Simon Brett. England. 191 p. 6 Simon Brett; 9Jun77; AFO-88600,

AFO-88601. The Teacher's guide to Classroom ukulele. By J. Chalmers Doane, com- pilation & editing: Jean Doane. Canada. 64 p. © Baterloo Music Company, Ltd.; 17Jun77; AFO-88601 AFO-88602. Husic of our time; teactter's naoual. Books 1-it: piano. By Jean Coulthard, Daiia Duke 6 Joan Hansen, illus. by Jane idaas. Canada. 56 p. e Waterloo Httsic Coapany, ltd.; njui77: »fo-88602.

JFO-8e503. Der Forschunqspcozess; eine Eiofuehrunq in die Praxis der eapirischen Sozial- forschunq. Von Heine Von Aiemann. West GermanT. 351 p. e B. G. leabnec; 6Jun77; SPO-88603.

AFO-886011. Beton: Vorschrift und Praxis. Von H. Heinrich Uoermann. West Geraany. 89 p. O Verlaq von Bilhela Ernst und Sohn, K.G. ; 22Jun77; 4FO-88601I.

4FO-88605. Canadian politics: an introduction to systeaatic analysis. By Jane Jenson 6 Brian uilliaa Toslin. Canada. 168 p. O HcGraii-Hill fiyerson, Ltd.; UJul??; JFO-88605.

AFO-88606. Safari cards. No. 1009-1032. Switzerland. 21 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schaaenberq, Philippe Duflon 6 Andre Estoppey. on Enqlish translation; Editions Rencontre, S. A.; 11llar77; AFO-88606.

AFO-88607. Mickey au Pole Nord. Edition francaise de Haurice Fleurent. France. 1 ». BH: translation. O Walt Disney Productions; 30Har77: AFO-88607.

AFO- 88608. Hiawatha au far West. Edition francaise de Haurice Fleurent. France. 1 ». NH: translation. 6 Wait Disney Productions; 30llar77; AFO-88608.

AFO-88609. Koaaentar zur Gebuehrenordnunq fuer Aerzte. 23. Erqaenzunqslief erunq. lest Geraany. sheets. Appl. au: Dietrich Brueck. e Deutscher Aerzte- Verlaq, G.H.B.H. ; 10Dec76 (in notice: 1977); AFO-88609.

AFO-88610. The Journal of the Australian Hat- heiatical Society. Vol. 22, series A, pt. t, Dec. 1976. Editor: J. N. Crossley £ other editors. Israel. p. 385-510. Appl. au: Australian Satheaatical Society. Australian (latheaatical Society; 1llar77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-88610.

AFO- 886 11. sheet aetal practice: si aetric illliai Earl Neundoirf £ Claude Robert Stevens, with technical illus. by Al HcDeraott £ Don HcClennan. 2nd ed. Canada. 133 p. McGraw-Hill Byers Ltd.; 7Jun77; AFO-88611.

By ne-up quide. Vol. 1 1 ». Add. ti: BLG -up quide. Appl, au APO-88612. Bundesliqa 75-76. Cana Bundesliqa 1 C. Saart. 1Feb77: AFO-88612.

AFO-88613. Safari cards. No. 889-912. Swit- zerland. 214 cards £ folder. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberq. Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. O on translation: Editions Rencontre, S.A.: 11Feb77 (in notice: 1976): AFO-88613.

AFO-8861U. laaqes, perception, and knowledqe; papers derivinq froa £ related to the Philosophy of Science Workshop at Ontario, Canada, Hay 197U. Edited by John M. Nicholas. Holland. 309 p. (The Oniversity of Western Ontario series in philosophy of science, vol. 8) Appl. au: Bernard Racine. Appl. states copyright not claiaed for articles by Pylyshyn (p. 1-36), Sloaan (p. 121-138), Hebb (p. 139-153) e D. Reidel Publishing Coapany; 2Jun77; AFO-a861U.

AFO-88615. Safari cards. No. 913-936. Swit- zerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberq, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. O on Enqlish translation; Editions Rencontre, S.A.; 11Feb77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-88615.

AFO-88616. Safari cards. No. 937-960. Swit- zerland. 2i» cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberq, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. © on Enqlish translation; Editions Rencontre, S.A.; 11Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; AFO-88516.

AFO-88617. Safari cards, no. 961-98H. Association in aniaals. Switzerland. 24 cards £ folder. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberq, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. e on Enqlish translation; Editions Eencontre, S.A.; 11Har77; AFO-88617.

AFO-88618. Fichier safari. No 1057-1080. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberq, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. Q Editions Bencontre, S-A-; 18Feb77; AFO-88618.

AFO-88619. Fichier safari. No 1081-1104. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberq, Philippe Duflon E Andre Estoppey. e Editions Bencontre, S.A.; 18Feb77; AFO-886 19.

AFO-88620. Fichier safari. No 1129-1152. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberq, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. i3 Editions Bencontre, S.A.; 18Mar77; AFO-88620.

AFD-88621. Fichier safari. No 1153-1176. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberq, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. O Editions Bencontre, S. A.; 18Mar77; APO-88621.

AFO-88622. Fichier safari, no 1105-1128. L'Araiqnee et sa toiie. Switzerland. 24 cards £ folder. Appl. au: Paul Schauen- berq, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. Editions Bencontre, S.A.; 18aar77 (in notice on cards: 1977, in notice on folder: 1976); AFO-88622.

AFO-88623. Grundzueqe des praktischen Strahlen- schutzes. Von Heinrich Schultz £ Hans-Gerrit Voqt. Best Geraany. 231 p. (Thieaiq-Taschenbuecher, Bd. 62) Add. ti: Principles of practical radiation protection; Praktischer Strahlenschutz. e Verlaq Karl Thieaiq; 2Jun77; AFO-88623.

AFO-88624. DOE: Land, Volk, Wirtschaft in Stichworten. Von Johannes F. Gellert £ Uans-Joachia Kraaa. Austria. 143 p. Add. ti: Deutsche Oeaokratische Republik: Land, Volk, Wirtschaft iu Stichworten; Deutsche Oeaokratische Republik in Stichworten. Verlaq Ferdinand Hirt, G.n.B.H. (in notice: Ferdinand Hirt, G.a.B.H.); 14Jun77; AF0-e8624.

AFO-88625. The Wonders of the ancient vorld. Text by J. R. Green, edited £ designed by Reader's Digest Services, Pty. Ltd. Australia. 51 p. Reader's Digest Services, Pty. Ltd.; 14Jun77; APO-88625.

AFO-88626. Lettische Musik. fly Longias Apkalns. west Geraany. 411 p. Breitkopf und Haertel Verlag (in notice: Breitkopf und Kaertel) ; 25Feb77; AFO-88626.

AFO-88627- Teoria uaov. By Zbigniew Radwanski. Poland. 275 p. O Panst«owe Wydawnictwo Naukowe; 5May77; AFO-83627.

AFO-8e62e. Eeforaiza szwedzki. By Bojciech Lamentowicz. Poland. 464 p. NM: text £ 40X of tables. O Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukone; 10Jun77; AFO-88628.

AFO- 88629. Theraodynaaic network analysis of biological systeas. By J. Schnakenberg. West Geraany. 143 p. o Springer- Verlag; 28Apr77: AFO-88629.

AFO-88630. Analyse haraonigue dans les systeaes de Tits bornologigues de type affine. By Hideya flatsuaoto. Best Geraany. 218 p. (Lecture notes in aatheaatics, vol. 590) e Springer-Veriag; 15Jud77; AFO-88630.

AFO-88631. The Guinea-pig placenta. By Peter Kaufaann £ Hichail S. Davidoff. Best Geraany. J1 p. (Advances in anatoay, eabryoioqy and cell biology, vol. 53, fascicle 2) O Springer-Verlag; 26flay77; AFO-88631.

AFO-88632. Cohoaologie I-adique et fonctions L; Seainaire de Geoaetrie Algebrique du Bois-aarie, 1965-66, SGA 5. Editor: Luc Illasie. Best Geraany. 484 p. (Lecture notes in aatheaatics, vol. 589) O Springer-Verlag; 20Jun77; AFO-88632.

AFO-88633. Die Kontrolliecte Hypotension ait Nitroprussidnatrina in der Neuroanaes- thesie. By Klaus Huse. Best Geraany. 98 p. (Anaesthesiology and resuscitation, 107. Anaesthesiologie und Biedarbelebung, 107) e Sprinqer-Verlag; 6Jun77; AFO-88633.

AFO-88634. Analysis 1. By christian Blatter. 2. verbesserte Aufl. Best Geraany. 204 p. (Ueidelberger Taschenbuecher, Bd. 151) O Springer-Verlag; 5aay77; AFO-88634.

AFO-88635. Coabex: a descriptive brochure with guidelines. Canada. 1 v. Appl. au: Aldo Gasperetti. Appl. states all new except sample Coabex draw ticket. O Aldo Gasperetti; 18aar77; APO-88635.

AFO-88636. Prozessorientierter Onterricht. By Gerhardt Petrat £ others. Best Geraany. 197 p. e Franz Ehrenwirth Verlag, G.a.B.H. £ Co., K.G.; 23May77; AF0-8e636.

AFO- 88637. Noraativer Onterricht: eiu didaktisches Konzept zur Transparenz von Noraen. By Bans-Dieter Fell. Best Geraany. 19& p. O Franz Ehrenwirth Verlag, G.a.B.H. & Co., K.G. ; 4Jul77; AFO-88637.

AFO- 88638. Filasprache und Birklichkeit : zur Rirkung von filaischen Onterr ichtsdo- kuaenten. By Brigitta Buehlen-Achs. Best Geraany. 125 p. O Franz Ehrenwirth Verlag, G.a.B.H. £ Co., K.G.; 12flay77; AFO-88638. AFO-88639. Demokratisierunq von Schule and Schul»er»altunq. By Ecnst Kuper. Best SermaDV. 14D p. S Franz Ehcenvirth Verlaq. G.M. B. a. £ Co.. K.G. ; 25Bay77; AFO-88639.

AFO-88640. Aspekte einer sozlalwissenschaf tlichen Psycholoqie. By Volfqanq Bertens. Best Germany. 115 p. C Franz Ehreniiirth Verlaq, G.H.B.H. £ Co., K.G.; 61!ay77; AFO-886U0.

AFO-886lt1. Fire on the mountain. By Anita Desai. Great Britain. 115 p. Anita Desai; 13Jun77; AFO-8861t1.

AFO- 886^2. Microscope photometry. By Horst Filler. Best Germany. 253 p. Sprinqer-Verlaq; 21(Hay77: AFO-8861t2.

AFO-886it3. Advances in polyner science, 24. Edited by Hans-Joachim Canton 6 others. Best Germany. 241 p. 6 Sprinqer-Verlag; 16Jun77: AFO-886143.

AFO-88641. Second oeuvre du batiment; collection "aide-memoire." By Beniamln Boulet. 72. ed. France. 200 p. 6 Bordas; 30Jun77; AFO-886m.

APO- 88645. Le Patriarche--pour les droques: I'espoir. By Lucien Enqelsaier. France. 319 p. e Editions Stock 6 Opeca-Bundi; 31Hay77: AFO-88645.

AFO-88546. Le tJythe de la procreation a l"age baroque. By Pierre Daraon. France. 283 p. NM: new text, compilation of texts fi illus. e Societe Nouvelle des Editi,ons J. -J. Pauvert; 30Apr77; AFO-88646.

AFO-88647. Histoire de la Bretaqne. By Yann Brekilien, pseud, de Jean Sicard- France. 405 p. NH: neu teit, illus. S compi- lation, e Librairie Hachette; 30llay77; iFO-88647.

AFO- 88648. Les Fichiers: pratique et choiz de I'orqanisation des donnees infor fflatiques. Par Claude Jouffroy 6 Charles Letanq. 2. ed. France. 197 p. Bordas; 30Jun77; AFO-88648.

AFO-88649. La Balade de Jenny Plunpett. By Charles Exbrayac. France. 252 p. Q Eibrayat 6 Librairie des Champs-Elysees; 30Jun77; AFO-88649.

Aro-8865a. Le nasque des reqrets. By Kurt Steiner, pseud, of Andre Euellan. France. 152 p. NO: revisions S additions. 6 Librairie des Champs-Elysees: 30Jun77; iFO-88650.

AFO-88651. Les Enfants de Sturgeon. By Theodore Sturqeon, antholoqie preparee par Harianne Leconte. France- 251 p. Nfl: editinq. e Librairie des Champs-Elysees; 30Jun77; AFO-88651.

AFO-88652. Le Soleil et la terre. By Chantal Chanaf. France. 169 p. © Societe Nouvelle des Editions J. J. Pauvert: 30Apr77: AFO-88652.

AFO-88653. L'aomme malade. Par H. Pierre Klotz. France. 189 p. NB: additions 6 compilation. 6 Bercure de France; 2Jun77: AFO-8B653.

AFO-88654. Celebrer Jesus-Christ; I'annee liturqique. T. 5: fetes et dimanches 2 a 8. By Adrien Nocent. France. 255 p. NB: additions £ compilation. © Jean- Pierre Delarge, Ed. Oniversitaires; 30Bay77; AFO-88654.

AFO-88655. Celebrer Jesus-Christ: I'annee liturqique. T. 6: fetes et dimanches 9 a 21. By Adrien Nocent. France. 251 p. NH: additions £ compilation. e Jean- Pierre Delarqe, Ed. Oniversitaires; 30aay77; AFO-88655.

AFO-88656. La chronique des OVNI. By Michel Bouqard, France. 301 p. NB: additions fi compilation. © Editions Oniversitaires, Jean-Pierre Delarge; 10Jun77; AFO-88656.

AFO-88657. Les chauvauchees de I'an mil: I'amour, I'or et le ruffin. T. 4. By Claude Poulain. France. 400 p. 6 Librairie Artheme Fayard; 15Jun77; AFO-88657.

AFO-88658. D*une prison 1* autre. By Hubert Bonaldi avec la collabbration de Pierre Cha- tiqnoux. France. 251 p. S Editions Grasset et Fasquelle; 30Jun77; AFO-88658.

AFO-88659. Biroir de I'histoire. Sommaire no. 298, Bay-June 1977. Redacteur en chef: Jean Fontuqne, France- 95 p. © Librairie Jules Tallandier; 15Jun77; AFO-88659.

AFO-88660. Les Bons astromariages. Par Marguerite De Bizemont fi Helene Bonsart. France. 234 p. Bercure de France; 27Bay77; AFO-88660.

AFO-88661. Les Reves en 10 lecons. By Krista LeucK, pseud, of Krista Berchouski. France. 223 p. NB: text, illus. fi compilation of texts. © Librairie Hachette; 30Bay77; AFO-88661.

AFO-88662. La fientree des classes. By Jacques Brenner. France. 284 p. © Editions Grasset et Fasquelle; 30aar77; APO-88662.

AFO-88663. La Proqrasmation dynamigue, de la maitrise de la conjoncture a la pla- nification. By Alain Chevalier. France. 218 p. © Bordas; 30Jun77; iFO-88663.

AFO-88664. Celebrer Jesus-Christ, I'annee liturqique. No. 7: fetes et diaanches 22 a 34. By Adrien Nocent. France. 247 p- NB: text £ compilation of texts. O Jean-Pierre Delarqe, Editions Oni- versitaires; 30Jun77; AFO-88664.

AFO-88665- Le Bresil. Dirigee par Patrick Sizzi, documentation: Elisabeth Bheeler, cartographie: Dominique Lippus. France. 135 p. (Collection les chemins d'Amerique Latino) © Decouverte du Nouveau Bonde; 14Jun77; AFO-88665.

AFO-88666. II Tenpo si e fermato a Bio. By Franca Caprino fi Franca Bodiano. Italy. 8 p. © Franca Caprino fi Franca Bodiano; 20JU177; AFO-88666.

AFO-88667. Introduction a la gestion hospitaliere. By Enile Levy, Bartine Bungener, Gerard Dumenil £ Herve Lafarqe. France. 243 p.

AFO-88668. Bathematique: exercices corriges avec rappels de cours. T. 1: sciences econoBigues, Ire anuee. By EdBond Berrebi. 5. ed. revue fi augmentee. France. 322 p. © Bordas; 30Bar77; iFO-88668.

AFO- 88669. Statistique; exercices corriges avec rappels de cours. T. 1: sciences ecoQomigues, ler annee. By Christian Labrousse. 5. ed. revue £ augmentee. France. 312 p. Bordas; 30Hay77; AFO-88669.

AFO-88670. Jeunesse oblige. Illus de Francois Batet. France. 251 p. Appl. au: Christine Beltramo £ Christiane Dumont. © Librairie Hachette; 30Bay77; AFO-88670.

AFO-88671. Nicole et son club. By Barie-Louise Fischer, texte francais d"01ivier Secfaan, illus de Patrice Harispe. France. 150 p- Original ti.: Die Klasse ist fuer Petra. NB: French text fi illus. Librairie Hachette; 30Bay77; AFO-88671.

AFO-88672. Dix petits Negres. By Agatha Christie, texte francais de Louis Postif, illus. de Annie-Claude Bartin. France. 218 p. Original ti.; Ten little niggers. NB: illus. © Librairie Hachette; 30Bay77; AFO-88672.

AFO-88673. Grece. Etabli par Robert Boulanger, augmente fi mis a jour par Patrice Billeron, revise par Jean Bousquet fi Jean-Pierre aichaud. France. 809 p. Accompanied by map. NB: revisions £ additions. © Librairie Hachette; 30Apr77; AFO-88673.

AFO-88674. La Belle et le cavalier. By Barbara Cartland, traduit de I'anglais par Arlette SosenbluB. France. 262 p. Translation of The Buthless rake. on translation; Editions de Trevise; 17Jun77; AFO-88674.

AFO-88675- La Colline aux jumeaux. By Isabelle Holland, traduit de I'anglais par Evelyne Stauffer. France. 288 p. Translation of Trelavny. © on French translation; Editions de Trevise; 17Jun77; AFO-88675.

AFO- 88676. Espaces et civilisations; histoire, geoqraphie, economie, education civique, classe de 6e. By Victor Prevot £ F. Lebrun, sous la direction de E. P. Desire £ Y. Zanghellini, par J. Ceremonie, U. Contri, E. P. Desire, F. Lebrun 6 V. Zanghellini. France. 2 v. in 1- © Librairie Classigue Eugene Belin; 30Jun77; 4FO-88676.

AFO-88677. A Voice from afar; the history of telecoBmunications in Canada- By Robert John Collins- Canada. 304 p. © Robert Collins; 14Jun77; AFO-88677.

AFO-88678. Cecile; ou, Les Delices des plaisirs interdits. By Jacgues De Saint Paul, pseud, of Paul Claude Innocenzi. France. 189 p. © Jacques De Saint Paul fi S.E.C.L.E. a.a.d.o. Societe pour 1' Exploitation du Commerce de Librairie et d'Edition; 30Jun77; AFO-88678.

AFO-88679. La Cle des etoiles. By Bichel Demuth »FO-8a679 (con.) Prance. 250 p. NB: re»isions S additions. Libcaicie des Chaaps- ElTsees; 30Jun77: AFO-88679.

AFO-8B680. Les »endredis de la Part-Dien. By Gilbert Picard. Prance. 18« p. O Gilbert Picard S Libraicie des Cha»PE-EiVsees: 30Jun77: APO-88680.

»F0- 88681. I'Enieu. By Andre Batossian, la couirerture reproduit un dessin oriqioal de Serqio Storel. France. 73 p. O Andre Hatossian: 30Jan77; APO-88681.

AFO-86682. Paul-Eaile et Eaily. By Hare Blaocpain. France. Sit p. Editions Grasset et Fasquelle: 30Har77; APO-88682.

APO-88683. Liens de faaille. By Celia Bertin. Prance. 382 p. Editions Grasset et Pasquelle; 30Har77: AFO-88683.

APO-886814. Coaaent coaprendre wotre horoscope. By Geraaine Hoi ley. Monaco. 283 p. O Editions do Rocber; 30Jun77; APO-88684.

APO-88685. Dictionnaire de coaposition poetiqoe francaise classique. By Claude Cotti. France. 72 p. HH: new text 6 coapilation of teits, soae of which have been pre?. pub. O Claude Cotti: 30Jun77; AFO-88685.

APO- 88686. La Haison d'Albertine. By Jean Preustie. France. 205 p. Editions Grasset et Pasquelle; 30Bar77: APO- 88686.

AFO- 88687. La Vie quotidienne de Napoleoo en route vers Sainte-Helene. By Georqes Bordonove Prance. 286 p. NB: new text C coa- pilation. J.ibrairie Hachette; 30Hay77; APO- 88687.

AFO-88688. Histoire d'une fan: 5 ans a»ec Claude Francois. By Hvriaa, pseud, of Myriaa Zehar* suivi d*une interview par Hartine Larochc. Prance. 163 p. NB: new text £ coapilation of illus., soae of which were prev. pab. Librairie Hachette; 30Apr77: APO- 88688.

APO- 88689. Son villaqe sar la banquise. By Jean Leroy-Guyo, pseud, of Jean Leroy, avec la collaboration de Nadine Lefebure. Prance. 1(15 p. Opera Bnndi; 23aar77: APO-8e689.

iFO-88690. Le Voyaqe a I'envers. By Christine De Bivoyre. Prance. 277 p. Editions Grasset et Fasquelle: 30Say77: APO-88690.

APO-88691. Gilles, le aonde est fou. By Aqnes Cattaneo. France. 317 p. Editions Grasset et pasquelle; 30Bay77: AFO-88691.

APO-88692. Cheain faisant, aille kiloaetres a pied a travers la France. By Jacques Lacarriere. France. 294 p. MB: revisions & additions. Librairie Artheae Fayard; 15Jun77: APO-88692.

AFO-88693. Antecuae: ou« a Coqnat, recit rec Autre vie. By Andre ill! par Claade Bassot. Prance. 337 p. Opera flundi; 23Bay77: APO- 88693.

APO-88694. La Valiee des roses. By Lucien Bodard. Prance. 412 p. Editions Grasset et Pasquelle; 30Jun77: AP0-8869lt.

AFO-88695. La Coaptabilite d* inflation; la reevaluation des biiaas de 25 entreprises. By Gilbert Lecointre, pref . : Andre Cibert. France. 148 p. (Finance) MM: new text e coapilation. Bordas; 30Jun77: AFO-88695.

iFG-88696. Les Baitres penseurs. By Andre Gluclcsaann. Prance. 321 p. NB: new text 6 coapilation. O Editions Grasset et Fasquelle; 30Jun77; AFO-88696.

APO-88697. Avec ces yeux-la. By Bichele fiorqan* pseud, of Siaone Boussel, avec la collaboratioq de Barceile Boutier, pseud, of Barceile Frass. Prance. 329 p. NB: text, illus. & coapilation. opera Bundi; 18Bay77: AFO-a8697.

AFO-88698. L'Irreversibilite, fondeaent de la stabilite du aonde physique. By Francis Per, Prance. 135 p. O Bordas; 30Jun77; APO-88698.

AFO-88699. Le Sejour des morts; nouvelles. By Jacques Chessex. France. 268 p. Editions Grasset et Fasquelle; 30Apr77; APO-88699.

AFO- 88700. Entre betes et hoaaes. By Jean Poaaery avec la collaboration de othilie Bailly. France. 268 p. Calaann-Levy 6 Opera Bundi; 20Jan77; AFO-88700.

APO-88701. Coaaent peut-on etre chatelain aoiourd'hui? By Barcel Schneider, pref. de Bichel Pericard. Prance. 178 p. NB: new text & coapilation. Librairie Hachette; 30Bay77; AFO-88701.

AFO-88702. Proqraaaation: proceedinqs of the 2nd International Symposiua on Prograoming, Paris, April 13-15, 1976. Edited by B. Bobinet. France. 248 p. Add. ti: Proqraaaation: actes du 2e Collogue International sur la Proqraaaation, Paris, 13-15 Avril 1976. English 6 French. Bordas: 30aar77 ; 4PO-88702.

AFO-88703. Badio Alice radio libre; collectif a/traverso. Traduction de Danielle Guillera 6 Gian-flarco Bontesano, pref. de Felix Guattari. prance. 116 p. Original ti. : Alice e' il diavolo. HB: tran- slation. O J. -P. Delarge £ L.S.C. a.a.d.o. Laboratoire de Sociologie de la Connaissance; 30Jun77; AFO-88703.

APO-88704. pacture d'orgues. Lutherie. By Pierre Pelissero £ Pranooise Bonier. Prance. ' 224 p. NB: new text, illus., £ coa- pilation. Libraicie Hachette; 30Apr77; APO-88704.

APO-88705. Histoire de la Belqique. By Georges-H. Duaont. Prance. 566 p. NB: new text t coapilation. O Librairie Hachette; 30Bay77; AFO-88705.

AFO-88706. L 'Indie. By Boger Borniche. Prance. 414 p. Editions Grasset et Pasquelle; 30Apr77: AFO-88706.

AFO-88707. Le producteur. By Guiilauae Uanoteau £ Claude Heyaann. France. 358 p. O Librairie Artheae Payard; 22Jun77; AFO-887C7.

APO- 88708. La Barbarie a visage huaain. By Bernard-Henri Levy. France. 236 p. NB: new text £ coapilation of texts, soae of which were prev. pab. O Editions Grasset et Fasguelle; 30aay77: AFO-e8708.

APO- 88709. La Bentabilite de I'entrepr ise; analyse, prevision £ controle. By Bernard colasse. 2. ed. revue £ augaentee. France. 136 p. Bordas; 30Jun77; AFO-88709.

APO-88710. La fie coaae une fete. By Barcel Jouhandeau. France. 314 p. Societe Nouvelle des Editions Jean-Jacques Pauvert; 30Apr77; AFO-8e710.

APO-88711. Les Plaabeurs de Las Vegas. By I. G. Broat, traduit de I'anglais par Claude Yelnick. France. 316 p. Translation of The Junketeers. on French translation; Editions de Trevise; )7Jun77; AFO-88711.

APO-88712. Tic et Tac detectives. De Bait Disney, illus de Jeanne Hives. France. 117 p. NB: illus. ialt Disney Productions; 30Bay77; APO-88712.

APO- 88713. Halt Disney presente cendrilion; d'apres Charles Perrault. Illus de Jeanne Hives. France. 146 p. NB: illus. Bait Disney Productions: 30Apr77; AFO-8B713.

AF0-8e714. Cas de conscience pour Cinq-Just. By Louis Baudouin, illus de Josette Biaran. France. 185 p. O Librairie Hachette; 30flay77; AFO-88714.

APO-88715. J'aiae le veio. Texte de Francoise Lecanpion, dessins de Pierre Bagnin. Prance. 155 p. (Avec Pierre, Pic et Bartine) O Librairie Hachette; 30Bay77; APO-88715.

APO-88716. Le Jeu de I'oabre; roaau. De Theresa Charles, traduit de I'anglais par Evelyne stauffer. prance. 218 p. Translation of Trust ae, ay love. on French tran- slation: Editions De Trevise; 17Jun77; AFO-88716.

APO-88717. Les Aaants du Bississipi. By Jacgueline Bonsigny. Prance. 370 p. Editions Grasset et Fasguelle; 30Bar77; APO-8e717.

AFO- 88718. The Self and the other: the irreducible eleaent in aan. Pt . 1: the "crisis of ann." Edited by Anna-Teresa Tyaieniecka. Holland. 186 p. (Analecta Husseriiana: the yearbook of phenoaenological research, vol. 6) Papers froa the Fourth Inter- national Phenoaenology Conference, held in Pribourg, Switzerland froa 24-28 Jan. 1975. Appl. au: stephan Strasser £ Barie-Dooinique Philippe. O D. Beidel Publishing Coapany; 23Jun;7; APO-88718.

APO-88719. The National union catalog, pre- 1956 iapriuts; a cuaolative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards £ titles reported by other Aaerican libraries. Vol. 505-509. Coapiied £ edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress £ the national Onion Catalog Subcoaaittee of the Besources coaaittee of APO-88719 (con.) the Resources and Technical Services Division, Anerican Library Association- United Kinqdom. 5 v. Appl. au: Hansell Information/Publishinq» Ltd- Appl- states copyright is not claimed in the National union cataloq, pre-1956 imprints maintained by the Library of Conqress in card form or in any other publication of the 0. S. Govt- within the aeaninq of Title 17 D-S.C. 18- SH: final abridqaent 6 revision of each entry, sequence location codinq 6 oriqinal prefatory materials. d Hansen Information/Publishinq, Ltd- ; 30May77: AFO-88719-

AFO-88720- Die Hedizinmaenner Afrikas; ihre Function in der afrikaniscben Gesellschaft und ein Leitfaden zum "Herfen der Knochen. " Von Adrian Boshier- Bepublic of South Africa. Folder- Appl. au; Colour Cataloques, Pty- Ltd- C Colour Cataloques, Pty. Ltd.; 1reb77; AFO- 887 20.

AFO-88721. Les Actes du Graal sur terre. Translator: Paul Kaufmann. Best Germany. 31 p. Appl. au: Verlaq Alexander Bernhardt. Translation of Die Gral- shandlunqen auf Erden. Nfl: French translation. © Irminqard Bernhardt: 25llay77 (in notice: 1971) : AFO-88721

AFO- 88722. Elementar-Mathematik; ein Torkurs zur hoeheren Hathematik. Beqruendet von Friedrich Adolf llllers. lU. uebetar- beitete Aufl.. von Klaus-Georq Krapf. Best Germany. 363 p. 9 Doktor Dietrich Steinkopff Verlaq. G.M.B.H. 6 Co., K.G-; 6Jun77: AFO-88722-

AFO-88723. Sairaalan panttivanqit* and other titles- Finland- 479 p- (Valitat Palat fciriavaliot) Prev- pub- in U- S- editions of Reader's Diqest condensed books- UHz Finnish translation & additions- Q Oy Valitut Palat — Reader's Diqest, A-B.: 1HJun77: AFO-8a723.

AFO-88724. Der Verbau als Klassif izierunqselement im Dntertaqebau. Von Nolfqanq Berqer. West Germany. 9i* p. (Bauinqenieur- Praxis, Beft 68) C Verlaq von Bilhelm Ernst und Sohn, K.G. ; 7Sep76: AFO-8872a.

AFO-88725. Animali come vivono. Italy. 344 p. Prev. pub. as Animal families, 1971. NH: translation e adaptation. © Selezione dal Reader's Diqest, S.P.A.: 22Bar77; AFO-88725.

AFO-88726. How to make and use aaqic mirrors- By Niqel R. Clouqh. Enqland. 64 p. Higel E. Clouqh: 16Jun77; APO-88726.

4FO-88727. A Veqetarian in the family: meatless recipes for the odd one out. By Janet Bant, drawinqs by Dinah Cohen. England- 95 p. e Janet Hunt; 16Juo77; AFO-88727-

AFO- 88728- Self-help for qall-bladder troubles. By Hoqer Newman Turner. Enqland. 64 p. e Boqer Newman Turner; >6'Jun77: AFO- 88728.

JFO- 88729- The Tiqer's cave: translations of Japanese Zen texts. By Trevor Pryce Leqqett, pt. 5; From a commentary on Rinzai-roku, by Omori Soqen. Enqland- 192 p- NH: pt. 5. © Trevor Leqqett: 23Jun77; AFO-B8729-

AFO-88730- Sailinq craft in Canada: a guide for buyers and owners- By Clifford John Newman. Canada- 192 p- HcGraw-Hill Byerson. Ltd-; ^6Apr77; AFO-8e730.

AFO-8873i. Canadian siarketinq: a case approach. By Peter nyles Bantinq. Canada. 305 p- 9 McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Ltd- ; 26Apr77; AFO-88731-

AFO-88732- Family, kinship and community: a study of Dutch Canadians; a developmental approach. By Karigoudar Ishwaran. Canada. 181 p. 3 HcGrau-Hill Byerson, Ltd.; 1211ay77; AFO-88732.

AFO-88733. Accounting projects and simulations. By Henry John Kaluza- Canada- 161 p. 9 HcGraw-Hill Ryerson, Ltd-; 12May77; AFO-88733-

AFO-8B734. The Sociology of the school curriculum. By Samuel John Eqgleston. England. 171 p. 9 John Eggleston; 16Jan77; AFO-88734.

AFO-88735. Le Droit canadien. By H. H. Jennings & Thomas G. Zuber, traduit de 1' anglais par Francois Bizet £ Pierre-Yves Le Dilicocq. Canada. 419 p. Appl. au: McGraw-Hill, Editeurs a.a.d.o. McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Ltd., employer for hire- Translation of Canadian law, second edition, pub- 1972- NM: translation- 6 HcGraw-Hill, Editeurs a.a.d.o. McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Ltd.; 19Apr77; AFO-88735.

AFO-88736. Cours complet de secretariat moderne. By A. E. Sparling 6 C. M. ittridge, traduit de I'anqlais par Pierre-yves Le Dilicocq. Canada. 446 p. Appl. au: McGraw-Hill, Editeurs a.a.d.o. McGraw-Hill Byerson, Ltd. , employer for hire. Translation of Complete course in office procedures, fourth edition, pub- 1975- NH: translation- © McGraw-Hill, Editeurs a-a.d-o- McGraw-Hill Ryerson. Ltd-; 19May77: AFO-88736-

AFO-88737. Ekoloqia lasu. By Zygmunt Obminski. Poland. 480 p. NB: text 6 80» of illus- & tables. 9 Panstvowe Hydawnictwo Naukowe; 5May77; AFO-88737.

iFO-8B738. Teatr w Polsce w 18. wieku. By Karyna Wierzbicka-Michalska. Poland. 346 p. NM: text £ 15% of illus. © Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Baukowe; 10Jun77; AFO-88738.

4FO-88739. Cywilizacja miedzi i kamienia: tecbnika starozytnego Egiptu. By Jadwiga Lipinska e Bieslaw Kozinski, editor: Halina Ualfisz. Poland. 583 p. Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Naukowe; 15May77; AFO-88739.

AFO-88740. Proxopera; a novel. By Benedict Kiely. Great Britain. 93 p. 9 Benedict Kiely; 21JU177; AFO-88740.

AFO-e8741. Quella lontana estate, and other titles. Italy. 477 p. (Selezione della narrativa mondiale) Prev. pub. in U.S. editions of Beader's diqest condensed books. NM: translation 6 additional material. 9 Selezione dal Reader's Digest, S.P.A.; 11JU177; AFa-88741.

APO-88742. Een Sportief voorstel, and other titles. The Netherlands. 478 p. (Het Beste boek) Prev. pub. in U.S. editions of Reader's digest condensed books. NM: translation. 9 Oitgeversmaatschappi j the Reader's Digest, N.V.; 8Jul77; AFO-88742.

AFO-88743. Harmouset part en exploration. By Dina-K. Toucneur. Belgium. France. 1 v. ©Casterman; 12Apr77; AFO-88743.

AF0-8SJ4-*. Marmouset dessine sa fflaman. By Dina-K. Tourneur. Belgium, France. 1 v. © Casterman; 12Apr77; AFO-88744.

AFO- 88745. Marmouset soigne une tourterelle. By Dina-K. Tourneur. Belgium, France. 1 v. 9 casterman; 12Apr77; AFO-88745.

AFO-88746. Petit Tom salt lire I'heure. Ecrit par Alain Gree, image par Gerard Gree, sous la direction pedaqogique de Marguerite Delchet. Belgium, France. 21 p. © Casterman; 17May77; AFO-88746.

AFO-88747. Les Farfeluches font des achats; en 314 mots. Conception £ texte d' Alain Gree, illus. de Luis Camps. Belgium, France. 21 p. © Casterman; 5aay77; AFO-88747.

AFO-88748. Jean-Lou et Sophie en Bretagne. By Marcel Marlier. Belgium, France. 21 p. © Casterman; 86pr77; AFO-88748.

AFO- 88749. Adelie la coccinelle. By Marcelle Verite £ Ch. Salembier. Belgium, France. 21 p. 9 Casterman; 24May77; AFO-88749.

AFO-88750. Operation gidsel, and other titles. Denmark. 478 p. (Det Bedstes boeger) Prev. pub. in U.S. editions of Reader's digest condensed books. NM: Danish language translation, plus additional material. © Det Bedste fra Reader's Digest, A.S.; 13May77; AFO-88750.

AFO- 88751. Around Mount Isa: a guide to the flora and fauna. By Helen Patricia Horton, with the section on reptiles by David Stammer fi line drawings by Elizabeth McKenzie. Australia. 181 p. 9 University of Queensland Press; 250ct76; AFO-88751.

AFO-88752. The Government of Victoria. By Marjorie Jean Eolmes. Australia. 205 p. © University of Queensland Press; 180ct76; AFO-88752.

AFO-88753. Teoria liczb. By Bladyslaw Narkievicz. Poland, 355 p. (Biblioteka matematyczna. t. 50) © panstwowe Hydawnictwo Naukowe; 10May77; AFO-88753.

AFO-88754. Chimes at midnight; twelve stories. By Terence De Vere Bhite. England. 158 p. 9 Terence De Vere Bhite; 23Jun77; AFO-88754.

AFO-88755. Lhasa, the open city: a journey to Tibet. By Han Suyin a.k.a. Elizabeth comber. England. 180 p. Prev. pub. abroad under the title Lhassa, etoile- fleUr, 1976. NH: translation. 9 Han Suyin a.k.a. Elizabeth Comber; 31Mar77: AFO-88755.

AFO- 88756. Metodologii historii zarys krytyczny. By Banda Moszczenska, author of pref.: Jerzy Maternicki. Poland. 559 p. NM: pref. , annexes G revision. © Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Maukowe; 18Jun77; AFO-B8756. AFO-88757. Hecenat artystyczDT StanislaHa Augusta. By Tadeusz flankovski, opracovala Zuzanoa PcoszvDSka, Mstepem opatrzyl Mladyslaw Tatarkienicz. Poland. 383 p. SuDoary in Enqlish. NM: compilation, editorial revision, index, pref. S 50X o£ illus. e Panstwowe HydawnictBO Haukone; 30Apr77 (in notice: 1976) ; AFO-88757.

AFO- 88758. Huseumsbesuche: Bilder aus 25 bedeu- tendeo Saaalunqen von Albi bis Huppertal. Eine AusHahl aus der Zeitschrift Die Kunst und das schoene Heiia, by Anni Hagner 6 others. Best Germany. 1 v. HM: text 6 reproductions of works of art. © Verlag Karl Thieaiq, A.G. ; 2(lar77; AFO-e8758.

AFO-8B759. Seminaire d' Alqebre Paul Dubreil, Paris, 1975-1976 (29eme annee) ; proceedinqs. Edited by Harie Paule Balliaiin. Hest Germany. 188 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 586) Enqlish G French, e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 11Ilay77; APO-88759.

AFO-88760. Harmonic analysis on the n-dimensional Lorentz qroup and its application to conformal quantum field theory. By ?. K. Dobrev, G. Back, V. B. Petkova, S. G. Petrova 6 I. T. Todorov. Hest Germany. 280 p. (Lecture notes in physics, vol. 63) Sprinqec-Verlaq: 26Apr77; AFO-8B760.

AFO-a8761. Seminaire de Probabilites 11, Onivcrsite de Strasbourq; proceedinqs, 1975/76. Edite par C. Dellacherie, P. A. Beyer 6 B. Neil. Best Germany. 573 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 581) 8 Sprinqer-Verlag; 18Apr77: APO-88761.

AFO-88762. La Clessidra moderna. By Giuseppe Pitruzzello. Italy. 18 p. C Giuseppe Pitruzzello (in notice: Giuseppe Pitruzzello Editore) ; 30Jul77: AFO-88762.

AFO- 88763. Nouveaux -jeux pour votce calculatrice de poche. By Elie vannier. France. 126 p. e Librairie Artheme Fayard; 15Jun77: AFO-88763.

AFO-8876U. Svmptome schizophrener Erkrankunqen: uncharak terist ische Basisstoerunqen. By Lilo Suellwoia. Best Germany. 112 p. (Bonoqra phien aus dem Gesamtqebiete der Psychiatrie, Bd. 13) Sprinqer-ferlaq; 16Hay77: AFO-8a76«.

AFC-88765. Convex analysis and its applications; proceedinqs of a conference held at Murat-le-Quaire, Mar. 1976. Edited by Alfred Auslender. Best Germany. 219 p. (Lecture notes in economics and mat- hematical systems, vol. ^1U) French 6 Enqlish. 6 Sprinqer-Verlaq: 25Bay77; AFO-88765.

AFO-88766. Tracinq your family tree. Canada. 1 ». Appl. au: Noel Bontqomery Elliot, e Genealoqical Research Library; 5Auq77; AFO-88766.

AFO-88767. Lbs Beqles de 1 " in terpretation musicale a i'epoque baroque (17e-18e s. ) --qenerales a tous les instruments. By Jean-Claude Teilhan. France. 101 p. NH: text 6 compilation. Alphonse Leduc et Compaqnie; 23Feb77; AFO-88767.

AFO- 88768. Traite historique d'analyse harmonigue. By Jacques Chailley. France. 156 p. Prev. pub. as Traite historique d'analyse musicale. KB: revision 6 compilation. O Alphonse Leduc et Compagnie; 9Feb77; AFO-88768.

AFO-88769. The National union catalog: pre-1956 imprints; a cumulative author list representing Library of congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. Vol. 510-514. Compiled 6 edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress £ the National Onion Catalog Subcommittee of the Resources Committee of the Besources and Technical Services Division, American Library Association. onited Kingdom. Appl. au: flansell Information/Publishing, Ltd. Appl. states copyright not claimed in the original National union catalog, pre-1956 imprints, as maintained in the Library of Congress in card form or in any publication of the U.S. Govt, within the meaning of Title 17 U.S.c. 8. NB: final abridgment Z editorial revisions of each entry, seguence & location coding 6 original prefatory materials, C Bansell Information/Publishing, Ltd.; 30Jun77; AFO-88769.

AFO-88770. The National union catalog: pre-1956 imprints; a cumulative author list representing Library of congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. Vol. 515-519. Compiled & edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress & the National Onion Catalog Subcommittee of the Resources Committee of the Resources and Technical Services Division, American Library Association. Onited Kingdom. Appl. au: Bansell lof orma tiott/Publishing, Ltd. Appl. states copyright not claimed in the original National union catalog, pre-1956 imprints, as maintained in the Library of Conqress in card form or in any publication of the O.S. Govt, within the meaning of Title 17 O.S.C. 8. NB: final abridgment 6 editorial revisions of each entry, sequence S location coding 5 original prefatory materials. 6 Bansell Information/Publishing, Ltd.; 5Aug77; APO-8e770.

AFO-88771. An Introduction to educational administration in Canada. By Leslie Bobb Gue. Canada. 230 p. O BcGraw-Bill Syerson, Ltd.; 6Apr77; AFO-88771.

APO-88772. Bachine shop training. By Stephen Frank Krar e Joseph £. Saint Amand. 3rd ed. Canada. 231 p. Prev. pub. 1967. O BcGraw-Hill Byerson, Ltd.; 15Jul77: AFO-88772.

AFO-e8773. Ra1u. Af Ruth Uarner. Denmark. 28 p. Appl. au: Hanne Herrild. NB: translated from Enqlish into Danish. Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc.; 1Jun76; AFO-88773.

AFO-88774. High road to China. A novel by Jon Cleary. Great Britain. 276 p. e Sundowner Productions Pty. Ltd.; 31Jan77: AF0-88774.

AFO-88775. Die Uandwerker Fibel. By Beraer Gress, Blllibald Jaross, Guntram Hahl S Beincich Strasser. 17. ueberarbeitete Aufl. Best Germany. 791 p. Hans Uolzmann Verlag, G.B.B.H. 6 Co.. K.G. ; 1Aug77; AFO-88775.

AFO-88776. The Great prize fight. By Alan Lloyd. England. 188 p. Alan Lloyd; 2«Har77; AFO-88776.

APO-88777. Angefuehrtl Angefuehrti Oeberraschungs- Geschichten fuer die ganz Kleinen. Author: Elisabeth Stiemert, mit Bildern von Bilfried Blecber. Best Germany. 1 v. Verlag Gerhard Stalling, A.G.; 27ipr77; AFO-88777.

AFO-88778. Bedford Bow. By Claire Bayner. England. 278 p. (The Performers, book 5) Claire Bayner; 28Jul77; APO-88778.

APO-88779. The Black charade: a Doctor Caspian story. By John Burke. England. 186 p. O John Burke; 21Jul77; AFO-88779.

AFO-88780. then the Biviera was ours. By Patrick John Fielding Howarth. England. 232 p. O Patrick Howarth; 23Jun77; AFO-88780.

AFO- 88781. Structure reports for 1975. Vol. itlA. General editor: J. Trotter, section editors: L. D. Calvert 6 J. Trotter. The Netherlands. U77 p. O The International Onion of Crystallography; 15Apr77; AFO- 88781.

AFO- 88782. Treason — for my daily bread. By flikhail Lebedev, edited by H. G. Stanton. British Isles. 407 p. Vallancey Press; 29Bar77; AF0-8a782.

APO-88783. Das hat uns gerade noch gefehlti Satirische Kurzgeschichten. By Guenter Stein. Best Germany. 9ii p. O Verlag Gerhard Stalling, A.G.; 27Apr77; AFO-88783.

AFO-887811. Charles Bennie Mackintosh and the modern movement. By Thomas Howarth. 2nd ed. England. 1 v. Prev. pub. 1952. Thomas Howarth; 16Jun77; AFO-88781.

AFO- 88765. Begent Square. By Forbes Bramble. England. I407 p. Forbes Bramble; 28JU177: AFO-a8785.

AFO-88786. Segelsport: Bilder, Daten, Fakten und Bekorde; ein Guinness-Buch. By Peter Johnson, aus dem Englischen uebertragen von Joachim Schult. Best Germany. 208 p. Original ti-: The Guinness book of yachting, facts and feats. NH: tran- slation, e Verlag Gerhard Stalling, A.G. ; 27Apr77; APO-a8786.

AFO-887a7. Pit und Petty an Bord; Segelferien au£ der Ostsee. By flarkus Joachim Tidick, illustriert von Kurt Schmischke. Best Germany. 87 p. Verlag Gerhard Stalling, A.G. ; 27Apr77; APO-88787.

APO-a8788. Sieh mal einer guck! Fuenf undf uenf zig Bildgeschichten, zwei Daumenkinos G eine Katzenschwanzparade. Teite S hrsg. von Viktor christen. Best Germany. 87 p. e Verlag Gerhard Stalling, A. G. ; 27Apr77; AF0-8878a.

AFO- 88789. Schaetze und Scberben: neue Entdeckungen der Archaeologie in Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz. By Belga Bingett-Ohde, mit einem Vorwort von Rudolf Poertner. Best Germany. 192 p. C Verlag Gerhard Stalling, A.G.; 27Apr77; APO-88789.

APO-88790. Southern Africa after Soweto. By Alex Callinicos 6 John Rogers. Great Britain. AFO-88790 (con.) 229 p. e Pluto Pres Ltd.: 23Jun77; AFO-98790.

&F0-88791. Behavioral probleos of farm aniitals. By Harthe Kiley-Horthinqton. England. 131 p. 9 S. Kiley-ilorthinqton; 16Jun77: AfO-88791.

AFO-88792. One Societe simple: parente et residence Chez les Palawan (Philippines) By Charles HacDonald. France. 285 p. (Bemoires de I'Institut d 'Ethnoloqie, 15. Issued by Huseun National d'Bistoire Natnrelle) e Institut d'Ethnoloqie; 11JU177: AFO-88792.

AFO- 88793. Apprends-ooi la nusique! Vol. 1: sept pieces pour piano. By Pierre Hax Dubois & Boris Berlin. Canada. 15 p. Gordon V. Thompson. Ltd.; 17Auq77: AFO-88793.

AFO-8879U. Twelve pieces. By John Bull, tran- scribed G -edited by Thurston Dart, selected by John Steele. United Kinqdom. 21 p. Prev. pub. in Husica Britannica, vol. 19. NH: new compilation with new editorial notes. G Stainer and Bell, Ltd.; 1Apr77: iPO-88794.

AFO-88795. Apprends-moi la musique! Vol. 2: sept pieces pour piano. By Pierre Hax Dubois S Boris Berlin. Canada. 15 p. Gordon V. Thompson, Ltd.: 17Auq77; AFO-88795.

AFO- 88796. Teach me! Book 2: seven piano pieces. By Pierre Max Dubois & Boris Berlin. Canada. 15 p. @ Gordon V. Thompson, Ltd.; 17Auq77; AFO-88796.

AFO-88797. Les Prisons des La Fayette; dix ans de couraqe et d 'amour. By Bene De chambrun. Prance. 343 p. NH: nev text, compilation of texts & illus. © Librairie Academigue Perrin; 301lay77; AFO-B8797.

AFO- 88798. Thomas Hardy. By Norman Paqe. Enqland. 195 p. e Norman Paqe; 14Jul77: AFO- 8879 8.

AFO- 88799. The Damned art; essays in the literature of witchcraft- Edited by Sydney Anqlo. Enqland. 258 p. C Soutledqe and Keqan Paul, Ltd.: 7JU177: AFO-88799.

AFO- 88800. Gaudete. By Ted Huqhes. Great Britain. 200 p. Ted Huqhes: 181lay77: AFO-88800.

AFO-88801. The Black Christ; a narrative poem of early Vest Indian oriqin. By Edward J. Blair, illustrated by G. P. Debenham. Canada. 49 p. From a story by H. N. S. Hackenzie. C Edward J. Blair; 16Aug77: AFO-88801.

AFO-88802. Les Pace a face de I'histoire; de Louis 14eBe a clemenceau. By Alain Decaux 6 iconoqraphie d'Hubert Decaux. France. 474 p. NH; new text, compilation of texts & illus. Librairie Academique Perrin; 30May77: AFO-88802.

