A Biographical Dictionary of Modern Rationalists
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A few Rationalists, sometimes of great distinction, whose names were overlooked, will be found in a Supplement at the end of the book
- Abauzit, Firmin
- Abbe, Professor Ernst
- Abbot, Francis E.
- Abbott, George F., B.A.
- Abbott, Leonard D.
- About, Edmond
- Achelis, Thomas
- Ackermann, Louise V.
- Acollas, Professor E.
- Acosta, Uriel
- Adam, Professor Charles, D. es L.
- Adams, Charles Francis
- Adams, Francis W. L.
- Adams, John, President of the United States
- Adams, Robert
- Adamson, Professor Robert, Ph.D.
- Adcock, A. St. John
- Adickes, Professor E., Ph.D.
- Adler, Professor Felix, Ph.D.
- Ahrens, Professor Heinrich, Ph.D.
- Aikenhead, Thomas
- Airy, Sir George B., K.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S.
- Aitzema, Lieuwe van
- Albee, John
- Alcott, Amos Bronson
- Alembert, Jean le Rond d'
- Alfieri, Count V.
- Algarotti, Count F.
- Allbutt, Sir Thomas C., K.C.B., M.A., M.D., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S.
- Allen, Grant, B.A.
- Allen, Colonel Ethan
- Allen, John, M.D.
- Allingham, William
- Allman, Professor G. J., LL.D., D.Sc., F.R.S.
- Allsop, Thomas
- Altmeyer, Professor J. J., Ph.D., D.C.L.
- Alviella, Count Goblet d'
- Amari, Professor M.
- Amicis, Edmondo de
- Amiel, Henri F.
- Anderson, George
- Andrews, Stephen P.
- Angell, Norman
- Angiulli, Professor A.
- Annet, Peter
- Annunzio, Gabriele d'
- Anthony, Susan B.
- Antonelle, the Marquis Pierre Antoine d'
- Apelt, Professor E. F.
- Arago, Francois
- Arago, É. V.
- Arago, F. V. E.
- Aranda, Count P. P. d'
- Arbuthnot, Forster F.
- Archer, William, M.A.
- Ardigó, Professor Roberto
- Argens, the Marquis J. B. d'
- Argenson, Count M. P. d
- Argenson, the Marquis R. L. d'
- Argental, Count C. A. d'
- Armellini, Carlo
- Armstrong, Professor H. E., Ph.D., LL.D., D.Sc., F.R.S.
- Arnold, Sir Edwin, K.C.I.E., M.A.
- Arnold, Matthew
- Arnoldson, Klas Pontus
- Arnould, Arthur
- Arnould, Victor
- Arrhenius, Professor Svante
- Arriaga, M. J. d', LL.D., President of the Portuguese Republic
- Ashurst, William H.
- Asseline, Louis
- Assezat, Jules
- Assolant, Professor J. B. A.
- Astruc, Jean, M.D.
- Aszo y del rio, Professor I. J. d'
- Atkinson, H. G.
- Auerbach, Berthold
- Aulard, Professor F. V. A.
- Austin, Charles, M.A.
- Austin, John
- Austin, Sarah
- Avebury, Baron, P.C., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S.
- Aveling, E. B., D.Sc.
- Aveling, Eleanor Marx
- Avenarius, Professor E.
- Avenel, Georges
- Aymon, Jean, D.D.
- Ayrton, Professor W. E., B.A., F.R.S.
- Babeuf, François N.
- Baccelli, Professor Guido
- Bage, Robert
- Bagehot, Walter, M.A.
- Baggesen, Professor Jens I.
- Bahnsen, J. F. A.
- Bahrdt, Professor K. F.
- Bailey, Samuel
- Baillie, George
- Bain, Professor Alexander, M.A.
- Bakunin, Mikhail
- Baldwin, Professor J. M., M.A., Ph.D., Sc.D., LL.D.
- Ball, William P.
- Ballance, the Honourable John
- Balmaceda, José M., President of the Republic of Chile
- Baltzer, W. E.
- Balzac, Honoré de
- Bancel, F. D.
- Bancroft, Hubert Howe
- Baretti, Giuseppe
- Barlow, George
- Barlow, Jane, LL.D.
- Barlow, Joel
- Barnave, A. P. J. M.
- Barnes, the Honourable J. Edmestone. [Supplementary List]
- Barni, Professor J. E.
- Barot, François Odysse
- Barrett, Thomas Squire
- Barthélemy-Saint-Hilaire, Jules
- Barthez, P. J., M.D.
- Bartoli, Professor H. A.
- Bartosek, Theodor, Ph.D., LL.D.
- Barzelotti, Professor G.
- Basedow, Johann B.
- Bashkirtseff, Marie
- Baskerville, John
- Bastian, Professor Adolf
- Bastian, Professor Henry Charlton, M.A., M.D., F.L.S., F.E.S.
- Bastiat, Frederic
- Bates, Henry Walter, F.E.S.
- Battelli, Professor Angelo
- Battisti, Cesare
- Baudelaire, Charles Pierre
- Baudissin, Count W. F. von, Ph.D.
- Baudrillart, Professor H.
- Bauer, Bruno
- Bauer, Edgar
- Bax, Ernest Belfort
- Bayle, Pierre
- Beadnell, Charles M., M.E.C.S., L.E.C.P.
- Beausobre, Louis de
- Bebel, Ferdinand August
- Beccaria-Bonesana, the Marquis Cesare
- Becher, Professor Erich, Ph.D.
- Becker, Sir Walter F., K.B.E.
- Beckers, Professor Hubert
- Beckford, William
- Beddoes, Thomas, M.D.
- Beddoes, Thomas Lovell
- Beesly, Edward Spencer
- Beethoven, Ludwig von
- Begbie, Major-General E. W., C.B., D.S.O.
- Bekker, Balthasar, D.D.
- Bell, Major Thomas Evans
- Belot, Professor Gustave
- Bender, Hedwig
- Beneke, Professor Friedrich Edward
- Benn, Alfred William, B.A.
- Bennett, De Robigne Mortimer
- Bennett, Arnold
- Bentham, Jeremy, M.A.
- Beranger, P. J. de
- Bergson, Professor Henri L., D. es L.
- Berkenhout, John, M.D.
- Berlioz, Hector
- Bernard, Professor Claude, M.D., D.Sc.
- Bernard, Henry Meyners
- Bernstein, Aaron
- Bernstein, Edward
- Bert, Paul, M.D., D.Sc.
- Bertani, Agostino, M.D.
- Berthelot, Professor P. E. M., D.Sc.
- Berthollet, Count Claude Louis de
- Berti, Professor D., Ph.D.
- Bertillon, Alphonse
- Bertillon, Professor Louis A.
- Berwick, George, M.D.
- Besant, Sir Walter
- Betham-Edwards, Matilda
- Bethell, Richard. [Supplementary List].
- Bettinelli, Saverio
- Beyle, Marie Henri
- Blanchi-Glovini, A.
- Blchat, M. F. X.
- Blerce, Ambrose
- Binet, Alfred
- Biot, Jean Baptiste, F.E.S.
- Birch, William John, M.A.
- Birkbeck, George, M.D.
- Bithell, Richard, Ph.D., B.Sc.
- Bizet, Georges
- Björkmann, Edwin August
- Björnson, Björnstjerne
- Blagosvetlov, Grigorevich
- Blake, William
- Blanc, Louis
- Blanqui, Louis Auguste
- Blatchford, Robert
- Blathwayt, Lt.-Col. Linley
- Bleibtreu, Carl
- Blein, Baron A. F. A.
- Blind, Karl
- Blind, Mathilde
- Block, Ivan, M.D.
- Blount, Charles
- Blount, Sir Henry
- Blount, Sir Thomas Pope
- Blum, Robert
- Bocage, M. M. B.
- Bodichon, Barbara L. S.
- Bodin, Jean
- Boerner, Wilhelm
- Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas
- Boindin, Nicolas
- Boissier, Professor M. L. Gaston
- Boito, Arrigo
- Bojer, Johan
- Bolin, Professor A. W., Ph.D.
- Bolingbroke, Viscount
- Bolivar, Simon, President of Bolivia
- Bölsche, Wilhelm
- Bolzano, Professor Bernard
- Bonaparte, Prince Jerome
- Bonaparte, Prince Napoleon J. C. P.
- Bonghi, Professor Euggero, LL.D.
- Bonheur, Eosa
- Boni, Filippo de, D. es L.
- Bonnet, Charles
- Bonnycastle, John
- Bonstetten, K. V. von
- Bonwick, James
- Booth, James, C.B.
- Born, Baron Ignaz von
- Borne, Ludwig
- Borrow, George
- Bosanquet, Professor B., M.A., LL.D., D.C.L.
- Bosc, L. A. G.
- Bostrom, Professor C. J.
- Boucher de crevecceur de perthes, J.
- Bougainville, Count L. A. de, F.R.S.
- Bouglé, Professor Charles
- Bouillier, Francisque, Ph.D.
