Made of jean, with sateen strips ; black made
of sateen throughout ; boned with Coraline ;
handsomely flossed; trimmed at the upper edge
with lace woven with ribbon. White, drab and
$9.00 per doz.
Warner's Eclipse Nursing.
13-inch clasp.
Five hooks.
Sizes, 18 to 30 in.
This corset is made of jean with sateen strips; black
made of sateen throughout; boned with Coraline, and is
original in construction; the front section is double,
with stiffening bones continuous from top to bottom,
which makes a perfect-fitting corset, as well as one soft,
pliable and convenient for the purpose intended; bust
fastens with glove button. White, drab and black.
$8.50 per doz.
Warner's 600.
Long Waist.
13-inch clasp,
Five hooks.
Two side steels.
Sizes, 18 to 30 in,
Made of coutille, with sateen strips ; black made of
sateen throughout ; boned with Coraline; flossed at
the upper edge, which is trimmed with silk embroid-
ery. White, drab and black.