APO-88803. The Evolution of educational thought; lectures on the formation & development of secondary education in France. By Emile Durkheim, translated by Peter Harding Dixon Collins. England. 354 p. First pub. 1938 as L'Evolution pedagogigue en France. 3 on translation; Boutledge and Keqan Paul; 7Jul77; AFO-88803.

AFO-88804. The Old songs of Skye: Frances Tolmie and her circle. By Ethel Bassin, edited by Derek Bowman. England. 227 p. O The Estate of the late Ethel Bassin; 30Jun77; AFO-88804.

AFO-88805. Agent paa flugt, and other titles. Denmark. 478 p. (Det Bedstes boeqer) Prev. pub. in O.S. editions of Reader's digest. NH: Danish translation C additions. Q Det Bedste fra Header's Diqest, A.S.; 171lar77: AFO-88805.

AFO-88806. Alexander Selkirk, and other titles. Illus de Alain D'Oranqe, textes inedits de Jean-Harie Pelaprat & Jean-come Nogues. France. 217 p. (15 aventures de Bobinsons) NH: illus. e new text. Q Gautier-Languereau; 30Bay77; AFO-88806.

AFO-88807. Kango, le petit kangourou. By Harcelle Verite, pseud, of Harcelle Gershell 6 Bomain Simon, illus de Homain Simon. France. 44 p. @ Gautier-Languereau; 30Hay77: APO-88807.

AFO-88808. Bioloqiczne podstawy nasiennictwa. By Harian Litynski. Poland. 459 p. MH: text S ion of illus. 6 tables. © Panstwowe Kydawnictwo Naukowe; 5Hay77; AFO-88808.

AFO-88809. Les Aventures de Hack Finn- By Hark Twain, pseud., texte francais de yolande Surleau £ Bene Surleau, illus de Paul Durand. France. 184 p. NB: French text 6 illus. e Librairie Hachette; 30Apr77; AFO-88809.

AFO-88810. Crafts of China. By Hichael Carter. England. 144 p. (Crafts of the world) e Aldus Books, Ltd.; 1Sep77; AFO-88810.

AFO-88811. crafts of Mexico. By Chloe Sayer, photographed by Marcos Ortiz. England. 142 p. (Crafts of the world) e Aldus Books, Ltd.; 1Sep77; APO-88811.

AFO-88812. La Hoto diabolique. Scenario: Serge Saint Michel, dessins: Eric Loublanches. France. 46 p. (Jeff et sa moto) O Garnier Freres; 30Hay77; AFO-88812.

AFO-88813. Peter Pan. By Halt Disney, edition francaise de Maurice Fleurent. France. 38 p. HH: French translation. 6 Bait Disney Productions: 30Apr77: AFO-88813.

AFO-88814. Le Cimetiere des oiseaux. Texte 6 dessins de christian Goux, pseud, of Christian Boumegoux. France. 46 p. (Saucisson Smith) Garnier Freres; 30Hay77; AFO-88814.

AFO-88815. Le Desert de I'oubli. D' Hanna-Barbera, adaptation des textes 6 dessins de Norbert Fersen. France. 46 p. (Les Aventures de Scoubidou) NH; adaptation. 6 Garnier Freres; 30Bay77; AFO-88815.

AFO-88816. Voir 1' Alsace. Texte de Jacques Legros. France. 130 p. NH: new text £ com- pilation of texts & illus., some of which were prev. pub. © Librairie Hachette; 30Apr77; AFO-88816.

AFO-88817. Voir la Turguie. Texte de Jean-Louis Bacgue-Grammont, sur des photos de Boland Hichaud £ Sabrina Michaud. France. 130 p. NM: new text £ compilation of texts £ illus. , some of which were prev. pub. e Librairie Hachette; 30Apr77; AFO-88817.

AFO- 88818. Les Palaises d'Ischia, By Solange Fasguelle. France. 305 p. 3 Editions Albin Michel; ajun77; AFO-88818.

AFO- 8881 9- Le Poney rouge. De John Steinbeck, traduit de I'anglais par Harcel Duhamel £ Bax Morise, illus de Bernard Heron. France. 122 p. 6 on illus.; Editions Gallimard; 14May77; AFO-88819.

APO-88820. La Maree montante. By Philippe Bagueneau. France^ 353 p. @ Editions Albin Michel; 4Jun77; AFO-88820.

AFO- 88 821. L' Idiot- By Dostoievski, traduction, introd., sommaire biographigue, bib- liographie £ notes par Pierre Pascal. Prance. 637 p. NM: translation, introd., biography summary, bibliography, fi notes by Pierre Pascal. © Garnier Freres; 30May77; AFO-88821.

AFO-88822. L' Orange du pommier. By Nicole Bressy, pseud, de Nicole Le Goubey. France. 201 p. @ Editions Robert Laffont, S.A-; 30Har77; AFO-88822.

AFO-88823. Adieu la vie. By Jean-Pierre Bastid £ Hichel Hartens. France. 244 p. O Editions Gallimard; 30Bay77; AFO-88823.

AFO-88824. Le Zoiseau ivre. By Jose-Andre Lacour. France. 234 p. 6 Editions Bobert Laffont, 5. A.; 30Mar77: AFO-88824.

AFO-88825. Hon ami le traitre. By Jose Giovanni. France. 208 p. 6 Editions Gallimard; 14Jun77: AFO-88825.

AFO- 88826- Le Mystere de I'helicoptere. By Enid Blyton, illus de Patrice Harispe. France. 150 p. SB: illus. e Librairie Hachette; 30May77; AFO-88826.

AFO-88827- Buffalo Bill contre les hors-la-loi. By David Hamilton, texte francais de Jean-Claude Deret, illus de Francois Batet. France- 190 p. NB: translation & illus. e Librairie Hachette; 30Apr77; AFO-88827.

AFO- 88828. Morale et prosperite. By Elizabeth L. Chevreux, pseud, of Elisabeth De Carbonnel. France. 28 p. O Elisabeth L. Chevreux; 15Jun77; APO-88828.

AFO- 88829. One Bepublique presidentielle? T. 2. By Leo Uamon, avec la collaboration de Xavier Oelcros. France. 346 p. NM: new text £ compilation of texts. © Bordas; 30Jun77; AFO-88829.

AFO-88830. Le Grand moae. Par U 0. G. pseud- d'Alaia Camille- Fran :e- 180 p. © Editions Gallimard; 30Mar77; AFO-88830.

AFO-88831. Fuite a Opar. By Philip Jose Farmer, traduit de I'americain par Georges H. AFO-88831 (con.) Gallet. France. 238 p. Oriqinal ti. : Pliqht to Opar. 6 on translation: Editions ilbin Hichel; ajun77: ftFO-a8e31.

AFO-88832. Enseiqne pour une ecole de BOnstres. By Annie Saumont. France. 152 p. e Editions Gallimard; 27Hd777: lFO-88832.

AFO-88833. Les P. D. G. By Araaon, pseud, de Henri Coupon 6 Paul-Claude Xonocenzi. France. 252 p. Aramon 6 Librairie des Chaaps-Elysees; 30aar77; AFO-88833.

SFO-8883H. Moise; ou, Le Peupie separe. By Andre Anar. Monaco. 151 p. NM: new text 6 compilation o£ texts. Editions du Eocher: 30Har77; AFO-8883*.

AFO-88835. Hanifeste pour 12 Billions de con- tribuables; un econoBiste accuse £ propose- By Jacques Bloch-Morhanqe- France. 83 p. SH: nex text 6 compilation of texts. Librairie Plon; 30Hay77; AFO-88835.

AFO-88836. La Neiqe enchantee. By A. -J. Cronin, traduit de I'anqlais par Maurice-Bernard Endrebe. France. 223 p. Oriqinal ti: Enchanted snou. NH: translation. O Editions Jlbin Michel: 'JJuo77; AFO-88836.

AFO-88837. Le Dossier Bachel. By Martin Aais, traduit de I'anqlais par Patrick De Eosbo. Prance. 285 p. Oriqinal ti: The Bachel papers. C on translation: Editions Albin Michel; '4Jun77: AFO-88837.

AFO- 88838. Le Petit qalopin de nos corps. By I»es Navarre. France. 265 p. © Editions Robert Laffont S.A.: 30Bar77: AFO-88838.

AFO-88839. Cinq printemps dans la touraente. By Irene Hunt, texte fraocais de Jean Muray, illus de Paul Durand. France. 251 p. Oriqinal ti; Across five Aprils. NMj translation & illus. G Librairie Hachette: 30May77; APO-88339.

AFO-88840. Tournebelle. By Gaston Bonheur, illus d' Alain Leray. France. 15S p. on illus.: Editions Galliaard; 1UMay77: AFO- 88310.

AFO-888lt1. S.A.S. protection pour Teddy Bear. By Gerard De Villiers. France. 251 p. Librairie Plon: 30May77; AFO-SBStl.

AFO-888U2. L* Appel de la foret. By Jack London* traduction de Madane De Gaiard. illus de Tudor Banus. France. 157 p. Oriqinal ti.: The call of the vild. NM: illus. e Editions Galliaard; 1itHay77; AF0-888lt2.

AFO-888l(3. Palac Potockich. By Maria I. K»iat- kowska £ Irena MalinoBska. Poland. 195 p. Polish £ Russian. Panstvove Bydawnictiio Naukowe: 10Hay77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-888U3.

AFD-888»t. Stefan Jaracz. By Edward Krasinski. Poland. 205 p. N8: text 6 70* of illus. Panstuoiie Rydawnictyo Naukowe; 25May77 (in notice: 1976) ; AFO-aSBUi).

AFO-888lt5. Praworzadnosc; wybrane problemy teoretyczne. By Jozef Nowacki. Poland. 187 p. Panstwowe Uydawnictwo Naukowe; 30Jun77; AF0-888lt5.

AF0-8a816. CJczelnia, przemysl, inzyaier; analiza przyqotowania inzynierow do pracy zawodowej w przeaysle. By Ulodzisiierz Jaskiewicz. Poland. 263 p. NM: text £ some tables. Panstwowe Hydawnictwo Naukowe; 10Jun77: AFO-8881t6.

AFO-888'17. Panstwo a ideowo-polityczne orqanizacje ffilodziezowe w Polsce Ludowej. By Jerzy Mikosz. Poland. 257 p. e Panstwowe Hydawnictwo Naukowe; 2aay77; AFO-888it7.

AF0-888U8. Zastosowanie teorii populacji w lowiectwie. By ylodzimierz Jezierski. Poland. 117 p. NM: text £ 10X of tables. e Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe; 11Jun77; AF0-888U8.

AF0-883H9. Le Maqnifique. By Andre Parinaud. France. 37i( p. C Editions Robert Laffont, S.A. : 30Mar77; AFO-888U9.

AFO-88850. La Feame de treote ans. By Honore De Balzac, edition presentee, etablie £ annotee par Pierre Barberis. France. 371 p. NM: introd., revisions £ annotations. O Editions Galliaard; 27aay77; AFO-88850.

AFO-a8851. La yerite ne tient qu"a un fil. By Pierre Isnard. France. 137 p. 8 Pierre Isnard £ Librairie des Chaaps-Elysees; 30aay77; AFO-88851.

AFO-83352. La Rencontre. By Cecile Aubry. France. 133 p. (Severine, Belle et Sebastien) e Librairie Hachette; 30May77; AFO-88852.

AFO-38853. Tony tire les ficelles. By Huquette Carriere, pseud, of Huquette Bezian, illus de Daniel Billon. France. 119 p. O Librairie Hachette; 30Apr77; AFO-83353.

AFO -33851. La Maison qui s*envole. By Claude Boy, illus de Georqes Leaoine. France. 91 p. a Editions Galliaard; 11May77; AFO-88851.

APO-38855. Lassie dans le desert. Adaptation francaise de Suzanne Pairault, illos d'Annie Beynel. France. 117 p. Adapte d'apres le roman de Georqe S. Elrick. Oriqinal ti.: Lassie and the shabby sheik. NM: translation. Librairie Hachette; 30May77; AFO-88855.

AFO-88856. Towards a theory of educational transaissions. By Basil Bernstein. 2nd ed. Enqland. 20 7 p. (Class, codes and control, vol. 3) d Basil Bernstein: 11JU177: AFO-88856.

AFO-88357. Sentiers et randonnees d'An^tou. By Jean Bellard, cartes executees par Michel Pluvinaqe. France. 255 p. Add. ti: Sentiers d'An'jou. Librairie Artheae Fayard; 15Jun77: AFO-88857.

AFO-38858. Lord B; roaan par lettres avec conversations. By Jean Ristat. France, 215 p. 9 Editions Galliaard; 11May77; AFO-83858.

AFO-88859. Alice et le fiibustier. By Caroline Quine, pseud., texte francais d*Anne Joba, illus de Jean-Louis Mercier. France. 136 p. Original ti. : The Haunted show boat. NH: translation £ illus. Librairie Hachette: 30Apr77; AFO-88859.

AFO-83860. Bioloqie 6e. By Jean-Pierre Astolfi, Claude Borgel, Claude Paure £ Yvette Ginsburqer-Voqel. France. 1 v. e Librairie Belin; 30Jun77; AFO-88360.

AFO-83861. Milieu interieur coapartioents liquidiens. By Hichel V. Pellet. France. Ill p. (Physioloqie huaaine: le ailieu interieur le rein, 1. ptie) O SIMEP- Editions; 3QMay77; AFO-33861.

AFO-83862. Les Media en France. By Etienne Baillon. Prance. 106 p. Tarif Media; 30Mar77; AFO-88862.

AFO-8e363. Le Tissage: les techniques de tissage, tapis et tapisserie, expliguees par la pratique sur des aetiers siaples et coaplexes. By Janine Habert £ Jean-Pierre Habert. France. 139 p. Jean-Pierre Delarge, Editions Universitaires; 30«ar77; AFO-88863.

AFO- 88 861. La Guerre olyapigue. By Paul £. Ohl. France. 319 p. NM: new text £ COB- pilation of text £ illus. O Editions BoDert Laffont, S.A.; 30Mar77; AFQ-88361.

AFO-38865. Experiences psychigues dans le yoga. By Shri Aurobindo, textes qroupes, traduits E prefaces par Jean Herbert. France. 219 p. NM: editing, translation £ pre£. Editions Albin Michel; 1May77; AFO-88865.

APO-88866. Cette terre est la votre. By Claude Michelet. France. 219 p. a Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A.; 30Mar77; AFO-33866.

APO-88867. Les Bivaux de Charles De Gaulle: la bataills de la legitiaite en France de 1910 a 1911. By Anne Laurens, pseud, of Anne Laabert. France. 333 p. NM: new text £ coapilation. O Editions Bobert Laffont, S. A. ; 30Mar77; APO-88867.

AFO-88B68. Le Test de I'arche de Noe. By Georges Home) France. 355 p. NH: new text 6 conpilation. O Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A. : 30Mar77; AFO-33368.

AFO-88869. Les Peux du crepuscule: journal, 1963-1969-1970. By Michel Droit. Prance. 255 p. NM: new text £ coBpilation. e Plon; 30May77; AFO-38869.

AFO- 88870. Vie et Bort d'un caid, Jo Attia. By Jean Marcilly. Prance. 391 p. a Librairie Artheae Fayard: 15Jun77; AFO-88870.

APO-88871. L'Afrique du Sud en sursis. By Marianne Cornevin. France. 287 p. NM: new text £ coapilation. Librairie Hachette; 30Hay77; AFO-88871.

APO-88872. Soul music. By Jean-Louis Laaaison. France. 183 p. French. NM: new text E coapilation of texts £ illus. Editions Albin Michel; 18May77; APO-88872. SFO-88873. La Prance de Blanche de Cast.ille. By Bene Bertrand. France. 196 p. NM: ne«  text & compilation. Q Editions Robert Laffont, S.4.; 30Har77: APO-88873.

&FO-88871t. Tentation de I'Orient. By Rene Tavernier. France. 187 p. NH: new text £ compilation. 6 Editions Albin Michel; ajun77: AF0-88871t.

AFO-88875. Le Voyaqe irlandais. By Bolande Meunier. France. 215 p. O Hercure de France; 13May77; AFO-88875.

AFO-88876. La Hvtholoqie racontee a Juliette. By Jean Dache. France. 293 p. NM: neu text £ compilation. g Editions Robert Laffont, S.A. : 30Mar77; AFO-88876.

AFO-88877. Sane] d'autruche. By Bernard Collin. Prance. 60 p. 6 Mercure de France; 1111ay77: APO-88877.

AFO-8B878. La Peine de mort en France et a I'etranqer. By Laurence Thibault« pseud, of Laurence Lor. France. 2il8 p. NM; text 5 compilation of texts. © Editions Gallimard; 1i)May77: AFO-88878.

AFO- 88879. Crises de foie et insuffisance hepatique: mythe ou realite. By Jacques Tbiroloix, illus de I'auteur. France. 2-48 p. e Editions Robert Laffont, S.A.; 30Mar77: AFO-88879.

AFO-88880. L* Homme empeche. By Salvat Etchart. France. 341 p. 6 Mercure de France; 12aay77; AFO-88880.

&FO-88881. Au Sultanat d'Oman. Ce quide a ete etabli par Bruno Le Couc Grandmaison & Odette Le Cour Grandmaison. France. 113 p. a Librairie Hachette; 28Feb77; AFO-88881.

AFO-888a2. L' Apiculture en 10 lecons. By Paul Vincent. France. 219 p. e Librairie Hachette; 30Apr77; AFO-88882.

AFO-88883. L'Ami dans le miroir. By Andre stil. Prance. 188 p. S Julliard; 30May77; AFO- 88883.

AFO- 88881. Seula une ecoloqis socialiste. By Rene Duaont. France. 285 p. HH: text 6 compilation of texts. © Editions fiobert Laffont; 30Mar77; AFO-88884.

AFO-88e85. Maqic. By Hillian Goldman, traduit de I'aaericain par Marianne Veron. France. 279 p. French. Translation of Maqic. NM: translation. 6 Editions Albin Michel; llJun77; AFO-88885.

AFO-88886. Le Tournant decisif. By Bernard Gorsky. France. 338 p. 6 Editions Albin Michel; 1Jun77: AFO-88886.

AFO-88887. Les Cahiers de la petite dame: notes pour I'histoire authentlque d'Andre Gide. 19115-1951. France. 319 p. (Cahiers Andre Gide, 7) Appl. au: Maria Van Rysselberqhe, Claude Martin 6 Dale F. G. Mclntyre. © Editions Gallimard: 14Jun77: AFO-88887.

AFO-88888. Paris sur crime. By Roqer Le Tail- lanter. France. 267 p. © Jalliftrd; 30Hay77; AFO-88888.

AFO-88889. L'Histoire qui arriva a Nicolas Payen il y a quelques mois. By Francois Dusolier. France. 274 p. © Librairie Artheme Fayard; 26May77; AFO-88889.

AFO-88890. L*Anti-jeu. By Jean Uougron. France. 412 p. © Librairie Plon; 30May77; AFO-88890.

AFO-88891. Autobioqraphie: poemes avec des moments de repos en prose, chapitre 10. By Jacques Boubaud. France. 187 p. © Editions Gallimard; 27May77; AFO-88891.

AFO-88892. Sur la piste des Incas. By Nicole Cartaqena 6 Herbert Cartaqena. France. 317 p. NM: new text, illus. 6 compilation of texts 6 illus. © Editions Robert Laffont, S. A. ; 30Har77: AFO-88892.

AFO-88893. Je m*eloiqne. By Jean Fayard. France. 221 p. O Librairie Plon; 30May77; AFO-88893.

AF0-88a94. Le Soleil avec nous: faites votre meteo vous-meme. By Jacques Nosari. France. 180 p. NH: text S compilation of texts. e Editions Gallimard; 27May77; AFO-88894.

AFO-88895. Le Tour du doigt. By Jean Anglade. France. 366 p. Julliard; 30May77; AFO-88895.

AFO-88896. Les Tiers idees. By Genevieve Clancy £ Philippe Tancelin. France. 267 p. a Librairie Hachette; 30May77; AFO-88896.

AFO-88897. Si j"etais un caid. By Jean Cassou. France. 151 p. C Editions Garnier Freres; 30May77; AFO-88897.

AFO-88898. Donald a la mer. De Halt Disney, ed. francaise de Maurice Fleurent- France. 1 V. NH: French translation. Bait Disney Productions; 30Mar77; AFO-88898.

AFC-88899. Micltey au zoo, De Halt Disney, ed. francaise de Maurice Fleurent. France. 1 V. NM: French translation. © Halt Disney Productions; 30Mar77; AFO-88899.

AFO-88900. Les Castors, juniors dans la jungle. De Halt Disney, ed. francaise de Maurice Fleurent. France. 1 v. NM: French translation. © Walt Disney Productions; 30Mar77; AFO-88900.

AFO-88901. Made in France. By Pierre Daninos. France. 247 p. French. © Julliard; 30flay77; AFO-88901.

AFO-88902. La Sorcellerie lyonnaise. By Paul Leutrat. France. 252 p. NM: text £ compilation of texts. © Editions Robert Laffont, S.A. ; 30Mar77; AFO-88902.

AFO-88903. Balinou le cocker. By Marcelle Verite, pseud, of Marcelle Gershell, illus de Romain Simon. France. 44 p. © Gautier- Lanquereau; 30May77; AFO-88903.

AFO-88904. Le Troisieme conflit mondial. By Bernard Esambert. France. 330 p. Add. ti: Le 3eme conflit mondial. NM: text £ compilation of texts. © Librairie Plon; 30May77; AFO-88904.

AFO-88905. Le Serpent jaune. By Alexandre Astruc. France. 330 p. Editions Gallimard: 27May77; AFO-88905.

AFO- 88 906. L* Esprit de famille. By Janine Boissard, pseud, of Janine Oriano. France. 269 p. © Librairie Artheme Fayard; 15Jun77; AFO-88906.

AFO-88907. Le Beve et la raison: pour une revolution de la politique. By Marc Paillet. France. 225 p. 8 Editions Robert Laffont, S. A. ; 30Mar77; AFO-88907.

AFO-88908. Tout cela parce qu'un jour. By Michel Basso, pseud, of Serge Basso. France. 186 p. © Michel Basso 6 S.E.C.L.E. a.a.d. o. Societe pour I'Exploitation du Commerce de Librairie et d'Edition; 30Jun77; AFO-88908.

AFO-88909. Des perles aux cochonnes. Par Pierre Sinlac. France. 178 p. Editions Gallimard; 30Jun77; AFO-e8909.

AFO-88910. La Croisiere interdite. By Michel Brice. France. 220 p. (Brigade mondaine, no 13) © Librairie Plon/GECEP a.a.d. o. Generale Europeenne de Creation et de Participation; 30Jun77; AFO-88910.

AFO-88911. Les Cinq et le rayon Z. Une nouvelle aventure des personnages crees par Enid Blyton, racontee par Claude Voilier, images de Jean Sidobre. France. 156 p. (Le Club des cinq) NM: narration £ illus. © Librairie Hachette; 30Jun77; AFO-88911.

AFO-a8912. Oh! Carole. By Claude Andresy, pseud. of Emmanuel Du Colombier. France. 138 p. © S.E.C.L.E. a.a.d.o. Societe pour I'Exploitation du Commerce de Librairie et d'Edition fi Eegine Deforges; 20Apr77; AFO-88912.

AFO-88913. La Vie etrange d ' un grand savant: le professeur Bro»n-Sequard, 1817-1894. By Andre Bole, pref. du Bobert Debre. France. 219 p. NM: neB text, illus. £ compilation. © Librairie Plon; 30Jun77; AFO-88913.

AFO- 88914. La Grace de Dieu. By Jean Noli. France. 250 p. © Julliard; 30Jun77; AFO-88914.

AFO- 88915. Recruitment techniques for modern managers. By Tina Agrell. England. 127 p. © Tina Agrell; 21Jul77; AFO-88S15.

AFO-88916. Communicating effectively: a manager's guide to getting through to people. By Beryl Hilliams. England. 125 p. S Beryl Billiams; 21Jul77; AFO-88916.

AFO-88917. Casanova. Di Bernardino Zapponi. Italy. 146 p. Based on the film. © Arnold Mondadori Editore, S.P. A. ; 28Feb77; AFO-88917. AFO-B8918. Onder stand inq data. By Bonnie Heather Erickson S Tecrance A. Nosanchuk. Canada. 388 p. C HcGrav-Hill fiyerson, ltd.; 29JU177: AFO-88918.

AFO-88919. les Dossiers excitants de la Brigade des Hoeurs. By indre Burnat. France. 25« p. presses de la Cite; 30Hay77: AFO-88919.

AFO-8B920. Sentiers et randonnees autour de Paris. By Claude Landon, pseud, of Harie France caralp, cartes executees par nichel Pluvinaqe. France. 265 p. Add. ti: Sentiers autour de Paris. Librairie 4rthe»e Fayard; 30Jun77; »FO-88920.

AFO-B8921. One Fe«»e a'apparut. By Eenee yivien, pref. de Ives Florenne. France. 163 p. HB: pref. S.E.C.L.E. a.a.d.o. Societe pour 1' Exploitation du Co»»erce de Librairie et d' Edition 6 Beqine Deforqes; 3Jon77; AFO-88921.

AFO-88922. S.A.S. Bission iapossibie en Sosalie. By Gerard De Villiers. France. 255 p. Librairie Plon; 15JU177; AFO-88922.

iFO-88923. Echec a 1' innocence. By Paul Vance, psead. of Paul Andreota. Prance. 189 p. O Paul Vance £ Librairie des Cha«ps- Elysees; 15Jul77; AFO-88923.

AFO- 88921*. Le Houyeaent national palestinien. Presente par Oliyier Carre. France. 217 p. nil: editinq 6 text. Editions Gallimard/Julliard: 2ilJttn77; APO-8892it.

AFO- 889 25. Caroline a la ca«paqne. By Pierre Probst. Prance. 1 v. O Librairie Hachette: 30aay77; AFO-eB925.

AFO-88926. Caroline a la fer^e. By Pierre Probst. France. 1 ». librairie Hachette: 30«ay77; AFO-88926.

AFO-B8927. Caroline, ses chiens et ses chats. By Pierre Probst. Prance. 1 v. O librairie Hachette: 30l!ay77: AFO-88927.

AFO- 839 28. Caroline et les oiseaux. By Pierre Probst. France. 1 y. Librairie Hachette: 30«ay77; AFO-88928.

AFO- 88929. Caroline a la ler. By Pierre Probst. France. 1 y. Librairie Hachette; 30aay77; AFO-88929.

AFO-88930. Caroline dans la foret. By Pierre Probst. France. 1 i. librairie Hachette; 30Hay77: AFO-B8930.

AFO-88931. Fait Baison: pain, froBaqes, condiaents, conqeles, conserves, confitures. By Anne Beale. Prance. 160 p. C Librairie Hachette: 30l1ay77; AFO-88931.

APO-88932. le Social et le vivant. By Joseph Fontanet. France. 298 p. NH: nen text £ coipilation. Librairie Plon; 30Jun77; iFO-88932.

AFO- 88933. 1999: I'eipertise de Bassily Leontief; une etude de I'O.N.O. sur I'econoaie Bondiale future. De uassily Leontief, A. P. Carter 6 P. Petri, traduction de Huriel Barneville. Jacqueline aartin 6 Huquette Hizan. France. 255 p. Prev. pub. under the title. The Future of the norld econoBy, 1977. C on French translation; Bordas; 30Jon77; APO-88933.

AFO-8893U. les FeaBes dans la Besistance; tenu a I'initiative de I'Onion des Feaaes Francaises, Paris, La Sorbonne, 23 6 23 nov. 1975. Beunis par un groupe de travail auqael participaient: Henriette Bidouze 6 others. Sonaco. 312 p. O Editions du Bocher; 30Har77; AFO-88934.

AFO-88935. Fait aain: laine, tissus, bois, terre, paille. France. 157 p. Appl. an: Sylvie Diarte. Librairie Hachette; 30llay77; AFO-88935.

AFO-88936. L'Actualite rhuaatoloqique, 1976: presentee au practicien; treizieae cahier annuel d'lnf oraat ion 6 de renseiqneBent. Sous la direction de Stanislas De Seze £ others. France. 272 p. © Expansion Scientifique Francaise; 20Jun77; APO-88936.

APO-88937. Contes de Chine; recits du folklore chinois. choisis £ adaptes par Annie Berqeret £ Harie Tenaille, iilus de Francoise Boudiqnon. France. 151 p. HH: adaptation, selection £ illus. e Librairie Hachette; 30Jun77: AFO-88937.

AFO-88938. Bistoires pour Bel-Gazou. By Colette, pseud., illus d' Annie-Claude Hartin. France. 152 p. HB: illus. e Librairie Hachette; 30Bay77; AF0-8893e.

APO-88939. Hedecine liberale ou nationalisee? Sept politiques a travers le Bonde--dossier. By Guy-Pierre Cabanel, pref.: Edqar Faure. France. 237 p. Bordas; 28Jun77; AFO-88939.

AFO-889<tO. la Vie quotidienne a Poapei. By Bobert Etienne, revue £ corriqee par I'auteor. 2. ed. France. MUS p. O librairie Hachette; 30Bay77; AFO-889140.

AFO-889141. Equipeaent du batinent. By Benjaain Boulet. 71. ed. France. 301 p. (Aide-aeaoice Dunod) 6 Bordas; 28Jun77; AFO-889IH.

AFO-88942. Cendres et poussieres; poeaes. By Senee Vivien, pref. de Hubert Juin. Prance. 74 p. nb: pref. e S.E.C.L.E. a.a.d.o. Societe pour 1' Exploitation du Coaaerce de Librairie et d' Edition fi Beqine Deforqes; 30flar77; AFO-889it2.

APO-889143. L'Aai Fritz. De ErcXaann £ Chatrian, illus de Francoise pichard. France. 252 p. NB: illus. e Librairie Hachette; 30JUD77; AFO-889«3.

AFO-889H'l. Le Secret du caapanile. De Bary C. Jane, texte f rancais de Claude voilier £ illus de Therese Delache. France. 153 p. Translation of flystery in longfellov Square. NB: French text £ illus. e Librairie Hachette; 30Bay77; AFO-8e9«t.

APO-889U5. Tiresias. By Theophile, psead. of Sarcel Jouhandeau. France. 94 p. Societe Nouvelle des Editions Jean- Jacques Pauvert; 30Apr77; AFO-889H5.

AFO-889116. Honte-carlo: I'or du jeu. De Ian Fielding, traduit de I'anqlais par Guy Casaril. Prance. 294 p. NB: tran- slation. O Librairie Hachette; 30Bay77; AFO-88946.

APO-88947. Mapoleon; ou, le flythe du sauveur. By Jean Tulard. Prance. 496 p. NB: text & coapilation of texts soae of which have been prev. pub. Librairie Artheae Fayard; 30Jun77; AFO-88947.

APO-88948. La Dynaaigue de la creativite dans I'entreprise: perspectives et probleoes psychosociologiques. By Jean-Claude De Schietere £ Pierre-Begis Turcotte, pref. de J. B. Freiberg. France. 177 p. (Gestion sociale) O Bordas; 30Jun77; APO-8894B.

AFO-88949. Badeaoiselle De Cleraont. De Badaae De Genlis, pref. de Beatrice Didier. Prance. 117 p. NB: pref. C S.E.C.L.E. a.a.d.o. Societe pour 1" Exploitation du Coaaerce de Librairie et d' Edition £ Begine Deforqes; 30Bar77; AFO-88949.

AFO- 88950. L* Internationale terroriste. By Jacques Kaufaann. Prance. 231 p. NB: new text £ coapilation of texts soae of which have been prev. pub. O Librairie Plon/GECEP a.a.d.o. Generale Europeenne de creation et de participation; 15Jul77: AFO-88950.

AFO-88951. Coaptabilite interaediaire: theorie coaptable et aodalites d" application. By Baiter B. Beigs, A. N. Hosich, Charles E. Johnson £ others, la traduction, 1 'adaptation quebecoise et la lise a jour de cet ouvrage sont I'oeuvre de Fernand Sylvain. Canada. 1101 p. Appl. au: BcGraw Hill Editeurs a.a.d.o. HcGraw-Hill Byerson, Ltd., eaployer for hire. Translation of Interaediate accounting. NB: French translation £ adaptation of original English-language work. BcGraw-Hill Editeurs a.a.d.o. BcGraw- Hill Byerson, Ltd.; 2Hay77; AFO-88951.

AFO-88952. Behavioural issues in aanageaent: the Canadian context. By Harish C. Jain 6 Babindra N. Kanungo. Canada. 586 p. NH: coapilation of prev. pub. theoretical readings £ new text. O HcGraw-Hill Byerson, Ltd.; 14Jun77: APO-88952.

APO-88953. The Changing Earth; an introduction to geology. By George Clinton Billigan. Canada. 706 p. C BcGraw-Hill Byerson, Ltd.; 12Auq77; APO-88953.

APO-88954. Le Serpent gui fredonnait. By Alfred Hitchcock, texte francais de Claude Voilier, illus de Jacgues Poirier. France. 182 p. Original ti. : The Hystery of the singing serpent. NB: translation £ illus. Librairie Hachette; 30Jun77; AFO-88954.

AFO-88955. Le Garcon qui en savait trop. By Lucie Bauzier-Pontayne, illus de Pierre Dessons. France. 149 p. C librairie Hachette; 30Jun77; AFO-88955.

AFO-88956. Au Bresil et a Bio. Ce guide a ete etabli par Jean-Louis Peru. France. 286 p. O Librairie Hachette; 30Hay77; AFO- 88356.

AFO-8e957. La Baison des otages. By Joseph Hayes, texte francais de Jean Bosenthai, iilus de APO-88957 (con.) JeaD-Sarie Vives. France. 182 p. Oriqinal ti. : The Desperate hours. NH: translation & illus. 6 Librairie Hachette: 30Jun77: &FO-88957.

4FO-88958. Le Canion, suivi de Entretien avec Michelle Porte. By Marguerite Ouras. France. 136 p. C Les Editions de fiinuit; 17aay77; SFO-88958.

AFO- 88959. Guide de la France en jeans. Bealise par Andre Balbo & Philippe Sureau, illus de Tibor Csernus. France. 130 p. Q Librairie Hachette & Editions de clery; 30May77: AFO-88959.

AFO-88960. Guide explo des bords de mer. By Paul-Henry Plantain. France. 187 p. NM: new text, illus. £ compilation of illus. Librairie Hachette; 30May77: AFO-88960.

AFO-88961. La Flute enqloutie. By Bobert Stenuit, photos: Marc JasinsJci & Robert Stenuit* dessins: Alain Fink. France. 308 p. NH: new text, illus. 6 coupilatiou of texts 6 illus. e Librairie Plon : 30Jun77: AFO-88961.

AFO-88962. Un Autre conmunisne? By Annie Krieqel. France. 183 p. NM: ne» text 6 com- pilation, e Librairie Hachette; 30May77; AFO-88962.

AFO-88963. La Bourse et ses acteurs: institutions et techniques. By Bernard Mirat, avant-propos de W. Baumqartner. France. 11(9 p. e Bordas; 30Jun77; AFO-88963.

AF0-8896lf. Les Troubles du sommeil chez I'enfant; 4. iournee scientifique (13 mars 1976) du Centre de Guidance Infantile de I'Institut de Puericulture. By Didier Houzel & others, France. 93 p. Add. ti: Les Troubles du sommeil de I'enfant. Q Expansion Scientifique francaise; 30Jun77; AFO-88964.

AFO-88965. La Touraine. By Serqe Douay. France. 283 p. (Histoires d 'amour des provinces de France, t. 11) NM: new text 6 compilation. 6 Presses de la Cite; 30Jun77: »FO-88965.

SFO-88966. Un Autre Malraux. Par Briqitte Frianq. France. 165 p. NH: new text 6 com- pilation of texts. 9 Librairie Plon; 30Jun77: AFO-88966.

AFO-88967. Le Benoncement de la France defendue a I'Europe proteqee. By Pierre M. Gallois. France. 278 p, NH: new text 6 com- pilation of texts. © Librairie Plon; 30Jun77; AFO-8B967.

AFO- 88968. Les Dossiers noirs; tueurs peryers et maniaques sexuels. By Jacques Danube, pseud, of Giovanni Scuto. France. 220 p. e Presses de la cite; 10Jul77: AFO-88968.

AFO- 88969. Les Bebelles d 'au-jourd 'hui. By Thierry Deslardins.- France. 332 p. NM: new text & compilation of texts. Presses de la cite: 30Jun77; AFO-88969.

SFO-88970. Aux feux tournants des pbares. By Georqes G. Toudouze, illus de Paul Durand. France. 153 p. NM: illus. C Librairie Hachette; 30Jun77; AFO-88970.

AFO-88971. Les Six compagnons et la clef-minute. By Paul-Jacques Bonzon, illus de Bobert Bressy. France. 150 p. © Librairie Hachette; 30Jun77; iF0-a8971.

AFO-88972. L'Or du Cristobal. By A. T" Serstevens, illus de Tibor Csernus. France. 186 p. NM: illus. e Librairie Hachette; 30Jun77; AFO-88972.

APO-88973. Coup de projecteur pour OSS 117. Par Josette Bruce, pseud, of Dourne. France. 186 p. (OSS 117) © Presses de la cite; 30Jun77; AFO-e8973.

AFO-88974. Le Grand depart: Charcot et le Pourguoi Pas? By Henri Queffelec. France. 279 p. NM: new text & compilation of texts, a Presses de la Cite; 30Jun77; AFO-88974.

AFO-88975. Drame sur le "Terrif iant": vie et mort a bord d*un sous-marin atomigue. By Pierre Lamballe, pseud, of Pierre Lefranc. France. 279 p. @ Presses de la Cite; 30May77; SFO-8B975.

AFO-88976. Arthur. By Euqene Sue, pref. de Jean-Louis Bory. France. 444 p. HM: pref. © S.E.C.L.E. a.a.d.o. Societe pour 1' Exploitation du Commerce de Librairie et d' Edition & Regine Deforges; 23Jun77; AFO-88976.

AFO-88977. Aicha, la rebelle. By Andre Theveneau. France. 286 p. C S.E.C.L.E. a.a.d.o. Societe pour 1' Exploitation du Commerce de Librairie et d* Edition £ Begine Deforges; 30Jun77; AFO-88977.

AFO-88978. Automotive fundamentals. By Fredericit C. Nash. 4th ed. Canada. 250 p. 3rd ed. pub. 1969. © McGraw-Hill Byerson, Ltd.; 24May77; AFO-88978.

AFO-88979. Criminal law and the Canadian criminal code. By Kenneth Leo Clarke, Bichard Francis Barnhorst & Sherrie Suzanne Baldridge Barnhorst. Canada. 286 p. a McGraw-Hill Byerson, Ltd.; 16Aug77; AFO-88979.

AFO-88980. Methode de trompette; cahier d'eleve, cahier complementaire & cahier du maitre. By Jean-Pierre Mathez, redaction: Boland BoecJtle, traduction francaise: Jean-Pierre Mathez 6 Alfred Hillener. Austria. 3 v. (Methodes instrumentales viennoises) Appl. au:' Oniversal Edition, A.G.«  employer for hire of translators. NM: French translation. Hniversal Edition, A.G.; 27Jun77; AFO-88980.

AFO-88981. Chennault et les tigres volants. By Jean-Claude Lauret £ Raymond Lasierra. France. 332 p. © Librairie Hachette; 30Jun77; AFO-88981.

AFO-88982. Concours de I'Internat des Hopitaux: medecine. 1. ptie: dossier des Cahiers Medicaux. coordination: Bene Millcret. France. 318 p. NM: editing. © SIMEP- Editions/Cahiers Medicaux; 30Jun77; AFO-88982.

AFO-88983. Bioloqie de la reproduction, 1: appaueils qenitaux. By Christian Girod £ Jean-Claude Czyba. 2. ed. , revue, corrigee £ augmentee. France. 356 p. e SIMEP-Editions; 30Jun77; AFO-88983.

APO-889B4. Donald et les Trois Mousguetaires. De ialt Disney, ed. francaise de Maurice Fleurent. France. 38 p. NM: tran- slation. © Halt Disney Productions; 30May77; AFO-88984.

AFO- 88985. Donald et Don Quichotte. De Halt Disney, ed. francaise de Maurice Fleurent. France. 40 p. NM: translation. © Halt Disney Productions; 30May77; AFO-88985.

AFO-88986. Joies de la bicyclette. L* elaboration de cet ouvrage: Pierre Salviac^ pref. de Bobert Chapatte. France. 245 p. NM: new text, illus, £ compilation of illus. 9 Librairie Hachette; 30May77; AFO-88986.

AFO-88987. La Plongee sous-marine avec Rodolfo Betti. Texte £ dessins de Dominique Serafini, ed. francaise de l*auteur. France. 85 p. NM: translation. © Fayard/Hame; 30Jun77; &FO-88987.

APO-88988. Neptunia. No 126, printemps 1977. France. 68 p. Appl. au: Jean Brunet. © Les Amis des Musees de la Marine; 30Jun77; AFO-88988.

AFO- 88989. Donald et le Docteur Faust. De Halt Disney, ed. francaise de Maurice Fleurent. France. 40 p. NH: translation. © Halt Disney Productions; 30May77; AFO- 88989.

AFO-88990. Donald et le Coate de Monte-Cristo. De Halt Disney, ed. francaise de Maurice Fleurent. France. 40 p. NM: tran- slation. © Halt Disney Productions; 30Jun77; SFO-88990.

AFO-88991. Banzai! de Pearl Harbor a Hiroshima. Texte £ dessins de Pierre Dupuis. France. 46 p. e Librairie Hachette; 30Jun77; AFO-88991.

AFO-88992. La Vie psychologigue nornale. Sous la direction de Yves Pelicier, avant-propos de Jean Hamburger. France. 509 p. (Univers de la psychologie, t. 2) NM: new text £ compilation of texts £ illus. e Editions Lidis; 25May77; AFO-88992.

AFO-88993. Le Chateau du clown. By Guy Des Cars. France. 349 p. © Librairie Plon; 30Jun77; AFO-88993.

AFO-83994. Le Onzieme petit negre- By Jacquemard- Senecal, pseud, of Yves Jacguemard £ Jean-Michel Senecal. France. 298 p. © Begine Deforges £ S.E.C.L.E. a.a.d.o. Societe pour 1 •Exploitation du Commerce de Librairie et d'Edition; 22Jun77; AFO-88994.

AFO-88995. Histoires a dormir d'hibou. By Patrice Legrand. France. 1 v. 9 Begine Deforges fi S.E.C.L.E. a.a.d.o. Societe pour I'Exgloitation du coaaerce de Librairie et d'Edition; 15Jun77; AFO-88995.

AFO-88996. De la cave au grenier. By Georges simenon. France. 184 p. © Georges Simenon; 30Hay77: AFO-88996.

AFO-88997. Le Transport de I'oxygene. France. 367 iFO-88997 (con.) p. ippl. au: Andre Bertoye, Jacques tissac 6 Haurice Bapin. Expansion Scientifique Francaise; 30Jun77; AFO-88997.

»F0- 88998. Le Loto en 10 lecons. By Benaud Vincent. France. 142 p. librairie aachette; 30Hay77: iF0'-88998.

AFO-88999. Connaitre les etoiles en 1 lecons. By Pierre Kobler. France. 253 p. Librairie Hachette; 30Say77; AFO-88999.

4FO-e9000. La Corse a la derive. By Thierry Deslardins. France. 220 p. MM: ne» teit G compilation of text. Librairie Plon 6 GECEP a.a.d.o. Generale Europeenne de Creation et de Participation; 15Jul77; AFO-89000.

AFO-8900 1. On Inceste ordinaire. By Pierre Lachant, pseud, of Pierre Bylliard. France. 121 p. C Beqine Deforqes t S.E.C.L.E. a.a.d.o. Societe pour 1' Exploitation du COBnerce de Librairie et d'Edition; 30Bar77: AFO-89001.

APO-39002. Jeux de papier. By Bene Ach, Siaeon Colin, dessins: Haurice Caapan. France. 158 p. Librairie Hachette; 30Jun77; APO-89002.

iFO-89003. Transplantation et iamunoloqie clinique; cOBPte-rendu du 8e cours international. Textes recueillis par Jean-Louis Touraine, Jules Traeqer 6 B. Triau. France. 391 p. Add. ti: Transplantation and clinical ilfflunoloqy. French 6 Enqlish. NH: editinq. SIBEP-Edit ions; 30Jun77: AFO-89003.

A?O-8900t. Le Cheyal couche. By Xayier Srail. France. 235 p. NH: neii text 6 coi- pilation of texts. C Librairie- Hachette; 30»ay77; APO-8900t.

AFO-89005. Cours de oatheBatique. T. 2: analyse. By Jacqueline Lelonq-Ferrand £ Jean-Harie Aroaudies. U. ed., revue C auqBentee. France. 638 p. C Bordas; 30Jun77; AFO-89005.

AFO-89006. Vincent et Nathalie, le baptese de I'air. iBaqine par aarc Saver, pseud, of Philippe Schuner 6 Daniel Sassier, teite de Jean-Pierre Enard, illus de Jean Sidobre. Prance. 1 v. Librairie Hachette; 30Jun77; AFO-89006.

AFO-89a0 7. Vincent et Nathalie, a la television. iBaqine par Bare Saver, pseud, of Philippe Schuver £ Daniel Sassier, texte de Jean-Pierre Enard, illus de Jean Sidobre. France. 1 v- Librairie Hachette; 30Jun77: AFO-89007.

i?O-89a08. Je sais tout sur le sonde et la nature. Par Antoine Icart, illus de Bruno De Dieuleveult. France. 115 p. O Librairie Hachette; 30Bay77; APO-89008.

AFO-89009. En pays lointain. De Jack London, texte francais de Louis Postif, illus de Josette Hiaran. France. 153 p. NM: illus. e Librairie Hachette: 30Hay77;

AFO-89009. De Euqene fievert. nouvelle ed. revue £ auq«entec par Boqer cucchi. France. 201 p. NH: revisions £ additions. Annuaire International des Francais d'Outre-Ser (OOS-TOI!) ; 30Jun77; AFO-89010.

AFO-89011. The Civil prisoners. By Heriol Trevor. Great Britain. 190 p. Beriol Trevor; 8Auq77; AFO-89011.

AFO-89012. A Ti«e of cherries: sailing with the Breton tunnyBen. By Bonald Hillar. Great Britain. 21U p. O Bonald Hillar; 26Bay77; AFO-890 12.

AFO-89013. Aus der Geschichte des Korneuburqer BezirksrauBes ia Frueh-und HochBitte- Xalter. By Niltolaus Britz. Austria. 98 p. HilhelB BraUBUeller Oniversitaets- Verlaqsbuchhandlunq, G.a.B.H.; 1Jul77; AFO-89013.

AFO-890114. Die Kolleqialbehoerden art richterlichem Einschlaq. Von Peter Pernthaler. Austria. 147 p. d Uilheln BrauBueller aniversitaets-Verlaqsbuchhandlung, G.a.B.H.; 21Jun77; AFO-89014.

APO-89015. Teach Be; seven piano pieces. Book 1. By Pierre Hax Dubois 6 Boris Berlin. Canada. 15 p. O Gordon V. Thospson, Ltd.; 17Aoq77; AFO-89015.

AFO-89016. Balraux: life and work. Edited by Hartine De Courcel. Enqland. 284 p. NH: coBpilation, p. 1-22 1 £ 259-278. C Georqe Heidenfeld and Nicolson, Ltd.; 12Aug76; AFO-89016.

AFO-89017. Anti-critique. By Andre Halrauz, translated by Bobert Speaiqht. Enqland. (In Halraux: life and work, p. 223-257) a Andre Balraux; 12Auq76: AFO-89017.

APO-89018. Inorganic biocheaistry 2. By Gemot Benqer, Ruthild Uinkler-Oswatitsch E others. Best Geraany. 204 p. (Topics in current cheaistry, 69) O Springer- Verlag; 29JU177; AFO-890 18.

APO-89019. Structural and Kinetic Approach to Plasaa Heabrane Functions; proceedinqs of a aeetinq held on Sept. 6-9, 1976 in Griqnon, France. Edited by Claude Bicolau £ Alain Paraf. Best Geraany. 204 p. (Proceedinqs in life sciences) Appl. au: O. Albrecht £ J. Aubry. Springer- Verlaq; 26Jul77; AFO-89019.

AFO-89020. Dynaaics of solids and liquids by neutron scattering. Edited by Stephen «. Lovesey £ Tasso Springer. Best Geraany. 379 p. (Topics in current physics, vol. 3) Appl. au: Bobert Coaes. Spcinger- Verlaq; 30Jun77; AFO-89020.

AFO-89021. Philosophical foundations of the three socioloqies. By Edward Benton. Enqland. 1 v. (International library of socioloqy) Ted Benton; 30Jun77; AFO-89021.

iPO-89022. Huaan action and its psychological investiqation. By Alan oqilvie Gauld £ John David Shotter. England. 237 p. e ilan Gauld 6 John Shotter; 30Jan77; AFO-89022.

APO-89023. Myrtle for ay love. By D. H. Thoason. Enqland. 182 p. O D. U. ThoBson; 15Hay77; AFO-8902J.

AFO- 89024. An Open case: the organisational context of social work. By Joyce Rarhaa. England. 161 p. (Library of social work) O Joyce Uarhaa; 21Jul77; AFO-89024.

AFO-89025. Jean; oder. Die Lust zu leben. By Bichel Deon, Deutsch von Barqaret Carroux. Best Geraany. 375 p. Translation of Le Jeune hoaoe vert. on Geraan ed. ; Franz Ehrenvirth Verlag, G.a.B.H. G Co., K.G. ; 10Aug77: AFO-89025.