- Boulainvilliers, Count Henri de
- Boulanger, Nicolas Antoine
- Bourgeois, Leon V. A.
- Bourneville, M. D.
- Boutmy, Professor E. G.
- Boutroux, Professor Ế. Ế. M.
- Bovio, Professor Giovanni
- Bowen, Baron, M.A., D.C.L.
- Bowman, Charles
- Boyesen, Professor H. H.
- Brabrook, Sir Edward William, C.B.
- Bradlaugh, Charles
- Bradlaugh bonner, Hypatia
- Bradley, Francis Herbert
- Brekstad, Hans Lien
- Braga, Theophilo, President of the Portuguese Republic
- Brahms, Johannes
- Bramwell, Baron
- Brandes, Carl E. C., Ph.D.
- Brandes, Georg, LL.D.
- Brandin, Professor L. M., L. es L., Ph.D.
- Branting, K. Hjalmar
- Braun, Lily
- Braun, Wilhelm von
- Bray, Charles
- Breitenbach, Wilhelm, Ph.D.
- Brentano, Professor Franz
- Brewer, E. Cobham, LL.D., D.C.L.
- Brewster, Henry
- Briand, Aristide, D. es L.
- Bridges, Horace J.
- Bridges, John Henry, M.D.
- Brieux, Eugene
- Brinton, Daniel G., M.D.
- Brisson, Adolphe
- Brisson, Eugene Henri
- Brissot, J.P.
- Bristol, Augusta Cooper
- Broca, Pierre Paul
- Brodie, Sir Benjamin Collins, B.A., D.C.L.
- Brooke, Eupert
- Brooke, Stopford Augustus
- Brooksbank, William
- Brosses, President Charles de
- Broussais, Professor F. J. V.
- Brown, Professor Arthur, M.A., LL.D.
- Brown, Ford Madox
- Brown, George William, M.D.
- Brown, J. Armour. [Supplementary List]
- Brown, Titus L., M.D.
- Brown, Walston Hill
- Brown, Bishop W. Montgomery, D.D.
- Brown-Séquard, Professor C. E., LL.D., M.D., F.R.S., F.R.C.P.
- Browne, Sir Thomas, M.D.
- Browne, William George
- Browning, Robert
- Bruno, Giordano
- Buchanan, Lt.-Col. Sir Walter James. [Supplementary List]
- Buchanan, Robert
- Buchanan, Robert, junior
- Büchner, Professor Alexander
- Büchner, Friedrich K. C. Ludwig, M.D.
- Buckle, Thomas
- Buen y Del Cos, Professor Odon de
- Buffon, Count G. L. Leclerc de
- Buisson, Professor Ferdinand E., D. es L.
- Buller, Charles, B.A.
- Burbank, Luther, Sc.D.
- Burckhardt, Professor Jakob
- Burdach, Professor K. F.
- Burdett, Sir Francis
- Burdon, William, M.A.
- Burgers, T. F., D.D., President of the Transvaal Republic
- Burigny, Jean Levesque de
- Burnet, Thomas, M.A.
- Burnett, John
- Burnouf, Emile Louis
- Burnouf, Eugene
- Buens, the Right Honourable John
- Burns, Robert
- Burroughs, John, Litt.D.
- Burt, the Right Honourable Thomas, D.C.L.
- Burton, John Hill
- Burton, Sir Richard Francis
- Bury, Professor J. B., M.A., LL.D., Litt.D.
- Butler, Samuel, author of Hudibras
- Butler, Samuel, philosopher
- Byelinsky, Vissarion G.
- Byron, George Gordon, Lord
- Cabanis, George Paul Sylvester
- Cabanis, Pierre Jean Georges
- Caine, William Ralph Hall
- Call, W. M. W., M.A.
- Calderon, Professor Laureano
- Calderon, Professor Salvador
- Callaway, Charles, M.A., D.Sc.
- Calverley, Charles Stuart
- Cambacérès, Prince Jean Jacques Régis de
- Campbell, Thomas
- Canestrini, Professor G., Ph.D.
- Cannizzaro, Professor S.
- Cannizzaro, Tommaso
- Cantoni, Professor Carlo
- Cape, Emily Palmer
- Carducci, Professor Giosuè
- Carlile, Richard
- Carlton, Henry
- Carlyle, John Aitken, M.D.
- Carlyle, Thomas
- Carnegie, Andrew, LL.D.
- Carneri, Baron Bartolomaus von
- Carnot, Lazare Hippolyte
- Carnot, Count Lazare N. M.
- Carnot, Sadi, President of the French Republic
- Carnot, Sadi Nicolas Leonard
- Caro, Professor Elme
- Caroline, Queen of England
- Carpenter, Edward
- Carpenter, Professor W. B., C.B., M.D., LL.D., F.R.S.
- Carr, Herbert Wildon, D.Litt.
- Carra, J. L.
- Carrel, J. B. N. A.
- Carrière, Professor Moritz
- Carus, Professor J. V.
- Carus, Professor Karl Gustav
- Carus, Paul, Ph.D.
- Casanova, G. J. de Seingalt
- Casimir-Perier, J.P. P., President of the French Republic
- Caspari, Professor Otto, Ph.D.
- Cassels, Walter Richard
- Castelli, Professor David
- Castilhon, J. L.
- Catherine ii, Empress of Russia
- Cattaneo, Professor Carlo
- Cattaneo, Professor Giacomo
- Cattell, Charles
- Cavaignac, E. L. G.
- Cavallotti, F. C. E.
- Cavendish, the Honourable Henry, F.R.S.
- Cayla, J. M.
- Cazelles, Emile H., M.D.
- Cerutti, J. A. J.
- Cesareo, Professor G. A.
- Challemel-Lacour, P. A.
- Chaloner, Thomas
- Chamberlain, Professor Basil Hall
- Chamberlain, Daniel Henry
- Chamberlain, Houston Stewart
- Chambers, Ephraim, F.R.S.
- Chambers, Robert, LL.D.
- Chamfort, Sebastien E. N.
- Chamisso, Adelbert von
- Champollion, Jean François
- Chantrey, Sir Francis Legatt, M.A., D.C.L., F.R.S.
- Chapman, John, M.D.
- Chaptal, Count J. A. C.
- Charbonnel, Victor, L. es L.
- Charma, Antoine
- Charron, Pierre
- Chastellux, the Marquis F. J. de
- Chatelet, the Marquise Gabrielle Emilie du
- Chatterton, Thomas
- Chaumette, Pierre Gaspard
- Chaussard, P. J. B.
- Chénier, A. M. de
- Chénier, Marie Joseph
- Cherbuliez, Charles Victor
- Cherubini, Maria Luigi C. Z. S.
- Chiez y Gomez, Ramon
- Child, Lydia Maria Francis
- Chilton, William
- Chubb, Percival
- Chubb, Thomas
- Claretie, Jules
- Clarke, Marcus A. H.
- Clemenceau, Georges Eugene Benjamin
- Clemens, Samuel Langhorne
- Clifford, Martin
- Clifford, Professor W. K., F.R.S.
- Clifford, Mrs. W. K.
- Cline, Henry
- Clodd, Edward
- Clootz, Baron J. B. de
- Clough, Arthur Hugh
- Clouston, Sir Thomas, M.D., LL.D., F.E.S.E.
- Cohen, Chapman
- Cohen, Professor Hermann, Ph.D.
- Coit, Stanton, Ph.D.
- Coke, the Honourable Henry John
- Coleridge, Sir John Duke, F.E.S., D.C.L., M.A., Lord Chief Justice
- Colins, Baron J. G. C. A. H. de
- Collier, the Honourable John
- Collin, Professor C. C. D.
- Collins, Anthony
- Collins, Professor John Churton, LL.D.
- Colman, Lucy
- Comazzi, Count G. B.
- Combe, Andrew
- Combe, George
- Combes, Justin Louis Emile, M.D., D. es L.
- Common, Thomas
- Comparetti, Professor D., D.C.L., Sc.D.
- Compayré, J. Gabriel
- Comte, François Charles Louis
- Comte, Isidore Marie Auguste Francois Xavier
- Condillac, E. B. de Mably de
- Condorcet, the Marquis J. A. N. de Caritat de
- Condorcet, the Marquise M. L. S. de Grouchy de
- Congreve, Richard, M.A.
- Conrad, Joseph
- Constant de Rebecque, H. Benjamin
- Conta, Professor Basil, LL.D.
- Conway, Hugh
- Conway, Moncure Daniel
- Conway, Sir William Martin, M.A., F.S.A., F.R.G.S.
- Conybeare, Frederick Cornwall M.A., D.D., LL.D.
- Cook, Keningale E., M.A., LL.D.
- Cooper, John Gilbert
- Cooper, Robert
- Cooper, Professor Thomas, M.D.
- Cope, Professor E. D., M.A., Ph.D.
- Cornette, Professor H. A. M.