AFO-89026. En soaaar foer laenge sedan, and other titles. Sweden. 473 p. (Det Baestas bokval) Prev. pub. in 0. S. editions of Beader's Digest condensed books. NB: Swedish translation G additions. O Beader's Digest, A.B.; 9Aug77; AFO-89026.

AFO-89027. Orlando Di Lasso: Briefe. Bd. 2. By Horst Leuchteann. Best Geraany. 278 p. Geraan, Italian, Latin £ other languages. O Breitkopf und Haertel; 25Feb77; AFO-89027.

AFO-89028. L'Enieveaent de ganyaede. By Michel Guibert. France. 186 p. Bichel Guibert E librairie des ChaBps-Elysecs; 15JU177; APO-89028.

AFO-89029. L" Arbre-airoir. By christian Leourier. France. 220 p. Editions Bobert Laffont, S. A. ; 30Bay77; AFO-89029.

iFO-89030. La Porte des tenebres. By Alan Baiqh, pseud, of Jacques Van Herp. France. 221 p. C Alan Uaiqh E Librairie des Chaaps-Elysees; 15Jul77; AFO-89030.

AFO-89031. La aarelle de Giscard, 1926-1974. By Olivier Todd. France. 486 p. MB: new text £ coapilation. Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A. ; 30Hay77; APO-89031.

AFO-89032. Diffusion processes and related topics in biology. By Luigi H. Bicciardi, notes taken by Charles E. Saith. Best Geraany. 200 p. (Lecture notes in bioaatheaatics. vol. 14) Springer-Verlaq; 20Bay77; AFO-89032.

APO-89033. Beethovens Brief "An die unsterbliche Geliebte." By Vladiair Karbusicky. Best Geraany. 143 p. e Breitkopf und Haertel, Verlag; 2Feb77; AFO-89033.

AFO-89034. Out; roaan. By Pierre Bey. France. 464 p. Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A. ; 30Jun77; AFO-89034.

AFO-89035. De I'eau et des hoaaes; essai geog- raphigue sur 1* utilisation des eaux continentales. Par Jacques Betheaont, illus de Charles Oaniere £ G. Dupuis. prance. 280 p. Bordas; 30Jun77; AFO-89035.

AFO-89036. Les Confessions d*un publicitaire. De David ogilvy, traduction de Jacgues-Henry Bouet. 2. ed. France. 174 p. Prev. pub. 1963 as The Confessions of an advertising aan £ in 1964 as Les Confessions de David Ogilvy. Bordas; 30Jun77; AFO-89036.

AFO-89037. Faut pas rire avec les barbares; recit. By Albert Spaggiari. France. 306 p. AFO-89037 (con.) Editions Robert Laffont, S.A.; 30Jun77; lro-89037.

SFO-89038. La Ltimiere du lac; rooan. By Bernard Clavel. France. 457 p. (Les coloones du ciel. 2) Editions Robert Laffont, S.S.; 30llav77: 4PO-89038.

4FO-89039. Glaciers interdits. By christian Gallissian. France. 221 p. NM: ne» text C illus. e compilation- © Librairie irthaud; 30Jun77: 4FO-89039.

4FO-890(tO. Poderoso. Hexico. (In la Opinion, lorreon, Hexico, July 28, 1977, p. 7-i) &ppl. au: Jaime Gulllerno Pauenes Gonzalez. Jaine Pamanes; 28Jal77; iFO-89040.

AFO-890I(1. Posaunenschule fuer POsaunen aller Art; schuelerheft, beiheft 6 lehrerheft. By Armin Rosen,- redaktion: Roland Boeckle. Austria. 3 ». (giener Instrumental- schulen) Universal Edition, A-G.; 124pr77: AFO-890(H.

AFO-8901t2. Lag med 1yd: innfoerinq i lydforming. By Stein Bakke. Norway. 32 p. Norsk Musikforlaq, A/S ; 17aarT7 (in notice: 1976): 4FO-e90'42.

4FO-890 43. Das Saxophon im Jazz. By Joe Viera. Austria. 68 p. (Reihe Jazz, 8) e Dniversal Edition, A.G.; 281Iar77; 4FO-890i)3.

4PO-8901|1(. Indoor qardeninq. Great Britain- 48 p. (Reader's Diqest basic quide) Text 6 illus. prev. pub. in Reader's Diqest illustrated quide to qardeninq. NM; compilation, e The Reader's Diqest 4ssociation, Ltd.; 6Jul77; AFO-890't't.

AFO-89045. Fichier cuisine-bien etre. So 1-24. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Irma Ruche 6 Raymonde Chapuis. e Edito- Service, S.A-: 3Jun77; AFO-J69045.

AFO-89046. Fichier cuisine bien-etre. No 25-48 S indexcards- Xextes & photos: Irma Ruche G Baymonde chapuis, traduction: Nicole Jacob 5 Anqelica Karolyi, realisation: Laurent J. Buinoud, 4ndre Estoppey & Andre Histelli. Switzerland. Cards. Edito-Service, S.4.: 25Har77: 4FO-89046.

4FO-89047. Cuisine-bien etre. No 1-24. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Irma Ruche 6 Raymonde chapuis. Kdito- Service, S.A.; 25Mar77; Aro-89047.

4FO-89049. 4rt cards. No. 1-20. Switzerland. 20 cards. Appl- au: Alain Lecoultre- 6 on Enqlish ed. : Edito-Service, S-4.; 18Feb77; 4FO-89049.

4FO-89050. Art cards. No. 41-60. Switzerland. 20 cards. Appl. au: Alain LecouJ.tre. Q on Enqlish ed. ; Edito-Service, G-A. ; 1811ar77: 4FO-89050.

4F0- 89051. 4rt cards. No. 21-40 6 indexcards, no. 1-25. Editor — Enqlish ed. : Cynthia Strauss. Switzerland. Cards 6 1 v. Add. ti: Art card file. Appl. au: Alain Lecoultre- C on Enqlish ed. ; Edito- Service, S-A.: 18Feb77; AFQ-89051.

4FO-89052. Champions — le qrand fichier des sports. No 1-24, 16-992-11. Switzerland. 24 cards 6 folder. Appl. au: Antoine Bordier 6 Jean Bosonnet. Q Editions Rencontre, S.A.: 61Iay77; AFO-89052.

AFO-89053. Champions — ie grand fichier des sports. No 1-24. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Antoine Bordier & Jean Bosonnet. 9 Editions Rencontre, S.A.; 6May77; AFO-89053.

4FO-89054. Die Sportspieqel-Kartei. Nr. 1-24, 17-033-01. Switzerland- 24 cards- Appl. au: Antoine Bordier £ Jean Bosonnet. NH; German translation. 3 Editions Rencontre, S.i.; 25Har77; 4FO-89054.

4FO-89055. Champions — le qrand fichier des sports. No 1-24, 16-265-09. Switzerland, 24 cards. 4ppl. au: Antoine Bordiec & Jean Bosonnet. 6 Editions Rencontre, S.4.; 8Apr77; 4FO-89055-

AFO-89056. Champions — le grand fichier des sports. No 1-24, 16-265-13. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Antoine Bordier 6 Jean Bosonnet. Q Editions Rencontre, S.A. ; 6Hay77: AFO-89056.

4FO-89057. Die Sportspieqel-Kartei, Nr. 1-24 & indexcards, Nr. 1-18. Switzerland. Cards. Appl. au; Antoine Bordier E Jean Bosonnet. NH: German translation, e Editions Rencontre, S.A.; 25Har77; AFO-89057.

4FO-89058. Champions — le grand fichier des sports. No 1-24, 16-265-08. Switzerland. 24 cards 6 folder- Appl. au: Antoine Bordier & Jean Bosonnet. @ Editions Rencontre, S.A.; 84pr77; APO-89058.

AFO-89059. Champions — le grand fichier des sports. No 1-24, 16-265-10. Switzerland. 24 cards- Appl. au: Antoine Bordier & Jean Bosonnet. © Editions Rencontre, S- A- ; 8Apr77; AFO-89059-

4FO-89060. Sportspieqel^ — die grosse Sportkartei; brochure. Switzerland- 1 v- 4dd. ti: Die Sportspieqel-Kartei. 4ppl. au: Antoine Bordier & Jean Bosonnet. NH: German translation. © Editions Rencontre, S.A.; 25Apr77: AFO-89060.

AFO-89061. Die Sportspiegel-Kartei. Nr. 1-24, 17-033-03. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Antoine Bordier & Jean Bosonnet. NM; German translation. 9 Editions Rencontre, S.4.: 224pr77; AFO-89061-

4FO-a9062. Automata, languages and programming; Fourth Colloquium, Oniversity of Turku, Finland, July 18-22, 1977. Edited by Arto Salomaa & Hagnus Steinby. Uest Germany. 569 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 52) Proceedings of the Fourth Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming. Appl. au: K- R- Apt t J. W. De Bakker. 9 Sprinqer-Terlag; 11JU177; AFO-89062.

AFO-89063. Fields, particles and currents. By Adolf Heinrich Voelkel. Best Germany. 354 p. (Lecture notes in physics, 66) Sprinqer-yerlag; 29Jul77: AFO-89063.

4FO-89064. The Consistent force field; a docu- mentation. By Svetozar R. Niketic 6 Kjeld Basmussen- West Germany- 212 p. (Lecture notes in chemistry, vol. 3) e Springer- Verlag; 27Jul77; AFO-89064. In search of economic indicators: essays on business surveys. Edited by Herner H. Strigel. Best Germany. 198 p. (Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, vol. 146) e Springer-Verlag; 27JU177: APO-89065.

4fO-89066. Atlas of cerebrospinal fluid cells. By Hans Wolfgang Koelmel. 2nd enl. ed- Best Germany. 142 p. Springer-Verlag; 18JU177; AFa-89066.

AFO-89067. La France des routes tranguiiles: 300 itineraires touristigues. France. 555 p. Add. ti: 300 holiday itineraries. S Selection du Reader's Digest, S.A.; 3aay77; AFO-89067.

4PO-89068. Grosse Fluesse der Belt. Best Germany. 271 p. Add. ti: Great rivers of the world. German language translation of book pub. in France in 1972. NH: translation- 9 Verlag das Beste, G.a.B-H-; 14JU177; 4FO-89068.

4F0-89069. Cecile et Jean a Venise. By Jacques De Saint-Paul, pseud, de Paul Claude Innocenzi- France- 187 p- 9 Jacques De Saint-Paul 8 S-E-C-L-E. a.a-d-o- Societe pour 1' Exploitation du Commerce de Librairie et d' Edition; 15Jul77; 4FO-89069.

AFO-89070. Berengere et I'oeil du typhon; recit. By Berengere D'Aragon. France. 246 p. Editions Robert Laffont, S. A. ; 30Hay77; AFO-89070.

AFO-89071. Breve storia degli ebrei e dell'an- tisemitismo. By Eugenic Saracini, introduzione di Omberto Terracini. Italy. 153 p. e Arnoldo Hondadori Editore, S.P.A. ; 30Apr77; AFO-89071.

AFO-89072. II Libro delle piante magiche. By Caterina Kolosimo, Italy. 204 p. © Arnoldo Hondadori Editore (in notice: Arnoldo Hondadori, S.P.A.) ; 30Jun77; 4FO-89072.

4FO-89073. Agilolf Oder die Herkunft der Bayem. By Rudolf Reiser- Best Germany- 128 p- © Franz Ehrenwirth Verlag, G. H-B.H- 6 Co-, K-G. ; 244ug77; 4FO-89073.

AFO-B9074. 11 Bridge facile: elementi del giuoco della carta. By Corrado De Hartino. Italy. 141 p. © Arnoldo Hondadori Editore, S.P.A.; 30Hay77; AFO-89074-

AFO- 89075- Guida alia natura della Emilia-Bomagna e Harche- By fienato Hassa & Franco Pedrotti- Italy- 319 p. 9 Arnoldo Hondadori Editore, S.P.A.; 30Apr77; AFO-89075.

ArO-89076. Abstract analytic function theory and Hardy algebras. By Klaus Barbay £ Heinz Koenig. Best Germany. 260 p- (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol- 593) NM: additional text. 9 Springer-Verlag; 15Jun77; AFO-89076.

AFC-89077. II est plus tard que tu ne penses. By Gilbert Cesbron, illus originales de Pierre Honnerat. Switzerland. 406 p. AFO-89077 (con.) © OD illus. : Edito-Ser»ice, S.4.; 3Jun77: SFO-89077.

AFO-89078. A»oir ete. By Gilbert Cesbron, iilus oriqinales de Nathalie chabrier. Switzerland. H81 p. on illus.; Edito-Ser»ice, S.».; 3Jun77; AFO-89078.

ArO-89079. Le aicoir se brisa. le Seciet de chimneys. By icjatba Christie, illus oriqiuales de Pierre tlonnerat. Switzerland. 308 p. ftdd. ti: Le Secret de chinwavs. 6 on illus. ; Edito-Set»ice, S.A. : 6Hay77; 4FO-89079.

4FO-89080. Ne iouez pas avec les filler. Documents a vendre. By Jean Bruce, illis oriqinales de Yves Groux. Switzerland. 376 p. on illus.; Edito-Ser»ice, S.4. ; 3Jun77; 4PO-89080.

AFO-89081. Deuil express. Ca tourne a vinaiqre. By San-intonio, pseud., illus. oriqinales de 4ndre-Paul Ferret. Switzeiland. 257 P. 6 on illus.; Edito-Servi< e, S-4-; 3Jun77: 4FO-89061.

4FO-89082. Fais qaffe a tes os. Berceuse pour berurier. By San-4ntonio, pstud., illus. oriqinales de Andre-Paul Perrt t. Switzerland. 237 p. 6 on illus.; Edito-Service, S.4.; 6Hay77; 4FO-89082.

4FO-89063. II Selvaqqio di Santa Venert. By Saierio Strati. Italy. 287 p. Arnoldo nondadori Editore, S.P.4.: 3C4pr77; 4FO-8 90 83.

4FO-8908lt. God is Dy witness: the story of the world famous healer. By E. G. Fricker. Great Britain. 190 p. O E. G. Fcicker; 184pr77; 4PO-8908U.

4FO-89085. 4uf den Spuren der auetter: Impro- visationen ueber den subiektiven Faktor, die Griechen, das Matriarchat und den DDterqanq des Abendlandes. By Lorenz Gyoenoerey. 4ustria. 323 p. Paul Zsolnay Verlaq, G.H.B.H. ; 8S4^p77; 4FO-89085.

APO-89086. Ein Hunderbarer Uuestlinq; Erzaehluuqen. By Eva Bakos. Austria. 297 p. Paul Zsolnay Verlaq. G.H.B.H.; 8Stp77: AFO-89086.

4FO-8 908 7. Kampfabsaqe; Frauen in der Mannerwelt* By Trude Polley. Austria. 2;i5 p. O Paul Zsolnay Verlaq, G.H.B.H.; 8Sep77; 4PO-89087.

4PO-B9088. Die Hehrheit bin ich! Eine Staat- soperette. By Paul Kaufmann. 4ustria. 258 p. e Paul Zsolnay Verlaq, G.H.B.H.; 8Sep77; 4FC-89088.

JiFO-89089. Bairiscbe und Tiroler Liebeiiqeschichten aus Ortscbaften ohne Bahnhof. Erzaehlt von Thomas N iederreuther mit ^eicbnunqen von Ludwiq Haria Beck. Hest Germany. Ill p. O Franz Ehrenwirth Verlaq, G.H.B.H. 6 Co., K.G.; 224uq77; 4FO-890fc9.

AFO-8909 0. Le Corna del diavolo; e altri racconti. By Piero Chiara. Italy. 202 p. Arnoldo Hondadori Editore; 30Apr17: AFO-89090.

AFO-89091. La Faaiqlia e sacra. By Giovanni Pascutto. Italy. 155 p. e Arnoldo Hondadori Editore. S.P.A. ; 304pr77; 4FC-89091.

AFO-89092. La Vita faciiitata. By Gian Paolo Ceserani. Italy. 158 p. 4rnoldo Hondadori Editore, S.P.A. ; 30Apr77; 4FO-89092.

AFO-89093. I Cartaqinesi iu Italia. By Sabatino Hoscati. Italy. 360 p. Arnoldo Hondadori Editore, S.P.A.; 30Jun77; AFO-89093.

APO-89094. cioe. By Luca Goldoni. Italy. 226 p. 6 Arnoldo Hondadori Editore, S.P.A. ; 30Hay77; APO-89094.

4FO-89095. Natascia Bysakova. By Benato Loffredo. Italy. 386 p. 8 Arnoldo Hondadori Editore S.P.A.; 30Hay77; AFO-89095.

AFO-89096. Faatasma d'amore. By Hino Hilani. Italy. 321 p. © Arnoldo Hondadori Editore S.P.A.; 30Hay77; AFO-89096.

4FO-89097. Politics: Canada. By Paul Wesley Pox. »th ed. Canada. 653 p. O HcGraw-Hill Byerson, Ltd.; 22Auq77; AFO-89097.

AFO-89098. Une Voix venue de loin: I'histoite des telecommunications au Canada. By Eobert John Collins, traduit de I'anqlais par Simone Trenner. Canada. 301 p. Translation of 4 Voice from afar, pub. 1977. NH: translation. Bobert Collins; 234uq77; 4FO-89098.

AFO-89099. Piatto unico all'italiana. By Savina Hoqqero, presentazione di Hassimo Alberiui. Italy. 189 p. 6 Arnoldo Hondadori Editore S.P.A.; 30Apr77; AFO-89099.

AFO-89100. Sinqular perturbations and boundary layer theory. Edited by Claude-Hichel Brauner. Bernard Gay & Jeao Hathieu. Hest Germany. 532 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 59a) Proceedings of the Symposium on Sinqular Perturbations and Boundary Layer Theory, held at the Ecole Centrale de Lyon, 8-10 Dec. 1976; Enqlish 6 French. Appl. au: J. Baranqer 6 A. Bensoussan. Springer- Verlaq; 15Jul77; AFO-89100.

AFO-B9101. Geometry and topology 3: Latin American School of Hathematics; proceedings of the School held at the Institute de Batematica Pura e Aplicada, CNPq, Bio de Janeiro, July 1976. Edited oy Jacob Palis 6 Hanfredo Do carmo. Uest Germany. 866 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 597) Appl. au: Jose Adem 6 Kee Yuen Lam. Sprinqer-Verlaq; 18Jul77; 4FO-89101.

4FC-89102. Hlners, quarrymen and saltworkers. Edited by Baphael Samuel. England. 363 p. NH: compilation, introd., notes £ index. History Borkshop; 21Apr77; 4FO-89102.

4FO-89103. Hineral workers. By Baphael Samuel. England. (In Hiners, quarrymen and saltworkers, pt. 1, p. 1-97) C Baphael Samuel; 214pr77; 4FO-89103.

APC-89104. Y chwarelwyr: the slate quarrymen of north Wales. By Herfyn Jones. England. (In Hiners. quarrymen and saltworkers, pt. 2, p. 99-135) e Herfyn Jones; 214pr77; AF0-89104.

AFO-89105. Cheshire saltworkers. By Brian Didsbury. England. (In Hiners. quarrymen and saltworkers pt. 3, p. 137-203) O Brian Didsbury; 214pr77; 4FO-89105

4PO-89106. The Durham pitman. Pit talk in county Durham. By Dave Douglass. England. (In Hiners, quarrymen and saltworkers. pt. 4-5, p. 205-348) Dave Douglass: 214pr77; AFO-89106.

AFO-e9107. Hethods in subnucleai physics. Vol. S, pt. 2. Edited by B. Hikolic. East Germany. 364 p. Proceedings of the 5th International School of Elementary Particle Physics, held in Herceg-Novi, Yugoslavia on Sept. 15-28, 1969. Appl. au: L. Jauneau. 6 Gordon and Breach Science Publishers. Ltd.; 84ug77; AFO-89107.

AFO-e9108. Hethods in subnuciear physics. Vol, 5. pt. 1. Edited by H. Nikolic. East Germany. 496 p. Proceedings of the 5th International School of Elementary Particle Physics, held in Herceg-Novi, Yugoslavia on Sept. 15-28, 1969. Appl. au: L. Bertocchi. O Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Ltd.; 84ug77; 4FO-89108.

AFO-89109. By life closed twice. By Nigel Billiams. Great Britair. 196 p. C Nigel Uiiliams; 4Jul77; AFO-89109.

AFO-89110. Swordsmen of the screen: from Douglas Fairbanks to Hichael York. By Jeffrey Hichael Richards. England. 296 p. NH: pref., acknowledgments, introd., text. bibliography, index £ arr. of photos. ©Jeffrey Bichards; 12May77; AFO-89H0.

AFO-89111. Au-dela de I'ecran; 70 ans de la vie d*un cineaste. By Boger Bichebe. Bonaco. 273 p. NH: new text e compilation of texts 6 illus. O Editions Pastorelly; 30Jun77; AFO-89111.

AFO-89112. Initiation au calcul economigue. By Herve Thiriez. France. 184 p. S Bordas; 30Jun77; AFO-89112.

AFO-89113. Le Bern. By Hichel V. pellet. France. 351 p. (Physiologie humalne.) (Le Hilieu interieur, 2e partie) O SISEP Editions; 30JU177; AFO-89113.

APO-89114. La Fonction thecmique. By Yvon Houdas £ Jean-Daniel Guieu. France. 232 p. (Physiologie humaine) O SIHEP Editions; 30JU177; AFO-89114.

AFO-89115. Les Annees metalliq^ues. By Hichel Demuth. France. 346 p. O Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A. ; 30Hay77; AFO-89115.

AFO-89116. Les Carabines de Gastibeltsa. By Hare Legasse. France. 235 p. Editions Bobert Laffont, S.4.; 30Jun77; AFO-89116.

AFO-89117. Quatre ans pour changer le monde. By Hare Ollmann. France. 200 p. NH: new text 6 compilation of texts. O Editions 4PO-89n7 (con.) Robert Laffont. S.». ; 30Jun77: &FO-89117.

SPO-89118. Les Pistes de Nazca; pour qui, pourquoi. et coQDeDt? By Siaone ila::.sbard, en collaboration avec Jack w^iisbard. France. 349 p. NH: ne« text & new illus. S compilation. 6 Editions llobert Laffont, S.S. : 30Jun77: SFO-8911fl.

AFO-89n9. La Bealite maqique. By Eoqer De Lafforest. France. 218 p. NM: new text & neu illus. & compilation. Q Editions Robert Laffont, S.A.; 30Jun77; &F0-89119.

APO-89120. The Riqht to choose. Bv Gisele Haliici, translated by Rosemary Rorqan. Australia. 178 p. Prey. pub. 1973 as La Cause des femmes. NH: Enqlish translation. Q Oniyersity of Queensland Press; itJan77; AFO-89120.

AFO-89121. L' Elaboration des previsions de marche: methodes et pratique de la prevision. By Michel Salomon & Georqes Ilahon. France. 231 p. Bordas; 30Jun7?: AFO-89121.

AFO-89122. Administrative federalism; selected documents in Australian intergovernmental relations. Compiled 5 edited by Kenneth Uilliam Hiltshire. Australia. 309 p. e Oniyersity of Queensland Press; 1UHar77; AFO-89122.

AFO-89123. A Principal's workbook: simulations of school administration. Edited by Keith Ernest Tronc. Australia. 26t p. @ Oniyersity of Queensland Press; 11lHar77; AFO-89123.

AFO-89124. Sciences et techniques du vin. T. U. Par Jean Bibereau-Gayon, Emile Peynaud, Pascal Bibereau-Gayon & Pierre Sudraud. France. 643 p. C Bordas; 30Jun77; AFO-a9124.

AFO-89125. Alqebre. By Jacqueline Lelonq-Ferrand & Jean-Harie Arnaadies. 3. ed., revue & auqmentee. France. 534 p. (Cours de mathematiques, t. 1) Bordas; 30Jun77; AFO-89125.

AFO-89126. Children and screen violence. By Patricia May Edqar. Australia. 275 p. © Oniversity of Queensland Press; 21Mar77; AFO-89126.

APO-89127. Of public concern: contemporary Australian social issues. Edited by Paul Bichard Bilsoa. Australia. 270 p. e University of Queensland Press; 21Apr77; AFO-89127.

AFO-89128. The Queensland years of Bobert Herbert, Premier: letters and papers. Edited with an introd. by Bruce Arthur Knox. Australia. 261 p. 6 University of Queensland Press; 25Apr77; AFO-89128.

AFO-89129. Paths in dreams; selected prose and poetry of Bo Ch'i-fanq. Translated E edited by Bonnie Suzanne McDouqall. Australia. 244 p. NM; translation, compilation 6 additions. e Bonnie S. McDouqall; 17Dec76; AFO-89129.

APO-89130. La Jeunesse de Jesus. Texte de evanqiles, dessins: Jesus Blanco. France. 48 p. (La Bible: le Nouveau Testament, 1) NM: illus. O Fayard-Mame; 30Jun77; AFO-89130.

AFO-89131. Myocardial failure. Editors: G. Biecker 6 other editors. Hest Germany. 374 p. (International Boehriager Mannheim symposia) Appl. au: G. Autenrieth 6 H.-D. Bolte. e Sprinqer-Verlag; 11Jul77; APO-89131.

AFO-89132. Fiber bundle techniques in gauge theories. By Kolfganq Drechsler S Meinhard Edwin Mayer. Hest Germany., 248 p. (Lecture notes in physics, vol. 67) e Springer-Verlag; 27Jul77; APO-89132.

AFO-89133. Lipids and lipid polymers in higher plants. Edited by Manfred Tevini £ Hartmut K. lichtenthaler. iest Germany. 306 p. Proceedings of a Symposium on Lipids and Lipid Polymers in Higher Plants, held in July 1976 at the Botanical Institute of the Oniversity of Karlsruhe. e Springer-Verlag; 29Jul77; APO-89133.

AFO-89134. Modular functions of one variable V; proceedings international conference, Oniversity of Bonn, Sonderf orschunq- sbereich theoretische Hathematik, July 2-14, 1976. Edited by Jean-Pierre Serre £ Don Bernard Zagier. tfest Germany. 294 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, 601) Enqlish 6 French. Appl. au: E. A. Rankin £ H. P. F. Swinnerton-Dyer. e Springer- Verlag; 27JU177; AFO-89134.

APO-89135. Plant tissue culture and its bio- technological application. Edited by Uolfqanq Barz, Ernst Beinhard E M. H. Zenk. Best Germany. 419 p. (Proceedings in life sciences) Proceedings of the First International congress on Medicinal Plant Research, Section B, held at the Oniversity of Munich, Germany, Sept. 6-10, 1976. Appl. au: A. H. Alfermann fi R. Arens. e Springer-Verlag; 30Jun77; AFO-89135.

AFO-e9136. Selective heat sensitivity of cancer cells. Edited by Alessandro Bossi-Fanelli £ others. Hest Gersany. 189 p. (fiecent results in cancer research, 59) Appl. au: R. Cavaliere. 9 Springer-Verlag; 7Jul77; APO-89136.

AFO-89137. Ecole d'ete de probabilites de Saint-Flour 6-1976. By J. Hoffmann- Joergensen, Thomas Milton Liggett £ Jacques Neveu, edite par P.-L. Hennequin. Hest Germany. 447 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, 598) English £ French. Springer-Verlag; 15Jul77; AFO-89137.

AFO-89138. The Barrancourt destiny. By Anne Horboys. Onited Kingdom. 251 p. @ Anne Horboys; 11Jui77; AFO-89138.

AFO-89139. A Time of gifts: on foot to Constan- tinople, from the hook of Holland to the middle Danube. By Patrick Leigh Fermor. Great Britain. 291 p. 9 Patrick Leigh Fermor; 22Sep77; AFO-89139.

AFO-89140. Cells, molecules and temperature: conformational flexibility of macro- molecules and ecological adaptation. By Vladimir Yakovlevich Aiexandrov, translated from the Russian by Victor A. fiernstam. Hest Germany. 330 p. (Ecological studies, 21) NM: translation, e Springer-Verlag; 28Jun77; AFO-89140.

AFO-89141. Ergebnisse der inneren Hedizin und Kinderheilkunde. Bd. 39. Hrsg. von P. Frick E other editors. Hest Germany. 182 p. Add. ti: Advances in internal medicine and pediatrics. English fi German. e Springer-Verlag; 11Jul77; AFO-89141.

AFO-89142. Basic algebraic geometry- By Igor H. Shafarevich, translated from the Russian by K. A. Birsch. Best Germany. 439 p. (Grundlehren der mathematischen His- senschaften, 213) Translation of Osnovy algebraicheskoi geometrii, pub. 1972. NM; revisions, e Springer-Verlag; 30Jun77; AFO-89142.

AFO-89143. Edison; the nan who made the future. By Bonald H. Clark. England. 2 56 p. e Bonald H. Clark; 22Sep77; AFO-89143.

AFO-89144. Astronoty and astrophysics abstracts. Vol. 18, literature 1976, pt. 2. Edited by S. Boehme fi other editors. Hest Germany. 859 p. Appl. au: Astronomisches Eecheninstiut, employer for hire. © Astronomisches Rechen-Institut ; 1Jul77; AFO-89144.

AFO-89145. Yearbook of the Onited Nations, 1974. Vol. 28. Canada. 1170 p. Onited Nations/Nations Onies; 28Sep77; AFO-189145.

AFO-89146. Iatrogenic carcinogenesis. By Dietrich Schmaehl, Carlos Thomas £ Rolf Auer. Hest Germany. 120 p. © Springer-Verlag; 16Jun77; APO-89146.

AFO-89147. Manual der Tonographie fner die Praxis. By Holfgang Leydhecker. Best Germany. 115 p. (Kliniktaschenbuecher) O Springer-Verlag; 14Apr77; AFO-89147.

AFO-89148. Leitfaden fuer den klinischeo Assis- tenten. By Gemot Friese 6 Anneliese Voelcker. 2nd rev. ed. Hest Germany. 170 p. (Kliniktaschenbuecher) O Springer-Verlag; 28Apr77; AfO-89148.

AFO-89149. Hormonale Stoerungen in der Gynae- kologie; Diagnostik und Behandlung. By Paul Johannes Keller. Best Germany. 150 p. (Kliniktaschenbuecher) © Springer- Verlag; 28Apr77; AFO-89149.

AFO-89150. Schule und Fernsehen. Von Boderich Felsberg £ Herner Klose. Best Germany. 75 p. (Begweiser fuer die Lehrerfor- tbildung, 81) © Verlag Ferdinand Hirt; 27JU177; AFO-89150.

AFO-89151. stetige Faltuogshalbgruppen von Hahrscheinlichkeitsmassen und erzeugende Distributionen. By Hilfried Uazod. Best Germany. 157 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 595) © Springer-Verlag: 7Jui77; AFO-89151.

AFO-89152. Ordinary differential equations in Banach spaces. By Klaus Deimling. Hest Germany, 136 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 596) © Springer-Verlag; 7Jul77; AFO-e9152.

AFO-89153. Seminaire Pierre Lelong (analyse) annee 1975/76 et journees sur les fonctions analytigues, Toulouse, 1976. Edite par Pierre Lelong. Best Germany. 327 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 578) © Springer-Verlag; 8Jul77; AFO-89153. &PO-8915«. iDduzierte Darstellunqcn io der Theocie der endlichen, alqebraischeu Gruppen. By Detlef Voiqt. lest Germany. 113 p. (Lecture Dotes in Batbeaatics, Tol. 592) Sprinqer-Verlaq; 17Jul77; 4PO-8915I1.

AFO-89155. La fiepublique Populaire de Poloqne. Traduit du polonais par Zdzisiau Lazecki & Rladrslava Gora. Poland. 211 p. kppl. au: PBK — Polish Scientific Publishers, aa: translation. C PHN — Editions Scientif iques de Poloqne; 5Hay77 (in notice: 1976); SFO-89155.

»FO-89156. Vol)cscepubli)c Polen. Aus den Polnischen uebecs. ?on Macia Przyby lowska. Poland. 228 p. ippl. au: Panstaove tydaunictvo Naukoue. NH: translation. PUN- -Polnischer Verlaq der Hissenschaf ten; 15Hay77 (in notice: 1976); Aro-89156.

»PO-89157. Studiun strulttur qospodarczych Polski. By Halina Goralska, Hacian Gorski 6 Tadeusz Kasprzak, pod redakcja naukova: Tadeusza Kasprzaka. Poland. 221 p. NH: text G additional tables & diaqraas. O Panstnoue Hydaiinictvo Haukove; 101)ay77 (in notice: 1976): »PO-B9157.

iPO-89158. The Hakinq of Benry ath. By Harie Louise Bruce. Enqlaod. 254 p. Marie Louise Bruce: 15Sep77; »FO-89158.

lPO-89159. Structure reports for 197K. Vol. 40B, pt. 1-2: orqanic section. General editor: J. Trotter, section editor: G. Ferquson. The Netherlands. 2 v. e The Inter- national Onion of Crystalloqraphy; 15Apr77 (incorrectly in notice on pt. 1: 1976. in notice on pt. 2: 1977); APO-89159.

AFO-89160. Zaratbustras Sippscbaft. By Orsula Siqismund. Nest Gernany. 292 p. Franz EhcenHirth Verlaq, G.a.B.H. e Co., K.G.; 18iuq77: »FO-89160.

iPO-89161. Da taat a dar aa stinka; oder, Bairiscb fuer Fortqescbrittene. ait einea unverbindlichen Vorscblaq fuer eine bairiscbe Becbtscbreibunq I-esest ueckeln zuB Dranqewoehnen G einem Hoerterbuechl alles nuetzlich 6 Hie nir zu boffen vaqen anqenehn zu lesen. Von Otto Kuen, die artiqen Zeichnunqen hat der beruehate aaennchenaaler Ernst Huerlinann. Vest Germany. ItO p. Franz Ehrenwirth Verlaq. G.a.B.H. £ Co.. K. G. ; 18«ug77: iPO-89161.

lFO-89162. Jesus. By Bichael Grant. United Kinqdoa. 26 1 p. C Bichael Grant Publications. Ltd.; 10Bar77: AFO-e9162.

»FO-89163. I'Islaa et sa civilisation. 7.-20. siecle. By Andre aiquel. 2. ed.. revue C aise a lour. France. 599 p. C Librairie Araand Colin; 30Jun77; AFO-e9163.

AFO-89164. Det Baesta faailiens reparations handbok. Sweden. 503 p. Translation of book prev. pub. in Great Britain, 1972. NB: translation. C Seader's Diqest. A.B.; 10Auq77; AFO-89164.

AFO-89165. Les Fils de I'orqueil. By aichel Peyraaaure. France. 31 a p. (La Passion cathare. 1) Les Editions Bobert Laffont. S.A.; 30Bay77; AFO-89165.

AFO-89166. Les Solitaires de la voile. De Peter Beaton, traduit de I'anqlais par Jacqueline Ouvaroff et Serqe Ouvaroff. France. 207 p. Translation of The Sinqlehanders. NH: translation. Editions Albin aichel; 30Jun77; AFO-89166.

AFO-89167. Piqeon volant: I'Afrique vue d'un velo. By Jean-Francois Bernies. France. 333 p. O Editions Bobert Laffont. S.A.; 30Jun77: AFO-89167.

AFO-89168. Fils de la riziere. By Jean Leroy, souvenirs recueillis par Pierre Deaaret. pref. de Graham Greene. France. 333 p. KB: nev text, nev ilius. & compilation of soae prev. pub. illus. Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A. ; 30aay77; APO-e9168.

APO-89169. Propos secrets. By Soger Peyrefitte. France. 3Hb p. Editions Albin aichel 6 Editions Rene Julliard; 30Jun77; APO-89169.

AFO-89170. Cours de aatheaatiques du preaier cycle; deuxieme annee. By Jacques Dixmier avec la collaboration de Pierre Duqac. 2. ed., revue 6 augmentee. France. 183 p. (Cahiers scientif iques, fascicule 32) e Bordas; 30Jun77; APO-89170.

AFO-89171. Bonsoir chef! By Pierre Billard. France. 1 v. 6 TF 1 a.a.d.o. Televisioi Prancaise 1 & Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A.; 30Hay77; AFO-89171.

AFO-89172. Grundlaqen zum Bewehreu ia Stahlbe- tonbau. By Fritz Leonbardt 6 Eduard aoenniq. 3. Aufl. Hest Germany. 246 p. (Vorlesunqen ueber Hassivbau, T. 3) e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 10Jul77; AFO-89172.

APO-89173. Les Kilos de trop. By Albert-Francois Creff £ Leone Berard. France. 293 p. Add. ti: Les Kiloqs de trop. BH: text 6 compilation of illus. Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A. ; 30aay77; AFO-89173.

AFO-89174. Physikaliscbe und psychoakustische Grundlaqen der ausik. By Juan G. aoederer, uebersetzt von Friedemann Hayer. Best Germany. 218 p. Original ti.: Introduction to the physics and psy- cbophysics of music. Ha: translation, e Sprinqer-yerlag; 29Jul77; AF0-8917it.

AFO-89175. Aus dem Leben der Voegei. By Oskar Beinroth, durcbgeseheu & erqaenzt von Katharina Heinrotb. 3- verbesserte Aufl. Best Germany. 159 p. (Verstaendliche Uissenschaft, Bd. 3U) d Sprinqer- Verlag; 2«Jun77; AFO-89175.

APO-89176. Secrets oabiies des derniers inities gitans. By Pierre Derlon. France. 191 p. Na: text, illus. S coapilation. O Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A.; 310aay77; AFO-89176.

AFO-89177. Coament interpreter les etats financiers anqlo-saxons: bilans, comptes d'exp- loitation et de pertes et profits. By Guy Gendrot avec ia collaboration de J. C. Boutier, pref. de Gilbert aourre. France. 174 p. O Bordas; 30Jun77; AFO-89177.

AFO-89178. Die Selbstsichere Frau: das Training zur Selbstt)ehauptung. By Lynn z. filoom« Karen Levin Coburn Joan Crystal pearlaan, aus dem Amerikanischen uebersetzt von Brigitte Stein. West Germany. 169 p. Original ti.: The Nev assertive aoman. O on translation: Franz Ehrenvirth Verlag G.a.B.H. 6 Co., K.G.; t9Aug77; AFO-89178.

APO-89179. Un Pere singulier; roman. By Noelle Loriot. France. 220 p. e Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A. ; 30aay77; AFO-89179.

AFO-89180. Savoir imaginer. By Florence Vidal. France. 244 p. Na: text e compilation. Editions Robert Laffont, S. A. ; 30aay77; APO-89180.

APO-89181. Les Septennats interrompus: les remparts d'Elseneur. By Philippe Ce Saint Bobert. France. 298 p. Na: text £ compilation. e Editions Bobert Laffont, s. A. ; 30aay77; AFO-89181.

APO-89182. Schoenheit aus Blueten und Fruechten: Kosmetika zum Selbermacbec. By Chris Stadtlaender. Vest Germany. 144 p. Franz Ehrenvirth Verlag G.a.B.H. £ Co., K.G. ; 18Aug77; APO-89182.

AFO-89183. Fichier cuisine bien-etre. Ser. 6, no 1-24. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Irma Ruche. Q Edito-Service, S.A.; 1JU177; AFO-89183.

AFO-89184. Fichier museum. Ser. 11, no 1-20. Switzerland. 20 cards £ folder. Appl. aix: Alain Lecouitre. G Edito-Service. S.i. ; 13Hay77; AFO-89184.

AFO-89185. Fichier museum. Ser. 12, no 1-20. Switzerland. 20 cards. Appl. au: Alain Lecouitre. 6 Edito-Service, S.A.; 13aay77; AFO-89185.

APG-89186. Fichier museum. Ser. 14, no 1-20. Switzerland. 20 cards £ folder. Appl. au: Alain Lecouitre. O Edito-Service, S.A.; 17Jun77; AFO-89186.

AFO-89187. Fichier cuisine bien-etre. Ser. 7. no 1-24. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Irma fiuche. C Edito-Service, S. A. ; 1Jul77; AFO-89187.

AF0-89ie8. Fichier museum. Ser. 13, no 1-20. Switzerland. 20 cards. Appl. au: Alarn Lecouitre. Edito-Service, S.A.; 13aay77; APO-B9188.

AFO-89189. Fichier cuisine bien-etre. Ser. 5, no 1-24. Switzerland. 24 cards £ folder. Appl. au: Irma fiuche. O Edito-Service, S.A. ; 1JU177; APO-89189.

AFO-89190. Fichier museum. Ser. 16, no 1-2C. Switzerland. 20 cards. Appl. au: Alain Lecouitre. d Edito-Service, S.A.; 17Jun77; AFO-89190.

AFO-89191. Fichier museum. Ser. 15, no 1-20. Switzerland. 20 cards. Appl. au: Alain Lecouitre. O Edito-Service, S.A.; 17Jun77; APO-89191.

AFO-89192. Die Funktion der Regierunq im nodernen foederalistischen Staat. Von Bartin Dsteri. Austria. 22 p. O Uilhelm Braumueller, Universitaets-Verlagsbuc- hhandlung, G.a.B.H.; 21Jun77; AFO-89192. SFO-89193. (JDderqcound power cables; some aspects of their thermal environment. By S. Y. King 6 N. A. Halfter. Honq Konq. 181 p. O Honq Konq Dniversity Press; 25Jul77; AFO-89193.

SFO-8919a. Lehrbucb der qesamtem Anatomie des Menschen; Cytoloqie, Hlstoloqie, Entwicltlunqsqeschichte, makroskopische und mikroskopische Anatomie.' Brsq. von Theodor Heinrich Schiebler, qemeins- chaftlich verfasst yon Gottfried Arnold E others. West Germany. 698 p. O Sprinqer-verlaq; 18Apr77; AFO-89194.

AFO-89195. Oebunqs-Fraqen Bioloqie. By Hans Bernd Strack fi others. West Germany. 225 p. Sprinqer-verlaq: 28Apr77; AFO-89195.

SFO-89196. Dermatochirurqie in Klinik und Praxis. Hrsq. von B. Konz und G. Burq, mit einer Einfuehrunq von o. Braun-Falco. West Germany. 238 p. C Sprinqer-verlaq: 19Apr77; &P0-89196.

AFO-89197. Die Zuanqsiacke. By Jack London^ berechtiqte Uebersetzunq von Use dinger £ Erika Kaiser. Austria. 266 p. (Die Fhantastischen Bomane) Translation o Jacket. NS: German translation. B P; Zsolnay Verlaq, G.M.B.H. 6 Oniversitas Verlaq (in notice: Oniversitas & Paul Zsolnay Verlaq); 3111ar77: AFO-89197.

AFO-89198. Nelson^ the essential hero. By Ernie Bradford. England. 368 p. @ Ernie Bradford: 30Jun77; AFO-89198.

AFO-89199. Ausuuchttechnik. Bd. 1; allqemeine Grundlaqen. Hessverfahren & fiichtlinien. By Klaus Federn. West Germany. 1H(9 p. O Sprinqer-verlaq; 26Apr77: AFO-89199.

AFO-89200. Landeliik Nederland: encyclopedie van natuur en landleven. Herd ontvorpen 6 qerediqeered door Uitgeversmaatschappij The Reader's Diqest, N.V., mit medeverkinq van Jan Van Oe Kam. The ijetherlands. 501 p. Add. ti: Dutch countryside. Appl. au: Uitqeversmaatschappil The Header's Digest, N.V. © oitqeversmaatschappii The Header's Diqest. N.V. 8 N.V. Reader's Diqest, S.A.; 20ipr77; AFO-89200.

AFO-89203. The National union catalog: pre- 1956 imprints; a cumulative author list representinq Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. Vol. 520-52U. Compiled & edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress 6 the National Onion Catalog Subcommittee of the Resources Committee of the Besources and Technical Services Division, Aa.erican Library Association. Dnited Kingdom. Appl. au: flansell Information/Publishing, Ltd. Appl. states copyright not claimed in the original National union catalog, pre-1956 imprints, as maintained in the Library pf Congress in card foria or iu any publication of the O.S. Govt, iiithin the meaning of Title 17 U.S.C. 8. IIM: final abridgment e editorial revision:; of each entry, sequence £ location coding & original prefatory materials. O Hansell Information/Publishing, Ltd. ; fsep77: iFO-8920 3.

AFO-89204. Philosophical medical ethics; its nature and significance; proceedings of the Third Trans-Disciplinary Symposium on Philosophy and Nedicine, held at Farmington, CT, Dec. 11-13, 1975. Edited by Stuart ?. Spicker S Hugo Tristram Engelhardt, Jr. Holland. 252 p. (Philosophy and medicine, vol. 3) Held at the Dniversity of Connecticut Health Center. Appl. au: Joseph Owens. Appl. states coT^vright is not claimed for the article by B. E. Hare, p. 119-61. D. Beidel Publishing Company: 23Auq77; AFO-8920U.

AFO-89205. AZ Handbuch fuer Asbestzementrohre. By Kurt Huenerberq £ Heinz Tessendorff. 2. neubearb. Aufl. West Germany. 1 v- e Sprinqer-verlaq; 28Apr77; APO-e9205.

AFO-89206. Traeume auf sylt. By Halter Pogge Van Ranken. Hest Germany. 286 p. e Franz Schneekluth Verlag, K.G. ; 20ipr77; AFO-89206.

AFO-89207. I met murder on the way. By Charity Blackstock, pseud, of Ursula Torday. England. 223 p. e Charity Blackstock (Ursula Torday): 25Jul77: AFO-89207.

AFO-89208. Le Flujc et le reflux, traduit de I'anqlais par Hichel Le Houbie. And other titles. By Agatha Christie, ilius oriqinales de Galed, pseud, of Nicolas Suter. Switzerland. 305 p. Translation of Taken at the flood S others. on illus. : Edito- Service, S.A.; 3Jun77; AFO-89208.

AFO-89209. Les Harrons du feu. OSS 117 repond toujours. By Jean Bruce, illus oriqinales de Tina aercie. Switzerland. 375 p. e on illus.; Edito-Service, S.&.; 3Jun77; APO-89209.

AFO-89210. OSS 117 appelle. Affaire numero 1. By Jean Bruce, illus oriqinales de Tina Hercie. Switzerland. 379 p. 6 on illus.; Edito-Service, S.A.; 29Jul77; AFO-89210.

AFO-89211. Hiotersturm, and other titles. Hest Germany. 510 p. (Reader's Digest Auswahlbuecher) Prev. pub in English in O.S. editions of Reader's Digest. Nil; German translation fi additional material. e Verlaq Das Beste, G.H.B.H. ; 13Jul77: AFO-89211.

iFO-89212, Historic ships of the world. By Hilliaa C. Heine. England. 156 p. NM: text 6 compilation of illus. 9 Hilliam C. Heine; 25Auq77; AFO-89212.

AFO-89213. La Cuisine Internationale: le livre de cuisine des plats nationaux. By Arne Krueqer, adaptation £ traduction franciase par nonique Guillaume £ Val B. Hilliams, Switzerland. 306 p. e on new French translation: Edito-Service, S.A.; 22ipr77: &FO-89213.

AF0-89214. Insel der zaertlichen Spiele. By Use Colliqnon. Hest Germany. 282 p. 6 Franz Schneekluth Verlag. K.G.; 6Jun77; AFO-89214.

AFO-89215. Horn und deine Liebe. By Claretta Cerio. Hest Germany. 287 p. 9 Franz Schneekluth Verlaq, K.G.; 6Jun77; AFO-89215.

AFO-89216. Der Gefaehrliche Anruf. By Dorothy Eden, aus dem Enqlischeo uebersetzt von Elisabeth Epple. Hest Germany. 287 p. Translation of Listen to danqer. 9 on German ed. ; Franz Schneekluth Verlag, K.G.; 20Apr77; ArO-89216.

AFO-89217. Carrie. By Stephen King, aus dem Amerikanischen uebersetzt von Elisabeth Epple. Hest Germany. 235 p. Translation of Carrie. 9 on German ed. ; Franz Schneekluth Verlag, K.G.; 3Say77; AFO-89217.

APO-89'1" Die t.i-nene Saske. By Phyllis A. Hbitney, aus dem Amerikanischen uebers. von Gretl Friedmann. Hest Germany. 286 p. Translation of The Turquoise mask. NN: translation, e Franz Schneekluth Verlag, K.G.; 20Jun77; AFO-89218.

APO-89219. Mai in Horcote. By Evelyn Peters. Hest Germany. 235 p. 9 Franz Schneekluth Verlag, K.G.; 20Apr77; AFO-89219.

AFO-89220. The Anatomy of accounting. By Allan Douglas Barton. 2nd ed. Australia. 593 p. 9 Dniversity of Queensland Press; 2aHar77; AFO-89220.

AFO-89221. Le Royaume des animaux; encyclopedie universelle des animaux. Vol. 27: Atlas de zoologie. Bedacteurs: Philippe Duflon & Andre Estoppey, conseiller scientif ique : Paul Schauenberg, conception graphigue: Jean-Pierre Castelli, Gerard Hermoud, Andre Milani £ Lilians Nicolet. Switzerland. 338 p. Also appears under the ti. : Atlas du monde animal. NM: French translation. 9 Edito-Service, S.A.; 17Jnn77; AFO-89221.

AFO-89222. One Certaine idee des francais. By Jean-Paul ollivier. France. 199 p. Nil: new text £ compilation. 9 Editions Robert Laffont, S.A.; 30Sep76; AFO-89222.

AFO-89223. Bayes-Verfahren Schaetz- und Test- verfahren bei Beruecksichtiqung von Vorinformatiooen. By Kurt Stange, nach dem Tode des Verfassers hrsq. von Tilmann Deatler £ Peter-Theodor Ullrich. Hest Germany. 312 p. 9 Springer- Verlag : 19Apr77; AFO-89223.