- Corvin-Wierbitski, O. J. B. von
- Cotton, Sir Henry John Stedman
- Courier de Mere, P. L.
- Courtney, Baron L. H., of Penwith
- Courtney, William Leonard, M.A., LL.B.
- Cousin, Victor
- Coventry, Henry, M.A.
- Coward, William, M.A., M.D.
- Cowen, Joseph, M.P.
- Cramer, Johan Nikolai, Ph.D.
- Cranch, C. P.
- Crane, Walter, R.W.S.
- Cremer, Sir William Randal
- Crescini, Professor Vincenzo
- Croce, Benedetto
- Croly, David Goodman
- Crompton, Henry, B.A.
- Crozier, John Beattie, M.D., LL.D.
- Cumont, Franz Valery Marie, D. es L.
- Czolbe, Heinrich
- Damilaville, E. N.
- Damiron, J.P.
- Dandolo, Count Vincenzo
- Darmesteter, Agnes Mary Francis
- Darmesteter, Professor James
- Darusmont, Frances
- Darwin, Charles
- Darwin, Erasmus, B.A., M.B.
- Darwin, Sir Francis, D.Sc., M.B., F.R.S.
- Darwin, Sir George Howard, F.R.S.
- Darwin, Major Leonard, D.Sc.
- Daudet, Alphonse
- Daunou, P. C. F.
- David, Jacques Louis
- Davids, Caroline Augusta Rhys
- Davids, Professor T. W. Rhys, LL.D., D.Sc., Ph.D.
- Davidson, John
- Davidson, Thomas, M.A.
- Davies, Charles Maurice, M.A., D.D.
- Debidour, Professor E. L. M. M. A., D. es L.
- Day, Helen Hamilton Gardener
- De Bosis, Adolfo
- Debussy, Claude Achille
- De Coster, Charles
- De Dominicis, Professor S.
- Deffand, the Marquise M. A. de Vichy-Chamrond du
- De Gubernatis, Count Angelo, D. es L.
- Dekker, Edward Dowes
- Delacroix, F. V. E.
- Delage, Professor M. Yves, D. es Sc., M.D.
- Delambre, J. B. J.
- Delavigne, J. F. C.
- Delbœuf, Professor J. R., D. es L., D. es Sc., Ph.D.
- Delbos, Professor É. M. J. V., D. es L.
- Delbos, Leon
- Delcasse, Theophile
- Deleybe, Alexandre
- De Morgan, Professor Augustus
- Denham, Sir James Steuart
- Deniker, Joseph, D. es Sc.
- Denis, Professor Hector
- Denton, W. F.
- De Paepe, Cesar, M.D.
- De Potter, Agathon Louis
- De Potter, L. J. A.
- Deraismes, Maria
- D'Ercole, Professor Pasquale
- De Sanctis, Professor Francesco
- Deschamps, Leger Marie
- Deschanel, Professor E. A. E. M.
- Deschanel, Paul Eugene Louis, L. es L., L.en D., President of the French Republic
- Deshumbert, Marius
- Deslandes, A. F. B.
- Desmaiseaux, Pierre, F.R.S.
- Desmoulins, Benoit Camille
- Desnoireterres, G. le B.
- Dessaix, Count Joseph Marie
- Destriveaux, Professor P. J.
- Destutt de Tracy, Count A. L. C.
- Detrosier, Rowland
- Deubler, Konrad
- Deurhoff, Willem
- Deutsch, E. O. M.
- Dewey, Professor John, Ph.D., LL.D.
- De Worms, Henry, Baron Pirbright, F.R.S.
- Diaz, Porfirio, President of Mexico
- Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes
- Dide, Auguste
- Diderot, Denis
- Diercks, Gustav, D.Philol.
- Dietzgen, Joseph
- Dllke, Ashton Wentworth
- Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth, L.L.M.
- Dinter, G. F.
- Dippel, J. K.
- Dixie, Lady Florence
- Dobell, Bertram
- Dobereiner, Professor J. W.
- Dobroljubow, N. A.
- Dodel-Port, Professor A., F.R.S.
- Dodwell, Henry, B.A.
- Donkin, Sir H. Bryan, M.D., F.R.C.P.
- Douglas, Sir John Sholto
- Douglas, Stephen Arnold
- Dowden, Professor Edward, LL.D., D.C.L.
- Draparnaud, Professor J.P. R., M.D.
- Draper, Professor J. W., M.D., LL.D.
- Dresden, Edmond
- Drews, Professor Arthur, Ph.D.
- Driesch, Professor Hans, Ph.D., LL.D.
- Drummond, the Right Honourable Sir William, P.O., D.C.L., F.R.S.
- Druskowitz, Helene von, Ph.D., M.D.
- Dryden, John, [Supplementary List]
- Drysdale, Charles Robert, M.D., F.R.C.S.
- Duboc, Julius
- Dubois, P. F.
- Du Bois-Reymond, Professor Emil
- Dubuisson, Paul Ulrich
- Duclos, Charles Pineau
- Ducos, Jean Francois
- Dudgeon, William
- Dühring, Eugen Karl
- Dujardin, Edouard
- Dulaure, Jacques Antoine
- Dulaurens, Henri Joseph
- Dulk, A. F. B.
- Dumas, Alexandre, the younger
- Du Maurier, George
- Dumont, Leon
- Dumont, P. E. L.
- Duncan, Professor David, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D.
- Duncker, M. W.
- Dupont, Jacob Louis
- Dupont de nemours, Pierre Samuel
- Dupuis, Professor C. F.
- Durkheim, Professor Emile
- Duruy, Professor J. Victor
- Duvernet, T. I.
- Eaton, Daniel Isaac
- Eberhard, Professor J. A., Ph.D.
- Echtermeyer, E. T.
- Eckermann, J.P.
- Edelmann, J. C.
- Edison, Thomas Alva, D.Sc., LL.D., Ph.D.
- Edwards, John Passmore
- Effen, Justus van
- Eichhorn, Johann Gottfried
- Eisler, Rudolf, Ph.D.
- Eliot, Professor Charles William, A.M., M.D., LL.D., Ph.D.
- Eliot, George
- Ellero, Professor Pietro
- Elliot, Hugh Samuel Roger
- Elliotson, John, M.D., F.R.S.
- Ellis, Alfred Burdon
- Ellis, Henry Havelock
- Ellis, William
- Elphinstone, the Honourable Mountstuart
- Emerson, Ealph Waldo, LL.D.
- Emerson, William
- Emmet, Robert
- Engels, Friedrich
- English, George Bethune
- Ensor, George, B.A.
- Erdmann, Professor J. E.
- Ericsson, John
- Escherny, Count F. L. d'
- Espinas, Professor V. A.
- Espronceda, José de
- Esquiros, H. A.
- Evans, George Henry
- Ezekiel, Moses Jacob
- Fabre, Ferdinand
- Fabre, Jean Henri
- Fabre d'Églantine, P. F. N.
- Fabricatore, Professor Bruto
- Faggi, Professor Adolfo
- Faguet, Professor Auguste Émile
- Fallières, Clément Armand, President of the French Republic
- Farquhar, John
- Fauche, Hippolyte
- Faure, François Felix, President of the French Republic
- Faure, Sebastien
- Fawcett, Edgar
- Fawcett, the Right Honourable Henry, LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S.
- Fawkener, Sir Everard
- Fechner, Gustav Theodor
- Fellowes, Robert, M.A., LL.D.
- Fels, Joseph
- Ferrari, Professor Giuseppe, D. es L.
- Ferrer y Guardia, Francisco
- Ferrero, Guglielmo
- Ferri, Professor Enrico
- Ferri, Luigi
- Ferry, Jules
- Feuerbach, Friedrich Heinrich
- Feuerbach, Ludwig
- Fichte, Professor Johann Gottlieb
- Fielding-Hall, H. F. P. H.
- Figueras y Moracas, E.
- Filangieri, the Cavahere Gaetano
- Finke, Professor Heinrich, Ph.D.
- Fiorentino, Professor Francesco
- Fischer, J. G.
- Fischer, Professor E. Kuno Berthold
- Fiske, Professor John
- Fitzgerald, Edward
- Flammarion, N. Camille
- Flaubert, Gustave
- Floquet, Charles Thomas
- Flourens, Gustave
- Flourens, Professor M. J.P.
- Flower, Benjamin Orange
- Flower, Eliza
- Foerster, Professor W., Ph.D.
- Fonblanque, Albany
- Fontane, Theodor
- Fontenelle, B. le B. de
- Foote, George William
- Forberg, F. K.
- Forel, Professor Auguste
- Forlong, Major- General J. G. E.
- Fortlage, Professor Karl
- Foscolo, Nicolo Ugo
- Fouillée, Professor A. J. E., Ph.D.
- Fourier, Baron J. B. J.
- Fourier, F. M. C.
- Fox, the Right Honourable Charles James
- Fox, William Johnson
- France, Anatole
- France, Professor Adolph
- François de Neufchateau, Count N. L.