AFO-89224. Kind, familie, Gesellschaf t . By H. Schaefer. Hest Germany. 59 p. (Sitzungsberichte der Heidclberger Akadenie der Hissenschaf ten aathematisch- naturwissenschaf tliche Klasse, Jahrg. 1977, 1. AbhandlungJ Sprinqer-Verlag; 18Apr77; 4FO-8922t.

AFO-89225. Stochastic models for spike trains of single neurons. By Gopalan sampath £ S. Kidambi Srinivasan. Hest Germany. 188 p. (Lecture notes in bioaatheoatics, vol. 16) 9 Springer-Verlag; 30JU177; AFO-89225.

APO-89226. Jugendkalender, 1978. Hest Germany. 6H p. 9 Verlag das Beste, G.H.B.H. ; 8Sep77; AFO-89226.

AFO-89227. Betriebswirtschaftstheorie. Bd. 2: Absatz- und Investition^theorie. By Halter Busse Von Colbe £ Gert Lassmann. Hest Germany. HitH p. (Heidelberger Taschenbuecher, Bd. 186) 9 Springer- Verlag: 29Apr77; AFO-89227.

AFO-S922bo Psychulogie and Sozialmedizin in der Frauenheilkunde. Brsg. von Josef Zander £ Richard Goebel. Sest Germany. 209 p. 9 Springer-Verlag; 20Jun77; AFO-89228.

AFO-89229. Spezielle Pharmakologie und Arzneit- herapie. By Ernst Habermann £ Helmut AFO-89229 (con.) Loeffler. 2. verbesserte 6 ec««iterte Aufl. Best Germany. 335 p. (leidei- berqer Taschenbuecher, Bd. 166) e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 29Apr77; i.'0-89229.

AFO-89230. chirurqisches Forun '77 fuer expe- riiientelle Jnd Idinische Porschunq; 9U. Konqress dec Deutschen GesellscUaft fuer Chirurqie, Muenchen. 27.-30. April 1977. Hrsq.: Herbert Junqhanns 6 others. Uest Geroany. 289 p. (LanqenbecJts Archiv fuer Chirurqie, suppl. 1977) Sprinqer- Verlaq: 18»pc77; AFO-89230.

AFO-89231. Kurzes Lehrbucb der anorqanischen und allqeffleinen Chenie. By Gerhart Jander & Hans Spandau. 8. erweiterte Aufl., bearbeitet von Juerqen Fenner, Jochen Jander 6 Harald Sieqers. Best Germany. 336 p. e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 18Apr77; AFO-89231.

AFO-89232. Juqoslayiske folkedanse. By Claus Joerqensen, f orsideklip: Ole Axelsen, illustrationer: Lene Hoor. Denmarli. 21 p. (Ska' yi danse, 1) iilhelm Hansen a.K.a. Edition Hilhelm Hansen: 15Jun77: AFO-39232.

AFO-89233. The Wicked one. By Moliie Hunter (Maureen Hollic Hunter Mcll«raith) Great Britain. 136 p. C Haureen Kollie Hunter ncIlKraith: 9Jun77: AFO-89233.

AFO-89234. Biirda. No. 385, 1977: Stric)cen und Haekeln. Best Germany. 39 p. O Veriaq Aenne Burda; 19Sep77; AFO-89234.

AFO-89235. Burda. Ho. 386, 1977: Kleinkindermode , Herbst. Winter. Best Germany. 31 p. O Verlaa Aenne Burda; 19Sep77; AFO-89235.

AFO-89236. Burda. No. 395. 1977: die schoenste Trachtenmode, auch fuer den Rerrn. Best Germany. 31 p. 6 (erlaq Aenne Burda; 19Sep77: AFO-89236.

AFO-89237. Burda. No. 387, 1977: Hode in Groessen UU-5U. Best Germany. 31 p. Vtrlaq Aenne Burda: 19Spp77; AFO-89237.

AFO-89238. Mechauische Technoloqie. By A. Kopecky & fi. Schamschula. il. neubearb. Aufl. Austria. 535 p. C Sprinqer-Verlaq; 3Jun77; AFC-89238.

AFO-89239. International Konflikte — verbotene und erlaubte Hittel ihrer Austraqunq. By Hanspeter Neuhold. Austria. 598 p. (Forschunqen aus Staat und Becut, Bd. 37) e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 11(lay77; AFO-89239.

AFO-89240. Der Philosophiebeqriff : Seine Ent- Hicklunq von den Anfaenqen bis :ur Geqenwart. By Rudolf Wohlqenanot. Austria. 378 p. (Linzer Universitaet- sschriften, monoqraphien 1) 6 Linzer Oniversitaetsschriften-Verein; 7Jun77; AFO-89240.

AFO-89241. Dauernde Neutralitaet und europaeische Inteqration. By Hichael Schweitzer. Austria. 3a7 p. (Forschunqen aus Staat und Becht. Bd. tO) Sprinqer-Verlaq; 8Auq77: APO-89241.

AFO-89242. Hedizinische Hikrobioloqie. By Ernest Jaiietz, Joseph L. Helaik & Edvard A. Adelberq. U. ucberarbeitete 6 ermeiteite Aufl. Best Germany. 771 p. Appl. au: Sprinqer-Verlaq, employer for hire. Orqinal ti.; fieview of medical micro- bioloqy, twelfth edition, 1977. e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 20Bay77; APO-89242.

AFO-89243. Classical Banach spaces 1: sequence spaces. By Joram Lindenstrauss S Lior Tzafriri. Best Germany. 190 p. (Erqebuisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzqebiete, 92.) Sprinqer-Verlaq; 1Auq77; AFO-89243.

AFO-89244. Desiqn and implementation of programming lauquaqes; proceedings of a OOD sponsored workshop, Ithaca, October 1976. Edited by John H. Billiams f. David A. Fisher. Best Germany. M96 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, 54) Appl. au: Jean D. Ichbiah C Guy Ferran. O Springer-verlaq; 26Aug77; AFO-89244.

AFO-89245. New natural products and plant drugs with pharmacological, bioloqicaX, or therapeutical activity. Edited by Hildebert Uagner 6 Peter Maria Bollf. Best Germany. 286 p. (Proceedinqs in life sciences) Proceedings of the First International Congress on Medicinal Plant Research, Section A, held at the University of nunich, Germany, Sept. 6-10, 1976. Appl. au: H. Achenbach C o. B. Gottlieb. O Springer-Verlaq; 26Aug77; AFO-892145.

AFO-89246. Mathematical aspects of finite element me-hods; proceedinqs of the conference held in Some, bee. 10-12, 1975. Edited by Ilio Galliqani £ Enrico Haqenes. Best Germacy. 362 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, 606) Proceedings of the Meeting on Mathematical Aspects of Finite Element Methods, held at the Consiqlio Nazionale delle Bicerche; French 6 English. Appl. au: C. Baiocchi S Franco Brezzi. O Springer-Verlaq; 16Auq77; 4FO-89246.

AFO-89247. Classification theory of Biemannian manifolds; harmonic, quasiharmonic £ biharmonic functions. By Leo Sario, Mitsuru Nakai, Cecilia Bang 6 Lunq Ock Chung. Best Germany. 498 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, 605) Springer- Verlaq; 16Auq77; AF0-89247.

AFO-89248. Every inch a lady: a murder of the fifties. By Joan Fleming. England. 193 p. O Joan Fleming; 22Aug77: AFO-89248.

AFO-89249. To dare to be free. By Georges Frank Hasslacher. Switzerland. 456 p. O Georges Frank Hasslacher; 21Jul77; AFO-89249.

AFO-89250. Monsieur Papa. By Patrick Cauvin, berechtiqte Oebersetzong von Peter Linnert. Austria. 231 p. Original ti.; Monsieur Papa. NM: German translation. Paul Zsolnay Veriaq. G.a. B.H.; 29Sep77; AFO-89250.

AFO-a9251. The Ship that hunted itseif. By Colin Simpson. Great Britain. 207 p. C. and J. Simpson, Ltd.; 30Jun77; AFO-89251.

AFO-89252. Jenseits der Erkenntnis: die Gnostiker von Princeton. By Baymond Buyer, berechitgte Uebersetzunq von Eveline fioboz. Austria. 343 p. Original ti.: La Gnose de Princeton. NM: German tran- slation. O Paul Zsoloay Verlag. G.H.B.H. ; 29Sep77: APO-89252.

AFO-89253. years of sorrow, years of shame: the story of Japanese Canadians in Borld Bar 2. By Barry Broadfoot. Canada. 370 p. Barry Broadfoot; 70ct77: AFO-89253.

AFO-892511. Normalcs Trinken und Suchtentwicklung. Bd. 2. Von Klaus Antons C Bolfgang Schulz. Best Germany. 371 p. O Verlag fuer Psycholoqie, Doktor C. J. Hogrefe; 10May77: AFO-89254.

AFO-89255. Chemie fuer Pharmazeuteu ; Begleittext zum Gegenstandskatalog GKP 1. By Hans Peter Latscha, Helmut Alfons Klein 6 Bainer Hosebach. Best Germany. 506 p. (Heidelberger Taschenbuecher. Bd. 183) O Springer-Verlag; 1Jun77; AFO-89255.

AFO-89256. Die Eirtschaf tiiche Entwicklung der Bundesrepublik Ueatschland im Zeitraum 1950 bis 1975; Befunde und Aspekte. By Berner Glastetter. Best Germany. 261 p. (Heidelberger Taschenbuecher, Bd. 185) Springer-Verlag; 20Apr77; AFO-89256.

AFO-89257. Systemtheorie fuer Biologen und Mediziner. By Dezsoe Varju. Best Germany. 285 p. (Heidelberger Tas- chenbuecher, Bd. 182) O Springer-Verlag; 25Apr77; AFO-89257.

AFO-89258. Aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart; eio approbiertes Arbeits- und Lehrbuch fuer Geschichte und Sozialkunde. Von Herbert Hasenmayer, Erich Scheithauer 8 Berner Tschernc. Austria. 160 p. O Verlag Ferdinand Hirt. G.H.B.H.; 8Sep77; AFO-89258.

AFO-89259. T'u ch'uan: gruene wanderdroge Tee; Schicksal einer Heilpflanze in fuenf Jahrtausenden. By Aleijos, pseud, of Alejo Pontvik. Austria. 176 p. Bilhelm Braumueller. Oniver sit aets- Verlagsbuchhandlung, G.H.B.H. ; 22Jul77; AFO-89259.

AFO-89260. Pol'skaia Uarodnaia Bespublika. Perevod s pol'skoqo: Inga Korganova-Sabik . Poland. 214 p. Bussian. Appl. au: Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Naukowe. NH: translation. O Gosudarstvennoe Hauchnoe Izdatel'stvo; 15May77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-89260.

iFO-89261. Paa svenska; podrecznik do nauki jezyka szwedzkiego dla poczatku jacych. By Mariane Lindguist £ Halgorzata Stypinska. Poland. 256 p. Add. ti: Pa suvenska. O Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Naukowe: 10JU177: AFO-89261.

AFO-89262. pozuawaniu dziela literackieqo. By Boman Ingarden, tr. : Oaouta Gierulanka. Poland. 468 p. (Dziela f ilozof iczne) NM: translation. Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Naukowe; 10Jun77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-89262.

AFO-89263. Le Cheval d'Orgueii, and other titles. France. 478 p. (Selection du iivre, 100. vol.) Prev. pub. in O.S. editions of Beader's digest condensed books. NH; translation 6 additional material. O Selection Du Beader's Digest. S.A.; 1Jul77; AFO-89263.

AFO-89264. Den Fjerne sommer, and other titles. AFO-89261 (con.) Denniark. 178 p. (Det Bedstes boegec) Prev. pub. in O.S. editions of Reader's diqest condensed books. NN: translation t additional Baterial. S Det Bedste Era Reader's Diqest, 4/S; 17Auq77; AF0-8926U.

AEO-89265. La Grande Rapina al Treno, and other titles. Italy. 175 p. (Selezione della narrativa mondiale) Prev. pub. in O.S. editions of Reader's diqest condensed books. NH: translation 6 additional material. Selezione dal Header's Diqest, S.p. A.; 27113777: AFO-89265.

APO-89266. France, 1870-1914: politics and society. By Robert David Anderson. Enqland. 215 p. B. D. Anderson: 5Hay77: AFO-89266.

AFO-89267. Buttons: a collector's quide. By Victor Bouart. Great Britain. 128 p. S Victor Houart: 8Sep77: APO-89267.

AFO-B9268. Handbuch der Berufspsycholoqie. Hrsq. von Karl Heinz Seifert, unter Hitwirkunq von Hans Uenning Eckhardt 6 Halter Jaide. Hest Germany. 781 p. S Verlaq f uer Psycholoqie, Doktor c. J. Hoqrefe: 8Auq77: AFO-89268.

AFO-89269. Sun 2. By Trevor Hishart, Jane Allen, Hick Banks, Chris Beatty, Al Beach, Andrea Bentley, Shirley Cameron, Peter Coleman, Stephanie Fucher, Colin Geddes, Martin Gellhorn, Keith Janes, Harie Leahy, Hartin Link, Hartin Hayes, Roland Hiller, Michael Scott, Anne Hesley-Snith, Diz Bills 6 Jackie Hishart. Enqland. 85 p. 6 Universal Edition (London) Ltd.: 31JU177:, AFO-89269.

APO-89270. Hospital. By Polly Toynbee. England. 278 p. e Polly Toyi)bee; 12Sep77; AFO-89270.

AFO-89271. Experiments in sound: new directions in musical education for younq children. By Gertrud Heyer-Denkmann, adapted for use in English by Elizabeth Paynter 6 John Paynter. Enqland. 52 p. NM: tran- slation. O Qniyersal Edition (London) Ltd.; 31Jul77: APO-89271.

AFO-89273. Der Neuste Hussafia: Lehr- und Debungsbuches der italienischen Omgan- qssprache. Neu bearb. S erqaenzt von Giorqio Ressmann G Teresa Cranstoun- Fessia. Austria. 128 p. (Schluessel zum 2. Bd.) e Hilhelm Braumaeller. Oni- versitaets-Verlaqsbuchhandlunq, G.M.B. H. : 10Auq77: AFO-89273.

AFO-89274. Flachdachbinder Beaessungstafeln. By [Jlrich Reicker. Hest Germciny. 64 p. O verlaq von Hilhela Ernst und Sohn, K.G.: 1Sep77: AFO-89274.

AFO-39275. Bel Ria, and other titles. Great Britain. 510 p. (Header's Diqest condensed books) Prev. pub. in O.S. editions of Reader's Diqest condensed books. NH: compilation, condensation & additional material. The Header's Diqest Association, Ltd.: 21Sep77; AFO-89275.

AFO-89276. Complementarity in mathematics: a first introduction to the foundations of mathematics and its history. By Hillem Kuyk. Holland. 186 p. (Mathematics and its applications, 1) O D. Reidel Publishing company; 5Sep77: AFO-89276.

AFO-89277. Graz: Funkelnder Talisman. By Johannes Koren. Austria. 261 p. 9 Paul gsolnay Verlaq, G.H.B.H. : 29Sep77; AFO-89277.

AFO-89278. The Thames and Hudson manual of advanced lithography. By Richard vicary. Onited Kingdom. 192 p. 6 Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 1fiug77; AFO-89278.

AFO-89279. Clinical results of synovectomy in rheumatoid arthritis. By Norbert Gschuend, J. Hiner, A. Boeni, H. Busse, R. DyboBski 6 J. Zippel. Hest Germany. 15 p. Doktor Dietrich steinkopff Verlaq, G.H.B.H. 6 Co., K.G. ; 19Jul77: APO-89279.

AFO-89280. The Gun and the olive branch; the roots of violence in the Middle East. By David Hirst. England. 367 p. O David Hirst; 30ct77; AFO-89280.

AFO-89281. Das Turnier der Singvoegel. By James Aldridge, translator: otta Roy-Seifert. Austria. 239 p. »B: translation from English into German. 8 Paul Zsolnay Verlaq, G.M.B.H. ; 29Sep77; AFO-89281.

AFO-89282. Das Grosse Reader's Digest Jugendbuch. Vol. 18: folge. Hest Germany. 256 p. Prev. pub. in O.S. Reader's Digest 6 Reader's Digest condensed books. NM: German lanquage translation & simpli- fication, e Verlag das Beste, G.H.B.H.; 8Sep77; AFO-89282.

AFO-89283. Operas jonssal 3, and other titles. Norway. 508 p. (Det Bestes boeker) prev. pub. in English in O.S. editions of Header's Diqest condensed books. "HH: Norweqian translation, e Det Beste A.S. ; 8Auq77; AFO-89283.

AF0-89281(. On Mari c'est un mari, and other titles. France. 478 p. (Selection du livre) Prev. pub. in Enqlish in O.S. editions of Reader's Diqest condensed books. NM: French translation S additions. © selection du Reader's Digest, S.A.; 26Aag77; AFO-89284.

APO-89285. Back to the drawinq board: the evolution of flyinq machines. By Allen Andrews. Enqland. 168 p. NM: text 6 compilation of illus. e Allen Andrews; 15Sep77; AFO-89285.

AFO-89286. Illustrated encyclopaedia of world theatre. Introd. by Hartin Esslin, translated by Estella Schmid. United Kinqdom. 320 p. Add. ti: Encyclopedia of world theatre. Based on Friedrichs Iheaterlexikon, by Karl Groening 6 Herner Kliess. NH: English translation 6 40* new text, including introd. , index 8 illus. 6 Thames and Hudson, Ltd. ; 30ct77: AFO-89236.

AFO-89287. Sprech- und Sprachstoerungen; Lehrbuch fuer Aerzte, Logopaeden fi Sprachheil- paedagogen. Von Guenter Hirth. Hest Germany. 277 p. Deutscher Aerzte- Verlaq, G.H.B.H.; 1Aug77; AFO-89287.

AFO-89288. Burda Kochspass durch Farbbilder. Folge 2. Redaktion: Edith Hundhausen, Fotos; Burda-Fotostudio & Gerd Feierabend. Hest Germany. 206 p. (Kochbuch, Nr. 18) Add. ti: Burda Bildrezeptbucn. Appl. au: Verlag Aenne Burda. 9 Verlag Aenne Burda; 19Sep77; APO-89288.

AFO-89289. Kassenaerztliche Bedarf spianung: Gutachten zum Entwurf eines Planung- sansatzes fuer die Bedarf splanung der kassenaerztlichen Versorgung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Von Institut fuer Gesundheits-System-Forschung, Herausgeber: Zentralinstitut fuer die Kassenaerztliche Versorgung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Hest Germany. 95 p. G Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag, G.M.B.H.; 4Jul77; AFO-89289.

AFO-89290. Finanzierungsmoeglichkeiten einer Praxis. Von Richard Deutsch S Siegfried Seibel, unter Mitwirkung der Planun- gsgruppe belm Zentralinstitut fuer die Kassenaerztliche Versorgung in der Bu'ndesrepublik Deutschland. Rest Germany. 32 p. (Niederlassungsservice, Bd. 8) NM: revisions. © Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag, G.M.B.H.; 23Sep77; AFO-89290.

AFO-89291. Huenchner Perinatal-Studie, 1975. Herausgeber: Zentralinstitut fuer die Kassenaerztliche Versorgung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Hest Germany. 191 p. C Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag, G.H.B.H.; 21Sep77; AFO-89291.

AFO-89292. Die Niederlassung als Allgeaeinarzt. Von Eckart Sturm, unter Mitwirkung der Planungsgruppe beim Zentralinstitut fuer die Kassenaerztliche versorgung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Hest Germany. 48 p. (Niederlassungsservice, Bd. 12) Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag, G.H.B.H.; 14JU177: AFO-89292.

AFO-89293. Die Alterssicherung des niedergelassenen Arztes. Herausgeber: Zentralinstitut fuer die Kassenaerztliche Versorgung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Rest Germany. 60 p. (Niederlassungsservice, Bd. 11) e Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag, G.H.B.H.; 13JU177; AFO-89293.

AFO-89294. Interdisziplinaeres Forum der Bun- desaerztekammer; Jahrbuch 1976/77. Hrsg. von Bundesaerztekammer, Redaktion: Erwin Odenbach 6 Hannelore E. Roemer-Hof f mann. Hest Germany. 336 p. (Fortschritt und Fortbildung in der Medizin, 1) Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag, G.H.B.H.; 25JU177; AFO-89294.

AFO-89295. Jaegei;*Raldmann world telex. Vol. 1-4. 25th ed. Hest Germany. Telei-Verlag JaegertHaldmann; 30Mar77; AFO-89295.

AFO-89296. The Christians. By Bamber Gascoigne, with photos, by Christina Gascoigne. Great Britain. 304 p. 6 on text; Bamber Gascoigne; 7Jul77; AFO-89296.

AFO-89297. The Christians. By Bamber Gascoigne, with photos, by Christina Gascoigne. Great Britain. 304 p. on photos.; Christina Gascoigne S Jonathan Cape, Ltd.; 7Jul77; AFO-89297.

AFO-e9298. Katalog aerztlicher Fortbildungsf ilme. Hrsg. von der Bundesaerztekammer. 4- ergaenzte S ueberarbeitete Auf 1. , 1977- Rest Germany. 258 p. Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag, G.M.B.H.; 17Hay77; AFO-89298. AFO-89299 (con.) Joanna Bicfaardson* house editor: Esther Jaqqer, picture editor: Julia Brovn. Enqlaad. 232 p. NM: teit 6 coipilation of illus. Joanna Bichardson; 2HFeb77: APO-39299.

APO-89300. Biodvnamics and indicators. By F. chevallier, translated frou the French by E. DrucXer. Great Britain. 225 p. Nil: tranolation. 6 Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Ltd.; 4Auq77: AFO-89300.

APO-B930 1. Haenen Halesteettinsa Kuniuqatar. and other titles. Finland. ISO p. (Walitut palat kiriavaliot) Pre». pub. in O.S. editions of Reader's Diqest condensed books. NN: Finnish translation. S Oy Valitut Palat — Beader's Diqest, i.B. : 11Auq77; AFO-89301.

AFO-89302. Beyond top secret 0. By Ewen Hontaqu. Enqland. 192 p. C Even Bontaqu: 26Sep77; AFO-89302.

AFO-89303. Eosafnond. Oe Theresa Charles, traduit par Arlette Bosenblun. France. 320 p. Prey. pub. as To save ay life. od translation: Editions de Trevise; 21Jan77: AFO-89303.

AFO-893014. Charlie is ny darlinq. By Hollie Hardnick. Enqland. 317 p. Hollie Hard»ick; 19May77; APO-8930U.

AFO-89305. Beader's Diqest het beste naaiboek. The Netherlands. 504 p. Add. ti: Guide to sewinq. Prev. pub. in the O.S. in 1976. NM: Dutch translation. S oitqeyeruaat- schappil, the Beader's Diqest, V.I. t N. V. Beader's Diqest, S.A.: 12Sep77,- APO-89305.

APO-89306. Planet of fear. By Patrick Hoore. Great Britain. 128 p. C Patrick Hoore; 26»uq77; AFO-89306.

APO-89307. Spy in space- By Patrick Hoore. Enqland. 127 p. C Patrick Boore; 26Auq77: APO-89307.

AFO-89308. Praxisfibel, Berufs- und Gesetzeskunde fuer die Arzthelf erin. Heu bearb. von Priedrich Hienhaus 6 Gerhard Toqt. 13. erqaenzte Aufl. nest Germauy. 390 p. O Deutscher Aerzte-Terlaq, G.H.B.H. : 30Auq77: APO-89308.

AFO-89310. Christian aid sonqbook. Edited by June Tillian. Enqland. 8 p. NH: compilation & editinq. C Stainer and Bell, Ltd.; 1i*aay77: AFO-89310.

AFO-8931 1. Die Kassenabrechnunq des Zahnarztes; Leitfaden fuer die Zahna rzthelferin. Von Bolf Rnoop. 15. erqaenzte iufl. iest Gernany. 106 p. C Deutscher Aerzte- Verlaq. G.H.B.H.; 19Jul77; iPO-89311.

AFO-89312. Der Arzt als Arbeitqeber; arbeits- rechtliche, haf t unqsrechtliche und versicherunqsrechtiiche Praqen in der Praxis. Von BelBUt Narr unter Hitnirkunq der Planunqsqruppe beia Zentralinstitut fuer die Kassenaerztllche Versorqunq in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 2. ueberarbeitete Aufl. Rest Geraaoy. 63 p. O Deutscher Aerzte-Verlaq, G.8.B.B. ; 18JU177: APO-89312.

APO-89313. Staodortunhl und Baumbeschar f unq. Von Helmut Narr unter Hitwirkunq der Planunqsqruppe beim Zentralinstitut fuer die Kassenaerztliche Versorqunq in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 2. uebe- rarbeitete Aufl. Best Gemany. IB p. Deutscher Aerzte-Verlaq, G.H.B.H.; 18JU177; APO-89313.

APO-8931t. Our aaazinq world of nature. Hong Konq. 297 p. Chinese. NH; Chinese translation, based on book pub. in O.S. in 1969. e Beader's Diqest Association Far East, Ltd.; 13Apr77: AFO-8931lt.

APO-89315. La Husique de la nuit des temps aux aurores nouveiles. Vol. 2. By Antoine Golea. Prance. p. a6'l-95U. e Alfonse Leduc et Coapaqnie; 1UJun77; APO-89315.

AFO-89316. La Husique de la nuit des temps aux aurores nouyelles. Vol. 1. By Antoine Golea. France. 161 p. 6 Alfonse Leduc et Coapaqnie; HtJun77; APO-89316.

APO-89317. Header's diqest restjes zijn ook stof. The Netherlands. 32 p. Add. ti: Sewinq »ith scraps. e Uitqe»ersaaatschappi J The Beader's Diqest, N.V. 6 N.V. Beader's Diqest, S.A. ; 12Sep77; AFO-89317.

AFO-89318. Le Toabeau de famine de Alaine. By Anna Sadurska, photographies: Ualdemar Jerke. Poland. 228 p. (Palayre, 7) Appl. au: Zaklad Archeoloqii Srodziea- nomorskie-j. O Panstwowe Hydavnictvo Naukowe; 20Jul77; 4PO-89318.

APO-89319. Structural theory or orqanic chemistry. By Nicolaos D. Epiotis, Hilliam R. Cherry, Sasou Shaik, Ronald L. Yates £ Fernando Bernard!. Best Germany. 250 p. (Topics in current chemistry, 70) e Springer- Verlaq; 23Aug77: APO-89319.

AFO-89320. Chemical relaxation in molecular biology. Edited by Israel Pecht 6 Budolf Biqler. llest Germany. t18 p. (Holecular biology, biocheaistry and biophysics, 2"*) Springer-Verlaq; 16Auq77; AFO-89320.

APO-89321. Structure and function of haeaocyanin. Edited by Joe V. Bannister. Best Germany. 295 p. (Proceedinqs in life sciences) Appl. au: Anqela Anastasi. Sprinqcr- Verlag: 22»uq77; APO-89321.

AFO-89322. Hatnematical foundations of computer science, 1977; proceedings, 6th symposium, Tatranska Lomnica, Sept. 5-9, 1977. Edited by Jozef Gruska. Best Geraany. 595 p. (Lecture notes in coaputer science, vol. 53) Papers presented at 6th Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, held at Tatranska Lomnica, Czechoslovakia. Appl. au: Giorgio Ausiello 6 Andrezey Blikle. O Springer-Verlaq; 8Aug77; AFO-89322.

APO-89323. Arnica, the amazing healer, and a dozen other homoeopathic remedies for aches, pains and strains. By Andre* Christie Gordon Boss. Enqland. 96 p. Thorsons Publishers, Ltd.; 16Jun77; APO-89323.

APC-89324. The Complete ran iuice therapy. By Susan E. Charmine, pseud, of Haurice Hanssen. England. 128 p. Susan E. Charmine (pseud, of Haurice Hanssen) ; 16Jun77; APO-89324.

APO-89325. L' Artefact. By Patrick Thevenon. Prance. 250 p. Calmann-Levy ; 30sep77; AFO-89325.

APO-89326. L'Ere des miracles. By John Brunner, traduit de I'anglais par Francoise Serph. Prance. 250 p. Translation of Age of miracles. O on translation; Editions Albin Hichel; 1Jul77; APO-89326.

AFO-89327. La Fureur de Cthulhu. By Brian Lumley, traduit de I'anglais par Prance-Harie Hatkins, pseud, of Prance-Harie Boucayrol. France. 251 p. Translation of The Transition of Titus Crow. O on tran- slation; Editions Albin Michel; 1«Sep77; APO-: 89327.

APO-89328. Holcarte. By Gerard Glatt. Prance. 202 p. Calmann-Levy; 10ct77; APO-89328.

APO-e9329. Les Gisants. By Jeanne champion. France. 250 p. Calaann-Levy; 31Aug77; APO-89329.

AFO-89330. L'Ete des singes. By Bilson Bails, traduit de I'aaericain par Andre Siaon. France. 215 p. Translation of Summer of the monkeys. NH: translation. O Calaann-Levy; 3ajun77: APO-89330.

APO-89331. Certificats d'etudes. By Antoine Blondin. Prance. 211 p. NH: new text 6 compilation of texts. Editions de la Table Honde; 13Sep77; APO-89331.

APO-89332. Kilometres imaobiles. By Christian Gernigon. France. 174 p. Editions Albin Hichel; 1Sep77; AFO-89332.

AFO-89333. Le Dieu de Jesos-Christ : meditations sur Dieu-Trinite. By Joseph Ratzinger, traduit de I'allemand par Ives «  Harie-Noele De Torcy. Prance. 135 p. NH: translation. O Librairie Artheme Payard; 1Sep77; APO-89333.

AF0-89331t. La Soite magigue; ou, Les Sources du petrole. By Anne Gruner-Schlumberger. Prance. 241 p. Librairie Artheme Payard; 1Sep77; AFO-893314.

APO-89335. Amen, dit le diable. By Catherine Caubere. France. 270 p. C Editions de la Ti ble Bonde; 2Sep77; APO-89335.

APO-89336. La Sorcellerie en Pays basgue. By Josane charpentier. France. 219 p. NH: new text 6 compilation of texts B illus. O Librairie Guenegaud; 15Sep77; APO-89336.

APO-89337. Aux Canaries. Ce guide a ete etabli par Clarisse Desiles, pseud, of G. Carlo Salvade. France. 159 p. (Guides bleus A) O Librairie Hachette; 30Apr77; APO-89337.

APO-89338. Les Doigts du figuier; parole. By Jeanne Byvrard. France. 146 p. Les Editions de Hinuit; 30Aug77; APO-89338.

AFO-89339. La Heurtritude; roman. By Jeanne Byvrard. Prance. 147 p. Les Editions de Hinuit; 15Sep77; APO-89339. AFO-8S310. Bathenay: le vert aux yeux bleus. I Gerard Etnaalt. France. 126 p. HM: text, illus. & compilatioD of illus. e Calmann-Levv: 30Sep77; AFO-B931(0.

iFO-e9355. A i'heure de la colere. By Pierre Poujade. France. 250 p. NH: text 6 compilation of texts. @ Editions Albin Hichel; litSep??; AFO-89355.

APO-89369. Auerlque du Sad. By Philippe Gloague Michel Duval. 3. ed. France. 192 p. (Le Guide du routard) Q Librairie Hachette; 30JU177; AFO-89369.

AFO-893it1. Eouqerie: la vie d*abord. By Philippe Debarle. France. 127 p. NM: text, illus. 6 compilation of Ulus. e Calmann-Levy; 30jQn77; AFO-89341.

AFO-893lt2. Avec Marcel Proust. By Jacques Benoist-Mechin. France. 183 p- NM: text & compilation. € Editions Albin Michel; 1<tSep77: AFO-893lt2.

AFO-a93<l3. Le Guide du routard: Moyen-Orient, Inde. By Philippe Gloaquen & Hichel Duval. 2. ed. revue S auqmentee. France. 223 p. e Librairie Hachette: 30Jul77; AFO-893lt3.

AFO-893l(H. Guide du Sahara. Br Gerard Del Marmol, Benedicte Vaes & Albert D'Otreppe. France. 717 p. (les Guides bleus) e Librairie Hachette: 30Jun77; AF0-8934II.

AFO-89345. Les Dix commandements. Presentes par Maurice Grinberq, pref. de Jean carmiqnac. France. 169 p. NM: introd. S editinq. Dervy-livres; 23May77; AFO-893a5.

AF0-893t6. Paris-Lezarde; roman. By Laurence Korb. France. 211 p. 6 Calmann-Levy: 15Sep77: AFO-893116.

APO-893117. Si i'etais rofflancier. By Fierre-Jean Eemy, pseud, de Jean-Pierre Anqreay. Prance. 196 p. 6 Editions Gamier Freres; 30Sep77: AFO-893it7.

AFO-893U8. Les combattants du petit bonheur; roman. By Alpbonse Boudard, pseud, de Michel Boudon. France. 316 p. Q La Table Sonde; 2Sep77; AFO-89348.

APO-8931t9. Le Voyaqe; roman. By Edouard Mattel. France. 251 p. 6 Calmann-Levy: 15Sep77: AFO- 89349.

AFO-89350. Memories d^Iion Tichy. De Stanislas Lem, traduit du polonais par Dominique Sila, pseud, de Dominique Sieqler. France. 226 p. NH: translation. © Calmann-Levy: 31Auq77; AFO-89350.

APO-89351. Lettre ouverte aux qens de vinqt ans a qui I'on ment. By Georqes Suffert. France. 183 p. 6 Editions Albin Michel; 11(Sep77: APO-89351.

AFO-89352. Les Socialistes. By Thierry Pfister. France. 213 p. DM: text 6 compilation. e Editions Albin Michel: 1'tSep77; AFO-89352.

AFO-89353. Cecile et Jean chez les truands. By Jacques De Saint-Paul, pseud, of Paul-Claude Innocenzi. France. 188 p. e Jacques De Saint-Paul 6 S.E. C. L.E. a.a.d.o. Societe pour 1» Exploitation du Commerce de Librairie et d'Edition; 15Sep77: AFO-89353.

APC-893511. Le Patronat pieqe. By Pierre De Calan. Prance. 216 p. NM: text 6 compilation of texts. Editions de la Table Eonde; 13Sep77: AP0-a9354.

AFO-89356. On Ete pour toujours. By Jane Chabert. France. 219 p. 6 Hercure de France; 10Auq77; 4FO-89356.

AFO-89357. La Guerre des autres. By Andre Bercoff. France. 190 p. Editions Albin Michel; 1Sep77; iFO-a9357.

AFO-89358. J*etais la femme de Jean Moulin. By Marguerite Storck-Cerruty, lettre-pref- de Bobert Aron, avec la collaboration d* Andre Seveyrat. France. 198 p. NM: text, illus. 6 compilation of texts. Segine Deforqes £ Editions S. B.C. L.E. a.a.d.o. Societe pour 1' Exploitation du Commerce de Librairie et d' Edition; 3Aug77; APO-89358.

AFO-89359. Notre front populaire; journal d'un militant (1934-1939) By Claude Jamet. France. 325 p. NM: text fi compilation of texts. Editions de la Table Sonde; 13Sep77: AFO-89359.

AFO-89360. Freres de I'infini. By Peter Kolosimo, traduit de I'italien par Simone De Verqennes. France. 254 p. Original ti.: Fratelli dell' Inf inito. NM: translation. © Editions Albin Michel; 14Sep77; APO-89360.

AFO-89361. Bakfitty. By Hiklos Batori. France. 288 p. G Librairie Artheme Fayard; 1Sep77; AFO-89361.

AFO-89362. Les Critiques de notre temps et Anouilh. Introd. £ edition de Bernard Beugnot. France. 206 p. NH: introd. £ editing. a Garnier Freres; 30Sep77; AFO-89362.

AFO-89363. La Fin de la piste. By Emmanuel Errer, pseud, of Sene-Charles Bey. France. 180 p. @ Editions Gallimard; 30Jun77; AFO-89363.

4FO-89364. Le Monde moderne; revue critique des idees £ des faits. T. 15, printemps 1977. Directeur: Jean Vigneau. France. 222 p. Q Societe d* Exploitation de la Sevue Le Monde Koderne; 30Jun77; APO-89364.

AFO-89365. Sevue d*histoire moderne et contem- poraine. T. 24, avril-juin 1977. France. 320 p. Appl. au: Philippe Gut. @ Societe d'Histoire Moderne; 30Jun77; AFC-89365.

AFO-89366. Mes ecoles. By Edouard Bled. Prance. 353 p. NM: ne» text, ne» illus. £ compilation of texts £ illus. @ Opera Mundi; 7Sep77; AFO-89366.

AFO-89367. A croire qu'un jour viendrait. By Georqes Panco. France. 324 p. 6 Mercure De France; 18Auq77; AFO-89367.

AFO-89368. Le Tao de I'art d'aimer. By Jolan Chang, pref. de Joseph Needham, traduit de l*anglais par Marie-France De Palomera, pseud, of Marie-France Lamy De Palomera. France. 214 p. Translation of The Tao of love and sex. NM: translation. Calmann-Levy; 30Jan77; AFO-89368.

AFO-89370. La fiuhr du "Kohlenpott" a la region urbaine. Par Jean-Marc Holz. Prance. 143 p. NM: neu text 6 compilation of texts. 9 Bordas; 30Aug77; AFO-89370.

AFO- 89371. Le Jardin des absents. By Nicole Avril. France. 212 p. Editions Albin Michel; 1Sep77; AFO-89371.

AFO-8S372. Le Manteau de cuir. By Marc Paillet. France. 219 p. e Editions Albin Michel; 1Sep77; AFO-89372.

AFO-89373. Schvartzenmurtz; ou, L' Esprit de parti. By Eaymond Levy. France, 249 p. French. Editions Albin Michel; 1Sep77; AFO-89373.

AFO-89374. La Vie d' Bella Schuster. By Michel Jobert. France. 188 p. O Editions Albin Michel; 1Sep77: APO-89374.

AFO-89375. Cuisine de Provence. By Henri Philippon. France. 186 p. NM: additions £ revisions. Editions Albin Michel; 14Sep77; AFO-89375.

AFO-89376. Le Miel des dieux. By Claude Blos- seville, pref- de Pierre-P. Grasse. France. 203 p. 6 Claude Blosseville; 30Aug77; AFO-89376.

AFO-e9377. La Eevolution automobile. By Jean- Pierre Bardou, Jean-Jacgues Chanaron, Patrick Frldenson £ James M. Laux. France. 385 p. NM: ney text E com- pilation of texts £ illus. Q Editions Albin Michel; 14Sep77; AFO-89377.

AFO-89378. Martin et ses amis. Version francaise de Maurice Fleurent. France. 8 p. 3 on French translation; Librairie Hachette; 30May77; AFO-89378.

AFO-89379. A la jolie ferme. Version de Maurice Fleurent. France. 8 p. 6 on French translation; Librairie Hachette; 30Jun77i AFO-89379.

AFO-89380. Mes amies les betes. Version francaise de Maurice Fleurent. France. 8 p. & on French translation; I,ibrairie Hachette; 30Jun77; AFO-89380.

AFO-89381. Quoi de neuf aujourd*hui? Version francaise de Maurice Fleurent. France. 8 p. @ on French translation; Librairie Hachette; 30May77; AFO-89381.

AFO- 89382. Paddington decore sa cfaambre. De Michael Bond, adaptation francaise de Maurice Fleurent. France. 23 p. G on French adaptation; Librairie Hachette; 30Jun77; AFO-89382.

AFO-89383. Paddington fait des commissions. De Michael Bond, adaptation francaise de Maurice Fleurent. France. 23 p. G on French adaptation; Librairie Hachette; 30Jun77; AFO-89383.

AFO-89384. Paddington, artiste-peintre. De Michael AFO-89384 (con.) Bond, adaptation francaise de Haarice Fleurent. Prance. 23 p. O on French adaptation: Libralrie Hachette; 30Jun77; iFO-BgSSt.

AFO-89385. On Jour d*ete. Version fraccaise de Haurice Fleurent. France- 8 p. on French translation: Libralrie Hachette: 30HaT77: »FO-89385.

iPO-89386. Paddlnqtoo et ses amis. De Hlchael Bond, adaptation francaise de Haurice Fleurent. Prance. 23 p. on French adaptation; Libralrie Bachette; 30Jun77; iPO-89386.

»FO-89387. Coapte avec aol. Version francaise de Haarice Fleorent. Prance. 6 p. on French translation; Libralrie Bachette; 30aav77: 4PO-89387.

»FO-89388. La Sonde des heures. Version francaise de Baurlce Fleurent. France. 8 p. O on French translation: Libralrie Bachette; 30Jun77: 4F0-89388.

iPO-89389. Hes aniaauz preferes. Version francaise de Haarice Fleurent. France. 8 p. on French translation; Libralrie Bachette: 30Ha»77: iFO-89389.

JFO-89390. Do, 1* enfant do. Version francaise de Haurice Fleurent. France. 6 p. on French translation; Libralrie Hachette: 30Jun77: AFO-89390.

iPO-89391. Vive la caapaqne! Version francaise de Haarice Fleurent. Prance. 8 p. on French translation: Libralrie Hachette; 30HaT77: AFO-89391.

»FO-89392. Deiain I'ete; rooan. By Boqer Bordler. France. 308 p. (Heetlnq, 2) Sditions ilbin alchel; 1Sep77: AFO-89392.

4FO-89393. Chic pas Cher. Par Caterlne Hilinaire e, Carol Troy, tradult adapte par Geraldine Beoard. France. 223 p. oriqinal tl. : Cheap chic. 6 on translation: Editions Albln Hichel; 1itSep77; AFO-89393.

APO-89394. Hezlque, Guateaala. Ce quide a ete etabli par Bobert Goulanqer, directions Gerald Gassiot-Talabot . France. 926 p. (Les Guides bleus) Libralrie Hachette: 30JU177: AP0-a939it.

AFO-89395. Finiaode. ce quide a ete etabli par Denise Bernard-Folliot , direction: Gerald Gassiot-Talabot. Prance. 14 1« p. (Les Guides bleus) Libralrie Hachette; 30Jun77; APO-89395.

AFO-89396. Italie du sud: Roae, Sicile, Sardalqne. Ce quide a ete etabli par Francois Honaarche, direction: Gerald Gassiot- Talabot. France. 769 p. (Les Guides bleus) UH: teit £ coapilation of illus. O Libralrie Hachette: 30Jun77; AFO-89396.

APO-a9397. Tunisie. Ce quide a ete etabli par Jean-Jacques Fauvel, direction; Gerald Gassiot-Talabot. France. 381 p. (Les Guides bleus) Libralrie Hachette; 30Jun77: APO-a9397.

de nos pays; coaaent recoonaitre 155 especes. By Henri Boaaqnesi. Prance. 3il9 p. Nil: text e coapilation of illus. O Bordas; 30Jun77; AFO-8939e.

AFO-89399. Jojo Lapln se rebiffe. D'Enid Blyton, illus de Jeanne Hives. France. 117 p. NH: illus. O Libralrie Hachette; 30JU177; AFO-89399.

APO-89400. La Mouvelle vague des soucoupes volantes. De Jean-Claude Bourret, illus de Pierre Leroy. France. 188 p. NH: illus. C Libralrie Hachette; 30Jul77: AFO-89400.

AFQ-89U01. Lanqelot et le plan rubis. By Lieutenant X, pseud, of Vladlair Volkoff, illus de Haurice Paulin. France. 18U p. Libralrie Hachette; 30Jul77: AFO-891t01.

AFO-89U02. Avec Pierre, Pic et Hartine: J*alae les chats. Teite de Hichele Kahn, dessins de Pierre Haqnln, les teztes de cet ouvrage ont ete revus par Bruno Ouvivier. France. 155 p. Libralrie Hachette; 30Jun77; AFO-89<t02.

AFO-89lt03. Contes d'Afrique; recits du foDtlore afrlcaln. Cholsls et adaptes par Harie Peraud, pseud, of Bosemarie Boyer, illus d'Akos Szabo. Prance. 154 p. NH: coopllatioD, adaptation £ illus. Libralrie Hachette; 30Jun77; AFO-89403.

AFO-8940"t. Voile ecole: initlatloD a la croisiere. By Alain Gree, illus. de Hare Berthier. Prance. 164 p. NH: coapilation G additional text £ illas. O Libralrie Hachette; 30Jun77: AFO-89404.

AFO-89405. L'Aventure de I'hooae dans la aer. By Philippe Diole. Prance. 153 p. NH; coapilation 6 additional text. Libralrie Hachette: 30Jun77: AFO-89405.

AFO-89406. The Host noble art of them ail: the selected writrnqs of Laurie Thoaas. Introduced by Charles Blackaan i John Olsen. Australia. 321 p. NH: coa- pilation £ introductions. O Oniversity of Queenslaad Press; 17Dec76; AFO-e9406.

AFO-89407. Nonverbale paedaqogische KoBDUnikatlon. Herausgeber: Gerd-Bodo Heinert £ Joachim Thiele. Best Germany. 181 p. Franz Ehren»irth Verlag, G.H.B.H. E Co., K.G. : 25Hay77: AP0-a9407.

AFO-894Q8. Parlaiente und Begierunq: ein Verqleich dreler Beqierunqssysteae. By Emil Huebner £ Helnrich Oberreuter. Best Geraany. 152 p. (Sozialylssenschaf tliche Texte. Herausqeber: Helga Becker) O Franz Ehrennirth Verlaq, G.H.B.H. fi Co.,'K.G.; 8JU177: AFO-89408.

AFO-89409. Soziale Schichtunq in der Bundesre- publlk. By Stefan Hradil. Rest Germany. 63 p. (Sozialwissenschaf tliche Texte. Herausqeber; Helqa Becker) O Franz Ehreniiirth Verlaq, G.H.B.H. fi Co., K.G.; 20Apr77; AFO-89409.

APO-89410. Uaehrunqspolitik in der aestllchen Belt. By Guenter Elsholz. Best Germany. 71 p. (Sozialnissenschaftliche Texte. Herausqeber: Helqa Becker) Franz Ehrenvlrth Verlag, G.H.B.H. £ Co., K.G.; 20Apr77: AFO-89410.

AFO-89411. Kommentar zur Gebuehrenordnung fuer Aerzte, 4. Auflage. 24. Ergaenzung- slleferung, Bd. 1-2, Apr. 1, 1977. By Dietrich Brueck. Best Germany. Sheets. Deotscher Aerzte-Verlag, G.H.B.H.; 27Apr77; AFO-89411.

AFO-89412. Kommentar zum Bevertungsaassstab (Aerzte), 2. Auflage. 14. Ergaenzun- gslieferung, Bd. 1-3, Apr. 1, 1977. By Dietrich Brueck. Best Germany. Sheets. Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag, G.H.B.H.; 27Apr77; AFO-89412.

APO-89413. Proceedings of the London Hathematical Society. 3rd ser., vol. 35, pt. 2, Sept. 1977. Editor-in-chief: G. B. Allan. England. p. 193-384. O London Hat- hematical Society; 15Sep77; AFO-89413.

AFO-89414. Kommentar zur Ersatzkassen- Adgo, 5. Auflage. 36. Ergaenzungslief erung, Bd. 1-5, Jan. 1, 1977. Von Dietrich Brueck. Best Germany. sheets. C Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag, G.H.B.H.; 17Hay77; APO-89414.

AFO-89415. Les Bouages de I'economie nationale. By Jean-Harie Albertini, assiste de M. Aurolat £ P. Lerouge. France. 263 p. NH; revisions. 6 Les Editions Ouvrieres; 30ct77: APO-89415.

APO-89416. Le Domestlgue et I'affranchi: essai su la tutelle scolaire. By Daniel Hamellne. France. 199 p. Les Editions Ouvrieres; 26Sep77; AFO-89416.

AFO-89417. Les Travailleurs devant la justice civile. By Francis Hordern. France. 210 p. O Les Editions Ouvrieres; 140ct77: AFO-89417.

AFO-89418. La Litterature enfantine. By Isabelle Jan. 3. ed., revue. France. 191 p. Les Editions Ouvrieres; 170ct77; AFO-89418.

AFO-e9419. Les Bouages de I'ecouomle Interna- tionale. By Andre Kerever £ Gerard Viatte. 3. ed., revue £ augaentee. France. 310 p. Les Editions Ouvrieres; 30Jun77; AFO-89419.

AFO-89420. Les Organisations du fflouvement ouvrier francais aujourd'hui. By Laurent Laot. France. 220 p. O Les Editions Ouvrieres; 2Sep77; AFO-89420.

AFO-89421. La Pol du croyant Inconnu. By Gabriel Hare fi Genevieve fiiviere, pref. de Hgr. Bernard. France. 205 p. O Les Editions ouvrieres; 180ct77; AFO-89421.

AFO-89422. Eotretien psychologlgue de base. No. 15. Par John H. Ockert. France. 1 v. Add, tl; The Psychological interview (for intervievers) John B. Ockert; 1Sep77: APO-89422.

AFO-89423. The Churchill commando. By Ted Billls. Great Britain. 223 p. O Ted Billls, Ltd.; 19Hay77; AFO-89423.

APO-89424. Vortex. By Jon Cleary. Great Britain. AF0-89424. (con.) 221 p. & SundoKDer Productions, Pty. Ltd.: 26Sep77; 4F0-89424.

AFO-89425. tleetinqs Kith Pasternak. A memoir by Alexander Gladkov, translated froii the Russian 6 edited uith notes 6 introd. by Max Hayvard. Fnqland. 223 p. Original ti.: Vstrechi s Pastecnakon. SH: English translation 6 p. 7-30, 185-223. O Silliao Collins Sons and company. Ltd- S Harcourt Brace Jovanowich, Inc.; 27Jan77; AFO-89425.

AF0-89426. A Dream of Hessex. By Christopher Priest. Onited Kingdom. 199 p. © Christopher Priest: 170ct77; AFO- 89426.

AFO-89427. Georq Lukacs. By George Henry Badcliffe Parkinson. England. 203 p. @ G. H. B. Parkinson: 15Sep77: AFO-89427.

AFO-89428. John Dewey reconsidered. Edited by Richard Stanley Peters. England. 128 p. (International library of the philosophy of education) 6 Boutledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd.; 15Sep77; AFO-89428.

AFO-89429. Venom. By Alan Scbolefleld. Great Britain. 231 p. Alan Scholefield; 12Sep77; AFO-89429.

AFO-89430. Hacie Stopes, a biography. By Buth Hall. England. 351 p. 8 Buth Hall; 8Sep77; APO-89430.

AFO-89431. A aodera theory of architecture. By Bruce Allsopp. England. 102 p. 9 Bruce Allsopp; 22Sep77: AFO-89431.

AFO-89432. Food from your garden: all you need to know to grow, cook and preserve your own fruit and vegetables. Edited by The Header's Digest Association, Ltd. Great Britain. 380 p. 6 The Reader's Digest Association, Ltd.; 20Sep77: AF0-89432.

AFO-89433. Die Letzten Geheimuisse unserer Kelt. Obersetzung aus dem Franzosischen von sybille A. Rott-Illfeld. iest Germany. 320 p. Add. ti; Horld's last mysteries. Appl. au: Verlag das Beste, G.H.B.H. Prev. pub. in France in 1976. NH; German translation. 6 Verlag das Beste, G.M.B.H.; 1«Sep77: AF0-89433.

AFO-89434. The National union catalog": pre- 1956 imprints: a cumulative author list representing Lil?racy of congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. Vol. 525-529. Compiled & edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress 6 the National Onion Catalog Subcommittee of the Resources Committee of the Resources and Technical Services Division, American Library Association. United Kingdom. Appl. an: Hansell Information/Publishing, Ltd. Appl. states copyright not claimed in the original National union catalog, pre- 1956 imprints, as maintained in the Library of Congress in card form or in any publication of the 0.^. Govt, within the meaning of Title 17 U.S.C. 8. SM: final abridgment & editorial revisions of each entry, seguence 6 location coding & original prefatory materials. © Hansell Information/Publishing, Ltd.; 170ct77; AFO-89434.

nd Geschlechtlichkeit; medizinische, psychologische und soziale Aspekte. Herausgeber: Alfred Springer, Hitacbeiter: H. Burian, I. Demel, I. Koehler, R. Hader & A. Springer. Austria. 139 p. (Schriftenreihe des Ludwig Boltzmann-Institutes fuer Suchtforschung, Bd. 3) O Ludwig Boltzmann-lnstitut fuer Suchtforschung; 15Sep77; AFO-89435.

AFO-89436. Zubehoerartikel fuer den perfekten Husikgenuss: Lencoclean "L"« Lencolaop, Lencomatic, Lencofix. Switzerland. 2 p. 9 Lenco, A.G.; 1Aug77; AFO-89436.

AFO-89437. HiFi fflit Schweizer Praezision. Switzerland. Sheets (t p.) Add. ti: Hifi with Swiss precision. German & English. © Lenco, A.G. ; 1Auq77; AF0-89437.

AF0-89438. Lenco fi 50. © Lenco« A.G. ; ^witzerla 1Aug77;

AFO-89439. Lenco R25. Switzerland. 1 p. © Lenco, A.G.; 1Aug77; AFO-89439.

AFO-89440. Lenco A50, Lenco T30. Switzerland. 1 p. ©Lenco, A.G. ; 1Aug77; AFO-891440.

AFO-89441. Direktantrieb mit Schweizer Praezision. Switzerland. Sheets (H p.) Add. ti: Direct-drive with Swiss precision. German 6 English. © Lenco. A.G. ; 1Aug77; AFO-89441.

AFO-89442. Philosophy and practical education. By John Boyd Hilson. England. 130 p. a John Bilson; 15Sep77; AFO-89442.

AFO-89443. Invitation to madrigals. Vol. 11. For SSATB 6 SAIIB. By Orlando Gibbons. United Kingdom. UB p. Appl. au: Allen Percival. Selected from vol. 5 of The English madrigalists, edited by Edmund H. Fellowes, revised by Thurston Dart. NM: compilation, pref. & performing notes. © Stainer and Bell, Ltd.; 1Aug77; AFO-89443.

AFO-89444. Invitation to madrigals. Vol. 10. For SAT, SATB, SSATB 6 SSATTB. 6 madrigals by John Hilbye, compiler: Allen Percival. Onited Kingdom. UB p. Selected from volumes 6 & 7 of The English madrigalists. edited by Edmund H- Fellowes, revised by Thurston Dart. NH: compilation 6 performing notes. © Stainer and Bell. Ltd.; 1Aug77; AFO-89444.

AFO-89445. Canzonets to five and six voices (1597) By Thomas Morley. Onited Kingdom. 119 p. (The English madrigalists, vol. 3. Edited by Edmund H. Fellowes, revised by Sally Dunkley) NM: editorial revision of Fellowes' original ed- , with new introductory 6 editorial notes. © Stainer and Bell, Ltd.; 1Aug77; AFO-89445.

AFO-89446. Hume. By Barry Stroud. England. 280 p. (The Arguments of the philosophers, 5) © Barry Stroud; 18Aug77; AFO-89446.

AFO-89447. Great gardens of Britain. By Peter Coats. England. 185 p. 9 Peter Coats; 30ct77; AFO-89447.

AFO-89448. Consort music of six parts. By John Jenkins, transcribed & edited by Donald Peart. United Kingdom. 100 p. (Musica Britannica, vol. 39) NM: compilation, introd. & editorial notes, new tran- scriptions G editorial revision. © The Husica Britannica Trust; 1Aug77; AFO-89448.

AFO-89449. Agatha Christie: La Haison du peril. Poirot joue le jeu. Illus. originales de bevis Grebu. Switzerland. 297 p. 6 on illus.; Ed ito- Service, S. A. ; 2Sep77; AFO-89449.

AFO-89450. Living with capitalism: class relations and the modern factory. By William Alfred Theodore Nichols & Huw Beynon. England. 204 p. e Theo Nichols £ Huw Beynon; 25Aug77; APO-89450.

AFO-89451. Roentgen- Aufnahmetechnik. T. 1: Allgemeine Grundlagen 6 Einstellungen. By Robert Janker. 10. ueberarbeitete Aufl. von Annelies stangen S Dieter Guenther. Best Germany. 438 p. © Springer-Verlag; 1Jul77; AFO-89451.

AFO-89452. Agatba Christie: Destination inconnue. Neuf nouvelles. Illus. originales de Robert Nadler. Switzerland. 298 p. © on illus.; Edito-Scrvice, S.A. ; 8Aug77; AFO-89452.

AFO-89453. I tell of Greenland; an edited translation of the Saudarkrokur manus- cripts. By Francis Berry. England. 205 p. a Francis Berry; 1Sep77; AFO-89453.

AFO-89454. Orogenmissbrauch und Drogenabhaen- gigkeit; compendium fuer Aerzte. Juristen. Sozial- und Erzieherberufe. Von E. Christiani 6 Gerhard Stuebing. 3. ueberarbeitete £ erweiterte Aufl. West Germany. 140 p. © Deutscher Aerzte Verlag, G.B.B.H.; 270ct77; AFO-89454.

AFO-89455. Hikrochimica Acta. Supplementum 7. Bedacteur en chef: H. K. Zacherl. Austria. 596 p. Achtes Kolloguium ueber Hetallkundliche Analyse mit Besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Elektronenstrahl- und lonenstrahl-Hikroanalyse. Hien, 27-29 Okt. 1976. Appl. au: Silhelm Schwabl, employer for hire. © Springer-Verlag; 29Jun77; AFO-89455.

AF0-89456. Photometer fuer die aerztliche Praxis: Grundbegrif fe und Auswahlkriterien. By Bainer Haeckel £ Albert fiotzler, unter Mitarbeit von G. Brenner, K. Harm, H. Holstein. H. Kellner, R. Lange, G. V. Orth. F. H. Schwartz £ K. Tausch, Herausgeber: Zentralinstitut fuer die Kassenaerztliche Versorgung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Best Germany. 52 p. (Praxis-Technik, Bd. 1) © Deutscher Aerzte Verlag. G. H.B.H. ; 18JU177; AFO-89456.

AFO-89457. Arzt in freier Praxis. Von Juergen V. Troschks £ Bodo Kosanke, Betriebswirt: Rolf Liebold, Herausgeber: Zentralinstitut fuer die Kassenaerztliche Versorgung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 2. ueberarbeitete Aufl. Best Germany. 32 p. (Niederlassungsservice, Bd. 1) © Deutscher Aerzte Verlag, G. H.B.H.; 29JU177; AFO-89457.

AFO-89453. Aus dem Leben der Bienen. Herausgeber: Karl Von Frisch. 9. neubearb. £ ergaenzte Aufl. Best Germany. 194 p. (Vers- taendliche Bissenschaf t, Bd. 1) © Springer-Verlag; 15Jul77; AFO-89458.

AFO-89459. Russia in original photographs. iFO-891159 (con.) 1860-1920. By Hacvin Lyons, edited by indre» Bheatcroft. United Kinqdou. 212 p. 8 narvin Lyons; 20oct77; »FO-89"(59.

»FO-89a60. PatentanBeldimq ieicht qenacht. By Olcich Christian Halliann. 6. »a£l. West Ger«any. 336 p. C Hans Holz»ann Verlaq, 5.H.B.H. 6 Co., K.G.; 7(lov77: iFO-89lt60.

iFO-8946 1. Erlaeuterunqen zu DIN 1080: Beqriffe, Focnielzeiclien ilnd Einheiten i« Bauin- qenieurwesen. Bd. 1 Gtundlaqen: DIB 1080, T. 1 & zuqehoeriqe fiegelunqen. Von Knut Kintec. aest Germany. IHK p. Verlaq yon Uilheln Ernst und Sohn, K.G. ; 5Sep77; AF0-89H61.

»FO-89162. The Bauritius command. By Patrick 0* Brian. England. 268 p. Patrick O'Brian; 13Jan77: !lFO-89«62.

»FO-89lt63. Stochastic problems in population qenetics. By TaKeo Haruyaaa. Best Germany. 215 p. (Lecture notes in biomathematics, vol. 171 O Sprinqer- Verlaq; 30iuq77; lFO-89463.

JFO-89lt61l. Vorschule des Kontrapunkts. By icnold Schoenberq, einqeleitet £ kommentiert »on Leonard Stein, Ocbersetzonq aus de» Imerikaniscben von Friedrich Saathen. Austria. 226 p. HH: translation. e Universal Edition, I.G.; 1lipr77; »F0-89I4614.

APO-891165. Harrys iakt, and other titles. Sneden. 1469 p. (Det Baestas bokval) Prev. pub. in a.S. editions of Header's diqest condensed books. NH : translation, e Header's Diqest, A.B.; 190ct77; APO-89lt65.

AFO-89lt66. Los Poderosos, and other titles. Spain. 1)77 p. (Biblioteca de Selecciones) Prev. pub. in O.S. editions of Reader's diqest condensed books, as PoBer 6 others. NH: translation, plus additional material. e Selecciones del Reader's Diqest (Iberia) S.A. : 12JU177; AFO-89466.

AFO-89lt67. San-Antonio chez les "Gones." Du poulet au menu. Illus oriqinales de Andre-Paul Perret. Switzerland. 252 p. (San- Antonio) e on illus. ; Edito-Service, S.A.: 8Auq77: AF0-89U67.

AFO-89U68. Tu-vas trinquer, San-Antonio. San- Antonio polka. Illus oriqinales de Andre-Paul Perret. Switzerland. 258 p. (San-Antonio) O on illus.; Edito- Service, S.A.; 30Sep77; irO-89468.

APO-891169. Des draqees sans bapteme. La Tombola des voyous. Illus oriqinales de Andre-Paul Perret. Switzerland. 267 p. (San-Antonio) on illus. ; Edito- Service, S. A.; 8Auq77; iFC'-891t69.

AFO-89U70. Histoires de la boxe. By Jack London, recueillies 6 prcfacees par Francis Lacassin, traductions de Paul Gruyer, Jacques Parsons & Louis Postif, illus oriqinales de Kuno Pape. Switzerland. 217 p. on illus.; Edito-Service, 5. A.; 8Auq77; AFO-89U70.

AFO-8 9U71. Entre chiens et lou Cesbron, illus oriqin fiozier. Switzerland. By Gilbert d* Jacques 4 p . on illus.; Edito-Service, S.A.; 29Jul77; APO-89471.

AFO-89'l72. Fundamentals of computation theory; proceedings of the 1977 International PCT-Coaference, Poznan-Kornik, Poland, Sept. 19-23, 1977. Edited by Barek Karpinski. Best Germany. 512 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, 56) Proceedinqs of the 1977 International Conference on Fundamentals of Computation Theory. ippl. au: J. Alpin E E. G. Bukharalev. 9 Sprinqer-Verlaq ; 12Sep77; XPO-89lt72.

APO-8947J. Beserberqland, Leinetal und Hannover. Bildband «5a, Erqaenzunq zum Textband "45. Best Germany. 168 p. (Grieben Bil- dfuehrer) Appl. au: yerlaqsredaktion Grieben-Beisef uehrer. S Grieben- Verlaq, G.B.B.B.; 29Jun77; AFO-89473.

AFO-891t7U. Bumanbioloqie : Bxoloqie des Benscheo im Industriezeitalter. Von Hans B. Juerqens, unter Hitarbeit von Ursula Pieper. Best Germany. Ill p. (Bioloqie in Stic- hworten, 7) Q Verlaq Ferdinand Hirt; 10Sep77; AFO-894711.

AP0-89lt75. Esperance de vie. By Louis Lochet. France. 180 p. e Les Editions oovrieres; 14NOV77; AFO-89U75.

AFO-891176. Les Livres pour les enfants. By Christiane Abbadie-Clerc. 2. ed., revue 6 corriqee. France. 317 p. Q tes Editions Ouvrieres; 2Nov77; AFO-89a76.

AFO-89lt77. Food through the ages: recipes and eating habits from ancient times to the days of rationing. By Sheena Davis. Great Britain. 48 p. Appl. au: The Header's Diqest Association, Ltd. The Reader's Diqest Association, Ltd.; 20Sep77: AFO-89477.

APO-89478. Betriebssysteme; eine Elnfuehrung. Von Lutz Bichter. Best Germany. 152 p. B. G. Teubner; 19Sep77: AFO-89478.

AFO-89479. Datanbanksysteoe: Konzepte und flodfelle. Von Gunter Schlageter 6 Bolffried stucky. Best Germany. 26 1 p. O B. G. Teubner; 19Sep77; AFO-89479.

AFO-894B0. Effiziente Alqorithmen. Von Kurt Behlhorn. Best Germany. 240 p. S B. G. Teubner; 19Sep77; APO-89480.

AFO-89481. Einfuehrunq in die Psycholoqie: Grundlaqen, Bethoden, Ergebnisse. Von Hartmut Haecker. 2. ueberarbeitete Aufl. Best Germany. 213 p. DoKtor Dietrich Steinkopff Verlaq, G.a.B.B. & Co., K.G.; 120ct77; AFO-89481.

AFO-89482. Gestalttheorie und Psychotherapie. By Hans-Juerqen P. Baiter. Best Germany. 226 p. e Doktor Dietrich Steinkopff Verlaq; 27Sep77; AFO-89482.

AFO-89483. Elektrochemische und enzymatische Bethoden. By Hans Gerhard Haier. Best Germany. 158 p. (Lebensmittelanalytik, Bd. 3) Doktor Dietrich Steinkopff Verlaq, G.B.B.H. £ Co., K.G.; 29Sep77; AFO-89483.

AFO-89484. Gestalttheorie und Fachdidak tik. Herausqeber: Kurt Guss. Best Germany. 172 p. C Doktor Dietrich steinkopff Veclag, G.a.B.H. £ Co., K.G. ; 27Sep77; AFO-89484.

APO-89485. Arqumente fuer eine Psychologie des refleiiven Subjekts; Paradiqmawechsel vom behavioralen zum epistenologischen Benschenbild. Von Norbert Groeben 6 Briqitte Scheele. Best Germany. 249 p. (Psychologie und Gesellschaft , Bd. 4) O Doktor Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag, G.B.B.H. £ Co., K.G.; 70ct77; AFO-89485.

AFO-894e6. The Therapeutic use of essential amino acids and their analogues. Edited by Karl Heinz Baessler, B. Fekl 6 Konrad Lang. Best Germany. 56 p. (Zeitschrift fuer Ernaehrungswissenschaf t, Supplementum 19) Add. ti: Der Therapeutische Einsatz von essentiellen Aminosaeuren und deren Analoga. Papers presented at the 3rd International Symposium "Balanced Nutrition in Therapy" in close cooperation with the International Society of Parenteral nutrition, Erlangen, Germany, June 17-19, 1976; German £ English. Doktor Dietrich Steinkopff Verlaq, G.B.B.H. £ Co., K.G.; 27Sep77; AF 0-89486.

APO-89487. The Dse of amino acids and oligopeptides in dietetics. Edited by Karl Heinz Baessler, B. Fekl £ Konrad Lang. Best Germany. 73 p. (Zeitschrift fuer Ernaehrungswissenschaft, Supplementum 20) Add. ti: Die Anwendung von Aminosaeuren und oligopeptiden in der Diaetetik. Papers presented at the 3rd International Symposium "Balanced Nutrition in Therapy" in close cooperation with the Inter- national Society of Parenteral Nutrition, Erlangen, Germany, June 17-19, 1976; German £ English. O Doktor Dietrich Steinkopff Verlaq. G.B.B.H. 6 Co., K.G.; 110ct77; APO-89487.

AFO- 89488. Bilan des methodes contraceptives. France. 95 p. (Assises nationales de medecine, lOOe session) Appl. au: Guy Godlewski, Jean Godlewski £ Pierre Bauvais-Jarnis. C Expansion Scientifique Francaise; 30Sep77; AFO-89488.

AFO-89489. Aktuelle intensivmedizinische Diagnostik und Therapie. Hrsg. von Klaus-Dieter Grosser £ Eckhard Glaser. Best Germany. 119 p. (Intensivmedizin, Supplementum 2 zu Bd. 14) a Doktor Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag, G.B.B.H. £ Co., K.G.; 12Sep77; AFO-89489.

AFO-89490. statistique; eiercices corriges avec rappels de cours. T. 3: sciences economiques, 3e annee. By Christian Labrousse. 4. ed. Prance. 209 p. Bordas; 30Sep77: AFO-89490.

AFO-89491. Zeitschrift fuer Kardiologie. Supplementum 4. Kurzf assungen der Vortraege hrsg. von Jochen Schaefer. Best Germany. 81 p. O Doktor Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag, G.B.B.H. £ Co., K.G.; 40ct77; AFO-89491.

AFO-89492. Business machine operations and applications. By John Hubert Dool. 2nd ed. Canada. 186 p. HcGraw-Hill Eyerson, Ltd.; 16Sep77; AFO-89492.

AFO-89493. Trace your family tree; a do-it-yourself workbook for Canadians. By Graham Edis £ Shirley Edis. Canada. 1 v. Prev. pub. under ti. : Genealogy for fun and profit, 1976. Nfl: editorial revision £ addition AFO-89493 (con.) of p. 17, 20-21. Graha* I.dis; 50ct77 ; AFO-89493.

AFO-89494. Jack London: th« nan. the vcltec. the rebel. By Robert Barltrop. Great Britain. 206 p. C Pluto Press, Ltd.; 30Dec76: AFO-89494.

AFO-89495. Die Deutsche Hedienlandscltaft: Daten. Fakten, Analysen. By Renate Uonk. Most fieraany. 150 p. C Vorlaq Karl Thieaiq, A.G.: 21Jun77: AFO-89495.

AFO- 89496. Dynamics of systons of riciid bodies. By Jens Wittcnburq. West Gerw ny. 22« p. O B. C. Toubner; 20Sep77; AFO-89496.

JFO-89497. »nqt«andte Graphik: ein Leitfaden fuer Uraphik-Desiqner. Von UalU'r Preiss. West tlooany. 2113 p. O Verlaq Karl Thieaiq, A.G.; 29Jun77: AFO-89497.

AFO-89498. Die Kuust lu inforaieren: Herbe- und PR-Journallstils.. Von Heinz Hartniq. Best Germany. 232 p. C Vorlaq Karl Thieaiq, A.G. : 23Nay77: AF0-89498.

AFO-89499. Journal du septennat, 1917-19511. T. 3: 19119. De Vincent Auriol, version intoqrale otablie, introduite S annoteo par Pierre Kerleroui. Franc:e. 657 p. Appl. «u: Pierre Nora. Nil: editinq, introd. S annotation. Lilirairie Araand Colin: 30l1«r77; AFO-89499.

AFO-89500. Different iaiqleichunqen, l.oesunqs- mothodon und Loesunqen. Bd. 1: Gexoeh- nlicho Differentialqleichunqeu. Von Brich Kaake. Nest Seraany- 668 p. O B. G. Teubnar; 20Sep77; AFO-89500.

AFO-89501. Bloss elne halbe Stunde oder so. By Juerqen Von Hollander, 5 1 Knrzqeschichten ait Fotos von Bvi Von Voithenberq S Guenter Von Voithenberq. «est Geraany. 106 p. Verlaq Karl Thieaiq, ».G. : 27Jun77: AFO-89501.

AFO-89502. Der Bildhauer Paul Dierkor. By Herbert uolfqanq Keiser. hrsq. von dec Paul Dierkes-stiftunq. Hest Geciiany. 208 p. O Verlaq Karl Thieaiq, A.G.; 19Auq77: AFO-89502.

AFO-89503. Gert H. Uollbeia: Gedaoke aod Heck. By Nona uollheia. Hest Germanr. Ill P- O verlaq Karl Thieaiq, A.G.; 13Sep77: AFO-89503.

AFO-89504. Les 100 atouts "H". By Robert Oainn, pseud, of Robert Benin. France. Cards. O Monin (Robert Benin) : )Jun77; AFO-89504.

AFO-89505. La Justice d'Arsene Lupin. By Pierre Boileau S Thoaas Narce^ac. France. 253 p. Boileau, surnaae of Pierre Boileau. Narcelac, surnaae of Thonas Narceiac 6 Librairie des Chaaps-Blysees; 30Nay77: AFO-89505.

AFO-89506. Appareils platres: qypsotoaie; techniques othopediquos, 1977/6. Technique de Jean Castainq, Philippe Burdiu £ J. -P. Bartheleay. France. 1 p. Appl. au^ Louis Descaaps. Expansion Scientifique Francaise; 30Har77; AFO-89506.

AFO-89507. Education et politique (pour un projct d'educotion dans une perspective socialiste) By Jacques Ardoino. France. 272 p. (Propos actuels sur I'cducation, 2) NN: revision 6 additions. O Bordas; 30Jun77: AFO-89507.

AFO-89508. Nethodes statistiques. By Bernard Giais. France. 381 p. (Techniques statistiques, 2) Prev. pub. 1971. Nil: revision 8 additions- Bocdas; 30Sop77; AFO-89508.

AFO-89509. Les Oublies des nuits roaanes. By Francis Gruyer. France. 218 p. Editions Gallimard; 2Sep77; AFO-89509.

AFO-89510. Pour une theorie de la foraation: dynamlque de la foraativite. By Bernard Honore. France. 252 p. NM: new text 6 compilation of texts. O Payot; 15Sep77; AFO-89510.

AFO-89511. L' Esprit, cet inconnu. By Jean Emile Charon. France. 255 p. NB: neii text 8 compilation of texts. O Editions Albin Michel; 30Sep77: AFO-89511.

AFO-89512. Portrait de Gabriel. By Catherine Rihoit. France. 333 p. O Editions Gallimard; 22Sep77; JFO-89512.

AFO-89513. Le chien de pique. By Daniel Depland. France. 182 p. O Editions Galliaard; 2Sep77; AFO-89513.

AFO-89511. Non-lieu dans un paysags. By Jean Lahouque, pseud, of Jean Scops. France. 183 p. O Editions Galliaard; 22S«p77; AFO-89511.

AFO-89515. Lettre ouverte aux Francais sur la Republique du Programme couaun. By Jean Elleinstein. France. 215 p. NH: aeu text 6 compilation of texts. Editions Albin Michel; 3Nov77; AFO-89515.

AFO-89516. la Submersion du Japon. By Sakyo Komatsu, traduit du laponais par Masumi Shibata 8 Maryse Shibata. France. 215 p. oriqinal ti. : Nippon chinbotsu (Japan sinks) NB: translation. Editions Albin Bichel; 50ct77; AFO-89516.

AFO-89517. Poupee d'ecume. By Pierre Oacle, pseud. of Jean Max Tizier. France. 187 p. Pierre Darle 8 S.E.C.L.E. a.a.d.o. Societe pour 1' Ex ploitation du Commerce de Librairie et d' Edition; 30Oct77: AFO-89517.

AFO-B9518. Chantez, peuples d'Espaqne. By Marianne Wura. France. 187 p. NM: new text 8 compilation of texts 8 ilius. Editions Albin Michel; 50ct77; AFO-89518.

AFO-89519. Les Bho. By George Tremlett, traduit de I'anqlais 6 textes hors traduction par Alain Dister, pseud, of Alain Sicard De Sailly, assiste de Julie Pupin 8 Jacqueline Ledresseur. France. 182 p. Translation of The Sho. O on translation; Editions Albin Michel; 3Nov77; AFO-89519.

AFO-89520. Les Joies de la recherche: la vie scientifique d'un physicien francais pionnier de I'electronique aoderne. By Marcel Laporte. France. 316 p. NH: ne» text 8 compilation of texts, some of vhich have been prev. pub. O Plon; 30Jun77; AFO-89520.

AFO-69521. L'Eciqme Jean Moulin. By Henri Frcnay. France. 307 p. NM: new text 6 com- pilation of texts some of which have been prev. pub. O opera Mundi; 30Sep77: AFO-89521.

AFO-89522. Sc relaxer, pourguoi? comment? kinesophie, forme pacticuliere de relaxation; ie corps, expression de I'etre. By Maurice Martenot 8 Christine Saito. France. 239 p. O Editions Albin Michel; 190ct77; AFO-89522.

AFO-89523. Restez vraie. By Yves Rocher. France. 191 p. Hachette; 300ct77; AFO-8952J.

AFO-89521. Le Moindre mal. By Pierre-Louis Bey. France. 115 p. Editions Gallimard; 13Sep77; AFO-89521.

AFO- 89525- Terreur a Nantes. By Bernard-Paul Lallier. France. 188 p. O Bernard-Paul Lallier 8 Librairie des thamps-Elysees; 30Auq77; AFO-89525.

AFO-89526. La Mariee fantastigue. By Gilbert Tanugi. France. 185 p. C Gilbert Tanugi 6 Librairie des Champs-Elysees; 30Sep77; APO-89526.

AFO-89527. Petit guide de la medicine guotidienne. By Genevieve Barrier, dessins de Suzanne Leger. France. 312 p. Librairie Artheme Fayard; 21Sep77; AFO-89527.

AFO-89528. La Destruction de Bellegacde. By Bichel Crespy. France. 318 p. Librairie Artheme Fayard; 21Sep77; AFO-89528.

AFO-89529. Plonqee tons risgues. By Bill Knox, texte francaise de Jean-Claude Deret, illus de Tiber Csernus. France. 181 p. Translation of Hellspout. NB: translation 8 illus. O Hachette; 30Sep77; AFO-89529.

AFO-89530. La Grande randonnee d'Albert le dragon. By Rosemary Heir, texte francais de Barie-Francoise Saint-Dizier, pseud, of Marie- Francoise Farre, illus de Pierre Dessons. France, 117 p. NH: translation 8 illus. O Hachette; 30Aug77; AFO-89530.

AFO-89531. Les Baleinieres de Long Island. By Betsy Haynes, texte francais d'Anne Joba, illus de Michel De Sereville. France. 182 p. Translation of Spies on the devil's belt. NM: translation 8 illus. Hachette; 30Aug77; AFO-89531.

AFO-89532. Le Kenard bleu s'est echappe. By Youri Koval, texte francaise de Jacgues Rogue, illus de Doris Smith. France. 158 p. Translation of Polarfuchs Napoleon 3. NM: translation 6 illus. O Hachette; 30Aug77; AFO-89532.

AFO-89533. Histoires de la cabane a outils. By Enid Blyton, illus de Patrice Harispe. France. 123 p. NM: illus. O Librairie Hachette; 30Jul77; AFO-89533.

AFO-89531. L'Bapereur Julien; ou, Le Reve calcine. By Jacques Benoist-aechin. France. 178 APO-89534 (con.) p. (Le Beve le plus looq de I'hietoire, 3) HH: ne« teit C coipllatloo of texts & llluu. so«e of vhlcb have been pre>. pub. O Libcalcie Acadeiique Pecrin: 3aoct77: APO-89534.

AFO-89S35. La rille d'un qrand patron. By Suzanne Pairault. iilus de Phlllppi- Daure. France. 158 p. C Hachette; 30Sep77; AFO-89535.

APO-8953t. Vacancea iclanda ise.'j. Dy Jarkl*; Valabieque, pseud, of Jackie Landreau, illus de Fcancoie Jeaonequln. France. 1U9 p. Hachette; 30Sep77; AF(J-89536.

AFO-89537. Lea Fnfants de Baabi. By Felli Salten, teite francais de Honique »a »e8- yersin, lllus de Jacques Froaont. France. 190 p. Translation of Baabis Kinder, eine Faailie in Uaide. NH: illus. O Librairie Hachette; 30Jul77; AFO-89537.

AFO-b9538. Oilles chasse auz Tuileries. By Jean-Claude Deret, pseud, of Jean-Claude Breitaan, lllus de FrancolE Batet. France. 155 p. Librairie Hachette: 30JU177; 1FO-89S38.

AFO-89539. Haute Provence, Cote d'Azur. Par Georqes Xlinq, direction: Gerald Gassiot-Talabot, redaction en chef: Jean-Jacques Fauvel. France. 511 p. t insert. Librairie Hachette: 30Jul77; AFO-89539.

AFO-895110. 365 plats du 1ouc et I'art d'accoaaoder leurs restes: suitls de quelques recettes pour les annees bissextiles. By Glnette nathiot. France. i|09 p. O Editions Albin Bichel; 50ct77; AFO-895110.

AFO-895II1. Tunisie. Ce quide a ete etabli par Philrppe Triboit. France. 128 p. (Les Guides voyaqe conseil) Librairie Hachette: 30Jul77; AP0-895i(1.

APO-895i»2. Les Buines de Paris. By Jacques Beda. Prance. 187 p. Editions Galliaard; 30Sep77: AFO-895M2.

AFO-895H3. Ecrire Huqo. By Henri Heschounic. France. 302 p. (Pour la poetique, <t) NH: text & coapilatiou. Editions Galliaard; 30Sep77: AFO-895113.

AF0-895«I4. Nana. O'Eaile Zola, ed. presentee, etablxe & annotee par Henri Hitterand. France. 500 p. NH: editiuq, pref. e notes. O Editions Galliaard: 22Sep77: APO-895i4it.

AFO-895U5. Baleare?;. Ce quide a ete etabli par Patrick D'Elae. Prance. 128 p. (Les Guides voyaqe conseil) Librairie Hachette; 30Jul77; AFO-895145.

APO-895U6. Biftons de prison; posthuae inedit. By Albertine Sarrazin, ed. de Julien Sarrazin, introd. par Briqitte Due. France. 170 p. C Societe Houvelle des Editions Jean-Jacques Pauvert; 30Jun77; AFO-895a6.

AFO-895117. Le Boaan de cenart. T. 1. Illus d'Etienne Delessert. France. 189 p. BH: illus. O Editions Galliaard: 22Sep77: AFO-895U7.

AFO-69548. L'Autre aaour. By Bichel Bute]. Prance. 321 p. O Hercure de France; 30Sep77; ifO-89548.

AFO-89549. Les Cent 'Jours de Hitterrand; roaan. By Alfred Pabre-Luce. Prance. 235 p. O Julliard; 30Sep77: lFO-89549.

AFO-89550. Sentiern et randonnnee» de Praccbe- Coate: Ooubs, Jura, Pranche-Coate. By Guy noyse, cartes ezecuteen par niche! Pluvxnaqe. Prance. 206 p. C Librairie Artheae Fayard: 21Sep77: »ro-a9550.

APO-89551. HieroqlypheF de nos friis dernieres; roaan. By auriel Cerf. Prance. 302 p. O Hercure de Prance; 29Auq77; APO-89551.

AFO-89552. Histoire secrete de Lyon et du Lyonoais. By Jean-Louis Bernard. Prance. 310 p. (Histoire secrete des provinces fran- caises) VH: text C coapiiation. O Editions Albln Michel; 30Sep77: AFO-895S2.

AFO-89553. La Laisse du temps; poeaes. By Luc Estanq. Prance. 65 p. Editions Galliaard; 30Sep77; AFO-89553.

AFO-8955U. Lire dans les liqoes de la aain. By Giovanni Scluto. Prance. 127 p. Hachette; 30Sep77; »FO-8955tt.

AFO-89555. Strateqes et Horveqe, 19U0: les leui de la querre et du hasard. By Francois Kersaudy, pref. de J. -a. Duroselle. France. 286 p. HH: text, illus. <; coapiiation. C Hachette; 30«uq77; AFO-89555.

AFO-89556. Le Petit chose: histoire d'un enfant. D'Alphonse Daudet, pref. de Jean-Louis Curtis, pseud, de Louis Laffitte, ed. etablie t annotee par Patrick Berthier. France. '(«7 p. MB: pret., editinq t notes. O Editions Galliaard; 22Sep77; AFC-89556.

APO-89557. Le Double baliali. By Francis Didelot. France. 185 p. Francis Didelot e Librairie des Chaaps-Elysees; 30Sep77; APO-89557.

APC-89558. Contes pour enfants pas saqes. De Jacques Prevert, illus d' Elsa Henriquez. Prance. 93 p. O on illus. ; Editions Galliaard; 22Sep77; APO-89558.

APO-89559. Les Chatiaents. De Victor Huqo, ed . presentee, etablie 6 annotee par Sene Journet. France. it13 p. BM: editinq, introd. £ notes. O Editions Galliaard; 2Sep77; AFO-89559.

APO-89560. Les pils des alliqators. By Francis Byck, pseud, de Yves Delville. France. 2HH p. O Editions Galliaard: 30Sep77; A#0-89550.

AFO-e9561. Au pays du qrand condor. By Nadine Garrel, illus de Bernard Heron. France. 187 p. O Editions Galliaard; 22Sep77: APO-89561.

AFO-89562. Le Prince consort; roaan. By Gilles Bosset. France. 281 p. O Juliiard; 30S<»p77; APO-89562.

iro-89S63. Passage des ealgcants; recit. By Jacques Chauvire. Prance. 31i| p. O Editions Galliaard: 30Sep77; IFO- 89563.

AFO- 89561. Equations dif f erentielles. De J. Quinety 6e ed. revue C auc^aentee par Jean Pazekas. 6. ed., revue 6 auqaentee. France. 279 p. (Cours eleaentaire de aatheaatique superieutes, t. 1) O Bordas; 30Jun77; iPO-8956lt.

AFO-89565. £t 11 fallut apprendre a ecrire a tous les petits francais: histoire de la qraaaaire scolaire. By Andre Cbervel. France. 306 p. ID: nev text t coa- piiation. O Payot; 9Sep77; APO-89S65.

AF0-e9566. Je decouvre Paris. Text de Jean-Pierre Eaard, dessins de Patrice Douenat C de Pierre Baqnin. France. 159 p. (Avec Pierre, Pic et Bartine) O Hachette; 30Sep77: AF0-8956fc.

APO-89567. Le Bez dans la luzerne. By Charles Ezbrayat. France. 253 p. Exbrayat £ Librairie des Chaaps-Elysees; 30Sep77; APO-89567.

APO- 89566. Changer la aort. By Leon Schvartzenberg £ Pierre Viansson-Ponte. France. 257 p. BH: nev text £ coapiiation. Editions Albin Bichel: 30Sep77: APO-89568.

AFO-89569. La Legende des Caaisards; une sen- sibilite au passe. By Philippe Joutard. Prance. »39 p. BH: new text £ com- pilation. O Editions Galliaard; 22Sep77: AFO-89569.

APO-e9570. De I'aube au crepuscle; autoblographie de I'duteur. By Jacques Bueff. Prance. 4<43 p. (Geuvres coapletes de Jacques Bueff, t. 1) BM: neu text £ coapiiation. O Librairie Plon; 30sep77: APO-89570.

AFO-89571. Histoire du roi Kaboul ler et du aaraiton Gaunain. La Couronne de Vulcain. De Bax Jacob, illus de Boger Blachon. Prance. 92 p. O on illus. ; Editions Galliaard; 22Sep77; AFO-89571.

APO- 89572. La Beine des neiqes. De Hans christian Andersen, illus. de Hette Ivers, traduit du danois par P. G. La cbesnais. France. 91 p. C on illus.; Editions Galliaard; 22Sep77; APO-89572.

APO-8957J. On chaatait rouge. By Charles Tilloo. Prance. 581 p. BB: ne* text, nev illus. £ coapiiation. O opera Bundi; 70ct77; AFO-89573.

APO-895714. Venusine. By Olivier Spriqel, pseud, of Claude Avice. France. 250 p. C Olivier Sprigel £ Librairie des Chaaps-Elysees; 30Sep77; AFO-89571.

AFO-89575. luf ornatique. By Charles Berthet. Prance. 213 p. C Bordas; 30Sep77; APO-89575.

AFO-89576. Troisieae dessons. By Bichel Bator. Prance. 255 p. (Batiere de reves 3) O Editions Galliaard: 13Sep77: APO-89576. AFO-a9577 (con.) Tibika. France. 1 v. NH: revisions G additions. C Victor Tibika; 30Sep77; AFO-89577.

AFO-89578. Punk: seventeen cock. By stephane Pietci 6 Alexis Quinlin. France. 171 p. NM: ney text £ compilation o£ texts 6 illus. (3 Editions S.E.C.L.E. a.a.d.o. Societe pour 1 • Exploitation du Comaerce de Librairie et d^Edition 6 Beqiae DeForqes; 10ct77; AFO-89578.

AFO-B9579. Tempo; roman. Bv Canille Bourniquel. France. 330 p. O Julliard; 30Sep77; AFO- 89579.

AFO-89580. One Nuit de maqie noire; roman. De Heinz G. Konsdlik, traduit de I'allemand par Gilberte Marcheqay, pseud, of Gilberte Japy. France. 2^44 p. Translation of Die Nacht ftes schuarzen Zaubers. O on translation: Editions Albin Hichel; 30Sep77: iFO-895B0.

AFO- 89581. On Garcon en I'air; roaan. By Didier Nartin. France. 256 p. O Editions Gallimard; 2Sep77; AFO-89581.

AFO-89582. 1t4e Conqres International de Thera- peutique, 7-10 septembre, 1977, Mon- tpellier, France. Sous la presidence du Jacques Hirouze. France. 399 p. Appi. au: Jacques Acar & Raymond Bastin. O Expansion Scientifique Francaise; 30Sep77; 4FO-89582.

AFO-89583. Journee de reeducation, 1977. Sous la presidence des Stanislas De Seze fi Jean DeBeyre, secretaire: Jean Levernleux. France. 150 p. C Expansion Scientifique Francaise: 30Sep77; AFO-89583.

AFO-a958l». Faust. Textes de Hans Henninq 6 others. France. 221 p. Appi. au: Antoine Faivre S Frederick Tristan. Editions Albin Michel; 5Sep77; AFO-8958a.

AFO-89535. La Part de l*eau. By Jean Lods. France. 225 p. O Editions GalliaaEd; 2Sep77; AFO-89585.

AFO-89586. Hiatoices d'u; propos sur les exp- loitations ainieres d* uranium en Prance. Par les Amis de la Terre du Morvan. France. 63 p. Appi. au: Colette Vallee. O Societe Nouvelle des Editions J. J. Pauvert; 30Jun77; AFO-89586.

AFO-39587. La Derive horaosexuelle. Bv Guy Hocquenqhem. France. 158 p. NH: new text G compilation. O Editions Oni- versitaires, Jean-Pierre Delarqe; 9Sep77; AFO-89587.

AFO-89588. Le Rouqe et le blanc, 1928-1944. By Pierce Andreu. France. 241 p. NM: new text 6 compilation. Editions de la Table Ronde: 300ct77: AFO-89588.

AFO-89589. On Ete pres de la oer; roman. By Anne Philipe. France. 201 p. Editions Gallimard; 22Sep77; AFO-89589.

AFO-e9590. 10 1 conseils anti-nervosite. By Hichel Jossay. France. 192 p. Add. ti: 101 conseils pour vaincre la necvosite. Librairie Hachette; 30Jul77; AFO- 89590.

AFO-89591. Le Desert; ou. La Vie et les aventures de Jubair Ouali El-Bammi. By Albert Memmi. France. 191 p. Editions Gallimard; 13Sep77; AFO-89591.

APO-89592. Allons-y les copainsi Premieres lectures courantes. Par Therese Pouyanne, Illus de Gerda Huller. France. 63 p. Librairie Belin; 30Sep77; AFO-89592.

AFO-89593. La Philo en bandes dessinees. By Denis Huisman, dessins de Martin Berthommier, pref- de Jean Guitton. France. 191 p. Librairie Hachette; 30Jun77; AFO-89593.

AFO-89594. Archives du nord. By Marguerite Yourcenar. France. 376 p. (Le Labyrinthe du monde, vol. 2) S Editions Gallimard; 13Sep77: AFO-89594.

AFO-89595. Jacob Boehme. Par Gerhard Behr et Pierre Deqhaye avec des textes de Jacob Boehme, tcaduits par L. C. De Saint- Martin. France. 236 p. (Cahiers de 1* Hermetisme) Appi. au: Antoine Faivre C Fcedecick Tristan. Editions Albin Michel; 5Sep77; iFO-89595.

AFO-89596. Politique. By Francois Mittecrand. France. 640 p. NM: new text £ com- pilation of texts some of which prev. pub. Librairie Artheme Fayard; 14Sep77; AFO-89596.

AFO-89597. Une Fille trouvee (sur les carnets de l*academicieu encore vert) By Andre Hurmser. France. 325 p. Editions Gallimard; 2Sep77; AFO-89597.

AFO-89598. Uesteriinq; querilia story. By Dominique Venner. France. 319 p. NM: new text G compilation of texts some of which prev. pub. Hachette: 30Sep77; AFO-89598.

AFO-89599. Un Enfant vetu de noir; roman. By Bernard Ponty. France. 229 p. O Editions Gallimard; 13Sep77; AFO-89599.

AFO-89600. Le Pocnoqcaphe. De Bestif De La Bretonne, pref. de Beatrice Didiec. France. 204 p. NM: pref. O S.E.C.L.E.. a.a.d.o. Societe pour 1' Exploitation du Comaerce de Librairie et d* Edition — ^Begine Deforqes; 30Sep77; AFO-89600.

AFO-89601. L'Armoire. By Pierre Bourgeade. France. 170 p. a Editions Gallimard; 22Sep77; AFO-a9601.

APO-89602. Perdre sa vie a la gaqner. France. 125 p. (Les Amis de la terre) Appi. au: Monique Cazeaux, Christian Huqlo G Pierre Samuel. O Societe Nouvelle des Editions Jean-Jacques Pauvert; 30flay77; AFO-89602.

AFO-89603. L*Eurocoiumunisme. By Francois Fonvieille-Alquier. France. 288 p. NM: new text G compilation of texts. O Librairie Artheme Fayard; 21Sep77; AFO-89603.

AFO-89604. L'Ordinaire mesaventure d'Archibald Bapoport. By Pierre Goldman. France. 187 p. Julliard; 30Sep77; AFO-89604.

APO-89605. La Vie de Notre-Seigneur Jesus-Christ. De Charles Dickens^ illus. de Georges Lemoine, traduit de I'anglais par R. Celli. France. 91 p. Add. ti: La Vie de N.-S. Jesus-Christ. Con illus.; Editions Gallimard; 22Sep77; AFO-89605.

AFO-89606. Corps reel, corps iaaginaire pour une epistemologie psychanalytigue. By Mahmoud Sami-Ali. France. 160 p. NM: new text £ compilation of texts. O Bordas; 30Sep77; AFO-89606.

AFO-89607. La Vie quotidienne des Parisiens au temps du roi-soleil, 1660-1715. By Jacques Uilhelm. France. 295 p. NM: new text £ compilation of texts. Hachette; 30Sep77; APO-89607.

AFO-89608. Teilhard posthume: reflexions et souvenirs. By Henri De Lubac. France. 155 p. NM: new text G compilation of texts. C Librairie Artheme Fayard; 21Sep77; AFO-89608.

AFO-89609. Histoire du tableau. By Pierrette Fleutiaui. France. 190 p. Julliard; 30Sep77; AfO-89609.

AFO-89610. L'Assassin d'avril. By Beatrice Privat. France. 152 p. Julliard; 30Sep77; AFO-89610.

AFO-89611. Le Pouvoir ailitaire en Amerigue Latine: 1' ideologic de la securite nationale. By Joseph Comblin. France. 229 p. NM; new text C coapilation of texts. C Jean- Pierre Delarge, Editions Universitaires; 30Sep77; AFO-89611.

AFO-89612. La Vitesse du vent. By Guy Lagorcc. France. 245 p. O Julliard; 30Sep77; AFO-89612.

AFO-89613. Initiation a I'econoaie politique par i'analyse de texte Le Medeciu de campagne de H. De Balzac. By Claude Vienney. France. 1 v. NM: new text G compilation of texts. O Editions Interaedia; 150ct77; AFO-89613.

AFO-89614. Le Chat de Briarres. By Benee Hassip. France. 129 p. 6 Editions Gallimard; 30Sep77; AFO-89614.

AFO-89615. Du domaine. By Eugene Guillevic. France. 143 p. O Editions Gallimard; 30Sep77; APO-89615.

AFO-89616. Hormones et sexualite. Sous la direction de Henri-Pierre Klotz. France. 356 p. (Problemes actuels d'endocri- nologie et de nutrition serie, no. 21) 6 Expansion Scientifique Francaise; 300ct77; AFO-89616.

AFO-89617. Les 3 petits cochons aux bains de mer. By Halt Disney, edition francaise de Louis Micaan. France. 114 p. NM: translation. Halt Disney Productions; 30Sep77; AFO-89617.

AFO-89618. Bichard Bolitho pcend son coBaandeaent. By Alexander Kent, texte francais de Jean Huray, illus de Philippe Daure. France. 245 p. Translation of Sloop of war, part 1. NM: translation G illus. O Librairie Hachette; 30Jul77; AFO-89618. ArO-89619. aichel et les deui laccons. By Seoirqes Bayard, illus de Philippe Dauce. fcance. 183 p. O Hachette: 30«uq77; »PO-89t19. iPO-89620. ilice et la fusee spatiale. By Caroline Qulne. teite fcancais d'lnoe Joba, illus de Jean-i.ouis Ueicier. Prance. 182 p. Translation of Bystery of the soss-covered aosion. NB: translation t illus. Librairie Hachette: 30mq77; 4PO-89S20.

4PO-89521. La Vallee du silence. By Jaaes Oliver Curwood, texte francais de Louis Postif* illus dc chica, pseud, of Barcel Chikhano»itch. Prance. 21(8 p. illus. Hachette: 30»uq77 ; APO-89621.

APO-89622. On Furieuz aaour: l*esclave de la Caroline. By Jennifer ailde. traduit de I'anqlais par Jacques Girot. Prance. 289 p. Translation of Loire's tender fury. on translation; Editions de Treyise; 30Sep77: »PO-89622.

«PO-89623. Le Masque de I'anaur. By Barbara Cartland, traduit de I'anqlais par Mariel Sinoir. Prance. 221 p. Translation of The Bask of love. on translation: Editions de Tre»ise: 30Jun77; »PO-89623.

iPO-89624. tes aodeles de prir pour la pre»ision et la planif ication, etude conparati»e. Par Bayaond Courbis, pref. de Jean Ullao. Prance. 135 p. (Pinance et econoaie appliquee, 55) Bordas; 30Sep77: »PO-8962a.

APO-89625. Leqeodes de la Grece antique et de Etoae. By Andre Bassepain, pseud, of Andre Kedros, illus de Jean Betailleau. Prance. 1514 p. Nfl: ne» text 6 illus. t coa- pilation of texts, soae of which have been prev. pub. Librairie Hachette: 30Sep77: APO-89625.

APO-89626. Poly en Espaqne. By Cecile Aiibry, illus d' Annie-Claude Martin. Prance. 153 p. O Hachette; 30Sep77; APO-89626.

AFO-99627. La Bete huaaine. O'Eaile Zola, pref. de Gilles Deleuzfc, ed. presentee, etablie C annotee par Henri Mitterand. Prance. 502 p. MM: editinq C additions. O Editions Galliaard; 30Jun77; APO-89627,

APO-89628. Les (initas S.l. en bioloqie; suppl. a 1' InforaatioB scientifique du bioloqiste, 1977. By Prancoise Pontet 6 Praucois Bousselet. Prance. i<7 p. Expansion Scientifique Prancaise: 30Sep77 ; APO-89628.