- Frankland, Sir Edward, K.C.B., Ph.D., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S.
- Franklin, Benjamin, LL.D., F.R.S.
- Fransham, John
- Frauenstadt, C. M. J.
- Frazer, Sir James George, D.C.L., LL.D., Litt.D.
- Frederick II, King of Prussia
- Freke, William
- Freiligrath, Ferdinand
- Frend, William, B.A.
- Frere-Orban, H. J. W.
- Fréret, Nicolas
- Freycinet, C. L. de Saulce de
- Freytag, Gustav
- Fries, Professor J. F.
- Froebel, Friedrich
- Frothingham, O. B.
- Froude, James Anthony, M.A.
- Fry, John
- Fuller, Margaret
- Fürbringer, Professor Max, Ph.D., M.D.
- Furnivall, Frederick James, M.A., Ph.D., D.Litt.
- Gadow, Hans Friedrich, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S.
- Gage, Matilda Joslyn
- Gaidoz, Henri
- Galdos, Benito Perez
- Galiani, Fernando
- Gall, Franz Joseph
- Gallatin, Albert
- Gallichan, Walter. [Supplementary List].
- Galsworthy, John
- Galton, Sir Francis, D.Sc., D.C.L., F.R.S.
- Gambetta, Leon Michel
- Gambon, Ferdinand Charles
- Garcia-Vao, A. E.
- Garibaldi, Giuseppe
- Garnett, Edward William
- Garnett, Lucy
- Garnett, Richard, C.B., LL.D.
- Garrison, W. Lloyd
- Garth, Sir Samuel, M.A., M.D.
- Gautier, Theophile
- Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis
- Geijer, E. G.
- Gendre, Barbe
- Genestet, P. A. de
- Genin, Frangois
- Genovesi, Antonio
- Geoffrin, Marie Therese
- Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, E.
- Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore
- Ghillany, F. W.
- Ghisleri, Professor Arcangelo
- Glannone, Pietro
- Gibbon, Edward
- Giddings, Professor F. H., A.M., Ph.D., LL.D.
- Gifford, Lord Adam
- Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
- Gimson, Ernest William
- Gimson, Josiah
- Gimson, Sydney Ansell
- Ginguené, P. L.
- Gioja, Melchiorre
- Girard, Stephen
- Gisborne, Maria
- Gissing, George Robert
- Gizycki, Professor G. von
- Glennie, J. Stuart Stuart
- Glisson, Professor Francis, M.D., M.A., F.R.S.
- Gobineau, Count Joseph Arthur de
- Goblet, René Godfrey, W. S.
- Godkin, Edwin Lawrence, D.C.L.
- Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft
- Godwin, William
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
- Goldie, John
- Goldstuecker, Professor Theodor
- Goldziher, Ignaz
- Gomme, Sir George Laurence, F.S.A.
- Gomperz, Heinrich, Ph.D.
- Gomperz, Theodor
- Goncourt, E. L. A. de
- Goncourt, J. A. H. de
- Gorani, Count Giuseppe
- Gordon, Adam Lindsay
- Gordon, Thomas
- Gorham, Charles Turner
- Gorky, Maxim
- Gould, F. J.
- Gourmont, Remy de
- Graham, Professor William, M.A., Litt.D.
- Grant, Professor Kerr
- Grant, Ulysses S., President of the United States
- Grant Duff, the Right Honourable Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone, M.A., F.E.S., G.C.S.I.
- Gray, Benjamin Kirkman
- Gréard, O. V. C.
- Green, John Richard
- Green, Joseph Frederic
- Greenaway, Kate
- Greenly, Edward, F.G.S.
- Greenwood, Sir George
- Greg, W. Rathbone
- Gregorovius, Ferdinand, [Supplementary List]
- Gregory, Sir William Henry, K.C.M.S.
- Greville, C. C. F.
- Grévy, Jules, President of the French Republic
- Grey, Earl
- Griffin, Sir Lepel Henry, K.C.S.I.
- Grillparzer, Franz
- Grimm, Baron F. M. von
- Grisebach, E.
- Groome, Francis Hindes
- Groos, Professor Karl
- Groppali, Professor Alessandro, Ph.D.
- Grot, Professor N. Y.
- Grote, George, D.C.L., LL.D.
- Grote, Harriet
- Grün, Karl
- Gruyer, Louis
- Guépin, Professor Ange
- Guéroult, Adolphe
- Guerra-Junquiero, A.
- Guerrini, Olindo, D. es L.
- Guesde, Jules
- Gueudeville, N.
- Guggenberger, Louisa
- Guimet, E. E.
- Gull, Sir William Withey, M.D., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S.
- Gumplowicz, Professor L., LL.D.
- Gundling, Professor N. H.
- Gunst, F. C.
- Gurney, Edmund
- Guyau, Jean Marie
- Guyot, Yves
- Gyllenborg, Count G. F. von
- Hachette, J. N. P.
- Haddon, Professor A. C., M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.
- Haeckel, Professor Ernst, M.D., Ph.D., Sc.D., LL.D.
- Halévy, Jacques F. F. E.
- Halévy, Joseph
- Halévy, Léon
- Halévy, Ludovic
- Hall, John Carey, C.M.G., I.S.O.
- Halley, Edmund, M.A., D.C.L., F.R.S.
- Hamerling, Robert
- Hamerton, Philip Gilbert
- Hamilton, Lord Ernest William
- Hannotin, Émile
- Hanotaux, Gabriel
- Hanson, Sir Richard Davies
- Harberton, Viscount
- Hardwicke, H. J., M.D., F.E.C.S.
- Hardwicke, W. W., M.D.
- Harney, George Julian
- Harriot, Thomas
- Harrison, Austin
- Harrison, Frederic, M.A., D.C.L., Litt.D., LL.D.
- Harrison, Jane Ellen, LL.D., Litt.D.
- Hartland, Edwin Sidney, LL.D., F.S.A.
- Harte, Bret
- Hartmann, K. E. E. von
- Harwood, Philip
- Hartogh Keys van Zouteveen, Professor Herman
- Haslam, Charles Junius
- Hauptmann, Gerhart
- Hauréau, Jean Barthelemy
- Hauy, Valentin
- Havet, Professor E. A. E.
- Havlicek, Karel
- Hawkesworth, John, LL.D.
- Hawkins, Dexter Arnold
- Hawthorne, Julian
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel
- Haynes, E. S. P.
- Hayward, Abraham
- Hazlitt, William
- Heaford, William
- Heape, Walter, M.A., F.E.S., F.Z.S.
- Hearn, Lafcadio
- Hebbel, Friedrich
- Hébert, Jacques René
- Hébert, Professor Marcel
- Hegel, Professor G. W. F.
- Heine, Heinrich
- Heinzen, Karl Peter
- Helmholtz, Professor Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von
- Helvétius, Claude Adrien
- Henderson, Professor Laurence Joseph, A.B., M.D.
- Henin de Cuvillers, Baron E. F. d'
- Henley, William Ernest, LL.D.
- Henne am Rhyn, Otto, Ph.D.
- Hennell, C. C.
- Hennell, Mary
- Hennequin, Émile
- Hérault de Sechelles, Marie Jean
- Herbert, Baron, of Cherbury
- Herbert, Auberon
- Heredia, Jose Maria de
- Hertwig, Professor Oscar, M.D., Ph.D.
- Hertwig, Professor Richard, M.D., Ph.D.
- Hertzen, Alexandr I.
- Hertzogenberg, Heinrich von
- Hervey, Lord, of Ickworth
- Hervieu, Paul
- Hetherington, Henry
- Heyse, Paul Johann Ludwig von
- Hibbert, Julian
- Higgins, Godfrey
- Higginson, Thomas Wentworth
- Hill, George Birkbeck, D.C.L., LL.D.
- Hillebrand, Professor Karl
- Hins, Eugene, Ph.D., D. es L.
- Hinton, James
- Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb von
- Hird, Dennis, M.A.
- Hirn, Professor Yrgo, Ph.D.
- Hirth, Georg
- Hoadley, George
- Hobbes, Thomas
- Hobhouse, Baron, of Hadspen
- Hobhouse, Professor L. T., Litt.D.
- Hobson, John Atkinson, M.A.
- Hochart, Polydore
- Hodgson, Brian Houghton
- Hodgson, Shadworth Hollway
- Hodgson, William, M.D.
- Hoffding, Professor Harald, Ph.D., LL.D., D.Sc., Litt.D.
- Hogg, Thomas Jefferson
- Holbach, Baron von
- Holberg, Baron von
- Holcroft, Thomas
- Holderlin, J. C. F.
- Holland, Frederic May
- Holland, first Baron
- Holland, third Baron
- Holland, Lady
- Hollander, Bernard, M.D.
- Hollick, Frederick, M.D.
- Hollis, John
- Hollis, Thomas, F.R.S.
- Holmes, Edmund Gore Alexander
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell, M.D.
- Holmes, Thomas Rice Edward, Litt.D.