APO- 89629. Guide de Londres en leans. Teste de Patrick Arqoud E Jean Rozvadoiiski. nouvelle ed. revue t corriqee par Jadzia Koaornicka t Liz Jackson, illus de bonald Ounhaa t Piotr Mlodzianonski. Prance. 175 p. HM: revisions, corrections t illus. Librairie Hachette £ Editions de Clery; 30Jun77; APO-89629.

APO-B9630. Let's talk D.P.: lezique d ' inf oraatlque. By Jean-Pierre Otieui t, Alain Jarlaud. Prance. 116 p. Prench G Enqlish. O Bordas: 30Jun77: APO-89630.

APO-89631. Antidotes. By Euqene lonesco. Prance. 367 p, Prench. KM: neii text 6 coa- pilatiOD of texts. O Editions Galliaacd; 13Sep77j APO-89631.

APO-89632. Les Institutions adainistratives du Maqhreb: le qouverneaent de I'Alqerie, du Maroc et de la Tuuisie. By Bissoua Sbih. prance. 285 p. Hachette; 3aAaq77: APO-89632.

APO-89633. L'Etouneaent d'etre: lournal (1939-1973) By Hervc Alphand. Prance. 611 p. BM: nev text ( coapiiation of texts. O Librairie Artheae Payard; 21Sep77; APO-89633.

APO-89634. La Construction de proqraaaes struc- tures. Par Jacques Arsac. Prance. 380 p. Bordas: 30Sep77; APO-89634.

APO-89635. Araqon; oa, Les Hetaaorphoses. Photos de Jean-Louis Babeux, postface de Daniele Sallenave. Prance. 102 p. MM: nev text, illus. 6 coapiiation of texts. O Editions Galliaard; 2Sep77; APO-89635.

APO-89636. Syntbese avec coapression des fractures cervicales vraies du feaur. Technique de Louis Descaops, Yves Kerner C Pierre Schraaa. Prance. 8 p. (Techniques orthopediques, 1977/9) O Expansion Scientifique Prancaise; 30Auq77; APO-89636.

APO-89637. Les 3 II sont sur la voie. By Boberte Araand, illus de Henriette Buniere. Prance. 150 p. O Librairie Hachette; 30JU177: APO-896 37.

APO-89638. Croisiere pour trois otaqes. By Pierre Mayet. pseud, of Pierre Salva, illus dc Jeroae Maniaque. France. 182 p. O Librairie Hachette; 30Jul77; APO-89638.

APO-89639. Davy Crockett tt I'espion auqlais. By Pred Hialey, pseud, of Louis Morvan, illus de Prancois Batet. Prance. 1'*9 p. O Hachette; 30Auq77; APO-89639.

APO-896'lO. Le Mystere de la cascade. By Enid Blyton, illus de Patrice Uarispe. Prance. 1U9 p. MB: illus. O Librairie Hachette; 30Auq77; APO-89640.

APO-89641. Piodoc au Pole Mord. By Max Kruse, telte francais de Michele Kahn, illus de Daniel Billon. Prance. 150 p. Oriqiual ti.: Orael zieht zua Pol. VB: translation 6 illus. Hachette; 30Auq77; ArO-896141.

APO-89642. Les Sept et le aaqicien. One nouvelle aventure des personnaqes crees par Bnid Blyton, racontee par Bvelyne Lalleaand, iaaqes de Bobert Bressy. Prance. It6 p. NM: translation t illus. O Hachette; 30Sep77; APO-B9642.

APO-89643. Pantoaette dans I'espace. By ueorqes Chaulet. illus de Josette Stefani. Prance. ltd p. Librairie Hachette; 30JU177; APO-89643.

APO-89644. Dick Dickson, enquete en tous qenres. By E. a. Hildick, teste francais de Paul Pournel. illus de Daniel Billon. Prance, lie p. Oriqinal ti. : The Hose knows. MM: translation £ ilius. O Librairie Hachette: 30Jul77: AP0-89644.

APO-a9645. Lnqendes des chevaliers de la Table Sonde; recits du "cycle arthurien." Choisis t, adaptes par Elisabeth Zadora, illus de Chica, pseud, of Barcel Chikhanovitch. Prance. 153 p. IB: selection, adaptation 6 illus. Hachette; 30Sep77; APO-89645.

APO- 89646. Bapide-Eclair. By Jaaes Oliver Curuood, texte francais de Louis Postif, illus de Prancoise Boudiqnon, pseud, of Prancoise Pichard. Prance. 1SU p. MM: illus. O Hachette; 30Sep77; APO-89646.

APO-89647. Je sals tout sur les hoaaes de I'aventure. Par Jacques Gabalda 6 Bene Beaulieu. illus de sylvaiu Uucclo. Prance. 115 p. Librairie Hachette; 300ct77; APO-896<47.

APO-896«8. Chacun son cadeau. Texte de flichel Butor, illus de T. Kitada. Prance. 1 v. on text; Librairie Hachette; 30Sep77: APO-696II8.

APO- 89619. Le Dictiounaire de Halt Disney. Adaptation francaise de Baurice Pleurent. Prance. 92 p. MB: translation. O Halt Disney Pcodactions; 30Jul77; APO-89619.

APO- 89650. Circus: histoire international du cirque. By Bupert croft-Cooke 6 Peter Cotes, traduit de I'anqlais par Prance- Barie vatkins, pseud, of Prance-Baric Boucayrol. Prance. 191 p. Oriqinal ti.: Circus, a world history. HB: translation. Editions Albin Michel; 50ct77; APO-89650.

APO-89651. L' Histoire du ballet et de la dause en Occident. By Alexander Bland, traduit de I'anqlais par Bobert Latour, pseud, of Andre Alqarron. Prance. 191 p. Oriqinal ti. : A History of ballet and dance in the Uestern aorld. MM: translation. Editions Albin Michel; 50ct77; APO-89651.

APO-89652. Pour une nouvelle virilite. D' Esther vilar, traduit de i'alleaand par Bayaond Albeck. Prance. 256 p. Oriqinal ti. : Das Ende der dressur Bodell fuer cine neue Maenlichkeit. MB: translation. O Editions Albin Michel t, Esther Vilar; 50ct77: APO-89652.

APO-89653. Bcocante antiquites; le aanuel dc I'aaateur. By Jean Bedel. Prance. 188 p. MB: new text £ coapiiation of texts. Librairie Hachette (in notice: Hachette) ; 30Auq77; APO-89653.

APO-89651. Ecrits: fraqaents, Icttres. By Laure, pseud, of Colette Peignot, textes choisis C etablis par Jeroae Peiqnot G le Collectif change, precede de pref. finale par Jeroae Peignot, avec vie de Laure G fraqaents sur Laure par Georges Bataiile £ utt texte de Barcel Bore sur la aort de Laure. Prance. 313 p. Add. ti: Merits de Laure. KB: additional text t editinq. O Societe nouvelle des Editions J. -J. Pauvert; 30Jun77: APO-89651.

APO-89655. Guide des U.S.A. en jeans. Bedigee par Christian Girard, illustree par Keith De Carlo. 2. ed. Prance. 223 p. O Librairie Hachette 6 Editions de Clery; 30Jun77; APO-89655. iro-89656 (cot,.) Catherine DomaiD avec la collaboration intense de Jean Pasquelin, illus de Marie-Helene Lunq. Prance. 108 p. Librairie Hachette S Editions de Clery: 30Jal77; iFO-89656.

SFO-89657. Ill recettes pour le lapin. By Anne Vernon. France. 143 p. O Editions de Trevise: 30Sep77; &FO-89657.

AFO-89658. Harie en quelques mots. By Antoine Audouard. France. 185 p. 6 Editions Gallimard; 2Sep77: AFO-89658.

AFO-89659. Le simorqh. By Christian Charriere. France. 286 p. @ Librairie Arthene Fayard; 1Sep77: AFO-89659.

AFO-89660. L'Annee balzacienne« 1977. fiedacteur en chef: Hadeleine Farqeaud. France. 418 p. e Garnier Freres; 30Sep77; AFO-89660.

AFO-89661. Les Consultations difficiles: fon- ctionnel ou orqanique? Sous la direction du Comite des Entretiens de Bichat 6 du Colleqe de Hedecine des Hopitaux, texte B programme de Philippe Letonturier. France. 131 p. To accompany Filmoraii des entretiens de Bichat, 1977. © Expansion Scientifique Prancaise; 30Sep77: AFO-89661.

AFO-89662. Entretiens de chirur'qie infantile. Par P. Aubrespy 8 others. France. 191 p. © Expansion Scientifique Prancaise; 30Sep77: AFO-89662.

AFO-89663. Eencontre bioloqique, 1977. Sous la direction de Lucien Hartmann. Prance. 151 p. Appl. ao: Georqes Ha the 8 Jacques Chretien. 6 Expansion Scientifique Prancaise; 30Sep77; AFO-89663.

APO-8966t. Correspondance. T. 3: 1902-1903. De Marcel Proust, texte etabli, presente S annote par Philip Kolb. France. 501 p. NM: pref., editinq 8 notes. 6 Librairie Plon; 30Jun77: AFO-8966it.

AFO-89665. Contes de Scandinavie; recits dn folklore scandinave. Choisis 6 adaptes par aarie Tenaille, pseud, of Jacqueline D'Estais. illus de Hichele Beufe. Prance. 155 p. Na: selection, adaptation S illus. e Hachette; 30Sep77; APO-89665.

AFO-89666. Babar et le Bouly-gouly. By Laurent De Brunhoff, ed. francaise de I'auteur. France. 1 v. NB: translation. 8 Librairie Hachette; 30JU177: APO- 89666.

AFO-89667. Jolis canevas. By Noelle Laraivre. Prance. 30 p. © librairie Hachette; 30Sep77; AFO-89667.

APO- 89668. Jouets scientif iques. By Francois Cherrier, photos S dessins de I'auteur. France. 92 p. © Librairie Hachette; 30Sep77; AFO-89668.

AFO-89669. La Vie privee des homnes; "au temps des premieres automobiles," 1900, texte de Pierre aiquel, illus de Jacques Poirier. Xes Animaux en ce temps-la, par Paul-Henry Plantain. France. 67 p. © Hachette: 30Sep77: AFO-89669.

4FO-89670. le Vaillant petit tailleur. la Feone du pecheur. Baiponce. D'apres Grimn, adaptation de Marc Saver, pseud, of Philippe Schuuer 8 Daniel Sassier. France. 29 p. NH: translation. © Librairie HacUette; 30Sep77; AFO-89670.

AFO-89671. Les Pees. Hansel et Gretel, Le Sonqe du pauvre. D'apres Perrault, Grimm 6 les Contes des mille et une nuits, adaptation de Marc Saver, pseud, of Philippe SchuHer 6 Daniel Sassier. France. 28 p. NH: translation. © Librairie Hachette; 30Sep77; AFO-89671.

AFO-89672. La Petite sirene. La Petite poucette. La Petite fille aux allumettes. D'apres Andersen, adaptation de Marc Saver, pseud. of Philippe SchUMer £ Daniel Sassier. France. 29 p. NM: translation. e Librairie Hachette; 30Auq77; AFO-89672.

AFO-89673. Les Freres de Hovgli. La Chasse de Kaa. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. D'apres Kipling, adaptation de Marc Saver, pseud, of Philippe Schuuer 6 Daniel Sassier. Prance. 28 p. NH: translation. 9 librairie Hachette; 304ug77; AFO-89673.

AFO-a9671t. Cendrillon. Le Briquet. Jean La Chance. D'apres Perrault, Andersen 8 Grimm, adaptation de Marc Saver, pseud, of Philippe Schuwer 8 Daniel Sassier. France. 28 p. NH: translation, a Librairie Hachette; 30Sep77; AFO-8967H.

AFO-89675. La Belle au bois dormant. Peau d'ours. Le .Petit poucet. D'apres Perrault 8 Grimm, adaptation de Marc Saver, pseud, of Philippe Schuver 8 Daniel Sassier. France. 28 p. NM: translation. © Librairie Hachette; 30Sep77; AFO-89675.

AFO-89676. Bretaqne. Ce quide a ete etabli par Benoit Dufournier, direction: Gerald Gassiot-Talabot. Prance. 761 p. (Les Guides bleus) © Librairie Hachette; 30Sep77; AFO-89676.

AFO-89677. Le Siqne des quatre. De Conan Doyle^ texte francaise de Michel Landa, illus de Jean-Marie Vives. France. 179 p. Oriqinal ti: The Siqn of the four. NH: illus. 8 Librairie Hachette; 30Aug77; APO-89677.

AFO-89678. Les Neiges du grand Nord. De James Oliver Curwood,. texte francais de Louis Postif, illus de Prancoise Pichard. France. 188 p. Translation of The Honour of the big snows. NM: illus. © Hachette; 30Jun77; AFO-89678.

AFO-89679. Les Hots croises: toute une histoire. De Guy Brouty, pref. de Jean Dutourd. France. 155 p. NM: text, illus. 6 compilation of prev. pub. text 8 illus. © Librairie Hachette; 30Jul77; APO-89679.

AFO-39680. Jim Spark: le chasseur d'etoiles. De Isaac Asimov, texte francais de Guy Abadia, illus de Claude Lacroix. France. 182 p. Original ti. : David Starr, space ranger. NH: text 6 illus. Hachette; 30Sep77; AFO-89680.

AFO-89681. Severine, Belle et Sebastien: le collier bleu. De Cecile Aubry, photos de Jacky Berrueta. France. 184 p. 8 Hachette; 30Sep77; AFO-89681.

AFO-89682. Pilote de courses. De Haurice Trintigna^f ilioa de Jean Reschofsky. France. 252 p. © Librairie Hachette; 30Jun77; AFO-89682.

APO-89683. La Guitare andalouse. De Reine-Jeanne Saint-Marcoux, illus de Francois Batet. France. 188 p. C Hachette; 30Sep77; AFO-89683.

AFO-89684. Le Mystere de la grotte aux sirenes. De Enid Blyton, illus de Patrice Harispe. France. 153 p. BH: illus. © Hachette; 30Sep77; APO-89684.

&FO-89685. Technique de I'alpinisme. Sous r la photo, de Francois Valla. France. 404 p. NH: text, illus. 8 compilation of prev. pub. text 6 illus. e B. Arthaud; 30Sep77; AFO-89685.

AFO-89686. La Derniere migration. By Asa Lanova. Prance. 154 p. © Editions S.E.C.L.E. a.a.d.o. Societe pour 1' Exploitation du Commerce de Librairie et d' Edition — Begine Deforges; 30Sep77; APO-89686.

AFO-89687. Journee de pedo-psychiatrie. Sous la presidence du Didier-Jacques Duche. France. 105 p. (Entretiens de Bichat- Pitie-Salpetriere, 1977) Appl. au: Cyrille Koupernic 8 Jeanne Delais. © Expansion Scientifique Francaise; 30Sep77; AFO-89687.

AFO-89688. 30 coiffures de Paris, 1978. France. 3 V. Appl. au: Andre Arnoux. © Societe d'Editions Hodernes Parisienne; 30Sep77; AFO-89688.

AFO-89689. Arteres a destinee encephaligue, digestive et renale. Par Jacques Descotes, Jacgues Baulieux 8 Jean-Michel Dubernard avec la collaboration de X. Barral, J. Belleville £ E. Chigner De Alcantara, illus de D. Foray. France. 159 p. (Les Pieges de la chicurgie vasculaire, 2) © Expansion Scientifique Francaise; 30Sep77; APO-89689.

AFO-89690. Gedeon en Afrigue. Par Benjamin Rabier, ed. de Bernard Vereano. France. 1 v. Prev. pub. 1928. NH: editing. 8 Garnier Freres; 300ct77; APO-89690.

APO-89691. Partial differential equations: an introduction. By Guenter Helluig. 2nd ed. West Germany. 259 p. Translation of Partielle Dif ferentialgleichungen. NH: translation. © B. G. Teubner; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1960) ; AFO-89691.

AFO-89692. L'As et la marquise. By Auguste LeBreton. France. 252 p. (les ADti-gajigs, no 4) Auguste LeBreton; 30Jun77; AFO-89692.

AFp-89693. Schilddruesenkrankheiten: Diagnose und Therapie in der Praxis. Von Franz Adolf Horster. iest Germany. 124 p. 8 Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag, G.M.B.H.; 10Nov77; AFO-89693. AFO-8969ll. Coapendium fuer die Arzthelfer in. Hcsq. von Josef Senqenendt, Helaut tenqenendt 6 Guenter Borchert. 10. neubeacb. t crqaenzte iufl. Best Gecmaay. M92 p. aedipreFS Verlaqs-G. H. B. H. (in notice: nedipress): 15Nov77: »F0-89691t.

AFO-89695. Vinko Globokar: Komposition und Iiiprovisation. By Kolfqanq Koeniq. West Geruany. 299 p. C Breitkopf uad Haertel Veclaq: 1Jul77: AFO-89695.

AFO-89696. Stiontypen und Sollenchacaktece in der deutschen Opet von 1815- U18. By Bernd Goepfert. Best Geraany. 283 p. O Breitkopf und Haertel: 2a»uq77; AFO-89696.

AFO-89697. Die Wiederherqestellte Ordnuuq in Johann Sebastian Bachs Kunst der Puqe: Onter- suchunqen aa Orlqinaldruck. By Uolfqanq wiener. West Geraany. 83 p. O Breitkopf und Haertel: 22Jul77; »FO-89697.

AFO-89698. Studien ueber die fruehen Kantaten Johann Sebastian Bachs: verbesserte 6 erweiterte Passunq der ia Jahr 1951 erschienenen Dissertation. By Alfred Duerr. Best Geraany. 26U p. C Breitkopf und Haertel Verlaq (in notice: Breitkopf und Haertel); 15Jul77; AFO-69696, Etechnen

APO-89699. Benessunqshilf en fu( SI-Einheiten. Von Peter Funk. Best Geraany. 1147 p. 6 Verlaq Bilhela Ernst und Sohn, K.G. (in notice: Verlaq von UilhelB Ernst und Sohn, K. G. ) : 23Sep77; 6FO-09699.

4FO-89700. Arranqinq ausic for younq players: a handbook on basic orchestl at ion. By Philippe Oboussier. Enqland. 175 p. Olford oniversity Press. 7Jul77: APO-89700.

AFO-89701. Baunerke unter aerodynao iiischer Belastunq: Beitr aeqe zum ;

. Bericht-

skolloquiua des Schnerpun* tproqraaas der Deutschen Forsch unqsqemeii schaft aa 6. Oktober 1977 in Darastadt. Best Ger aany. 153 p. (Mitteil unqen au s dea Institut fuer Bassivbau d er Techni! Chen Hochs chule Darastadt, Heft 26. Hrsq. , von Gert Koeniq 6 Helaut Beiqler ) Verl< q von Bilh elB Ernst und Sohn, K.G.: 26; .ep77: AFO-89701.

AFO-89702. The Lawless theory exaainatiOD papers- Grade 1: theory. By Jaaes Lawless. Canada. 32 p. C Baterloo Husic Coapany, Ltd.: 6Sep77: AFO-89702.

APO-a9703. The Lawless theory exaaination papers. Grade 2: theory. By Jaaei: Lawless. Canada. I40 p. Raterloo Music Coapany, Ltd.: 6Sep77: AFO-89703.

»FO-89704. The Lawless theory exaaination papers. Preliainary rudiaents. By Jaaes Lawless Canada. 32 p. Baterloo Ausic Coapany* Ltd.: 6Sep77: AFO-89704.

AFO-8970 5. Burda qrosses buntes Handarbeitshef t. No. 388, 1977. Best Geraciny. 39 p. Verlaq Aenne Burda: 2<toct77: AFO-89705.

APO-89706. Evelyn Eothw

AFO-89707. Plaquadrat; Buhe, Gruen und Sicherheit, Bohnen in der Stadt. By Helaut Voitl, Elisabeth Guqqenberqer G Peter Pirkcr. Austria. 343 p. Paul Zsolnay Verlag, G.B.B.H.: 17NOV77; AFO-89707.

AFO-89708. Slik er Noi ti: This is t coapilation. 4PO-89708. Norway. 320 p. Add. >ay. SK: selection i Det Beste A.S.; 11Sep77:

AFO-89709. Personal well being: physical education i|-6. Canada. 733 p. O Carleton Board of Education: 30Sep77; APO-89709.

AFO-89710. Analisis historico sobre la aujer Mexicana. By Haria Eugenia Bonifaz De Novelo. l<exico. 163 p. <i Haria Eugenia Bonifaz De Novelo: 1Aug77 (in notice: 1975): AFO-89710.

APO-89711. Chi companion. Vol. 3 England. 60 p. How to order your dinne: restaurant. By Eobert 6 Loretta Chen. Canada. 20 p. English & Chinese. O Robert B. Chen C Loretta N. Chen: 21Sep77; AFO-69711.

APO-89712. Das Neue ADAC iutoreisebuch: Atlas von den Alpen bis zur Nordsee. Best Geraany. 532 p. aevision of book pub. in 1968. NH: revisions. Verlaq Das Beste, G.H.B.R.; 9Sep77; AFO-89712.

AFO-B9713. Deutsche Sprache: Zeitschrift fuer Theorie, Praxis, Dokuaentation. t. Jahrg. 1976. Hrsg. von Hugo Steger, in Zusaaaenarbeit ait dea Institut fuer Deutsche Sprache. Best Geraany. 384 p. Appl. an: Joachia Ballweg, Angelika Ballweq-Schraaa 6 Anne Betten. Erict Schaidt Verlaq; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976): AFO-89713.

APO-89714. Deutsche Sprache: Zeitschrift fuer Theorie, Praxis, Dokuaentation. Gebundener Jahrq. 1975. Best Geroany. 38t p. Appl. au: Joachim Bahr, Karl-Heina Bausch 6 Kurt Braunaueller. O Erich Schmidt Verlaq; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1975): AFO-B97114.

APO-89715. Koaaentar zur Ersatzkasseu-Adqo. 1. Bd. , 5. Aufl., 37. Ergaenzungslieferung, Stand 1. Juli 1977. Von Dietrich Brueck. Best Geraany. Sheets. O Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag, G.H.B.H. ; 10Aug77: AFO-89715.

AFO-89716. Koaaentar zum Bewertungsaassstab (Aerzte) BHAE. 1. Bd. , 2. Aufl., 16. Ergaenzungslieferung. Stand 1. 10. 1977. Von Dietrich Brueck. Best Geraany. Sheets. Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag, G.a.B.H.; 170ct77; AFO-89716.

AFO-89717. Koaaentar zur Gebuehrenordnung fuer Aerzte. 1. Bd., t. Aufl., 25. Ergaen- zungslieferung, Stand 1. Juli 1977. Von Dietrich Brueck. Best Geraany. Sheets. O Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag, G.H.B.H.; 13JU177; AFO-897 17.

AFO-89718. Koaaentar zur Gebuehrenordnung fuer Aerzte. 1. Bd. , U. Aufl., 26. Ergaen- zungslieferung, Stand 1. Oktober 1977. Von Dietrich Brueck. Best Germany. Sheets. Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag, G.H.B.H.; 130ct77; AFO-89718.

APO-89719. Koaaentar zuo Bewertungsaassstab (Aerzte) BHAE. 1. Bd., 2. Aufl., IS. Ergaenzungslieferung, stand 1. 7. 1977. Von Dietrich Brueck. Best Geraany. sheets. O Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag, G.H.B.H.; 25JU177; AFO-89719.

APO-89720. Kommentar zur Ersatzkassen- Adgo. 1. Bd. , 5. Aufl., 36. Ergaenzungslieferung, Stand 1. Oktober 1977. Von Dietrich Brueck. Best Geraany. 1 v. Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag, G.H.B.H.; 18oct77; APa-89720.

APO-89721. Foraalitaeten vor der Niederlassung. Von Bolf Liebold, unter Hitwirkung der Planungsgruppe beia Zentralinstitut fuer die kassenaerztliche Versorgung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, aitglieder: A. Bossaann C others. 3. ueberarbeitete Aufl. Best Geraany. 86 p. (Nieder- lassungsservice, Bd. 2) Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag, G.H.B.H.; 2aHov77; AFO-89721.

AFO- 89722. Kirjavallot. Finland. 178 p. Prev. pub. in U.S. editions of Beader^s digest condensed books. MH: Finnish language translation. Oy Vaiitut Palat — Header's Digest, A. B.; 190ct77: APO-89722.

SFO-89723. La Casa del bosque, by B. Bheeler 6 H. Benedicto. And other titles. Spain. 475 p. (Biblioteca de selecciones) Appl. au: Selecciones del Beader's Digest (Iberia), S.A. Prev. pub. in O.S. editions of Header's digest condensed books. NH: Spanish language translation & additional aaterial. Selecciones del Header's Digest (Iberia), S.A.; 15Sep77; APO-89723.

AF0-8972lt. The Spoils of war. By Douglas Scott, pseud, of Douglas Scott Saith. England. 286 p. O Douglas Scott, whose full legal name is Douglas Scott Saith; 21Nov77; AFO-B9724.

AFO-89725. Aluainiua electrolysis: the cheoistry of the Hall-Beroult process. By Kai Griotheia, Conrad Krohn, Hilan Halinovsky, Kaail Hatiasovsky 6 Joaar Thonstad. Best Geraany. 350 p. O Aluainiua- Verlag, G.H.B.H.; 20Hay77; APO-89725.

AFO-89726. Sachunterricht Schleswig-Holstein; ein Lehrbucb fuer das 3. C 4. Schuljahr. Bearb. von Hans fi. Draeger, Luise Harms, Juergen Hola, Dietrich Schulz 6 Volker Zarp. Best Geraany. 144 p. Add. ti: Kopiervorlagen fuer Arbeitsbogen. O Verlag Ferdinand Hirt; 22Sep77; AFO-89726.

iFO-89727. Calendrier du jardinage. France. 567 p. Add. ti: Gardening year. Based on The Gardening year, pub. in Great Britain, 1976. NH: French language translation. O Selection du Header's Digest, S.A.; 22Sep77; APO-89727.

»FO-89728. The Borld's last aysteries. Great Britain. 319 p. English translation from a French book pub. in 1976. BH: English translation. The Header's Digest Associi Ltd.; 180ct77: AFO-89728.

APO-89729. DeterainatioD of configurations by dipole aoaents, CD or OHD. Edited by Henri B. Kagan. Best Geraany. 198 p. (Stereocheaistry: fundaaentals and aethods, vol. 2) C Georg Ihieae Verla AFO-89729 (con.) (in notice: Georq Thi 11»uij77: AFO-89729.

De Publishers) ;

AFO-89730. Oetenination of configurations by chenical metliods. Edited by Henri B. Kaqan. Best Germany. 135 p. (Ste- reocheaistrv: fundamentals and aetbods, »ol. 3) e Georq Tbieme Verlaq (in notice: Seorq Thieme Publishers) ; 29Sep77: AFO-89730.

AFO-89731. Absolute configurations of 6000 selected compounds with one asyometric carbon atom. By Jean Jacques* Claude Gros & Simone Bourcier, »ith the collaboration of Marie-Josephe Brienne fi Jean Toallec. Best Germany. 602 p. (Stereochemistry: fundamentals and methods, vol. 4) Georq Thieme Terlaq (in notice: Georg Thieme Publishers); 25Auq77: AFO-89731.

AFO-89732. Transactions of the International Astronomical Dnion. Vol. 16B: proceedings of the 16th General Assembly, Grenoble, 1976. Edited by Edith A. Dueller 6 Arnost Jappel. Holland. 586 p. French 6 English. The International Astronomical Dnion: 5Sep77; AFO-89732.

AFO- 89733. The White lions of Timbarati, and other titles. Great Britain. 510 p. (Beader's Digest condensed books) Prev. pub. in D-S. editions of Beader's Digest condensed books. SB: compilation 6 additional material. O The Beader's Digest Association, Ltd.; 10Noy77: AFO-89733.

AFO-89734. Decision making and change in human affairs; proceedings of the Fifth Besearch Conference on Subiecti»e Probability, Otility, and Decision Making, Darmstadt. Sept. 1-<1, 1975. Edited by Helmut Jungermann 6 Gerard De Zeeuv. Holland. 527 p. e D. fieidel Publishing Company; 30Auq77: AFO-89734.

AFO-89735. Radio astronomy and cosmology. Symposium no. 7it. Edited by David I. Jauncey. Holland. 398 p. Held at Cambridqe, Enqland, Auq. 16-20, 1976. Appl. au: J. E. Baldiiin. 6 The Intei^ national Astronomical Onion; 23Aug77; AFO-89735.

AFO-89736. Highlights of astronomy. Vol. 4, pt. presented at the 16th General Assembly, 1976. Edited by Edith A. Dueller. Holland. 2 ». Appl. au: The International Astronomical Onion, employer for hire, e The International Astro- nomical Onion; 23&aq77: AFO-89736.

APO-89737. A History of the great trains. By Chris Cook. Enqland. 14i( p. O Chris Cook; 22Sep77; APO-89737.

AFO- 89738. Kings and queens of Britain. By Joyce Harlou, Kith chapters on the Scottish monarchs contributed by Eispeth HcKay. Great Britain. 185 p. e on the Enqlish monarchs; Joyce Marlon; T5Sep77; AFO-a9738.

APO-89739. Klnqs and queens of Britain. By Joyce Marlov, Kith chapters on the Scottish monarchs contributed by Eispeth HcKay. Great Britain. 185 p. on the Scottish monarchs ' (Robert Bruce, James 1st, James 5th, Mary Queen of Scots, James 6th 6 1st); Artus; 15Sep77; AFO-89739.

AFO-89740. Safari Karten. Nr. 601-624. Svitzerland. Folder 6 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg, Philippe Duflon 6 Andre Estoppey. 6 on German ed. ; Editions Eencontre, S.A.; 4Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; AFO-39740.

AFO-89741. Safari Karten. Kr. 625-648. Siiitzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg, Philippe Duflon 6 Andre Estoppey. e on German ed. ; Editions Rencontre, S.A.; 4Feb77 (in notice: 1976); iFO-89741.

AFO-89742. Safari Karten. Br. 649-672. SHitzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg, Philippe Duflon 8 Andre Estoppey. 6 on German ed. ; Editions Rencontre, S.A.; 4Feb77 (in notice: 1976) : iFO-89742.

AFO-89743. Safari Karten. Hr. 673-696. SHitzerland. Folder 8 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg, Philippe Dnflon 6 Andre Estoppey. 6 on German ed.; Editions Rencontre, S. A.; 25Peb77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-89743.

AFO-89744. Safari Karten. Nr. 697-720. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg, Philippe Duflon 6 Andre Estoppey. e on German ed. ; Editions Eencontre, S.A. ; 25Feb77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-89744.

AFO-89745. Safari Karten. Nr. 721-744. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. e on German ed. ; Editions Bencontre, S.A. ; 25Feb77 (in notice: 1976): AFO-89745.

AFO-89746. Safari Karten. Nr. 745-768. Switzerland. Folder 6 24 cards. Appl. au; Paul Schauenberg, Philippe Duflon C Andre Estoppey. © on German ed. ; Editions Rencontre, S.A.; 18Mar77; AFO-89746.

AFO-89747. Safari Karten. Nr. 769-792. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg, Philippe Duflon 8 Andre Estoppey. © on German ed. ; Editions Rencontre, s. A. ; 18ilar77; AFO-89747.

AFO-89748. Safari Karten. Nr. 793-816. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg, Philippe Duflon 6 Andre Estoppey. e on German ed.; Editions Bencontre, S.A.; 18Har77; AFO-89748. AFO-89749.

Akkorde-dissonanzen: Impressionen aus der Technischen Bpoche; Lyrik. By Baiter Zrenner. Austria. 167 p. 6 Oester- reichische Verlagsanstalt ; 12Sep77; AFO-89749.

AFO-89750. Marx's "Capital" and capitalism today. Vol. 1. By Antony J. Cutler, Barry Hindess, Paul Q. Hirst 8 Athar Hussain. England. 331 p. e Paul Q. Hirst, A. J. Cutler, Barry Hindess S A. Hussain; 130ct77; AFO-89750.

APO-89751. Historic architecture of Northumberland and Newcastle upon Tyne. By Bruce Allsopp 8 Orsula Clark. England. 124 p. NM: new text, e Bruce Allsopp 8 Orsula Clark; 270ct77; AFO-89751.

AFO-89752. Martine chez tante Lucie. By Giljjert Delahaye 6 Marcel Marlier. Belgium 6 France. 20 p. e Casterman; 30Sep77; AFO-89752.

AFO-89753, Le Costume, I'armure et les armes au temps de la chevalerie. I. 1: du 8. au 15. siecle. By Liliane 6 Fred Funcken. France. 156 p. Casterman; 30ct77; AFO-89753.

AFO- 89754. Le Grand almanach des 7/14. Teztes 8 dessins de Dina-K. Tourneur. France. 186 p. e Casterman; 13Cct77; AFO-89754.

AFO-89755. Common f actors/iulgar factions. By Jeffrey Addison Nuttall 8 Eodick Carmichael. England. 152 p. 3 Jeff Nuttall 6 Rodick Carmichael; 270ct77; AFO-89755.

AFO-89756. yakari. By Derib, pseud, of Claude De Bibaupierre 6 Job, pseud, of Andre Jobin. Belgium, France. 46 p. e Casterman; 22Sep77; APO-89756.

AFO-89757. Yakari et le bison blanc. By Derib, pseud, of Claude De Bibaupierre 6 Job, pseud, of Andre Jobin. Belgium, France. 46 p. Casterman; 25Sep77; AFO-89757.

AFO- 89758. Le 4 as et le gang des chapeaux blancs. Dessin: Francois Craenhals, scenario; Georges chaulet. Belgium, France. 48 p. e Casterman; 250ct77; AFO-89758.

AFO-89759. Je reponds a tout avec les farfeluches. Conception B texte d' Alain Gree, illus. de Luis Camps. Belgium, Prance. 92 p. e Casterman; 5oct77; APO-89759.

AFO-8976Q. Au coeur du vivant. Par Jean-Claude Pasquiez, illus. de Francois Craenhals, a»ec la collaboration scientifigue de Jean Oemal. Belgium, France. 60 p. e Casterman; 20Sep77; AFO-89760.

AFO- 89 761. Die Andere Dimension; Gedichte. By Johann Gunert. Austria. 126 p. e Bergland Verlag; 23Sep77; AFO-89761.

AFO-89762. Im Strahlungsfeld: moderne Zeitbilder und ihre Interpretation; Erzaehlungen. By Baiter Zrenner. Austria. 334 p. e Oesterreichische Verlagsanstalt; 12Sep77; AFO-89762.

AFO-89763. Ich leb' am Rand der grossen Stadt; Floridsdorf im Gedicht. By Baiter Baeck. Austria. 102 p. e Oesterreichische Verlagsanstalt; 26Sep77; AFO-89763.

AFO-89764. The Borld encompassed: Drake's great voyage, 1577-1580. By Derek Bilson. Great Britain. 240 p. e Derek Bilson; 22Sep77; APO-89764.

AFO-89765. The Shadow on the hills. By Colin Milton Thiele. Great Britain. 182 p. e Colin Thiele; 7Jul77; AFO-89765.

AFO-89766. The Life and times of Emile Zola. By F. B. J. Hemmings. Onlted Kingdom. 192 p. e F. H. J. Hemmings; 22Sep77; 4FO-89766.

AFO-89767. Urban sociology in an urbanized' society jrO-89767 (con.) Bv Julia Bosemacy Heilor. Eoqland. 309 p. e J. S. Hellor; 60ct77: APO-89767.

iFO- 89768. Apprentice; a historical novel. By Eichard Elliott Early. England. 179 p. e Bichard E. Early: 130ct77: AFO-89768.

lPO-89769. De Grootste mysteries aller tiJBden. olland. 319 p. Add. ti: Horld's last lysteries. Appl. au; Oitqevcrsaaat- chappii The Header's Diqest, N. V. Prev. pub. in France, 1976. NS: translation. © Oitqeversaaatschappii The fieader's Diqest, N.V. 6 N.V. Header's Diqest, S.A.; 20Sep77: AFO-89769.

AFO-89770. Le Savant fou. Tezte S dessin: Jacques Tardi, lettraqe S couleur: Anne Delobel. BelqiuD, France. 18 p. (Les Aventuces ertraordinaires d'Adele Blanc-Sec) e Casteraan: <tOct77; AFO-89770.

AFO- 89771. Les Vacances. D'apres La Cootesse De Sequr, adaptation: Jean-Claude Lowenthal, dessins: Louis-Michel Carpentier. BelqiUB, France. U5 p. Nil: adaptation £ illus. O Casternan: 29Sep77: AFO-89771.

AFO-89772. Les Heooires d ' un ane. D'apres La Contesse De Sequr, adaptation: Jean-Claude Lonenthal, dessins: Louis-Bichel carpentier. BelqiuB, France. 45 p. HH: adaptation C illus. Casterman: 310ct77; AFO-e9772.

AFO-89773. L* Elixir du Beverend Pere Gaucher: suivi de Les Sauterelles. By Alphonse Daudet, iaaqes d' Elisabeth Ivanovsky. Beiqium, France. 31 p. (L'Aqe d'or) Add. ti: L'Eiiiir du pere Gaucher. NH: adaptation 6 illus. O Casteraan; 50ct77: APO-89773.

AFO- 89774. (10 1eux pour jouec a plusieurs. Conception & texte d'Alaic Gree, illus. de Luis Canps C Gerard Gree. Belqiua, France. 91 p. Appl. au : Bare Becthier. O Casterman: 110ct77: AFO-89774.

AFO-89775. Takari chez les castors. By Derib, pseud, of Claude De Bibauplerre £ Job, pseud, of Andre Jobin. Belqiua, France. 146 p. e Casterman; I40ct77; AFO-89775.

AFO- 89776. L'Or des aoDtaqnes. By Hans G. Kresse. Beiqium, France. 48 p. (Les Peaux- rouqes) Casterman; 180ct77; AFO-89776.

AFO-89777. L'Oqre de Hora. Par Francois Craenhals. Belqiua, France. 47 p. (Chevalier Ardent) C Casterman: 26Sep77; AFO-89777.

AFO- 89778. Le Spectre de Carthage. By Jacques Hartin. Belqiua, France. «8 p. (Alix) Casterman: 130ct77; AFO-89778.

AFO-89779. Der Neueste Hussafia: Lehr- und OebunqsbuCh der italieoischen Oaqan- qssprache. Bd. 2. Von Giorqio Bessaann & Teresa Crans toun-Pessia. Neu bearb. & erqaenzt. Austria. iti»7 p. O Hilhelm Braumueller, oniveritaets- Verlaqsbuc- hhandlunq, G.H.B.H.; 31Har77: AFO-89779.

AFO-89780. Steinzeit. Gedichte. By Hedaiq Katscher. Austria. 64 p. (Profile und

AFO-89781. Lateinische Wortlcuode fuer Anfaenqer und Fortqeschrittene. Von Buediger Vischer. Best Germany. 224 p. O B. G. Teubner; 30Sep77; AFO-89781.

AFO-89782. Numerilc qevoehnlicher Diff erential- qleichunqen. Bd. 2: Hehrschrittvecfahren. Voc Hoif Dieter Gnqorieff unter Hituirkunq von Hans Joachim Pfeiffer. Vest Germany. 411 p. B. G. Teubner: 28Sep77: AFO-89782.

AFO-89783. Great words from qreat lives. Honq Konq. 1 V. Enqlish 6 Chinese. NB; compilation. O Header's Diqest Asso- ciation Far East, Ltd.; 21Nov77: AFO-89783.

AFO-89784. Autour du -jardln. France. 48 p. Add. ti: Garden lore. Selection du Header's Digest, S.A.; 16Sep77: APO-89784.

AFO-89785. Antiikin scitseman ihmetta. Texti: J. a. Green. Finland. 51 p. Add. ti: Seven vonders of the antique world. Appl. au: Oy Valitut Palat — Reader's Diqest, A. B. NH: Finnish language translation. e Oy Valitut Palat — Header's Digest, A.B.; 120ct77; AFO-89785.

AFO-89786. Sounds fun 2; a second book of musical qames. By Trevor Uishart. England. 4S p. O Dniversal Edition (London) Ltd.; 31JU177; AFO-89786.

AFO-89787. Interests and the growth of knowledge. By Stanley Barry Barnes. England. 109 p. e S. B. Barnes; 60ct77; AFO-897e7.

AFO-89788. fi. D. Laing, his work and its relevance for sociology. By Hartin Howarth- Silliaas. England. 219 p. flartin Howarth-Billiams; 60ct77; AFO-89788.

AFO-89789. Les Aventures de Francois Yidocg. By Hans G. Kresse. Belgium, France. 145 p. O Casterman; 15Sep77; AFO-89789.

AFO-89790. Topics in interstellar aatter; invited reviews given for Commission 34 (in- terstellar matter) of the International Astronomical Union, at the sixteenth general asseably of lau, Grenoble, Aug. 1976. Edited by Hugo Van Moerden. Holland. 295 p. (Astrophysics and space science library, vol. 70) Appl. au: J. Beaburn. O D. Beidel Publishing Coapany; 9Sep77; AFO-89790.

AFO-89791. Systeas: approaches, theories, applications; including the proceedings of the Eighth George Hudson Syaposiua held at Plattsburgh, Ny, Apr. 11-12, 1975. Edited by uilliam E. Hartnett. Holland. 202 p. Appl. au: Peter Billner S Bobert Bosen. D. Beidel Publishing Company; 5Sep77; AFO-89791.

AFO-89792. Dye lasers. Edited by Fritz Peter Schaefer. 2nd rev. ed. Best Germany. 299 p. (Topics in applied physics, vol. 1) O Springer-Terlaq; 27Sep77; AFCI-89792.

AFO-89793. Optical and infrared detectors. Edited by Bobert J. Keyes. Best Germany. 305 p. (Topics in applied physics, vol. 19) Appl. au: Ernest H. Putley. Springer- Teclag: 29Aag77; AFO-89793.

AFO-89794. Current topics in microbiology and immunology. Vol. 77. Edited by «. Arber 6 others. Best Germany. 168 p. Appl. au: Billiaa E. Bawls 6 Silvia Bacchetti. O Springer-Verlag; 130ct77; AFO-89794.

AFO-89795. Current concepts in pediatric radiology. Edited by Ole Ekloef. Best Germany. 150 p. (Current diagnostic pediatrics, vol. 1) Appl. aui H. Astley t S. Cardranel. O Springer-Verlag; 180ct77; AFO-89795.

AFO-89796. Structure and bonding. Vol. 33. Editors: J. D. Dunitz C others. Best Germany. 214 p. Appl. au: Keith D. Barren 6 K. Schubert. O Springer-Verlag; 30ct77; AFO-e9796.

AFO-89797. Current topics in pathology, 65. Editors: E. Grundmann 6 B. H. Kirsten. Best Germany. 203 p. Appl. au: Annemarie Adam t K. D. Bock. 6 Springer-Verlag; 30Sep77; AFO-89797.

AFO-89798. Brain and heart Infarct. Editors: Klaus Joachim Zuelch £ others. Best Germany. 349 p. Springer-Verlag; 5Sep77; AFO-89798.

AFO-89799. Inorganic chemistry metal carbonyl chemistry. Best Germany. 190 p. (Topics in current chemistry, vol. 71) Appl. au: Paolo Chini £ Brian T. Heaton. O Springer-Verlag; 180ct77; AFO-89799.

AFO-89800. Les Dossiers noirs de la pollution. By Guy Tarade. France. 256 p. (Les Enigmes de I'univers) l<l!: additional text £ compilation of prev. pub. texts £ rllus. e Editions Bobert Laffont, s. A. ; 30Sep77: AFO-89800.

AFO-89801. flanneguin haute couture. By Liane Vrguie. France. 305 p. (One Feame et son metier) NB: compilation of prev. pub. illus. £ additional text £ illus. e Editions Bobert Laftont, s. A. ; 30Sep77; AFO-89801.

AFO-89802. Charles 6.: le bal des Ardents. By Pierre Gascar, pseud, de Pierre Fournier. France. 274 p. NB: additional text S compilation of prev. pub. texts. O Editions Gallimard; 30Sep77: AFO-89802.

AFO-89803. Julienne et la riviere; roman. By Jean-Pierre Otte. France. 141 p. Editions Bobert Laffont, S. A. ; 30Sep77; AFO-89803.

4FO-89804. Binutes d'un libertin, 1938-1941. By Francois Sentein. France. 256 p. HB: additional text fi compilation of prev. pub. texts. C Editions La Table Sonde; 140ct77; AFO-89804.

AFO-e9805. Exercices resolus d'analyse. By Jacgueline Lelong-Ferrand. France. 301 p. Bordas; 30No»77; AFO-89805.

AFO-89806. Pays conguis; roaan. By Francois Salvaing. France. 262 p. Editions Robert Laffont, S.A. ; 30Sep77; AFO-89806. SFO-89807. Solutions poUE deoain. By Christian Borromee, pref. de Jacques fiueff, postface de Alain Peyrefitte. France. 215 p. (L'Appell NM: additional text 6 compilation of prev. pub. texts, e Librairie Plon ; 30Sep77: AFO-89807.

AFO-89808. Les mots, la mort, les sorts; la sorcellecie dans le Bocaqe. Pan Jeanne Pavret-Saada. France. 332 p. NM: additional text 6 compilation of prev. pub. texts. Q Editions Gallimard; 250ct77; AFO-89808.

AFO-89809. Les Templiers; histoice 6 traqedie. By Georqes Bordonove. France. 280 p. NM: revisions S additions. © Librairie Arthejue Fayard; 30Sep77: AFO-89809.

JFO-89810. Le Mauvais lieu; roman Green. France. 295 p- 30Sep77; AFO-89810- © Librairie PlbD ;

AFO-89811. Die Physioloqische Dhr; circadiane ShythmiJt und Biochronometrie. By Emin Buenninq. 3- qruendlich ueberarbeitete Aufl. West Germany. 176 p. Sprinqer- Verlaq; 23Auq77; ,AF0-89811.

AFO-89812. Ferniiirktechnik der Baumfahrt: Telemetrie* Telekommando* Bahnvermessunq. By Philipp Hartl. Hest Germany. 208 p. (Nachrichtentechnik, Bd. 2) Sprinqer- Verlaq: 3Auq77: AFO-89812.

AFO-89813. Ska' vi danse: Juqoslaviske folkedanse 2. By Claus Joerqensen, forsideklip: Ole ixelsen, illustrationer: Lene Noer. Denmark. 16 p. Hilhelm Hansen a.k.a. Edition Uilhelm Hansen; 30ct77; AFO-89813.

AFO-89814. Ska* vi danse, Juqoslaviske folkedanse 3. By claus Joerqensen, forsideklip: Ole Axelsen, illustrationer; Ltine Noer. Denmark. 16 p. @ Hilbelm Hansen a.k.a. Edition Wilhelm Hansen; 30ct77; AFO-89814.

SFO-89815. Cecilc, Jean et les amours enfantines. By Jacques De Saint-Paul, pseud, de Paul Innocenzi. France. 187 p. © J. De Saint Paul & SECLE a-a-d.o- Societe pour 1' Exploitation du Commerce de Librairie et d> Edition; 300ct77; AFO-89815.

AFO-8981 6. Le PCF, continuite dans le chanqenent; de Haurice Thorez a Georqes Marchais. By Auquste Lecoeur. France. 236 p. NM; additional text & compilation of prev. pub. texts. a Editions Eobert Laffout, S-A. : 30Sep77; AFO-89815.

AFO-89817. Les Dames de France; roBan. By Anqelo Binaldi. France. 286 p. Editions Galliaard; 250ct77; AFO-89817.

AFO-8981 8. Face aux venqeurs; roman. By Bertrand Solet, pseud, of Bertrand Soletchnik. France. 183 p. 6 Editions Robert Laffont, S.A.; 30Sep77; ArO-89818.

AFO-8981 9. Le Depart; roman. 3y Josane Duranteau. France. 147 p. fi Julliard; 30Sep77: APO-89819.

AFO-89820. Physik fuer Hediziner; eine Einfuehruuq. By Hans-Olrich Harten unter Mitarbeit von Hans Naeqerl, Joerq Schmidt 6 Hans-Dieter Schulte. 3- neubearb. G ergaenzte Aufl. Hest Germany. 373 p. 6 Springer-Verlag; 29Sep77; AFO-89820.

AFO-89821. GI-7. Jahrestagunq: Nuernberg, 26.-28. September 1977; proceedings 1977. Hrsg. von Hans Juergen Schneider. West Germany. 214 p. (Informatik-Fachberichte, 10) Appl. au: Gerhard Barth S Eobert Gieqerich. © Springer-Verlag; 9Sep77; APO-89821.

AFO-89822. Inf usionsloesungen: technische Probleme in der Herstellung und Anwendung. Hrsg. von F. H. Ahnefeld B others. Best Gernany. 210 p. (Klinische inaest- hesiologie und Intensivtherapie, Bd. 14) Appl. au; K. H. Baessler. © Sprinqer- Verlaq; 5Sep77; AFO-89822.

AFO-89823. Traite de micro-iDaunotherapie dynamisee. T. 1-2. By Otto Andre Julian. France. 2 v, Q Librairie Le Francois; 15Sep77; 4FO-89823.

AFO-89824. Le Temps des grandes chasses; roman. By Eric Delorme. France. 152 p. © S.E.C.L.E. a.a.d.o. Societe pour 1' Expioi-ation du Commerce de Librairie et d'Edition 6 Begine Deforges; 30Jun77; AFO-89824.

AFO-89825. First order categorical logic; model-theoretical methods in the theory of topoi and related categories. By Michael Makkai 6 Gonzalo E. Seyes. Hest Germany. 301 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, 611) © Springer-Verlag; 26Sep77; AFO-89825.

AFO-89826. Georges Marchais; ou, Le Tout-paissant vulnerable. Par Michel Dansel. France. 127 p. (Bos grands hommes) NM: additional text 6 compilation of prev. pub. texts. © S.E.C.L.E. a.a.d.o. Societe pour 1» Exploitation du Commerce de Librairie et d'Edition S Begine Deforges; 140Ct77; AFO-89826.

AFO-89827. Henry Miller. By Frederic-J. lemple. France. 156 p. NM: additional text 6 compilation of prev. pub. texts. S.E.C.L.E. a.a.d.o. Societe pour 1' Exploitation du Commerce de Librairie et d'Edition 6 Begine Deforges; 2'»Oct77; APO-89a27.

AFO-89828. L'Arbre aux souhaits. De Hilliao Faulkner, traduit de 1' anglais par fl.-E. Coindreau, illus de Keleck, pseud, de Jacqueline Barse. France. 89 p. Original ti. : The Hishing tree. © on illus.; Editions Gallimard; 22Sep77; 4FO-89828.

AFO-89829. Psychology calendar, 1978. Text: u. F. Angermeier & P. K. Leppmann. Best Germany. Appl. au; Springer-Verlag, employer for hire. © Sprinqer-Verlag; 12Sep77: AFO-89829.

APO-89830. Detruire la nuit, journal 1974-1975. By Michel Ciry. France. 401 p. © Librairie Plon; 300ct77; AFO-89830.

APO-89831. Aguirre: le rugby en plus. By Jean-Paul Eey. France. 123 p. NM: additional text 6 compilation of prev. pub. Illus. © Calmann-Levy; 30Sep77; AFO-89831.

L' Europe suicidaire, 1870-1933. Par Leon Poliakov. France. 364 p. (Liberte de I'esprit) NM: additional text 6 compilation of prev. pub. texts. © Calmann-Levy; 30Sep77; AFO-89832.

AFO-89833. Je tire ma reverence. By Bene Girier- France. 329 p. © Editions de la Table Bonde; 140ct77; AFO-89833.

AfO-89834. Que sout les siecles pour la mer; roman. By Max Gallo. France. 303 p. © Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A. ; 30Jun77; AFO-89834.

APO-89835. Notre generation communiste, 1953- 1968 — essai d' autobiographie politique. By Philippe Bobrieux. France. 349 p. NM: additional text 6 compilation of prev. pub. texts. © Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A.; 30Sep77; AFO-89835.

AFO-89836. Offensive sur le fiiiin; la grande operation auphibie de juin 1940. By Roger Bruge, pref. du General D'Esclaibes. Prance. 427 p. (Histoire de la ligne Maginot, 3) NM: additional text 6 compilation of prev. pub. illus. © Librairie Artheme Fayard; 9Hov77; AFO-89835.

AFO-89837. Almanach Hachette du jardinier. Dessins de Maurice Campan. France. 189 p. Appl. au: Sylvie Diartc. © Hachette; 30Sep77; APO-89837.

AFO-89838. Les Aveux spontanes. By Jacques Isorni. Prance. 199 p. (Violence et societe) NM: additional text 6 compilation of prev. pub. texts. © Editions Robert Laffont, S.A. ; 30Sep77; AFO-89838.

AFO-89839. Le Juif errant — genese d'une legende. By Boland Auguet. Prance. 194 p. (Le Begard de 1' histoire) NM: additional text & compilation of prev. pub. teits- © Payot; 30Oct77; AFO-89839.

AFO- 89840. L* Emmitoufle; roman. By Louis Caron. France. 241 p. Editions Robert Laffont, S.A.; 30Sep77; AFO-89840.

AFO-89841. La Confession de la foi chretienne. Textes presentes par Claude Bruaire, postface de Henri De Lubac. Prance. 341 p. NM: foreuord e editing. 6 Librairie Artheme Fayard; 120ct77; AFO-89841.

AFO-89842. Otopie fonciere; I'espace pour I'homme. By Edgard Pisani. pref. de Michel Bocard. France. 212 p. NM: additional text 6 compilation of prev. pub. texts. © Editions Gallimard; 140ct77; AFO-89842.

AFO-89843. Les Egarements du coeur et de I'esprit. De Crebillon, fils, cd. presentee, etablie & annotee par Bene Etiemble. France. 309 p. NM: editorial revision. © Editions Gallimard; 30Sep77; AFO-89843.

AFO-89844. Cours de droit civil avec plans de devoirs et etudes de questions pratiques. T. 1, premier volume. By Michel De Juglart. 9. ed, France. 622 p. © Editions Montchrestien; 30Sep77; AFO-89844.

AFO-89845. Le Jeu des milles francs: 2000 questions, 2000 reponses. Prance. 224 p. AFO-89845 (con.) Appl. au: STlvie Diarte. 30Sep77: iP0-89845. Hachette:

APO-89846. Histolres droles d'anifflauz. By Hina Guillois & Andre Guillois. Prance. 262 p. HH: nev text £ coapilation. Librairie Arthenie Fayard; 30Nov77; AFO-89846.

AFO-89847. Le Teaps des prophetes: doctrines de I'aqe roaaotique. By Paul benichoa. France. 589 p. NH: new text S coa- pilation. Editions Galliaard; 250ct77: AFO-898«7.

AFO-898a8. On Certain Bayaond Bacre. By Pierre Pellissier. France. 220 p. NB : nev text £ coapilation. Hachette; 300ct77; AFO-8981t8.

AFO-898U9. Hascareiqne ou le scheaa; roaan. By Jean Dutourd. France. 187 p. O Julliard: 300ct77: AFO-898lt9.

AFO-89850. Hichel poniatOHSki preseote Cadoudal, Horeau et Picfaeqru. Par Eaile Marco Dc Saint-Hilaire, pref. de Jean-Francois Chiappe. Prance. 375 p. SB: text 6 editing of Michel Poniatovski. Librairie tcadeaique Perrin; 30Sep77; AFO-89850.

AFO-89851. L'Aqenda de Mere, 1964-1967. Vol. 1. De Here Mirra Alfassa, presentation £ editinq de Padaanabhan Counouaa. India. 71 p. Articles prev. pub. in Bulletin du Centre International d •Educations Sri Aurobindo, Feb. 1965-llo». 1967. NM: editinq £ notes. C Sri Aurobindo Ashraa Trust; 30Auq77; APO-89851.

AFO-898 52. Le Coapaqnonnaqe en France. By Jean-Pierre Bayard. France. 479 p. NM: new text £ coapilation. Payot; 30Jun77; APO-89852.

AFO-89853. Espaces nouveaux de la aedecine. By Antoine Claris, pseud, de Jean-Pierre Huyard. France. 307 p. MM: nev text £ coapilation. O Editions Bobert Laffont. S.A.: 30Sep77; AFO-89853.

AFO-89854. Le Sac de Constantinople; roaan. By Jacques Cadis. France. 319 p. (Les Aaants du Bosphore, t. 2) O Editions de Tre*ise; 300ct77: AFO-89SS4.

AFO-89855. La Grand croisiece de Doaino. By Suzanne Pairault, lllus de Francois Batet. France. 149 p. Hachette: 30Oct77; AF0-8985S.

AFO-89856. Soldats perdus. By Andre Zeller. France. 413 p. KM: additional text £ coapilation of prev. pub. texts £ illus. Librairie Acadeaique Perrin: 300ct77; AFO-89856.

AFO-89857. Bernard et Bianca, les sauveteurs. De Marqery sharp, texte francais d'oliwier Sechan. illus d ' Annie-Claude Martin. France. 155 p. Original ti. : The sescuers. NM: French text £ illus. Hachette; 30Oct77; APO-89857.

AFO- 89858. Zazie dans le aetro. De Bayaond Queneau, illus de I'auteur. Prance. 168 p. (Collection 1000 soleils) O on unpub. illQs. by Queneau; Editions Galliaard; 30Sep77; AFO-89858.

AFO-89859. Ecologie du petit qibier et aaenageaent des chasses. Ouvraqe coiiectif presente par Paul Pesson £ M. G. Birkan. France. 272 p. (Foraation peraanente en ecoloqie et biologie) O Bordas; 30Sep77; AFO-89859.

APO-89860. Les Grandes heures de I'Auverqne. By Jean Anqlade. France. 384 p. NM: additional text £ coapilation of prev. pub. texts fi illus. O Librairie Acadeaique Perrin; 30Sep77; AFO-89860.

AFO-89861. Mladetzko: zum Gedeakeu unserer Vorfahren den Bewobnecn von Hladetzko und deren Kindern qeuidaet. By Hans Sauer. iest Geraany. 200 p. Hans Sauer; 6Jun77; AFO-89861.

APO-89862. Blouses blanches et noirs desseins. By Jean-Jacques Tourteau, illus de Claude Lacroix. France. 182 p. (Les Missions du Docteur Harchal) Hachette; 300ct77; AFO-89862.

AFO-89863. Jeanne D*Arc. By Eeaanuel Bourassin. France. 349 p. NM: additional text £ coapilation of prev. pub. texts £ illus. O Librairie Acadeaique Perrin; 30S€p77; AFO-89863.

AFO-89864. Glossaire anqlais-f rancais du aarketing. Par Jacques Lieu. France. 487 p. Add. ti: Enqlish-French glossary of aarketing teras. Appl. au: Doainique Delorae £ EdHiqe Laforet. C Jacques Lieu; 300ct77; AFO-89864.

AFO-89865. Technische Theraodynaaik: Grundlagen und Anwendunqen. Bd. 2: flehrstof fsysteae £ cheaiscfae Heaktionen. By Ernst Schaidt. 11. neubearb. Aufl.: Karl Stephan £ Franz Hayinqer. Best Geraany. 358 p. O Springer-Verlaq; 190ct77; AFO-89865.

AFO-89866. Haxiailien et charlotte du Mexique: la tragedie de I'aabition. By Andre Casteiot. France. 645 p. NB: new text £ coapilation of texts £ illus. O Librairie Acadeaique Perrin; 30Oct77; AFO-89866.

AFO-89867, Le Grand aetier: journal d'un capitaine de peche de Fecamp. Par JeaB Becher. France. 479 p. (Terre huaaine, 31) NM: new text, new illus. £ coapilation of illus. Librairie Plon; 30Sep77; AF0-89e67.

AFO-89868. Un Auiaal doue de raison. By Bobert Merle, cahier illustre £ realise par Bernard Planche. France. 271 p. on illus.; EditJ.ons Galliaard; 4Nov77; AFO-89868.

AFO-89869. Bernard et Bianca au secours de Penny. De Marqery sharp, texte francais d'Olivier Sechan, illus. d* Annie-Claude Martin. France. 154 p. Original ti.: Miss Bianca. NM: French text £ lllus. Hachette: 300ct77; AFO-89869.

AFO-89870. Suuri oapelu kirja, ompele ja saasta. Finland. 504 p. Prev. pub. as Beader's Digest complete sewing book. 1976. NM: Finnish language translation. Oy Valitut Palat — Header's Digest, A.B.; 16Auq77; AFO-89870.

AFO-89871. La Plongee et I'interwention sous la aer. By yves Berry, Paul Gavarry, Jean-Paul Hubert, J. Le Chuiton £ J. Pare. Prance. 379 p. Add. ti: L' Intervention sous la aer: la plongee. NM: revisions £ additions. O Librairie Arthaud; 30Sep77; AFO-89871.

AFO-89872. Physioiogie des Kenschea. Begruendet von H. Bein, fortgefuehrt von B. Schneider. 19. ueberarbeitete Aufl.«  hrsg. von Bobert F. Schaidt £ Gerhard Thews. Best Geraany. 72 1 p. Springer- Terlag; 21Sep77; AFO-89872.

AFO-89873. Vincent et Nathalie aux sports d'hiver. Texte de Jean-Pierre Enard, illus de Jean Sidobre. France. 1 v. O Librairie Hachette; 30Oct77; AFO-89873.

AFO-89874. Vincent et Nathalie la peche au tresor. Texte de Jean-Pierre Enard, illus de Jean Sidobre. France. 1 v. O Librairie Hachette; 300ct77; AFO-89874.

AFO-89875. Lasers and excited states of rare earths. By Benata Beisfeld £ Christian Klixbuell Joergensen. Hest Geraany. 226 p. (Inorganic chemistry concepts, vol. 1) O Springer-Verlag; 250ct77; AFO-89875.

AFO-89876. Diagnostic radiology; sappl. By L. Andersson £ others, edited by L. Andersson. Hest Germany. 199 p. (Encyclopedia of urology, vol. 1, suppl.) Add. ti: Handbuch der Urologie. Appl. au: Springer- Verlag« eaployer for hire. O Springer-Verlag; 240ct77; APO-89876.

AFO-89877. Lehrbuch der allgeaeinen Pathologic und der pathologischen Anatoaie. Hrsg. von Max Eder £ P. Gedigk. 30. neubearbeitete Aufl. Best Germany. 848 p. e Springer- Verlag; 110ct77; APO-89877.

AFO-89878. laagioe you're English; classe de 3., seconde langue. By Diane Gibbs £ Noel Goodey, avec la collaboration de U. Davis. F. Morel. B. Thoaas £ Helene Clement. illus: S. Blachon £ P. Oldfield. France. 2 V. in 1. Librairie classi^ue Eugene Belin; 300ct77; AFO-89878.

AFO-89879. Matbeaatiques. Tecainale 0. By Maurice Honge. Marie-Claude Audouin-Egorof f £ Suzanne Hautcoeur-Tardieu. France. 527 p. O Librairie Classique Eugene Belin; 30Oct77; AFO-89879.

AFO-89880. Si Shakespeare a'etait conte. Par Charles Laab £ Mary Laab, text francais d'Alphonse Borgher^-, illus de Prancoise Boudignon. pseud, of Francoise Pichard. France. 187 p. NM: illus. Hachette; 30Oct77; AFO-89a80.

AFO-89881. Le Grand livre de la cuisine bour- guignonne. by Aonick Marie. France. 226 p. O Jean-Pierre Delarge, Editions Universitaires; 180ct77; AFO-89881.

AFO-89882. L'Histoire de la terre. Text de E. De Rosa, adaptation de Martine Buelleux. pseud, of Martine Sassier. France. 121 p. on translation; Librairie Hachette; 300ct77; AFO-89882.

AFO-89883. Cours de langue grecgue. 2e. livre. By Alain Frontier. France. 256 p. AFO- 89883 (con.) e Librairie classique Euqene Belin; 300ct77: AFO-89883.

AFO-89884. L'Aventore au Far Best. Texte de P. Pieroni, adaptation de Thierry sechan. France. 121 p. NH: adaptation. e Librairie Hachette; 300ct77; AF0-89884.

iFO-89885. L'Annee du ruqby, 1977. By christian aontaiqnac, pref. de Jacques Fouroujc. France. 223 p. 6 Calmann-Leyy; 30Sep77; 4F0-89885.

AFO-89886. L'Annee du basket, 1977. By Thierry Bretaqne £ Jean-Pierre Dusseaali. France. 218 p. e Calmann-Levy: 30Sep77 ; AFO-89886. AFO-89887. Hedizinische Mikrobioloqie; ein Unterrichtstext fuer Studenten der gedizin. Vol. 1: Viroloqie. Hrsq. von Paul Klein, bearb. von Dietrich Falke. 2. Aufl. Rest Germany. 152 p. (Beidel- berqer Taschenbuecher, Bd. 178) e Sprinqei^Terlaq: 29Jul77; AFO-89887.

AFO-89888. Geschichte der Hedizin. By Esther Fischen-Homberqer. 2. ueberacb. Aufl. Best Germany. 219 p. (Heidelberqer Taschenbuecher, Bd. 165) S Sprinqer- Verlaq; 28May77;' AFO-89888.

AFO-89889. Hathematische Loqik mit Inforaatik- Anaendanqen. By Eberhard Berqmano 6 Helqa Noll. Best Germany. 321* p. (Heidel- berqer Taschenbuecher, Bd. 187; Saamlunq Informatik) S Sprinqer-Verlaq; 28Jul77; AFO-89889.

iFO-89890. Chemie fuer Hediziner. Bearb. von Hans Peter Latscha, Gerhard Schillinq 6 Helmut Alfons Klein. 2. ueberarb. Aufl. Best Germany. 160 p. (Examens-Fraqen) e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 23Auq77: AFO-89890.

AFO- 8989 1. system a tiscne Differ entialdiaqnose innerer Krankheiten. By P. Gerhardt Scheurlen. Best Germany. 251 p. (Heidelberqer Taschenbuecher, Bd. 188) e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 22Jul77; AFO-89891.

AFO-89892. Psychosozialer "Stress" und koronare Herzkrankheit. Hrsq. von Hax J. Halhuber 6 Billiband Butollo. Best Germany. 201 p. verhandlunqsbericht vom Berkstattqespraech am 8. 6 9. Juli 1976 in der Klinik Hoehenried. e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 29Jun77: AFO-89892.

AFO-89893. L-f non-printable data! structure in real Banach spaces. By Ehrhard Behrends, Bainer Dancknerts, Bichard Evans. Silke Goebel, Peter Greim, Konrad Heyfarth 6 Binfried Hueller. Best Germany. 108 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 613) e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 6Sep77; AFO-89893.

&FO-89894. Mes premieres constructions de programmes. By A. Gerbier. Best Germany. 256 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, 55) Sprinqer-Verlaq: 28Sep77; &F0-89894.

AFO-89895. Inventory-production theory; a linear policy approach. By Christoph A. Schneeweiss. Best Germany. 116 p. (Lecture notes in economics and mat- hematical systems, vol. 151) 9 Sprinqer- Verlaq; 28Sep77; AFO-89e95.

AFO-89896. Psychiatrie. By Baiter schulte 6 Bainer Toelle. 1. ueberarb. Aufl. Best Germany. 392 p. Sprinqer-Verlaq; 23Sep77; AFO-8989^.

AFO-89897. Energy methods in time-varying system stability and instability analyses. By Y. V. Venkatesh. Best Germany. 256 p. (Lecture notes in physics, vol. 68) e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 30Auq77; AFO-89897.

AFO-89898. Topoloqical approach to the chemistry of coniuqated molecules. By Ante Graovac, Ivan Gutman 6 Nenad Trinajstic. Best Germany. 123 p. (Lecture notes in chemistry, vol. 1) 9 Sprinqer-Verlaq; 30Auq77; AFO-89898.

AFO-89899. Complex surfaces and connected sums of complex projective planes. By Boris Uoishezon. Best Germany. 23i( p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 603) e Sprinqer-Verlag; 154uq77; AFO-89899,

AFO-8990a. Rehabilitation: Praxis und Forschung. By Baiter Auqsburqer, Berner Herrmann, F. Knapp, H.-J. Kueppers, H. P. Tens 6 E. Bledenann, mit einem Geleitnort von B. Boll. Best Germany. 100 p (Rehabi- litation und Praevention, 2) Sprinqer- Verlaq: 2Auq77: AFO-89900.

AFO-89901. Berufliche Rehabilitation bei Erk- rankunqen des Haltunqs- und Beweqan- qsapparates. By Hans Joachim Fichtner. Best Germany. 65 p. (Rehabilitation und Praevention, 3) Add. ti: Erkrankungen des Haltunqs- und Bewegungsapparates. a Sprinqer-Verlaq; 2Aug77: AFO-89901.

AFO-89902. Volksuirtschaftliche Theorie det Firma: Firmenverhaiten, Organ isationsstruktur, Kapitalmarktkontrolle. By Niklaus Blattner. Best Germany. 131 p. (Hochschultext) e Sprinqer-Verlag: 29Sep77; 4FO-89902.

AFC-89903. Funktionelle Bewequngslehre. By Sosanne Klein-Voqelbach. 2. korriqierte Aufl. Best Germany. 172 p. (Rehabilitation und Praevention, 1) Sprinqer-Verlag; 15Aug77; AFO-89903.

AFO-89904. Pharmakokinetik; eine Einfuehrung. By Erich Gladtke 6 H. H. Von Hattingberg £ einem Geleitwort von F. H. Dost. 2- neubearb. Aufl. Best Germany. 162 p. e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 28Jun77; AFO-89904.

AFO-39905. Schnell-Interpretation des EKG; ein proqramaierter Kurs. By Dale Dubin, uebers. von Richard Kern 6 ado Klaus Lindner, Geleitnort von H. GillBann. 2nd ueberarb. Aufl. Best Germany. 258 p. Translation o£ Rapid interpretation of EKG's, second edition S Springer-Verlag; 13llay77; AFb-89905.

4FO-89906. Atlas der Rectoskopie und Coloskopie. By Peter Otto 6 Klaus Eiie. 2. neubearb. Aufl. Best Germany. 102 p. 6 Springer- Verlag: 110ct77; AFO-89906.

APO-89907. Die Pumpen. By Hellmuth Schulz. 13. neubearb. Aufl. Best Germany. 505 p. e Springer-Verlag; 22Sep77: AFO-89907.

AFO-89908. Die Elektrosensible Diaqnostik in der Neuroloqie. By Johannes Joerq , mit einem Geleitvort von E. Bay. Best Germany. 126 p. (Neurology series, 19.) (Schrif- tenreihe Neuroloqie, 19) 6 Springer- Verlag; 2ajun77: AFO-89908.

AFO-89909. Hochdruck-Fluessiqkeits-Chromatoqraphie. By Heinz Engelhardt. 2. ueberarbeitete £ emeiterte Aufl. Best Germany. 257 p. (Anleitunqen fuer die chemische Xabo- ratoriumspraiis, Bd. 14) © Springer- Verlag; 29JU177; AFO-89909.

AFO-89910. pie Hoelzer Mitteleuropas; ein aikrophotographischer Lehratlas. By Dietger Grosser. Best Germany. 208 p. e Sprinqer-Verlag; 16flay77; AFO-89910.

APO-89911. The Tonge Street story, 1793-1860; an account from letters, diaries fi new- spapers. By F. R. Berchem. Canada. 192 p. e F. 8. Berchem; 1Dec77: iFO-a9911.

AFO-89912. The Craniovertebral region in chronic inflammatory rheumatic diseases. By Yves Dirheimer, with a foreword by 4. Backenheim. Best Germany. 173 p. O Springer-Verlag; 25Aug77; AFO-69912.

AFO- 399 13. Orinary cytology; phase contrast, microscopy £ analysis of stained smears. By Herman J. De Voogt, Peter Rathert 6 Mathilde E. Beyer-Boon, foreword by 1. G. Koss. Best Germany. 194 p. O Springer- Verlag; 13Sep77; 4FO-89913.

AFO-89914. Fichier cuisine bien-etre. No 1-24- Switzerland. 24 cards £ folder. Appl. au: Irma Ruche fi Raymonde chapuis. e Edito-Service, S.A.; 8Aug77; AFO-89914.

AFO-89915. Fichier cuisine bien-etre. No 1-24. Switzerland. 24 cards 6 folder. ippl. au: Irma Ruche £ Raymonde Chapuis. e Edito-Service, S.A.; 30Sep77; AFO-89915.

AFO- 89916. Fichier cuisine bien-etre. No 1-24. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Irma Ruche 6 Raymonde Chapuis. Edito- Service, S.A. ; 30Sep77; AFO-89916.

AFO-89917. Fichier cuisine bien-etre. No 1-24. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Irma Ruche £ Raymonde Chapuis. O Edito- Service, S.4.: 30Sep77; AFO-89917.

AFO-89918. Fichier cuisine bien-etre. No 1-24. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Irma Ruche fi Raymonde Chapuis. Q Edito- Service, S. A. ; 2Sep77: AFO-899ia.

AFO-89919. Fichier cuisine bien-etre.' No 1-24. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Irma Ruche £ Raymonds Chapuis. Edito- Service, S. A. ; 5Aug77: ArO-89919.

AFO-89920. Fichier cuisine bien-etre. No 1-24. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Irma Ruche £ Raymonde Chapuis. Edito- Service. S.A.; 5iug77; 4FO-89920.

AFO-89921. Safari cards. No. 361-384. Swit- zerland. 24 cards £ folder. Swedish. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberg, Philippe Dufion fi Andre Estoppey. 8 on tran- slation; Editions Rencontre, S.A. ; 11Peb77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-89921.

AFO-89922. Safari cards. No. 433-456. Swit AFO-89922 (cou.) zeriand. 2it cards 6 folder. Svedish. »ppl. au: Paul schauenbetq, Philippe Dufioc £ indre Estoppey. C oo 1;ran- slation: Editions SencoDtre, S. A. ; 11llar77 (in notice: 1976); iFO-89922.

AFO-89923. Safari cards. Bo. 385-U08. S«it- zerland. 2U cards. Snedish. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberq, Philippe Ouflon G Andre Estoppey- O on translation; Editions Rencontre. S.A.; 11Feb77 (in notice: 1976) : AFO-89923.

AFO-899211. Safari cards. No. i(09-'432. Siiit- zerland. 24 cards. Snedish. ippl. au: Paul schauenberq, Philippe Ouflon S Andre Estoppey. on translation; Editions Bencontre, S.A.: 11Feb77 (in notice: 1976) : AFO-8992U.

AFO-89925. Safari cards. No. it57-i*80. Siiit- zecland. 2H cards. Swedish. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberq, Philippe Ouflon 6 Andre Estoppey. on translation; Editions Bencontre, S.A.; 11llar77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-89925.

AFO- 89926. Safari cards. No. u81-50«. Swit- zerland. 24 cards. Swedish. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberq, Philippe Ouflon & Andre Estoppey. on translation; Editions Bencontre, S.A.; 11llar77; AFO-89926.

AFO-89927. The Powers latent in man. By Douglas Baiter. Enqland. 95 p. O The Aquarian Press; 18Auq77; AFO-89927.

AFO- 89928. Nature cure for shinqles and cold sores. By Harry clenents. Enqland. 64 p. O Harrv Clements; 18Auq77; AFO-89928.

AFO-89929. Socialisme et cybernetique. By Anton Brender. France. 220 p. NH: new text 6 compilation of prev. pub. texts- C Calmann-Levy; 310ct77; APO-89929.

AFO-89930. La Banque et les qroupes industriels a I'heure de nationalisations. Sous la direction de Francois Horiri, avec la collaboration de Alain Alcouffe, Christiane Alcouffe, Xavier Freiias 6 nichel Horeaui. France. 276 p. NB: text 6 compilation of pre». pub. texts, e Calmanc-Levy; 30Nov77; AFO-89930.

AFO-89931. L* Agrobusiness. By Gerard Garreau. France. 299 p. NB: text & compilation of prev. pub. texts. O Caimann-Leyy ; 30NOV77; AFO-89931.

AFO-89932. Eapirische Preisabsatzf unktionen bei Konsuoquetern. By Klaus Peter Kaas. West Germany. 183 p. (Heldelberqer bet- riebswirtschaf tliche Studien) e Sprinqer- Verlaq; 30Sep77; AFO-89932.

AFO-89933. Stochastische Bethoden. By Klaus Kriclleberq 6 Herbert Ziezold. Sest Germany. 201 p. C Sprinqer-Ver laq; 170ct77; AFO-89933.

AFO-89934. Stabilitaet und Hatrizen: Batrizen- verfahren in der Stabilitaetstheorie iinearer dynamischer Systeme. By Peter Christian Bneller. Uest Germany. 220 p. (Inqenieurwissenschaf tlicfce Bibliotheit) O Sprinqei^Verlaq; 120ct77; AFO-89934. lematilt, Bathemat ische Grundlaqen Ontersuchunqsmethoden, Anwenduugen. Hrsq. von der Bessecschmitt-Boelltow-Blohm, G.B.B.H., bearb. von Peter Bitter, Helmut Gross, Uarald Hlllebrand, Dieter Schmidt & Artfried Heihe. 2.. neubearbeitete Aufl. nest Germany. 308 p. O Springer- Verlag; 120ct77; AFO-8993S.

AFO-89936. Grundriss der Sinnesphysiologie. Hrsg. von Robert F. Schmidt. 3., ueberarbeitete und erweiterte Aufl. Uest Germany. 336 p. (Heidelberger laschenbuecher, Bd. 136) Appl. au: Helmut Altner 6 Josef Dudel. O Sprinqar-Verlaq; 26Sep77: AFO-89936.

AFO-89937. Fortschritte in der parenteralen Ernaehrung. Ursq. von F. H. Ahnefeld £ other editors. Best Germany. 245 p. (Klinische Anaesthesiologie und Inten- sivtherapie, Bd. 13) © Sprinqer-Verlaq; 20Jun77; APO-89937.

AFO-89938. Cryptorchidism: ultrastructure of normal and crvptorchid testis development. By Faruk Uadziseiimovic. Uest Germany. 72 p. (Advances in anatomy, embryology and ceil biology, vol. 53/3) © Springer- yerlag; 19Aug77; AFO-89938.

AFO-89939. vissenschaft und demok.ratiscfae Beqierung; Kernpunkte der Vierten Parlamentarisch-Hissenschaf tlichen Konfertuz in Florenz, 1975. Zusammen- gefasst G vorqelegt von Andre Boulloche, Klaus aichter t Kenneth Warren. West Germany. 106 p. Appl. au: Sprinqer- Verlag, employer for hire. NB: German version. Springer-Verlag ; 9Hay77; APO-89939.

APO-89940. Heere und Laeuder im Wechsel der Zeiten; die Palaeogeographie als Grundlage fur die Bioqeographie. By Erich Thenius. Best Germany. 200 p. (Verstaendliche Wissenschaft, Bd. 114) O Springer-Verlag; 24Aug77; AFO-89940.

AFO-B9941. Raster-ElektronenmilcrosJcopie. By Ludwig Beimer & Gerhard PfefferXorn. 2., neubearbeitete und erweiterte Aufl. West Germany. 282 p. O Springer-Verlag; 13Jun77; AFO-89941.

AFO-89942. Das Buenchner Trainingsmodell. By Paul Innerhofer. West Germany. 235 p. © Springer-Verlaq; 14Sep77; AFO-89942.

AFO-89943. Einfuehrunq in die FunXtionentheorie. By Klaus Jaenich. West Germany. 239 p. Add. ti: Klaus Jaenich: Eicfuehrung in die Funktionentheorie. Springer-Verlaq; 24Jun77; AFO-89943.

AFO-89944. The Seven rays: key to the mysteries. By Douglas Baker. England. 126 p. The Aguarian Press; 200ct77; AFO-89944.

AFO-89945. The Economy kitchen. By Piera Smith. England. 93 p. Piera Smith; 20Oct77; AFO-89945.

AFO-89946. Bome-makinq on a budget. By Jo Hatcher. England. 96 p. Jo Hatcher; 200ct77; AFO-89946.

AFO-89947. House and garden maintenance. By Alec C. Limon. England. 93 p. Alec Limon; 200ct77; AFO-89947.

AFO-89948. Furnishing on a shoe-string. By Penny Buter. England. 94 p. O Penny Buter; 20Oct77; AFO-89948.

AFO-89949. Functional Tongan-English, English- Tongan dictionary. By Thomas Schneider. Tonga. 276 p. C Thomas Schnexder; 28NOV77; AFO-89949.

AFO-89950. Politique financiere: budget et tresor. Par Paul Barie Gaudemet. 3. ed. France. 533 p. (Finances publiques, t. 1) (Collection universite nouvelle: precis domat) Editions Bontchrestien; 30Sep77; AFO-89950.

AFO-89951. Chants de la Balandrane. By Bene Cnar. France. 80 p. Editions Gallimard; 1ltOct77; AFO-89951.

AFO-89952. Le Double jeu: essai psychanalytigue sur I'identite. By Jacques Cain. France. 200 p. (Collection science de l*bomme) NB: text t, compilation of texts some of which have been pub. prev. Payot; 10Oct77; AFO-89952.

AFO-69953. Avec les maquisards du cambodge interdit. Par Geoffroy Soutrelle S Jean-Claude Fontan. France. 157 p. Bercure de France; 22Sep77; AFO-89953.

AFO- 89954. Les Origines iutellectuelles du Leninisme. By Alain Besancon. France. 327 p. NH: text 6 compilation of texts some of which have been pub. prev. O Calmann-Levy; 30Nov77; AFO-89954.

AFO-89955. Le Soman vrai du Paris S.G. By Frederic Chevit 6 Olivier Bey, photos de Joel Cohade, Claude Lechevalier, Jean-Pierre Basset, Andre Noe, Jean Pate £ Jean-Pierre Tissier. France. 318 p. NB: text £ compilation of illus. some of which have been pub. prev. 6 Librairie Artheme Fayard; 120ct77; AFO-89955.

AFO- 89956. Lucien Berr: le socialisme et son destin. By Daniel Lindenberg £ Pierre- Andre Beyer. France. 318 p. NH: text £ compilation of texts some of which have been pub. prev. Calmann-Levy; 15Dec77; AFO-89956.

AFO-89957. Bernard et Bianca. De Walt Disney, adaptation de Baurice Fleurent. France. 38 p. NB: adaptation. Walt Disney Productions; 30Oct77; AFO-a9957.

Aro-89956. Aktywnosc i dzialalnosc dzieci i mlodziezy. By Baria Tyszkowa. Poland. 255 p. (Biblioteka psychologiczna, 10) 6 Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne ; 30Aug77; AFO-89958.

AFO- 89959. Baly slownik holendersko-polski i polsko-holenderski. By Elke Borciniec E Nico Hartens. pseud, of Norbert Borciniec. Poland. 892 p. Wxedza Powszechna; 29Sep77; AFO-89959.

AFO- 89960. Bemembering made easy: the sure guide to a better memory. By Jacqueline Dineen. England. 96 p. Jacqueline Dineen; 200ct77; AFO-89960.

AFO-89961. Bapid reading: the high speed way to increase your learning power. By Geoffrey AFO-89961 (con.) A. Dudle7. England. 160 p. e Geoffcer A. Dudley; 22Sep77: APO-89961.

AFO-89962. Bennett entre en scene. By Anthony Buckeridqe* teite francais d'olivier Sechan, illus de Daniel Billon. France. 187 p. Translation of Our friend Jenninqs. NH: text e illus. Hachette; 300ct77; AFO-89962.

AFO-89963. Life below stairs: domestic servants in England froa Victorian tines. By Frank E. Buqqett. United Kinqdoa. 186 p. Frank E. Huqqett; 14Jul77; AFO-69963.

AF0-89961t. Pecfor nance. By Leslie E. cotterell. Dnited Kinqdon. 368 p. C Leslie E. Cotterell: 5Jul77; AFO-899611.

AFO-89965. Hrite better, speak better. Honq Konq. 616 p. Chinese 6 English. Prev. pub.. 1972. NN; Chinese lanquaqe translation G adaptation. -0 Header's Digest Association Far East, Ltd.: 21Nov77: AFO-89965.

AFO-89966. Alles selbst qenaeht: Das praktische Handbuch fuer iede Fraa. Hest Gernany. 504 p. Add. ti: Sewing book. Prev. pub. 1976. NH: German lanquaqe translation. Verlaq das Beste, G. H. B. H. ; 190ct77; AFO-89966.

AFO-89967. La Petite et la qrande cuisine. By Odette Kahn, pref. de Robert Courtine. France. 352 p. Calmann-Le»y; 30Sep77: AFO-89967.

APO-89968. Construire des modeles d'avions. By Harvey Heiss, adaptation: Pascale Bouffard. France. 93 p. NH: French adaptation. Librairie Hachette; 30Sep77: AFO-89968.

AFO-89969. Dictionnaire de litterature francaise contemporaine. By Claude Bonnefoy, Tony Cartano 6 Daniel oster, avec la col- laboration de Jean-Louis Ezine S de Haurice Achard, Jean-Harie Borzeiz, Jerome Garcin, Andre Laude, Pierre Nertens, Claude Henri Bocquet & Gerard Spiteri- France. 411 p. S Editions Universi- taires, Jean Pierre Delarqe; 30Oct77; AFO-89969.

AFO-89970. Hauriac; collection genies £ realites. Auteurs: Marc Alyn S others. France. 231 p. Add. ti: Francois Mauriac. NM: new text, new illus. & compilation. Librairie Hachette; 30Sep77: AFO-89970

AFO-89971. La chevre de M. Sequin: le secret de Haitre Comille. By Alphonse Daudet, illustres par May Angeli. France. 1 v. NM: illus. C Librairie Hachette; 30Oct77; AFO-89971.

AFO- 89972. Histoire mondiale du cirque. By Dominique Jando, pseud, of Jean- Dominique Puet. France. 212 p. NM: new text S compilation of illus. 6 Editions Oniversitaires, Jean Pierre Delarge; 300ct77; AFO-89972.

AFO-89973. Boniour, bonsoirl Textes de Marcelle Terite, pseud, of Marcelle Gershell, illus. de Gyo Fuiikawa. France. 77 p. O on translation; Gautier-Languereau; 30Oct77: AFO-89973.

AFO-89974. Bernard et Bianca. De Halt Disney, adaptation de Michele wiener, pseud, of Hichele Kahn. France. 20 p. NM: adaptation. 3 Halt Disney Productions; 300ct77; AFO-89974.

AFO-89975. Bernard et Bianca. De Halt Disney, adaptation de Mireille Benguigui. France. 55 p. NM: adaptation. Halt Disney Productions; 300ct77; AFO-89975.

AFO-89976. Vive le tissu. Par D. Craig, illus de B. Firth, adaptation de Christine De Coninck. France. 43 p. NM: adaptation (French version) © Librairie Hachette; 30Sep77; AFO-89976.

AFO-89977. Vive le modelaqe. Par J. Allen 6 H. Boase, illus de V. Drew, adaptation de Mireille Benguigui. France. 43 p. NM: adaptation (French version) 6 Librairie Hachette; 30Sep77; AFO-89977.

AFO-89978. Gulliver a Lilliput. By Swift, adapte par Bernadette De Beaupuis, pseud, of Xnes Trollet, illustre par Daniel Henon. France. 1 v. NM: adaptation 6 illus. Librairie Hachette: 300ct77 ; AFO-89978.

AFO-89979. Autos miniatures. By Jac Bemise 6 Jacgues Rousseau. Prance. 91 p. NM: text, illus. & compilation of illus. some of which have been pub. prev. Librairie Hachette; 30Sep77; AFO-89979.

AFO-a9980. L*Art de construire des modeles reduits. By Daniel Puiboube, photos de Edouard Dejay, cet ouvrage a ete realise en collaboration avec Arbois-Modelisme. France. 156 p. NM: text 6 compilation of illus., some of which have been pub. prev. © Librairie Hachette; 300ct77; AFO-B9980.

AFO-89981. Voelkerrechtliche Vertraege im Recht der Europaeischen Gemeinschaf ten: Absch- lusskompetenzen , Blndungswirkung, Kollislonen. By Hans Krueck. Hest Germany. 210 p. (Beitraege zum auslaendischen oef fentiichen Recht und Voelkerrecht, Bd. 70) O Mai-Planck- Geseilschaft zur Foerderunq der His- senschaften, E. V. to be exercised by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Auslaendisches Recht und Voelkerrecht (in notice: Hai-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Hissenschaften, E.v. , to be exercised by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Auslaendisches Oef fentliches Recht und Voelkerrecht) ; 16Aug77: AFO-89981.

AFO-89982. Menneisyyden arvoitukset. Suomentajat: Marja Huuskoneh, alia Jokinen & Annikki Suni, asiatarkistus; Kaarle Hirvonen, toimittaja: Eeva Kalaja. Finland. 319 p. Add. ti: World's last mysteries. Original ti. Les Derniers mysteres du monde. NM: Finnish lanquaqe translation of book pub. in France in 1976. © Oy Valitut Palat — Reader's Digest, A.B.; 120ct77; AFO-89982.

AFO-89983. Theorie de la relativite complexe. By Jean Eaile Charon. France. 137 p. e Editions Albin Michel; 30Sep77; AFO-89983.

AFO-89984. Scenes de la ville obscure. By Jean-Baptiste Baronian. France. 222 p. © Editions Robert Laffont, S.A.; 30Sep77; AFO-89984.

AFO-89985. Histoire de la litterature enfantine en France. By Francois Caradec, pseud, of Alphonse De Crac. France. 271 p. NM: text & compilation of some prev. pub. text. Editions Albin Michel: 30Sep77; AFO-89985.

AFO-89986. La Parole aux francais: cinq ans de sondages; dossier publimetrie 1972-1977. By Roland Muraz, prefaces de Bene Dumont 6 Dominique Pado. France. 270 p. BM: new text e compilation of some prev. pub. texts. Bordas; 30Nov77; APO-B9986.

AFO-89987. Des choix pour demain, 1978-1983. Pref. de Jean-Pierre Fourcade. France. 93 p. Appl. au: Clubs Perspectives et Realites & Georges De Bremond D'Ars. O Hachette; 30Sep77; AFO-89987.

'AFO-89988. Largo winch et la Cyclope. By Jean Van Hamme. France. 333 p. P Mercuce De Prance; 200ct77; AFO-89988.

AFO-89989. 101 con sells pour vaincre la solitude. By Claude Ollin, pseud, of Leone Hallefont. France. 159 p. Hachette: 30Sep77; AFO-89989.

APO-89990. Le Plaisir de sens. By Alain Gerber. France. 388 p. © Editions Robert Laffont, S.A. ; 30Sep77; AFO-89990.

AFO-89991. Sentiers et randonnees du Nord Pas-De-Calais et Somme. By Silviane Leger, cartes executees par Michel Pluvinage. France. 210 p. Librairie Artheme Payard; 260ct77; AFO-8,9991.

AFO-89992. Travail, famille, psychiatric, ou le role des "psy" dans les institutions d'etat. No. 323. By Nicole Boulanger E Jean-Francois Chaix. France. 227 p. NM: revisions & additions. 6 Payot; 10Oct77; AFO-89992.

AFO-89993. Droit des affaires; le particularisne du droit des affaires le statut general des commercants. Par Francois Gore. 2. ed. France. 378 p. 6 Editions Montchrestien; 30Sep77; AFO-89993.

AFO- 89994. La Chasse a I'orchidee. By Dominique Marion, pref. de Topor. France. 198 p. e Editions Robert Laffont, S. A. ; 30Sep77; AFO-89994.

AFO-89995. L* Eminence grise; essai biographigue sur les rapports de la politique et de la religion. By Aldous Huxley, traduit par Brigitte Veraldi, pref. de Gabriel Veraldi. France. 285 p. on tran- slation & pref.; La Table Ronde; 250ct77; AFO-89995.

AFO- 89996. La Democratie: a portee de la main. Texte de Jacques Delors, pref. de Pierre Viansson-Ponte- France. 234 p. (Echange et projets) NM: text 6 pref. © Editions Albin Michel; 3Nov77; AFO-89996.

AFO-89997. Socioiogie politique; elements de science politique. Par Roger-Gerard Schwartzenberg. 3. ed. France. 692 p. O Editions Hontchrestien; 3Nov77; APO-89997.

AFO-89998. Approche de le tempete. By Bernard APO- 89998 (con.( Slchere. France. 386 p. Editions Gailirtard; 22Sep77: APO-89998.

AFO- 89999. La CoDedie du pouvoir. By Francoise Giroud. Prance. 361 p. NH: neii text C compilation of texts. Libcairie Actheae Pavard: 20Oct77; AFO-89999.

APO-90000. Liberie, liberte cherie (1910-191(2) Roissy-en-France. By Pierre Hendes France. France. 428 p. NH: new text C new illus. & conpilation of texts & illus. Librairie Artheme Fayard; 3Ilov77: AFO-90000.

AFO-9000I. Le Bourqeois socialiste; ou. Pour un post-liberalisae. By Georges Elgozy. France. 310 p. NS; new text £ coa- pilatxon of texts. Calaann-Le vy ; 310ct77: AFO-90001.

APO-90002. Bastiat au-dessus de la Belee. By Bernard Dolet. pcef. de Pierre Albaladelo. France. 126 p. NH: nev text e cob- pilation of illus. Calaano-Levy; 310ct77: AFO-90002.

AFO-90003. Le Systeae technicien. By Jacques Ellul. France. 361 p. KB: neii text C compilation of texts. Calaann-Levy ; 310ct77; APO-90003.

AFO-90004. Alaanach Hachette du aotard. France. 191 p. Appl. an: Sylvie Diarte. Hachette: 30Sep77; AFO-90004.

AFO-90005. Alnanach Hachette du pecheur. France. 189 p. Appl. au: SylTie Diarte. Hachette; 30Sep77; APO-90005.

AFO-90006. De Gaulle et le service de I'etat; des collaborateurs du qeneral teaoiqnent. Cet ouyraqe est ecrit par Bernard Tricot C others. France. 38il p. (Collection espoirl NH: text 6 compilation of texts. Librairie Plon: 30Oct77: APO-90006.

AFO- 90007. Entre I'arme et les Corses. By Jean Bazal. Prance. 187 p. Jean Bazal ( Librairie des champs-Elysees; 30Oct77; AFO- 90007.

AFO-90008. Comae en un mauvais ceve. By Lois Duncan, texte francais de Jean-Baptiste Hedina, pseud, of Jean-Baptiste Damien. France. 187 p. Translation of I know what you did last summer. NH: French text. Hachette; 30Sep77; APO-90008.

AFO-90009. L'Etranqe cas de Liza s. By Gilbert Tanuqi. France. 189 p. Hachette; 30Sep77; APO-90009.

AFO-90010. Humour et realite--dans la cuisine de chaque lour. France. 8 p. (En souleiant le couvercle de--l*hexaqone, t. 2) Appl. au: Georqes Hrchau. Georqes Hichau; 30Oct77; AFO-90010.

AFO- 9001 1. Hemoires d*extreBe Asie; la face cachee du Bond?. By Etienne nanac' h. France. 593 p. Librairie Artheme Fayard; 10NOV77: APO-90011.

APO-90012. Jacques Chirac; ou, L* Anti-Giscard. By Gilbert Comte. France. 124 p. NB: nea text F. compilation of texts. O S.E.C.L. E. a.a.d.o. Societe pour 1* Exploita tion du Commerce de Librairie et d* Edition C Beqine Oeforqes; laoct77: APO-90012.

APO-90013. Libertes publiques. Par Jacques Bobert. 2. ed. France. 635 p. O Editions Montchrestien; 260ct77; AFO-90013.

AFO-90011*. Sans Peur et les brigands aux visages uoirs. By Andre chamson. France. 187 p. NH: nev text £ compilation of texts. O Librairie Plon; 30Oct77; APO-9U014.

AFO-90015. Hesurer la productivite: les comptes de surplus; une methode de repartition des ressources. By Nxcolas Houery. Prance. 141 p. NH: nev text £ compilation of texts. Bordas; 30Sep77; APO-90015.

APO-90016. Hetanorphose d'une melodie, et autres contes et recits. By I. L. Peretz, traduits, prefaces C annotes par Joseph Gottfarstein. Prance. 283 p. NH: translation, pref. £ notes. O Editions Albin Bichel; 3Nov77; APO-90016.

AFO-90017. Le P'tit Francis. By Francis Guillo, recit recueilli par Antoine De Gaademar. France. 261 p. Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A. ; 30Sep77; APO-90017.

APO-9001fl. Les Fantomes et les ecossais. France. 2 p. Appl. au: Jules BaKnanoff. Jules Bakmanofr; 260ct77; AFO-90018.

APO-90019. Anatopuncture tra^lets. Livre 1. By Jacques Charrierc, pref. de Hussat. France. 70 p. £ sheets (14 p.) in folder. Librairie Le Francois; 14Sep77; AFO- 90019.

APO-90020. Teledetection du littoral oceanique de la Prance. France. 310 p. Appl. au: Fernand Verger, Yves-Francois Thomas £ Jean-Marie Honget. Eco le Normale Superieure de Jeunes Filles; 30Sep77; APO-90020.

APO-90021. 15 histoires dc Provence. Textes de Barceile Verite, pseud, of Harcelle Gershell £ others, illus de Alain O'Oranqe. Prance. 220 p. NB: unpub. text by Barceile Verite £ illus. O Gautier-Lanquerean; 30Jun77; AFO-90021.

AFO-90022. Les trois portes. By Philippe Ebly, pseud, of Philippe Gouzou, illus de Claude Lacroix. France. 181 p. O Hachette; 30Oct77; AFO-90022.

AFO-90023. Le Subis cliqnotant. Oe Caroline Quine, pseud., texte francais de Claude Voilier, illus de Philippe Daure. France. 187 p. Prev. pub. as The winking ruby mystery. NH: translation £ illus. O Hachette; 30Oct77; AFO-90023.

AFO-90024. Le Petit capitaine et le tresor du pirate. I}e Paul Biegel, texte francais d*01ivier Secban, illus de Francoise Pichard. France. 183 p. Prev. pub. as De Kleine kapitein en de scbat van scbrik en vreze. NH: translation £ illus. Hachette; 300ct77; AFO-90024.

AFO-90025. Housse et les trois brigands. By Renee Leqrand, illus de Harie Chartrain. Prance. 188 p. O Hachette; 300ct77; AFO-90025.

APO-90026. Pils du soleil. De Jack London, texte francais de Louis Postif, illus de Jean-Harie Vives. France. 185 p. NB: illus. Hachette; 300ct77; AFO-90026.

APO-90027. II etait une fois. Illus. de Giovani Giannini. France. 168 p. Adaptation of stories by Charles Perrault, Grimm £ Andersen. NH: illus. O Gautier- Languereau; 300ct77; APO-90027.

AFO-90028. Techniques de la description de la statistique; nethodes et logiciels pour l*analyse des grands tableaux. By Ludovic Lebart, Alain Borineau E Nicole Tabard. Prance. 351 p. C Bordas; 30Sep77; APO-90028.

APO-90029. Oscar Belloie fait des siennes. De K. B. Nhittinqton, texte francais de Barie Tenaille pseud, of Harie- Jacqueline D'Estais, illus de Francoise Pichard. France. 117 p. NH: translation £ illus. O Hachette; 300ct77; AFO-90029.