- Holwell, J. Zephaniah
- Holyoake, Austin
- Holyoake, George Jacob
- Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton, O.M., G.S.G.I., M.D., Sc.D., F.R.S.
- Hooper, Charles Edward
- Hope, Thomas, F.R.S.
- Horneffer, Ernst, Ph.D.
- Horsley, Sir Victor A. Haden, M.D., Sc.D., F.R.S.
- Houghton, Baron
- Houten, Samuel van
- Houtin, Albert
- Hovelacque, A. Abel
- Howe, Edgar Watson
- Howells, William Dean
- Hubbard, Alice
- Hubbard, Elbert, M.A.
- Huber, Marie
- Hudson, Professor W. H.
- Hueffer, Francis, Ph.D.
- Hueffer, Ford Madox
- Huerta, General Victoriano
- Huet, Conrad Bushen
- Hugo, Victor
- Humboldt, Baron A. von
- Humboldt, Baron K. W. von
- Hume, David
- Huneker, James Gibbons
- Hunt, James
- Hunt, James Henry Leigh
- Hunt, Thornton
- Hunt, W. F.
- Hunter, Professor W. A., M.A., LL.D.
- Hutcheson, Francis
- Hutchinson, Professor Woods, M.A., M.D.
- Hutton, James, M.D.
- Huxley, Leonard
- Huxley, Thomas Henry, P.C., M.D., Ph.D., LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S.
- Hyndman, H. M., B.A.
- Hyslop, Professor James Hervey, Ph.D., LL.D.
- Ibsen, Henrik
- Ignell, Nils
- Ihering, Professor H. von, M.D., Ph.D.
- Iles, George
- Ilive, Jacob
- Imbault-Huart, Professor C.
- Immermann, K. L.
- Ingersoll, Robert Green
- Ingersoll-Brown, Eva
- Ingram, Professor John Kells, B.A., Litt.D., LL.D.
- Inman, Thomas, M.D.
- Ireland, Alexander
- Isoard Delisle, J. B. C.
- Jacob, General John
- Jacobsen, Jens Peter
- Jacolliot, Louis
- James, Henry, O.M.
- James, Professor William, M.D., LL.D., Ph.D., Litt.D.
- Jameson, the Right Honourable Sir Leander Starr, P.C., C.B., M.D.
- Jastrow, Professor Joseph, M.A., Ph.D.
- Jastrow, Professor Morris, Ph.D.
- Jaucourt, Louis de, F.R.S.
- Jaurès, Professor Jean Léon, D. es L.
- Jefferies, Richard
- Jefferson, Thomas, President of the United States
- Jeffrey, Lord Francis
- Jensen, Professor P. C. A., Ph.D.
- Jervas, Charles
- Jodl, Professor Friedrich, Ph.D.
- Johnson, Richard Mentor, Vice-President of the United States
- Johnson, Samuel, D.D.
- Johnston, Sir Harry Hamilton, K.C.B., G.C.M.G.
- Jones, Ernest
- Jordan, David Starr, M.D., Ph.D., LL.D.
- Jouffroy, Professor Theodore Simon
- Jowett, Benjamin, M.A., LL.D.
- Juarez, Benito Pablo, President of Mexico
- Judge, Mark Hayler
- Junghuhn, Franz Wilhelm
- Kadison, Alexander, M.A.
- Kalisch, Marcus, Ph.D.
- Kalthoff, Albert
- Kames, Lord
- Kant, Immanuel
- Karmin, Otto, Ph.D.
- Kautsky, Karl Johann
- Keane, Professor Augustus Henry, LL.D.
- Keary, Charles Francis, M.A.
- Keats, John
- Keene, Charles Samuel
- Keith, George, Earl Marischal
- Keith, Marshal J. F. E.
- Kellgren, Johann Henrik
- Kenrick, William, LL.D.
- Key, Ellen
- Keyser, Professor C. J., A.M., Ph.D.
- Kielland, Alexandr Lange
- Kierkegaard, Soren Aaby
- King, the Right Honourable Peter, Baron
- Kinglake, Alexander William, M.A.
- Kingsley, George Henry, M.D.
- Kingsley, Mary Henrietta
- Klaatsch, Professor Hermann, M.D.
- Kleist, Heinrich von
- Kneeland, Abner
- Knopf, Professor O. H. J.
- Knox, Robert, M.D.
- Knowles, Sir James, K.C.V.O.
- Knutzen, Matthias
- Kolbe, Professor Hermann
- Koen, Selig
- Krause, Ernst Ludwig
- Krause, K. C. F.
- Krejei, Professor Franz
- Krekel, Arnold
- Kropotkin, Prince
- Laas, Professor Ernst
- Labanca, Professor B.
- Labiche, E. M.
- Laboucheee, Henry Du Pre
- Lacaita, Sir James P., LL.D., K.C.M.G.
- Lacépède, Count B. G. E. de la Ville de
- Lafayette, the Marquis M. J.P. R. Y. G. M. de
- Laffitte, Jacques
- Laffitte, Professor Pierre
- Lagarrigue, Jorge, M.D.
- Lagarrigue, J. E.
- Lagrange, Count Joseph Louis
- La Grasserie, Raoul de
- Laing, Samuel
- Laisant, Professor C. A., D. es Sc.
- Lakanal, Joseph
- Lalande, J. J. le Français de
- Lamarck, J. B. P. A. de Monet de
- Lamb, Charles
- Lamennais, H. F. R. de
- Lametteie, Julien Offray de
- La Mothe le Vayee, F. de
- Landor, Walter Savage
- Lane, William
- Lanessan, J.M. A. de, M.D.
- Lanfeey, Pierre
- Lang, Andrew
- Lang, Professor Arnold, Ph.D.
- Langdale, Baron
- Lange, Professor F. A.
- Langley, Walter, R.I.
- Lankester, Sir Edwin Ray, K.C.B., M.D., LL.D., Sc.D., F.R.S.
- Lanson, Professor Gustave, D. es L.
- Lareveilliere-Lepaux, L. M. de
- Larkin, Professor E. L.
- Laromiguiere, Professor P.
- Larousse, P. A.
- Larea, Mariano J.
- Lareoque, Patrice, D. es L.
- Lassalle, F. J. G.
- Lastarria, Professor J. V.
- Latham, R. G., M.D., B.A.
- Lau, Theodor Ludwig
- Laube, Heinrich
- Laubeuf, M. A.. [Supplementary List]
- Laurence, James
- Laurent, Professor F., D. es L.
- Laurie, James Stuart
- Laveleye, Professor E. de
- Laveran, Professor C. L. A. [Supplementary List]
- Lavisse, Professor Ernest
- Lavrov, Professor P. L.
- Law, Harriet
- Lawrence, Sir William, F.R.S.
- Layard, the Right Honourable Sir A. H., P.C., G.C.B., D.C.L.
- Layton, Henry
- Lazarus, Professor M.
- Le Bon, Gustave, M.D.
- Lecky, the Right Honourable W. E. H., P.C., O.M., M.A., LL.D., D.C.L., Litt.D.
- Leconte, Professor Joseph, M.D.
- Leconte de lisle, C. M. R.
- Le Dantec, Professor Felix
- Lee, General Charles
- Lefevre, André
- Le Gallienne, Richard
- Leidy, Professor Joseph, M.D., LL.D.
- Leighton, Baron Frederic. [Supplementary List]
- Leighton, Gerald, M.D.
- Leland, Charles Godfrey
- Lenbach, Franz von
- Leon, Sir Herbert Samuel, Bt.
- Leon, Professor Nicola, Ph.D.
- Leopardi, Count Giacomo
- Lépine, L. J. B.
- Lerdo de Tejada, S.
- Lermina, Jules
- Lermontov, M. J.
- Leroux, Pierre
- Lerroux y garcia, A.
- Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
- Letourneau, Professor C. J. M.
- Leuba, Professor James Henry, Ph.D.
- Levallois, Jules
- Levy, J. H. [Supplementary List]
- Levy-Bruhl, Professor L.
- Lewes, George Henry
- Leyds, Willem Johannes, LL.D.
- Lichtenberger, Professor H.
- Lick, James
- Liebknecht, Wilhelm
- Lilienfeld, Paul von
- Lima, S. de Magalhaes
- Lincoln, Abraham, President of the United States
- Lindh, A. T.
- Lindner, E. O. T.
- Linton, Eliza Lynn
- Linton, William James
- Lippert, Julius
- Lipps, Professor T., Ph.D.
- Liscow, C. L.
- Littré, M. P. E.
- Llorente, J. A.
- Lloyd, John T.
- Locke, John
- Lockroy, E. A. E.
- Loeb, Professor Jacques
- Loisy, Alfred Firmin
- Lombroso, Professor Cesare, M.D.
- London, Jack
- Long, George
- Long, Professor J. H., Sc.D.
- Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
- Lorand, L. G. A.
- Loria, Professor Achille
- Loti, Pierre
- Lotze, Professor R. H.
- Loubet, Emile, D. en D., President of the French Republic
- Louys, Pierre
- Lovejoy, Professor A. O., A.M.
- Lowell, James Russell
- Lowell, Percival
- Lozano, F.
- Luciani, Professor L.
- Ludovici, Anthony
- Lugones, Professor Leopoldo
- Lundqvist, Alfred
- Luttrell, Henry
- Luttrell, H. C. C. F.
- Lyall, the Right Honourable Sir Alfred Comyn, K.C.B., G.G.I.E., P.O., D.C.L., LL.D.
- Lyell, Sir Charles, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S.
- Lynch, Arthur, M.A.
- Macartney, Professor James, M.D., F.R.S.
- McCabe, Joseph
- Maccall, William, M.A.
- Macchi, Mauro
- Macdonald, Eugene Montague
- Macdonald, George Everett
- Mach, Professor E. von
- Machado, Bernardino, President of Portugal
- Mackay, Charles, LL.D.
- Mackay, Robert William, M.A.
- Mackenzie, Professor J. S., M.A., LL.D., Litt.D.
- Mackey, Sampson Arnold
- Mackintosh, Sir James
- M'Taggart, John M Taggart Ellis, LL.D., Litt.D.
- Madach, Imre
- Madison, James, President of the United States
- Mädler, Professor J. H. von. [Supplementary List]
- Maeterlinck, Maurice
- Magellan, J. H. de, F.R.S.
- Maitland, Professor F. W., M.A., LL.D., D.C.L.
- Maillot, A. F. É.
- Malherbe, F. de
- Mallet, David, M.A.
- Malon, Benoit
- Malot, Hector Henri
- Malte-Bruun, Konrad
- Mamiani della Rovere, Count T.
- Mandeville, Bernard, M.D.
- Manen, Professor W. C. van, D.D.
- Mangasarian, M. M.
- Mantegazza, Professor P.
- Marat, Jean Paul
- Marchena, Jose
- Marchesini, Professor G.
- Marechal, P. S.
- Marett, R. R., M.A., D.Sc.
- Marguerite, Victor
- Mariette, F. A. F.
- Marillier, Professor Leon
- Mario, Alberto
- Mario, Jessie White
- Mark, Professor E. L., Ph.D., LL.D.
- Marks, Professor Erich
- Marks, Murray
- Marlowe, Christopher
- Marmontel, Jean Frangois
- Marryatt, Thomas, M.D.
- Marshall, Henry Rutgers, M.A., D.Sc.
- Marston, P. B.
- Marsy, F. M. de
- Marten, Henry, B.A.
- Martin, A. W., A.M.
- Martin, Professor B. L. II.
- Martin, Emma
- Martineau, Harriet
- Martins, Professor C. F., M.D.
- Marvin, F. S., M.A.
- Marx, Karl
- Masaryk, Professor T. G.
- Mascagni, Pietro
- Masci, Professor F.
- Mason, Sir Josiah
- Massenet, J. E. F.
- Massey, Gerald
- Massol, M. A.
- Maubert de Gouvest, J. H.
- Maude, Aylmer
- Maudsley, Professor Henry, M.D., LL.D.
- Maupassant, Guy de
- Maupertuis, P. L. M. de, F.R.S.
- Mauvillon, Jakob von
- Maxim, Sir Hiram
- Max Müller, Professor R, M.A., Ph.D.
- Maxse, Admiral F. A.
- May, Professor W. V., Ph.D.
- Mazzini, Giuseppe, LL.D.
- Medwin, Thomas
- Meissneh, A., M.D.
- Meister, Jean Henri
- Melbourne, Lord
- Meline, Felix Jules
- Melville, Herman
- Menard, L. N., D. es L.
- Mendelssohn, Moses
- Mendes, Catulle
- Mendizabal, J. A.
- Mendum, Ernest
- Mendum, Josiah P.
- Mentelle, Professor E.
- Mercier, C. A., M.D.
- Meredith, Evan Powell
- Meredith, George
- Merimee, Prosper
- Merritt, Henry
- Meslier, Jean
- Metchnikov, Professor Il'ya
- Meyer, Hans, Ph.D., LL.D.
- Miall, Professor L. C., D.Sc., F.R.S.
- Michelet, Jules, D. es L.
- Michelet, Professor K. L., Ph.D.
- Middleton, Conyers, D.D.
- Milelli, Domenico
- Mill, James
- Mill, John Stuart
- Millar, Professor John
- Mille, Constantin, LL.D.
- Miller, Florence Fenwick
- Millerand, A.
- Milliere, J. B., LL.D.
- Milyukov, Professor P. N.
- Mirabaud, J. B. de
- Mirabeau, Count H. G. V. E.
- Miranda, General Francisco
- Mirbeau, Octave
- Mitchell, Peter Chalmers, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.E.S., O.B.E.
- Mittermaier, Professor K. J. A.
- Moleschott, Professor Jakob, M.D.
- Molesworth, the Right Honourable Robert, F.R.S.
- Molesworth, Sir William
- Molière, Jean Baptiste Poquelin
- Molteno, Sir John Charles, K.C.M.G.
- Momerie, Professor A. W., M.A., D.Sc.
- Mommsen, Professor Theodor
- Monboddo, Lord
- Monge, Count Gaspard
- Mongez, A.
- Monroe, J. E., M.D.
- Monsey, Messenger, B.A.
- Montagu, Basil, M.A.
- Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley
- Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de
- Monteil, C. F. L. E.
- Montesquieu, Baron de
- Montesquiou-Fezensac, the Marquis de
- Montgomery, Edmund, Ph.D.
- Montgolfier, J. M.
- Mook, Friedrich, Ph.D., M.D.
- Moore, Professor Benjamin, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.
- Moore, George
- Moore, George Edward, Litt.D., LL.D.
- Moore, John Howard, A.B.
- Moraita, Professor Miguel
- Moreau, Hegesippe
- Moreau, J. J., M.D.
- Morellet, Andre
- Morelli, Giovanni
- Morelly, N.
- Morfill, Professor W. E., M.A., Ph.D.
- Morgan, Professor C. L.
- Morgan, Thomas, M.D.
- Morgan, Sir Thomas Charles, M.D.
- Morier, the Right Honourable Sir E. B. D., K.C.B., P.C., LL.D.
- Morin, A. S.
- Morison, J. A. Cotter, M.A.
- Morley, Viscount
- Morris, Gouverneur. [Supplementary List]
- Morris, William
- Morrison, George Ernest, M.D., C.M.
- Morse, Professor E. S., A.M., Ph.D.
- Morselli, Professor E. A., M.D.
- Mortillet, Adrien de
- Mortillet, L. L. G. de
- Moscheles, Felix
- Moss, Arthur B. Mosso, Professor A., M.D.
- Motley, John Lothrop, D.C.L.
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
- Muirhead, Professor J. H., M.A., LL.D.
- Munsterberg, Professor Hugo, Ph.D., M.D.
- Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey, K.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S.
- Murger, Henri
- Murray, Professor Gilbert, M.A., LL.D., D.Litt., F.B.A.
- Musset, L. C. A. de
- Naden, Constance
- Naigeon, Jacques André
- Nansen, Professor Fridtjot, G.C.V.O., D.Sc., D.C.L., Ph.D.
- Napier, General Sir C. J., G.C.B.
- Naquet, Professor Alfred, M.D.
- Nascimento, F. M. do
- Negri, Senator Gaetano
- Negri-Garlanda, Ada
- Nelson, Gustav, M.D.
- Neumann, Carl
- Nevinson, H. W.
- Newcomb, Professor Simon
- Newland, H. Osman. [Supplementary List]
- Newman, Ernest
- Newman, Professor F. W.
- Newnes, Sir George
- Nichol, Professor John, M.A., LL.D.
- Nichol, Professor John Pringle, LL.D., R.C.S.E.
- Nicholson, William
- Nicolai, C. F.
- Niebuhr, Professor B. G.
- Niemojewskl, Andre
- Nietzsche, F. W.
- Nieuwenhuis, D. F.
- Nightingale, Florence, O.M.
- Noiré, Ludwig
- Noldeke, Professor T.
- Nordau, Max, M.D.
- Norton, Professor Charles Eliot, Litt.D., LL.D., D.C.L., L.H.D.
- Novikov, Y.
- Notes, R. K., M.D.
- Nystrom, A. K., Ph.D.
- O'Brien, James
- O'Connor, General Arthur Condorcet
- Odger, George
- Oersted, Professor H. C.
- O'Higgins, General Bernardo
- Oken, Professor Lorenz, M.D., Ph.D.
- Oldfield, Josiah, D.C.L.
- Omboni, Professor G.
- Oppert, Professor Jules, Ph.D.
- Orage, A. R.
- Orelli, Professor J. K. von
- Orense, the Marquis
- Ortmann, Professor A. E., Ph.D., Sc.D.
- Osler, Sir William, M.D., D.Sc., LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S.
- Ostwald, Professor W., M.D., Sc.D., LL.D.