APO-90030. Sophie Moiel: Lune de miel (1925-1927) By Sabine Bernard-Derosne. Prance. 216 p. Gautier-Languereau; 30Sep77; APO-90030.

APO-90031. Beaute de la danse. By Gilberte Cournand. Prance. 247 p. NB: text £ editinq. Gautier-Languereau; J0Sep77; AFO-90031.

APO-90032. L' Exploration du systeme solaire. By Guy Israel, postface de Ichtiaque fiasool. Prance. 287 p. NH; nev text £ com- pilation. Hachette; 30Oct77; APO-90032.

APO-90033. Course- poursuite aux caraibes. By Bare Plament, illus. de Hichel Oe Sereville. France. 245 p. Hachette; 300ct77; APO-90033.

APO-90034. Alice et le corsaire. By Caroline Quine, pseud., illus de Jean-Louis Bercier. Prance. 181 p. original ti.: The Secret of the wooden lady. NH: illus. O Hachette; 30Sep77; AFO-90034.

APO-90035. Suzette et Nicolas au marcbe. By Satomi Icbikawa. France. 28 p. O Gautier- Languereau; 30Sep77; AFO-90035.

AFO- 90036. L'Anoee du cinema 77. By Daniele Heymann £ Alain Lacombe, maquette de Jean-Jacques Hauwuy. Prance. 254 p. O Calmann-Levy; 30Sep77; APO-90036.

AFO-900J7. La Ruche d'Uellstrom. De Prank Herbert, traduit de I'americain par Robert Latour, pseud, of Andre Algarron. France. 330 p. Translation of Hellstrom's hive. NH: translation. O Editions Albia Bichel: 3NOV77; APO-90037.

AFO- 90038. Gregor: le roi de la Chine. By Greqor Vartanian. France. 219 p. O La Talile Bonde (in notice: Editions de la Table Sonde) ; 30Bar77; AFO-90038.

AFO- 90039. Les Douze formes de la meditation. By Daniel Goleman, avant-propos de fiam Dass, traduit de l*americain par Frederic Bagne. Prance. 199 p. (L' Experience psychique) Translation of The Varieties of the meditative experience. NH: translation. iFO-90039 (con.) Librairie Artheme Fayard; 10Nov77; AFO-90039.

AFO-90040. C est arrive en Itaiie: la crise 1968-1977. D'Alberto Eonchey. traduit de I'italien par Charles Portevin. France. 269 p. Translation of Accadde in Italia (1960-1977) NB: translation. S Librairie Artheme fayard; 9Nov77: AFO-90040.

APO-900i(1. A quoi ca tient! Quarante histoires sur la Tustice. By Jean Cornec. France. 291 p. BH: text £ compilation of texts soue of which have been prev. pub. 9 Editions Robert Laffont, S.i.: 30Sep77: AFO-90041.

AF0-90042. Les Maladies et les parasites de la viqne. T. 1: les maladies dues a des veqetaux (champignons^ bacteries, viroses et phaneroqames) By Pierre Galet. France. 871 p. NH; nen text 6 com- pilation of texts 6 illus. some of iihich have been prev. pub. P. Galet ; 150ct77; APO-90042.

AFO-90043. Endliche Gruppen: eine Einfuehrunq in die Theorie der endlichen Gruppen. By Hans Kurzweil. Hest Germany. 187 p. Sprinqer-Verlaq; 60ct77: AFO-900it3.

AFO-900114. La Hain. By Maurice B helms. France. 315 p. NM: revisions & additions. Editions Bobert Laffont S.i.; 30Mar77; AFO-900U4.

AFO-900lt5. Cecile et Jean en week-end sur la cote. By Jacques De Saint Paul, pseud, of Paul Innocenzi, France. 188 p. C Jacques De • Saint Paul, pseud, of Paul Innocenzi e S.E.C.L. E. a.a.d.o. Societe pour I'Exploitation du Commerce de Librairie et d" Edition: 30Hay77: AFO-900145.

AFO-9001t6. fioi des camelots. By Alexandre Lichan & Emile chaumentin avec la collaboration de Jacques Merel. France. 218 p. e Librairie Hachette; 30Apr77; AFO-90046.

AFO-900lt7. Problems of a new international economic order- Issued by Economic Advisory Council to the Federal Ministry of Economics in the Federal Republic of Germany, chairman: Hans Moeller. Hest Germany- 47 p. e Sprinqer-Verlaq: 91)ov77: AFO-900U7.

AFO-900lt9. Geovision. Switzerland. 1 v. Appl. au: Paul Guichonnet, Pierre George 6 Michel Huber. Edito-Service S.A.; 16Sep77: AFO-900t9.

AFO-90050. Chondroqenesis of the somitic mesoderm. By Brian Keith Hall. Hest Germany. 50 p. (Advances in anatomy, embryoioqy and cell bioloqy, vol. 53, fascicle U) 9 Sprinqer- Verlaq: aNov77; AFO-90050.

AFO-90051. La Polizza assicurativa del fumatore e del bevitore di alcoolici. By Pio Busso. Italy. 6 p. O Pio RussO; 231lov77: APO-90051.

AFO-90052. Beele und Vektorwertiqe Quasimartinqale und die Theorie der Stochastischen Inteqration.' By Miqhael Metivier. Hest Germany. 310 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, 607) © Sprinqer-Verlaq; 100ct77: AFO-90052.

AFO-90053. Entwicklung der Hypertoniemortaiitaet und des Antihypertensiva Verbrauchs in der Schueiz. By Martin Escher. Best Germany. 106 p. e Springer-Verlaq; 25oct77: AFO-90053.

AFO-90054. Auto-Eallye. Switzerland. 1 v. Add. ti; Fichier auto-rallye. Appl. au: Henri-F. Berchet, Pierre Burky 6 Alain Giroud. e Edito-Service S.A.; 9Sep77; AFO-90054.

AFO-90055. Auto-rallye. Redacteur en chef: Henri-F. Berchet S other editors. Switzerland. Cards. Add. ti: Fichier auto-rallye. © Edito-Service S.A, ; 9Sep77; AFO-90055.

iFO-90056. Memoires. France- 314 p. (Nouvelle revue de psychanalyse, no, 15, printemps 1977) Appl. au: Jean-Baptiste Pontalis, Pierre Nora £ Georges Duby. HM: additions & compilation. © Editions Gallimard; 27May77; AFO-90056.

AFO-90057. Simulationstechnik und Simulation- SDodelle in den Sozial- und Hirtschaf- tswissenschaften. By Chrlstoph S. Handl. Hest Germany. 173 p. (Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, vol. 148) e Springer- Verlag; 26Aug77: AFO-90057.

AFO-90058. Der Psychosomatisch Kranke in der Praxis; Erkenntnisse 6 Erfahrungen. By B. Luban-Plozza 6 H. Poeldinger, ait einem Geleitwort von S. Balint. 3. neubearb. 6 erweiterte Aufl. Best Germany. 281 p. e Sprinqer-Verlag: 22Aug77; AFO-90058.

AFO-90059. Oeber lymphoepitheliale Geschvuelste; Erkenntnisse anhand der Gewebekultur £ verqleichender klinischer, morphologischer 6 virologischer Untersuchungen. By Goetz Doehnert. Hest Germany. p- 99-167. (Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Hissenschaf ten Mathematisch- naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Jahrgang 1977, 3. Abhandlung) © Springer- Verlag; 5Sep77: APO-90059.

AFO-90060. Groupes et anneaux reticules. By Alain Bigard, Klaus Keimel £ Samuel Holfenstein- Hest Germany. 334 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 608) © Springer-Verlag; 7Sep77; AFO-90060.

AFC-90061. Theory of Hopf algebras attached to group schemes. By Hiroshi yanagihara. Hest Germany. 308 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 614) © Springer-Verlag; 26Sep77; APO-90061-

AFO-90062. Automatisierungstechnik im Handel durch Hikroprozessoren: Interkama-Kongress 1977- Hrsq. von Max Syrbe £ Bernhard Hill. Hest Germany. 675 p. (Fachberichte, Messen, Steuern, Reqeln, 1) © Springer-Verlag; 23Sep77; AFO-90062-

AFO-90063. Stationaere und schrumpfende Bevoel- kerunqen: demoqraphisches Null- und Neqativwachstum in Oesterreich. Hrsq. von Gustav Feichtinger. Hest Germany. 262 p. (Lecture notes in economics and mat- hematical systems, vol. 149) © Sprinqer- Verlaq; 26Auq77; AFO-90063.

AFO-90064. Hahrscheinlichkeitstheorie. By Peter Gaenssler £ Hinfried Stute. Best Germany. 418 p. © Springer-Verlag; 12Sep77; AFO-90064.

AFO-90065. Homo Pharmaceuticus. By Franz Gross. Best Germany, p. 69-90. (Sitzungs- berichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Hissenschaf ten Mathematisch-naturwis- senschaf tliche Klasse, Jahrgang 1977, 2. Abhandlung) © Springer-Verlag; 27Jul77; AFO-90065.

AFO-90066. Chemische Analyse: Basiswissen. By Hermann August Bartels. Best Germany. 91 p. (Heidelberger Taschenbuecher, Bd. 190) © Springer-Verlag; 18Aug77; AFO-90066-

AFO-90067- Aktuelle Anwendungen der Matheaatik. Verfasst von Gert Boehae, Helmut Kernler, Hans-Volker Niemeier 6 Dieter Pfluegel- Hest Germany- 258 p. (Anwendungso- rientierte Mathematik, Bd- 4) O Springer- Verlag; 8Aug77; AFO-90067.

AFO-90068. Dynanisches Verhalten spanender Berkzeugaaschinen: Einflussgroessen Beurteilungsverfahren Messtechnik. By Manfred Heck £ Klaus Teipel. Hest Germany. 246 p. © Springer-Verlag; 13Sep77; AFO-90068.

AfO-90069. Topologie und Analysis: Einfuehrung in die Atiyah-Singer-Indexformel. By Bernhelm Booss. Hest Germany. 352 p. e Springer-Verlag; 19Sep77; AFO-90069.

AFO-90070. Koerperbau und Charakter: Untersuchungen zum Konstitutionsproblem und zur Lehre von den Temperamenten. By Ernst Kretschmer- 26- Aufl- , neurbearb. £ erweitert von Uolfgang Kretschmer- Hest Germany- 387 p. © Springer-Verlag; 23Sep77; AFO-90070.

SFO- 90071 - Psychologie der Sprache. By Hans Uoermann. 2. ueberarbeitete Aufl. Best Germany. 223 p. © Springer-Verlag; 23Sep77; AFO-90071.

AFO-90072. Le Temps de la solitude. By Marie- Therese, pseud, of flarie-Therese Longueville. France. 221 p. (Les Cahiers de Marie-Therese, 1) Gaatier- Languereau; 30May77; APO-90072.

AFO-90073- Brigitte et les saisons du coeur- By Eerthe Bernage- France. 212 p. Appl. au: Simone Boger-Vercel. C Gautier- Languereau; 30May77; AFO-90073.

APO-90074. Proof theory. By Kurt schuette, translation from the German by J- N. crossley. Hest Germany. 299 p. (Grundlehren der aathematischen Bis- senschaften, 225) Translation of the revised version of Beweistheorie, pub. 1960. NM: translation £ revisions. Springer-Verlag; 5Sep77: AFO-90074.

AFO-90075. Digitale Hegelsysteme, By Rolf Isermann. Hest Germany. 554 p. e Springer-Verlag; 30Sep77; AFO-90075.

AFO-90076- Das Arbeiten ait ionenselektiven Elektroden: eine Einfuehrung. py Karl Cammann. 2. ueberarbeitete £ erweiterte Aufl. Hest Germany. 226 p. (Anleitungen fuer die chemische Laboratoriumspraxis, Bd. 13) e Springer-Verlag; 15Jun77; APO-90076. AFO- 90077. Cheniscfae LebeDsaittelXonseETlecuiiq: Stoffe, BirkunqeD, Hethodea. By Ecich Laeck. Sest Gei:»aDy. 280 p. Sprinqer- Terlaq: 21Jun77: APO-90077.

AFO-90078. ExDrichtunqen und systeme. By Peter Bocker, uoter Hitarbeit yon Signar GruetzaaDD, Joachia Petersen, Herbert Finck t Hans Heinrich yoss. iest Germany. 263 p. iDatenuebertraqunq: Nachric* htentechnik in Datenfernverarbeitun- qssysteaen, Bd. 2) C Sptinqer-yetlaq; 29Auq77; A?O-90078.

AFO- 90079. Burda: 50 bunte Bild-Kochkursc; einfache D raffinierte Gerichte, erklaert in Hort 6 Bild. Kochbuch Nr. 19. Sezepte: Burda-Kochstudio, chefkoch; Ernst Birsner, Bedaktion: Elisabeth Klapper, Fotos: Burda-Potostudio & Gerd Feierabend- Best Geraany. 106 p. Appl. ao: yeriaq Aenne Barda. Verlaq Aenne Borda; 2ilOct77; APO-90079.

AFO- 90080. Husica Aslatica — 1. Edited by Laurence Picken. Enqland. 165 p. Oxford Dniyersity Press; 60ct77; APO-90080.

AFO-90081. Erziehunqspsycholoqie; Beqeqnunq von Person zu Person. By Beinhard Tausch C Aane-Harie Taiisch. 8. Aufl. Best Seraaay. U27 p. C ?erlaq fuer Psy- choloqie, Doktor C. J. Hoqrefe; 25Hay77; AFO-9008 1.

APO-90082. L'Ecran fantastique. 8o 2. Directeur- redacteur en chef: Alain Schlockoff. France. 130 p. Librairie des Chaips-Elysees; 30Oct77; AFO-90082.

AFO- 90083. Lehcbuch der Statistik fuer Sozial- Hissenschaf tier. By Juerqen Bortz. Best Geraany. 871 p. C Sprioqer-Verlaq; 25Bay77: AFO-90083.

AFO-90081*. Burda Stricken und Uaekeln fuer die qanze Faailie. Best Geraany. 1 v. ycrlaq Aenne Burda; 21Not77; APO-900814.

AFO-90085. Burda Dnser Baby. Best Geraany. 1 y. O Veriaq Aenne Burda; 12Dec77; APO-90085.

APO-90086. Burda Hode in Groessen 44-SU. Best Geraany. 1 y. Veriaq Aenne Burda; 21»oy77; AFO-90086.

AFO-90087. Burda Konaunion und Konf iraation. Best Geraany. 1 v. C Veriaq Aenne Burda; 12Dec77; AFO-90087.

AFO-90088. The Nev British draaa: fourteen playvriqfats since Osborne and Pinter. By Oleq Kerensky. Great Britain. 276 p. O Oleq Kerensky; 3Noy77 ; AFO-90088.

AFO- 90089. Trizie Trash; star ascending. By Toa Bakefield. Great Britain. 178 p. Toa Bakefield: 19Hay77; AFO-90089.

AFO- 90090. ESB spectroscopy in polyaer research. By Beoqt G. Baanby e J. F. Babek. Best Geraany. 410 p. (Poiyaers/properties and applications, 1) C Sprinqer-Terlaq; 12Auq77; AFO-90090.

AFO-90091. Blood spears reinterpreted. By fiarcel Bessis, translated by George Brecher. Best Geraany. 270 p. Appl. au: Sprinqer-Verlag, eaployer for hire. Prey, pub. as fieinterpretation des frottis sanguins. NH: translation. Springer- Verlaq; 30ct77; AFO-90091.

AFO-90092. Collected papers on episteaoloqy* philosophy of science and history of philosophy. Vol. 1-2. By Bolfgang Steqaueller. Holland. Nn: translation. O 0. Beidel Publishing Company; 5Sep77: AFO-90092.

AFO-90093. Fichier tout reussir au feainin. Ho 1-211. Svitzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Janine B6udineau £ Daniel Boudineau. Edito-Seryice, S.A.; 13Hay77; AFO-90093.

4FO-90094. Fichier "tout reussir au feainin**. No 1-24. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Janine Boudineau & Daniel Boudineau. O Edito-Service, S.A.; 22Apr77: AFO-90094.

APO-90095. Art cards. No. 61-80. Switzerland. 2C cards. Appl. au: Alain Leconltre. ND: English ed. O Edito-Service, S.A. : 29Apr77; AFO-90095.

AFO-90096. Fichier cuisine bien-etre. Ho 1-24- Svitzerland. 24 cards & folder. Appl. au: Iraa fiuche & Bayaonde Chapuis. O Edito-Service, S.A.; 2Sep77; AFO-90096.

AFO-90Q97. Fichier auseua. Mo 1-20. Switzerland. 20 cards. Appl. aa: Alain Lecooitre. Edito-Service, S.A.; 15Jul77; APO-90097.

AFO-90098. Fichier tout reussir au feainin. No 1-24. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Janine Boudineau & Daniel Boudineau. Edito-Service, S.A.: 19Auq77: AFO-90098.

AFO-90099. Fichier tout reussir au feainin. No 1-24. Switzerland. 24 cards t folder. Appl. au: Janine Boudineau & Daniel Boudineau. Edito-Service, S.A.; 24Jun77; AFO-90099.

AFO-90100. Fichier tout reussir au feainin. No 1-24. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Janine Boudineau G Daniel Boudineau. e Edito-Service, S.A. ; 24Jun77:

AFO-90100. Fichier auseua. No 1-20. Switzerland. 20 cards. Appl. au: Alain tecoultre. O Edito-Service, S.A.; 12Auq77; AFO-90101.

AFO-90102. Fichier cuisine bien-etre. No 1-24. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Iraa Buche t Bayaonde Chapuis. O Edito- Service, S.A. ; 2Sep77; AFO-90102.

AFO-90103. Fichier tout reussir au feainin. No 1-24. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Janine Boudineau £ Daniel Boudineau. Edito-Service, S.A.; 19Aug77; AFO-90103.

AFC-90104. Fichier auseua. No 1-20. Switzerland. 20 cards 6 folder. Appl. au: Alain Lecoultre. O Edito-Service, S.A.; 12Auq77: AFO-90104.

AFO- 90105. Fichier auseua. No 1-20. Switzerland. 20 cards. Appl. au: Alain Lecoultre. Edito-Service, S.A. ; 15Jul77; AFO-90105.

AFO-90 106. Fichier auseua. No 1-20. Switzerland. 20 cards e folder. Appl. au: Alain Lecoultre. Edito-Service, S.A.; 15Jal77; AFO-90106.

AFO-90107. Fichier tout reussir au feainin. No 1-24. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Janine Boudineau £ Daniel Boudineau. Edito-Service, S.A.; 22Jul77; AFO-90107.

AFO-9010e. Fichier tout reussir au feainin. No 1-24. Switzerland. 24 cards 6 folder. Appl. au: Janine Boudineau & Daniel Boudineau. O Edito-Service, S.A.; 22JU177; AFO-90108.

AFO-90109. Fichier tout reussir au feainin. No 1-24. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Janine Boudineau £ Daniel Boudineau. O Edito-Service, S.A.; 22Jul77: AFO-90109.

AFO-90110. Fichier tout reussir au feainin. No 1-24. Switzerland. 24 cards 6 folder. Appl. au: Janine Boudineau £ Daniel Boudineau. 6 Edito-Service, S.A.; 19Aug77; AFO-90110.

APO-90111. Fichier tout reussir au feainin. No 1-24. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Janine Boudineau £ Daniel Boudineau. O Edito-Service, S.A.; 24Jun77; iFO-90111.

AFO-90112. General topology and its relations to Dodern analysis and algebra 4; proceedings of the fourth Prague topological syaposiua, 1976. Pt. A: invited papers. Edited by Josef Novak. Best Geraany. 22S p. (Lecture notes in aatheaatics, vol. 609) Proceedings of the Fourth Syaposiua on General Topology and Its Relations to Bodern Analysis and Algebra. Appl. au: E. Binz £ J. Flachsacyer. O Springer- Verlag; 7Sep77; AFO-90112.

AFO-90113. fiesource allocation and division of space; proceedings of an international syaposiua held at Toba near Nagoya, Japan, 14-17 Deceaber 1975. Edited by lakashi Fujii £ Byuzo Sato. Best Geraany. 184 p. (Lecture notes in econoaics and aat- hematical systems, vol. 147) Appl. au: yoshio Kiaura £ Takashi Negishi. O Spriuger-Verlag; 28scp77; AFO-90113.

AFO-90n4. Portability of nuaerical software; workshop. Oak Brook, Illinois, June 21-23, 1976. Edited by Bayne Cowell. Best Geraany. 539 p. (Lecture notes in coaputer science, 57) Papers based on oral presentations at the Borkshop on the Portability of Nuaerical Software. Appl. au: T. J. Dekker £ L. H. Delves. Springer^Verlaq; 310ct77; AFO-90114.

AFO-90115. Heasuring selection in natural populations. Edited by Freddy B. Christiansen £ Toa 11. Fenchel. Best Geraany. 564 p. (lecture notes in bioaatheaatics, vol. 19) Proceedings of the Syaposiua: fleasuring Selection in Natural Populations held in southern Jutland, Denaark, Hay 10-14, 1976. Appl. au: J. S. Jones. Springer- Verlag; 9Scp77; AFO-90115. AFO-90116. Uatheioatics and the Life Sciences; selected lectures, Canadian Mathematical Congress, iuqust 1975. Edited by David E. UattheHs. iest Germany. 385 p. (Lecture notes in biomathematics, vol. 18) Selected lectures presented at the 15th biennial seminar of the Canadian Mathematical Congress entitled Mathematics and the Life Sciences, held at the Oniversite de Sherbrooke, Canada. ApDl. au: G. A. Bacnacd C D. J. Finney. © Springer-Verlag; 9Sep77; AFO-90116.

AFO-90117. Advances in biochemical engineering, vol. 6: Neu substrates. Editors: T. K. Ghose, A. Fiecfater G N. Blakebrough. Hest Germany. 127 p. Appl. au: H. Sahm. Sprinqer-Verlaq; 30Sep77; AFO-90117.

AFO-90118. Boron and refractory borides. Edited by Vlado I. Matkovich. Vest Germany. 656 p. Appl. au: fi. J. Becher £ J. Castaing. O Springer-yerlaq; 23Sep77; AFO-90118.

APO-90119. Advanced methods in protein sequence determination. Edited by Saul Ben Needleian. Rest Germany. 189 p. (Molecular biology, biochemistry, and biophysics, 25) Appl. au: Herfflacn Fal er. O Sprinqer-Verlag; 26Sep77: AFO-90

AFD-90120. Synerqetics: a workshop; proceedings of the International Workshop on Synergetics at SchloES Elmau, Bavaria, Hay 2-7, 1977. , Edited by Hermann Haken. Hest Germany. 2711 p. Appl. au: S. K. Bullouqh. © Sprinqer-Verlaq; 26Sep77; AFO-90120.

AFO-90121. Current topics in microbiology and immunology, 76. Edited by i. Arber £ others. Hest Germany. 211 p. Appl. au: C. B. Pringle 6 D. Eichter. 8 Sprinqer- Verlag; 5Sep77; AFO-90121.

AFO-90122. Biochemical differentiation in insect qlands. Edited by Holfgang Beermann. Hest Germany. 215 p. (Results and problems in cell differentiation, vol. 8) Appl. au: Halter Baudisch B Olrich Grossbach. 6 Springer-Veriaq; 30ct77; SFO-90122.

AFO-90123. Reviews of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology. 79. Editors: fi. H. Adrian & others. Nest Germany. 180 p. Appl. au: Kenzo Sato. Formerly Ergebnisse der Physiologie, biologischen Chenie und experimentelleu Pharmakologie. 9 Springer-Verlag: 20Sep77: AFO-90123.

AFO-9012t. The Maior histocompatibility system in man and animals. Editor: Dietrich Goetze. Hest Germany. UOt p. Appl. au: E. Albert e H. Balner. C Springer-Verlag; 28Auq77; APO-90124.

AFO-90125. Start nakinq music; a primary teacher^s quide. By Geoffry Hussell-Smith- England. 56 p. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. NFO-1027. NM: adaptation. e Universal Edition tLondon) Ltd.; 31JU177; AFO-90125.

AFO-90126. Kaefflpfende Siesen in Kanaan von Josua bis SalODio. By Bernice c. Jordan. Hest Germany. 90 p. (Fusstapfen des Glaubens) Add. ti; Fuss Tapf en des Glauben- -kampfende Riesen in Kanaan. Appl. au: Christof Schoufert. Translation of Fighting giants in Canaan. HM: tran- slation. 6 Bibelclub-Bewegung, E* V. ; 10ct77: AFO-90126.

AFO-90127. Excited states in organic chemistry and biochemistry; proceedings of the Tenth Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemist!: 7. held in Jerusalem, Israel, Mar. 28-3 1,. 1977. Edited by Bernard Pulimaj s Hatan Goldblum. Holland. it<l8 p. (The Jerusalem symposia on quantum chemistry and biochemistry, vol. 10) 3 D. Beidel Publishing Company; 50ct77: APO-90127.

AFO-9012B. Solid electrolytes. Edited by Seymour Geller. Hest Germany. 229 p. (Topics in applied physics, vol- 21) Appl. au: Leopold Heyne. © Springer-Verlag: 8NOV77; AFO-90128.

AFO-90129. Laser spectroscopy 3; proceedings of the Third International Conference, Jackson Lake Lodge, Hyoming, July 4-8, 1977. Editors: John L. Hall & John L. Carlsten. Hest Germany. 468 p. (Springer series in optical sciences, vol, 7) Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy. Appl. aui B. P. Stoicheff S P. G. Sanders. © Springer- Verlag; 240ct77; AFO-90129.

AFO-90130. Cecile et Jean, safari en rose. By Jacgues De Saint-Paul, pseud, de Paul-Claude Innocenzi. France. 187 p. © Jacques De Saint Paul, pseud de Paul-Claude Innocenzi 6 SECLE a.a.d.o. Societe pour 1* Exploitation du Commerce de Librairie et d'Edition; 15Dec77; AFO-90130.

AFO-90131. , L' Affaire Solomides. By Andre conord, pref. d' Henri Pradal. France. 286 p. NM: new text & compilation of texts. Societe Nouvelle des Editions J. -J. Pauvert; 30Sep77; AFO-90131.

AFO-90132. Le Travail amoureux: eloge de I'in- certitude. By Max Pages. France. 131 p. © Bordas; 30Nov77; AFO-90132.

AFO-90133. propos d*un vieux chasseur de cogs. By Bene Chambe, illus. de Xavier De Poret. France. 285 p. © Presses de la Cite; 30HOV77; AFO-90133.

AFO-90134. Problemes resolus de statique. By Michel Caziu C Jeanine Metge. France. 153 p. © Bordas; 15Dec77; AFO-90134.

AFO-90135. Le Bal des vautours. By Genevieve Chauvel. France. 253 p. © Presses de la Cite; 15Dec77; AFO-90135.

AFO-90136. Le Bout du compte. By Francoise Lefevre. France. 214 p. © Societe Nouvelle des Editions Jean-Jacgues Pauvert; 300ct77; AFO-90136.

AFO-90137. Federico Fellini dessins. Choisi par christian Strich, pref. de Soland Topor. France. 131 p. NM: pref. Q Editions Albin Michel; 3Nov77; AFO-90137.

AFO-90138. Technocratie francaise 1: I'abord des nuisances radioactives: pollutions et dechets, le milieu naturel a la question. Par Yves Lenoir, pref. de Brice Lalonde. France. 334 p. (Collection amis de la terre) NM: new text 6 compilation of texts, some of which were prev. pub. 9 Societe Nouvelle des Editions Jean- Jacques Pauvert; 300ct77; AFO-90138.

AFO-90139. Composants en beton precontraint par armature adherente. Ouvrage redige collectivement par les chercheurs, techniciens et engenieurs du Centre de Recherche et d' Experimentation SARET: Michele Alcide 6 others. France. 301 p. © Bordas; 30Nov77: AFO-90139.

AFO-90 KO. Radiotechnigue et television. By Bogdan Grabowski. France. 201 p. © Bordas; 30NOV77; AFO-90140.

AFO-90 141. Someone else's child; rev. ed. By Olive Stevenson. England. 122 p. HM: completely rev. test to incorporate Children act 1975. © Olive Stevenson; 270ct77; AFO-90141.

AFO-90142. La Brigade des jeux. By Andre Burnat. France. 219 p. © Presses De La Cite; 150ec77; iFO-90142.

AFO- 90143. Stochastische Methoden des Operations Research. Von Juerg Kohlas. Hest Germany. 192 p. (Leitfaden der angewandten Hathematik und Mechanik LAMM, Bd. 40) © B. G. Teubner; 310ct77; APO-90143.

AFO-90144. Hissenschaf tstheorie: 1: Grundlagen und analytische Hissenschaftstheorie. Von Hartmut Esser, Klaus Klenovits e Helmut Zehnpfennig. Hest Germany. 285 p. (Studienskripten zur Sozioloqie) © B. G. Teubner; 310ct77: AFO-90144.

AFO-90145. Hissenschaftstheorie; 2: Funktiona- lanalyse und hermeneutisch-dialektische Ansaetze. Von Hartmut Esser, Klaus Klenovits 6 Helmut Zehnpfennig. Hest Germany. 261 p. (Studienskripten zur Soziologie) O B. G. Teubner; 310ct77; AFO-90145.

AFO-90 146. Verstehende Soziologie und Theorie der symbolischen Interaktion. Von Horst Juerqen Helle. Hest Germany. 207 p. (Studienskripten zur Soziologie) © B. G. Teubner; 310ct77; AFO-90146.

AFO-90147. La Musigue c'est ma vie. By Sidney Bechet, pref. de Claude Luter, traduction de Yvonne Cullaz 6 Maurice Cullaz, discographie d' Alain Tercinet. France. 331 p. Translation of Treat it gently. © on French translation; Editions de La Table Ronde-Opera Hundi; 14Nov77; AFC-90147.

AFO-90148. L' Homme de Prague. By Erwan Bergot. France. 231 p. © Presses De La Cite; 15Dec77; AFO-90148.

AFO- 90149. Intelligence de la politique. T. 1: L'Anti-providence. By Jules Monnerot. France. 254 p. »M: additions 6 compilation. © Bordas; J0Nov77; AFO-90149.

AFO-90 150. Henry 4 ou la grande victoire. By Yves Cazaui. Prance. 488 p. NM: additions 6 compilation. © Editions Albin Michel; 3NOV77; APO-90150.

AFO-90151. La Strega. By Eve Giannettini. France. 156 p. Societe Nouvelle des Editions Jean-Jacques Pauvert; 30Sep77; AFO-90151. AFO-90152. Les Bretons aiqcateurs. By Pierre Berruer. France. 271 p. O Presses de la Cite: 15Dec77; irO-90152.

iPO-90153. Besistan Kerqoiqu

uateriaui. By Barcel

s 6 Guy caiqnaert. 4. ed. 11714 p. e Bordas; 30NO»77; APO-90153.

AFO-90154. Guide pratique du proqraBae cotDun. Pat Frederic Deloffre, pref. d'Alain Peyrefitte. France. 381 p. NH : additions 6 compilation. Societe Nouvelle des Editions Jean-Jacques Pauyert; 30Noy77: AFO-90154.

AFO-90155. Flash-back. By Gilles Granqier. France. 247 p. Add. ti: Gilles Granqier presente Flash-back. Presses de la Cite: 15Dec77: AFO-90155.

AFO-90156. Basunskole. By Noqens Andresen. Dennark. 96 p. NH: editorial inst- ructions, coopilation & Busical arr. Edition liilhelB Hansen: 1itoct77: 4FO-90156.

AFO-90157. Tyaer£loe1tespil for beqyndere. By Toke Lund Christiansen, illustrationer: Victor Brockdorff. Denmark. ue p. (Floej- teskole. 1) NH: editinq, co»pilation t, additional text. C Edition Bilhela Hansen: 210ct77: APO-90157.

AFO-9015a. La Eecherche-action dans 1" institution educatiye. Par Bene Barbier, pref. de. J. irdoino. Hene Barbier, H. Fischer £ B. Lourau. France. 228 p. NH: additions 6 compilation- Bordas: 30Nov77; AFO-90158.

AFO-90159. La Hort sur un plateau. By Gilbert Picard. France. 188 p. 6 Gilbert Picard 6 Librairie des CUa«ps-Elysees: 15Dec77; AFO-90159.

AFO-90160. Hystep do fizyki. T. 1. By Andrzei Kaietan urobleiiski 6 Janosz Andrzel Zakrzewski, opracowanie qraficzne: Zyqiunt Zie»ka, redaktor: Boqdan Buchcar. Poland. 583 p. O panst»oiie Sydawnictwo Naukone: 8JU177 (in notice: 1976); iFO-90160.

AFO-90161. Federico Fellini fills: les quatrc cents plus belle photos des quinze films et demi de Federico Fellini. Choil de Christian Strich, pref. de Georqes simenon, les analyses des films ont ete rediqees par Gilbert Salacbas et Thotias Bodmer, traduit de I'Allemand par Andre Hauqe. France. 31(0 p. Add. ti: Fellini. NS: tran- slation. © Editions Albin Hichel; 3NOV77: AFO-90161.

AFO-90162. The Local state: manaqement of cities and people. By Cynthia cockburn. Great Britain. 207 p. C Pluto Press, Ltd.; 60ct77; iPO-90162.

4FO-90163. Hemopoietic colonies in vitro cloninq of normal and leukemic cells. By Donald Hetcalf. Best Germany. 227 p. (Recent results in cancer research, 61) e Sprinqei^Terlaq: 16Auq77: APO-90163.

AFO-90164. UO. Jahrestaqunq der deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Unfallheilkunde e.V. ; Konqressbericht im Auftraqe des Vorstandes zusammenqestellt. Von J. Probst. Best Germany. 131 p. (Hefte zur Bnfall- heilkunde. Heft 129) Held on 18-20 Nov., 1976, Berlin. Spriaqer-Verlag; 1Sep77; AFO-90164.

AFO-90165. Harks i Keynes: analiza porovnaiicza metodoloqii makroekonomiczne j. Bj Eskor Toyo, tlumaczyl: Bartlomiej Kaminski, redaktor naukony: Bartlomiej Kaminski, przedmoya do polskieqo nydania: Aleksander Lukaszemcz. Poland. 130 p. Oriqinal unpub. manuscript Hacroeconomic met- hodoloqy in Han and Keynes. NH: translation. Panstwo«e Bydaiinictwo Naukone: 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-90165.

AFO-90166. Fitness Kueche. No. 17-981-91. Konzept, Eedaktion und Photos.: Irma Buche £ Raymonde Chapuis, unter Mitarbeit »on Elinor Catala-Lipper, Laurent J. Buinoud 6 Andre Histelli. Switzerland. 16 cards. Add. ti: Fichier Fitness-Kueche. NH: German translation. a Edito-Service, S.A.; 110ct77; AFO-90166.

AFO-90167. Die Sportspieqel-Kartei. No. 17-992-05. Switzerland. 1 folder £ 21 cards. Appl. au: Antoine Bordier £ Jean Bosonnet. Nd: German translation. S Editions fiencontre, S.A.; 22JU177: AFO-90167.

AFO-90168. Die Sportspieqel-Kartei. Switzerland. 21 cards. Appl. au: Antoine Bordier 6 Jean Bosonnet. NH: German translation. Editions Rencontre, S.A.: 22Jul77; AFO-9015e.

AFO-90169. Die Sportspieqel-Kartei. Switzerland. 21 cards. Appl. au: Antoine Bordier £ Jean Bosonnet. NH: German translation, e Editions fiencontre, S.A.; 22Jul77; 4FO-90169.

AFO-90170. Fitness Kueche. No. 17-981-91. Switzerland. 1 v. 6 21 cards. Add. ti: Fichier Fitness-Kueche. Appl. au: Irma Euche £ Baymonde Chapuis. NH: German translation. O Edito-Seryice, S.4.; 110ct77; AFO-90170.

AFO-90171. Extendinq economics within the curriculum. Edited by Thomas Keith Bobinson £ Bobert Duncan Bilson. England. 201 p. Economics Association; 200ct77; AFO-90171.

AFO-90172. Hethoden der Systemtheorie: die Spektraltransformationen und ihre Anwendunqen. By Hans Sarko. iest Germany. 220 p. (Nachrichtentechnik, Bd. 1) o Sprinqei^Verlaq; 170ct77: AFO-90172.

AFO-90173. Grundlaqen und Techniken der Laser- spektroskopie. By Holfqanq Demtroeder. Best Germany. 256 p. (Hochschultext) Sprinqer-Verlaq; 29Sep77; AFO-90173.

AFO-90171. Etomidate: an intra»enous hypnotic aqent. Edited by A. Doenicke. Best Germany. 155 p. (Anaesthesioloqy and resuscitation, 106) ( Anaesthesioloqie und Biederbelebunq, 106) 6 Sprinqer-Verlaq; 100ct77; AFO-90171.

AFO-90175. Dechema-Herkstoff-Tabelle. 5. Erqaenzunqslieferunq: Chemische Bes- taendiqkeit. Hrsq. von Dieter Behrens, bearbeitet: H. Leycrzapf, Bedakteur: H. Puschmann. Best Germany. 1 v, NH: revisions £ additions. O Dechema, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer chemisches Apparatewesen E.V.: 15Sep77; AFO-9017S.

AFO-9017t. Femininity as alienation: women and the family in Harxism and psychoanalysis. By Ann Foreman. Great Britain. 168 p. e Pluto Press, Ltd.; 200ct77; AFO-90176.

AFO-90177. Atte katte Noa: musikbok for barnehage, foeskole, smaaskole oq hjem. A: vorknes bok. B: barnas bok. By Anne-Lise Knutsen, illustrajoner : Pedro, pseud, of Salo Grenninq. Norway. 125 p. NH: text, musical compositions of words £ music, translation of prew. pub. words. compilation of prev. pub. material 6 new illus. Norsk Husikforlaq, A.S.; 19Dec77; AFO-90177.

AFO-90178. Rapid • n" right; popular piano course. Book 2. By Chris Lovett, in collaboration with Colin Kelly, illus. by E«ily Lovett. Canada. 17 p. Gordon V. Thompson. Ltd.; 7Dec77; AFO-90178.

AFO-90179. Bhat lies behind it! By Herbert Vollmann, translator: Cecil Charles Bhitfield Kinqdon. Best Germany. 115 p. oriqinal ti.: Uas dahinter steht! NH: translation. Herbert Vollmann; 21Auq77; AFO-90179.

AFO-90180. Hathematik fuer Inqenieure des Haschinenbaus und der Elektrotechnik. Von golfganq Branch, Bans-Joachim Dreyer £ Bolfhart Baacke. 5. neubearb. £ erweiterte Aufl. Best Germany. 767 p. Add. ti: Hathematik fuer Ingenieure. Haschinenbau Elektrotechnik. B. G. Teubner; 21Jul77; 4FO-90180.

AFO-90181. Financial management in school administration. Edited by Keith Ernest Tronc. Australia. 110 p. Oniversity of Queensland Press; 11Jul77; 4FO-90181.

AFO-90182. Les Derniers puritains: pionniers d'Amerique, 1851-1920; lettres de Theodore Bost et Sophie Bonjour. Dessins £ iconographie:Charles-Harc Bost, pref. d'yves Berqer. France. 136 p. Hachette; 30Sep77; AFO-90182.

AFO-9Q183. Introduction aui systemes assetvis non lineaires. By Jean-Charles Gille. Prance. 125 p. Appl. au: Pierre vidal. e Bordas; 30Oct77; AFO-90183.

AFO-90181. Histoire de la marine francaise. De E. H. Jenkins, traduit de I'anqlais par Raymond Albeck. France. 128 p. Original ti. : A History of the French Navy from its beqinnings to the present day. 6 on French translation; Editions Albin Hichel: 3NOV77; AFO-90181.

AFO-90185. L' Heritage des cxtra-terrestres; ou. Panorama de la mediumnite modecne. By Hichel Granger. France. 251 p. NH: text £ compilation of texts. O Editions Albin Hichel: 3NOV77; APO-90185.

AFO-90 186. Gedeon dans la foret. By Benjamin Rabier, edition de Bernard Vereano. France. 1 v. NB: editing. Garnier Preres; 30Hay77; AFO-90186.

AFO-90187. Alphabet. Par Benjamin Rabier, edition de Bernard Vereano. France. 1 v. NH: editinq. 6 Garnier Freres; 30Hay77; APO- 90187. AFO-9018e. &llpress-PFA-Korrespondenz , July 28, 1977. By Heinz G. Pridat-Guzatis. west Germany. 6 p. Allpress-FFA-Korres- pondenz, Heinz Pridat-Guzatis 6 Fernseh- Funlc-Verlaq: 2ajul77: AFO-90183.

AFO-90189. Allpress-FFA-Korrespondenz, August 30, 1977. By Heinz G. Pridat-Guzatis. Best Germany. 6 p. Q Allpress-FFA-Korres- pondenz, Heinz Pridat-Guzatis S Pernseh- Funk-Verlaq; 30Auq77; AFO-90189.

SFO-90190. Erzaehlunqen. By Graham Greene, berechtiqte Oebersetzunq von Heidi Dumreicher, Petra Kipphoff, Ida Koch- Loeprioqen, Bans H. Polak, Halther PuchveiD & Hilde Spiel. Austria. U47 p. 3 on translation; Paul Zsolnay Verlaq G.M.B.H.: 10Nov77; AFO-90190.

AFO-9019 1. Kommentar zum Bewertaaqsmassstab (Aerzte) , 2. Auflaqe, 13. Erqaenzun- qslieferunq. Stand: 1. 1^. 1977. By Dietrich Brueck. Best Germany. Sheets. NH; neH rev. pages. 3 Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag, G.M.B.H.; 13Dec76 (in notice: 1977); AFO-90191.

AFO-90192. Brueck-Guillemet Kommentar zur Ersatzkassen— Adgo, 5. Auflage. Stand yom 1. Oktober 1976, 35. Erqaenzungsblat- tlieferunq, bearb. von Dietrich Brueck. Rest Germany. 1 v. NH: nev rev. pages, e Deutscher Aerzte-Verlaq, G.M.B.H.; 7Dec76: AFO-90192.

AFO- 90193. Abkommen Aerzte Berufsqenossenscbaf ten, 6. Auflaqe. 10. Ergaenzungsblattlie- ferunq. Stand 1. 1. 1977, von Friedrich Nienhaus. Rest Germany. Sheets (320 p.) NM: ne« rev. paqes. 9 Deutscher Aerzte-Verlaq, G.M.B.H.; 29Nov76; AFO-90193.

AFO- 901911. Modern Chinese-English workbook 1. Bepublic of China. 120 p. Appl. au: Chin-pinq Uu Whanq & Anne Jackson. O Bilinqual Publication and Service Company; 3Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AFO-90194.

iPO-90195. Vom Klanqsymbol zum Notenspiel. Blockfloeten-Kurs, T. 2 (Spielstuecke) By Marqrit Kuentzel-Hansen, Illustrationen: Karin Bitzel. iest Germany. 56 p. NM: editorial selection & new music £ text, e Husikverlaq Hans Sikorski: 30ct77; AFO-90195.

AFO-90196. The Kingdom experience — a better way to live: a new move of the spirit as seen through the eyes of eternity. By Boland De La Marre. Canada. 126 p. O Boland De La Marre; 7Nov77; AFO-90196.

AFO-90197. 15 esercizi a due voci. By Zoltan Kodaly, traduzione di John Meddemmen. Italy. 19 p. (Metodo corale Kodaly) on Italian translation; Carisch, S.P.A. d.b.a. Boosey and Company, Ltd.; 5Sep77; AFO-90197.

AFO-90198. Cantiafflo in oodo corretto. Italy. 16 p. (Betodo corale Kodaly) Appl. au: Zoltan Kodaly £ John Heddemiieu. e on Italian translation; Carisch, S.P.A. d.b.a. Boosey and Company, Ltd.; 5Sep77; AFO-90198.

AFO-90199. Die wiesenzwerge. Bilder fi Text von Ernst Kreidolf. Switzerland. 1 v. Prev. pub. 1962. NH; revisions. 6 Botapfel- Verlag, i.G.; 15Sep77; AFO-90199.

AFO-90200. Communications policy for national development: a comparative perspective. Edited by Majid Teheranian, Farhad Hakimzadeh £ Marcello L. Vidale. England. 286 p. 6 Iran Communications and Development Institute; 16Jun77; AFO-90200.

AFO-90 201. Language and materialism: developments in semiology and the theory of the subject. By Rosalind Tamsin coward £ John Cyril Paget Ellis. England. 165 p. e Rosalind Coward 6 John Ellis; 130ct77; AFO-90201.

AFO-90202. Fantasy tales. Edited by Barbara Ireson. Onited Kingdom. 218 p. NM: compilation. @ Faber and Falter, Ltd. ; 19Sep77; AFO-90202.

AFO-90203. Georq Friedrich Haendel: Der Messias. By Erich Schmid. West Germany. 56 p. (Praxis der Chorprobe) UM: compilation, editing E text. e Henry Litolff's Veriag; 31Aug77: AFO-90203.

AFO-90204. Notfall EKG-Fibel. By Gustav Georg Belz £ Martin Stauch, mit einem Beitrag von Friedrich silhelm Ahnefeld. 2. uebe- rarbeitete Aufl. West Germany. 96 p. (Kliniktaschenbuecher) d Springer-verlag; 19Sep77; AFO-90204.

AFO-90 205. Ontersuchungsverfahren in Dermatologie und Venerologie. By Sander Harghescu £ Helmut H. Wolff, Geleitwort von O. Brautt-Falco. 2. verbesserte Aufl. West Germany. 170 p. S J. F. Bergmann Veriag; 2Sep77: APO-90205.

AFO-90206. Therapie innerer Krankheiten. Hrsg. von E. Buchborn £ others. 3. ueberarbeitete Aufl. west Germany. 690 p. C Springer- Verlag; 31May77; AFO-90206.

AFO-90207. Einfuehrung in die DIN-Normen. By Martin Klein, hrsg. vom DIN Deutsches Institut fuer Normung, e. V. £ bearb. von Klaus Guenter Krieq. 7. neubearb. fi erweiterte Aufl. West Germany. 796 p. e B. G. Teubnec £ Beuth Veriag; lAug77; AFO-90207.

AFO-90208. Das Grosse Peter Aitenberg Buch. Hrsg. und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Werner J. Schweiger. Austria. 431 p. NM: compilation £ additional text. Paul Zsolnay Veriag, G.M.B.H.; 29Sep77; AFO-90208.

AFO-90209. Selected poems of Lawrence Durrell. Selected £ with an introd. by Alan Boss. Great Britain. 96 p. NM: additional text. O Lawrence Durrell; 30ct77; APO-90209.

APO-90210. The Memsahib. By Berkely Mather, pseud, of Jasper Davies. Onited Kingdom. 318 p. S Berkely Mather (pseud, for Jasper Davies); 11Jul77; AFO-90210. AFO-90211. La Loqlgue de I'univers: physique bienergetigue. Par Joseph Pierre Keller. France. 77 p. 6 Joseph P. Keller; 30Oct77; AFO-90211.

AFO-90211t. L*Esame di patente per la barca a vela: secondo il nuovo programma di esami. By Paolo Berardi £ Giuliano Thermes. Italy. 146 p. Add- ti: L'Esame di patente sulla barca a vela. 6 Nistri Lischi Editori; 240ct77; AFO-90214.

ArO-90215. A la lumiere d'hiver; precede de Lecons et de Chants d'en bas. By Philippe Jaccottet. France. 99 p. NM: additions £ revisions, e Editions Gallimard; 5May77; AFO-90215.

AFO-90216. Canons, BIV 1087. By J. S. Bach, analyse et commentaires de Marcel Bitsch. France. 21 p. 3 Editions Durand et Compagnie; 30Oct77; AFO-90216.

AFO-90217. Heisse Naechte fuer die Lady. By Peter 0*Donnell, tr.: Wolfgang wiegand. Austria. 327 p. (Modesty Blaise) Original ti.: Last day in limbo. NM: translation. 6 Paul Zsolnay Veriag, G.M.B.H.; 8Sep77; AFO-90217.

AFO-90218. Corps commander. By Brian Horrocks, with Eversley Belfield £ H. Essame. Onited Kingdom. 256 p. 3 Brian Horrocks, Eversley Belfield fi H. Essame; 30Juii77; AFO-9021S. (Aug. 1977 reprint, deposited)

AFO-90219. What's the time. Mister Wolf? By John Bruce Waterhouse. Australia. 33 p. (University of Queensland inaugural lectures) 3 University of Queensland Press; 8Aug77; AFO-90219.

AFO-90220. Industrialization, history, and ideology. By Malcolm Ian Thomis. Australia. 18 p. (University of Queensland inaugural lectures) e Oniveisity of Queensland Press; 8Aug77; AFO-90220.

AFO-90221. Form, function, and fertility. By Timothy Dawson Glover. Australia. 25 p. (Dniversity of Queensland inaugural lectures) 3 University of Queensland Press; 8Aug77; AFO-90221.

AFO-90222. Mapleton infants. By Alexander Boss Thomas £ Elaine Muriel Langshaw, general editor: W. G. Walker. Australia. 1 v. (Schools of Mapleton, in-basket 8) 3 University of Queensland Press; 15Aug77; AFO-90222.

AFO-90223. nes theatres. France. 314 p. (Cahiers Paul Valery, 2) Appl. au: Paul Valery, Agathe Bouart £ Jean Levaillant. NM: additional text. 3 Editions Gallimard; 13Sep77; AFO-9022J.

AFO-90224. Das Haus im Marulabaum. By Alexandra Cordes, pseud, of Ursula Horbach. West Germany. 348 p. 3 Franz Schneekluth Veriag, K.G; 16Jun77; AFO-90224.