- Oswald, Eugene, M.A., Ph.D.
- Oswald, Felix Leopold, M.D.
- Oswald, John
- Overstreet, Professor H. A., A.B., B.Sc.
- Overton, Richard. [Supplementary List]
- Owen, Robert
- Owen, Robert Dale
- Paalzow, C. L.
- Paganini, Niccoló
- Pagano, Professor F. M.
- Page, Professor David, LL.D.
- Paget, Violet
- Paine, Thomas
- Painlevé, Professor P.
- Pallas, P. S., M.D.
- Palmen, Baron Ernst
- Palmer, Courtlandt
- Palmer, Elihu
- Palmerston, Viscount
- Pancoucke, C. J.
- Panizza, Professor Mario, M.D.
- Papillon, J. H. F.
- Paquet, R. H. R.
- Pare, William
- Paris, Gaston, D. es L.
- Parker, Professor E. H., M.A
- Parmelee, Professor Maurice, A.M., i n.u
- Parny, the Viscount E. D.
- Parry, Sir C. Hubert Hastings, M.A., D.C.L.
- Parton, James
- Pascoli, Professor G.
- Passerani, Count A. R. de
- Pastoret, the Marquis C. E. J. de
- Pater, Walter
- Paterson, Thomas
- Paterson, W. Romaine, M.A.
- Payne, John
- Peacock, John Macleay
- Pearson, Professor Karl, M.A., LL.B., F.R.S.
- Pelletan, Camille
- Pelletan, P. C. E.
- Pellett, Thomas, M.D.
- Pemberton, Charles Reece
- Penzig, Rudolph, Ph.D.
- Perier, Casimir
- Perrens, Professor F. T., D. es L.
- Perrier, Professor J. O. E. [Supplementary List]
- Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich
- Petruccelli della Gattina, F.
- Petzoldt, Professor Joseph, Ph.D.
- Peyrard, Francois
- Peyrat, A.
- Phelips, Vivian
- Phillips, Sir Richard
- Phillips, Stephen
- Phillpotts, Eden
- Pi y Margall, F.
- Picton, James Allanson, M.A.
- Pierson, Allard, D.D., Ph.D.
- Pigault-Lebrun, C. A. G.
- Pilcher, Edward John
- Pillsbury, Parker
- Pinel, Professor P., M.D.
- Pirbright, Baron
- Pisacane, C.
- Pisarev, D. I.
- Pitt, William
- Pitt, William, junior
- Place, Francis
- Plate, Professor Ludwig, Ph.D.
- Plumer, William
- Podmore, Frank
- Poe, Edgar Allan
- Poincare, Professor J. H., D.Math., Ph.D., Sc.D., LL.D., M.D.
- Poincare, Professor Lucien, D.Sc.
- Poincare, Raymond, D. en D., L. es L., President of the French Republic
- Pollock, the Right Honourable Sir Frederick, P.O., M.A., LL.D., D.C.L.
- Ponsonby, A. A. W. H.
- Pope, Alexander
- Potvin, Professor Charles
- Pouchet, Professor F. A.
- Pouchet, Professor H. C. G., M.D., Sc.D.
- Pougens, M. C. J. de
- Poultier d'Elmotte, F. M.
- Powell, Professor Frederick York, LL.D.
- Prades, J. M. de
- Preller, Professor Ludwig
- Premontval, A. P. le Guay de
- Prevost, E. M.
- Prevost, Professor L. C., D. es L., D.Sci.
- Prevost, Professor Pierre
- Prevost-Paradol, L. A., D. es L.
- Preyer, Professor W. T.
- Proctor, Richard Anthony
- Proudhon, P. J.
- Psichari, Professor Jean
- Pulszky, F. A.
- Pushkin, A. S.
- Putnam, George Haven, A.M., LL.D.
- Putnam, Samuel Palmer
- Pyat, A. F.
- Quatrefages de Bréau, J. L. A., M.D, D. es Sci.
- Quental, Anthero de
- Quesnay, François, M.D.
- Rabl, Professor Carl, M.D.
- Rambaud, Professor A. N., D. es L.
- Ramée, Marie Louise de la
- Ramon y Cajal, Professor S., M.D.
- Ramsay, Sir William, K.C.B., Ph.D., D.Sc., LL.D., M.D., F.R.S.
- Ramsey, W. J.
- Rang, Arthur
- Rapisardi, Professor Mario
- Raspail, F. V.
- Ratcliffe, S. K.
- Rau, Albrecht
- Rawlinson, Sir Henry Creswicke, K.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S.
- Raynal, G. T. F.
- Read, Professor Carveth, M.A.
- Reade, Winwood
- Reclus, Professor Elie
- Reclus, Professor J. J. Elisee
- Reclus, Professor Paul, M.D.
- Reghillini, Professor Mario
- Regnard, A. A.
- Regnaud de Saint-Jean D'Angély, Count M. L. E.
- Reid, Sir George Archdall O'Brien, K.B.E., M.B., C.M.
- Reil, Professor J. C., M.D.
- Reimarus, H. S.
- Reinach, Joseph, L. en D.
- Reinach, Salomon
- Reinach, Professor Theodore, D. en Dr., D. es L.
- Reinhold, Professor E. C. G.
- Reinhold, Professor K. L.
- Remsburg, John E.
- Rémusat, Count C. F. M. de
- Rémusat, Professor J.P. A., M.D.
- Rémusat, Count P. L. E.
- Renan, Henriette
- Renan, Ernest
- Renard, Professor G. F.
- Renouvier, C. B.
- Reuschle, K. G.
- Reybaud, M. R. L.
- Reynaud, J. E.
- Reynolds, C. B.
- Rhodes, the Right Honourable Cecil, P.C., M.A., D.C.L.
- Rhys, the Right Honourable Sir John
- Ribeyrolles, Charles de
- Ribot, A. F. J., L. es L., L. en D.
- Ribot, Professor T. A., D. es L.
- Ricardo, David
- Ricciardi, Count Giuseppe
- Richardson, Sir Benjamin Ward, M.A., M.D., LL.D., F.R.S.
- Richepin, Jean
- Richet, Professor Charles, M.D.
- Richter, Jean Paul
- Rickman, Thomas
- Riehl, Professor Aloys, Ph.D., LL.D.
- Rignano, Eugenic
- Ritchie, Professor D. G., M.A., LL.D.
- Rivet, Gustave
- Rizal, Jose, M.D., Ph.D.
- Roalfe, Matilda
- Roberts, Isaac, D.Sc., F.R.S.
- Roberts, Morley
- Roberts, the Rev. E. [Supplementary List]
- Robertson, George Groom
- Robertson, the Right Honourable J. M.
- Roberty de la Cerda, Professor E. de
- Robespierre, Maximilien
- Robin, Professor C. P.
- Robin, Professor E. C. A. [Supplementary List]
- Robinet, J. B. E.
- Robinet, J. F. E.
- Robinson, Henry Crabb
- Rod, Edouard
- Rodin, F. Auguste, D.C.L.
- Rogeard, Louis Auguste
- Rogers, Professor J. E. Thorold, M.A.
- Rokitansky, Baron Karl von, M.D.
- Roland de la Platiere, Jean Marie
- Roland de la Platiere, Marie Jeanne
- Rolland, Professor Romain, D. es L.
- Rolleston, T. W.
- Romagnosi, Professor G. D., LL .D.
- Romilly, Sir Samuel
- Romme, Charles Gilbert
- Roorda van Eysinga, S. E. W.
- Rose, Ernestine L.
- Rosenkranz, Professor J. K. F.
- Roskoff, Professor G. G.
- Rosny, Joseph Henri
- Rosny, Professor L. L. L.
- Ross, Professor E. A., Ph.D., LL.D.
- Ross, Sir Ronald, K.C.B., LL.D., D.Sc., M.D., F.R.S.
- Ross, W. Stewart
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
- Rossetti, W. M.
- Rossmassler, E. A.
- Rostand, Edmond
- Rotteck, Professor K. W. E. von
- Rousseau, Jean Jacques
- Rouvier, P. M.
- Royce, Professor Josiah, Ph.D.
- Royer, Clemence
- Ruge, Professor Arnold, Ph.D.
- Ruggieri, Cosmo
- Ruskin, John, M.A., LL.D.
- Russell, the Honourable Bertrand, M.A., F.R.S.
- Russell, John, Viscount Amberley
- Russell, Earl
- Russell, John
- Rydberg, Professor A. V.
- Saffi, Aurelio, LL.D.
- Sainte-Beuve, C. F. de
- St. Evremond, C. de
- Saint Just, L. A.
- Saint Lambert, the Marquis J. F. de
- Saint Pierre, Bernardin de
- Saint Priest, Count Alexis G.
- Saint Simon, Count C. H. de Eouvroy ae
- Saisset, Professor E. E.
- Salaville, J. B.
- Saleeby, C. W., M.D., F.R.S.E.
- Sallet, F. von
- Salmeron, Professor N.
- Salt, Henry
- Salter, William M., A.M., B.D.
- Salters, E. E.
- Salverte, A. J. E. B. de
- Sand, George
- Sanderson, Sir John Scott Burden, M.A., M.D., LL.D., D.Sc., F.R.S.
- Sandwich, Earl of
- Santa Maria, Domingo, President of Chile
- Sarcey, Francisque
- Sardou, Victorien
- Sarlin, A. B.
- Sarraga de Ferrero, Belen
- Sars, Professor G. O., Ph.D.
- Saull, W. D.
- Saunders, Thomas Bailey, M.A.
- Saunderson, Professor N., M.A., LL.D., F.R.S.
- Savary, A. J. M. E., Dux de Rovigo
- Savile, Sir George, Marquis of Halifax
- Schäfer, Sir E. A. S., M.D., Sc.D., LL.D., F.R.S.
- Scheffer, Ary
- Schelling, Professor F. W. J. von
- Scherer, Edmond, D.D.
- Schiller, F. C. S., M.A., D.Sc.
- Schiller, J. C. F. von.
- Schleiermacher, Professor F. E. D.
- Schmidt, Professor E. O.
- Schmidt, Kaspar
- Schoelcher, Victor
- Scroll, Aurelien
- Schopenhauer, Adele
- Schopenhauer, Arthur
- Schreiner, Olive
- Schroeter, Eduard
- Schumann, Robert
- Schwalbe, Professor G., M.D., D.Sc.
- Schwaner, W.
- Schweitzer, J. B. von
- Schweninger, Professor E., M.D.
- Scott, Thomas
- Scribe, Eugene
- Seaillies, Professor G., D. es L.
- Seaver, H. H.
- Seeley, Sir John Robert, K.C.M.G.
- Seignobos, Professor C., D. es L.
- Sellars, Professor Roy Wood, A.B.,Ph.D.
- Selous, Sir F. C., D.S.O.
- Sembat, Marcel, LL.D.
- Sémérie, Eugene, M.D.
- Semon, Professor R., Ph.D., M.D.
- Senancour, E. P. de
- Sergi, Professor Giuseppe
- Settle, John. [Supplementary List]
- Seume, J. G.
- Severn, Joseph
- Shaftesbury, First Earl of
- Shaftesbury, Third Earl of
- Shaw, George Bernard
- Shelburne, Earl of
- Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft
- Shelley, Percy Bysshe
- Shotwell, Professor J. T., B.A., Ph.D.
- Siciliani, Professor Pietro
- Sidgwick, Professor Henry
- Sidney, Algernon
- Sieyes, Count E. J.
- Simcox, Edith
- Simcox, G. A.
- Simon, Jules
- Simson, Professor John, M.A.
- Sinclair, Upton, B.A.
- Slack, H. J.
- Slack, Professor S. B., M.A.
- Slater, Thomas
- Smetana, Professor A.
- Smith, Adam, F.R.S.
- Smith, G. A., B.A.
- Smith, Gerrit
- Smith, Professor Goldwin, M.A., D.C.L. LL.D.
- Smith, Thomas Southwood, M.D.
- Smith, Professor W. B., A.M Ph D
- Smith, W. H.
- Smith, Professor W. Robertson, M.A., LL.D., D.D.
- Snell, Henry. [Supplementary List]
- Snoilsky, Count K. J. G.
- Snowden, J. Keighley
- Snyder, Carl
- Soloviev, V. S.
- Somerset, Duke of
- Somerville, Mary
- Sorel, Professor Albert
- Sorley, Professor W. R., M.A., Litt.D., LL.D.
- Soury, Professor J. A., D. es L.
- Southwell, Charles
- Spaventa, Professor B.
- Spencer, Herbert
- Spinoza, B. B.
- Spitzer, Professor H., Ph.D., M.D.
- Stacpoole, H. de Vere
- Stael, Madame de
- Standring, George
- Stanhope, Lady Hester
- Stansfeld, the Right Honourable Sir James, P.C., B.A., LL.D.
- Stanton, Elizabeth Cady
- Stabbuck, Professor E. D., A.M., Ph.D.
- Stefanoni, Luigi
- Stefánsson, V.
- Steiner, Franklin
- Steinmetz, Professor S. R., Jur.D.
- Steinthal, Professor H.
- Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames, K.C.S.I., D.C.L., LL.D.
- Stephen, Sir Leslie, LL.D., Litt.D.
- Sterling, John
- Stevenson, Robert Louis
- Stöcker, Helene, Ph.D.
- Stosch, F. W.
- Stout, Professor G. F.
- Stout, the Honourable Sir Robert, K.C.M.G., LL.D.
- Strange, T. L.
- Strauss, David Friedrich
- Strauss, Richard
- Strindberg, J. A.
- Struve, Gustav von
- Stuck, Professor F. R. von
- Sudermann, Hermann
- Sue, Eugène
- Sully, Professor James, M.A., LL.D.
- Sully Prudhomme, R. F. A.
- Sumner, Charles
- Sutherland, A., M.A.
- Suttner, the Baroness von
- Swinburne, Algernon Charles
- Swinny, S. H.
- Syers, Edgar
- Syme, David
- Symes, Joseph
- Symonds, John Addington
- Symons, Arthur
- Tadema, Sir Lawrence Alma, Litt.D., D.C.L., R.A., O.M.
- Tailliandier, Professor R. G. K
- Taine, Professor Hippolyte, D. es L.
- Talandier, Professor A.
- Talleyrand, Prince
- Tallien, J. L.
- Tamassia, Professor A.
- Tarde, Professor Gabriel
- Tarozzi, Professor Giuseppe
- Taylor, Helen
- Taylor, Robert
- Taylor, Thomas
- Taylor, William
- Tchaikovsky, P. I.
- Tchekov, A. P.
- Tedder, Henry Richard
- Temple, the Right Honourable Sir William
- Tennyson, Alfred
- Thackeray, W. M.
- Theophile de Viau
- Thibaudeau, Count A. C.
- Thiers, Adolphe
- Thilly, Professor Frank, A.M., Ph.D., LL.D.
- Thomas, A. L.
- Thompson, Daniel Greenleaf
- Thompson, Sir Henry, F.R.C.S.
- Thompson, William
- Thomson, James
- Thomson, C. O.
- Thoreau, Henry David
- Thorild, Professor Thomas
- Thorvaldsen, Bertel
- Thresh, W. H.
- Thulie, J. B. H., M.D.
- Tieck, J. L.
- Tiele, Professor C. P., D.D.
- Tindal, Matthew, B.A., D.C.L.
- Tisserand, Professor F. F.
- Tissot, Professor P. F.
- Tocco, Professor F. di
- Toland, John, M.A.
- Tollemache, the Honourable Lionel
- Tolstoi, Count L.
- Tone, Theobald Wolfe, B.A., LL.B.
- Tönnies, Professor F.
- Tooke, John Home, M.A.
- Topinard, Professor Paul, M.D.
- Tracy, the Marquis Destutt de
- Tracy, Count Destutt de
- Travis, Henry, M.D.
- Tree, Sir Herbert Beerbohm
- Treilhard, Count J. B.
- Trelawny, E. J.
- Trelawny, Sir J. S., B.A.
- Trench, Herbert
- Trenchard, John
- Trendelburg, Professor F. A.
- Trevelyan, Arthur
- Trevelyan, George Macaulay
- Trezza, Professor G.
- Tridon, E. M. G., LL.D.
- Trubner, Nicholas
- Truelove, Edward
- Trumbull, General M. M.
- Tschirn, Gustav
- Tucker, Abraham
- Tucker, B. R.
- Turati, Filippo, LL.D.
- Tuckett, Ivor, M.D., M.A.
- Turgeniev, I. S., D.C.L.
- Turgot, Baron A. R. J.
- Turner, Joseph Mallord William
- Turner, Matthew
- Turpin, Professor F. H.
- Tylor, Sir Edward Burnett, D.Sc., D.C.L., F.R.S.
- Tyndall, John, Ph.D., LL.D., F.R.S.
- Tyssot de patot, S.
- Ueberweg, Professor F., Ph.D.
- Uhland, Professor J. L., LL.D.
- Uhlich, J. J. M. L.
- Ulrici, Professor Hermann
- Underwood, Benjamin
- Unna, Professor P. G., M.D.
- Vacherot, Professor Etienne, Ph.D.
- Vacquerie, Auguste
- Vale, Gilbert
- Vambery, Professor A.
- Vance, Edith Maurice. [Supplementary List]
- Van der Velde, Emile, LL.D.
- Vanini, Lucilio
- Vannucci, Professor Atto
- Vapereau, Louis Gustave
- Varisco, Professor B.
- Varnhagen von Ense, K. A. L. P.
- Vatke, J. K. W., D.D.
- Vaughan, Professor Henry Halford
- Vaughan, Percy
- Vauvenargues, the Marquis de
- Veitch, Professor John, LL.D.
- Vera, Professor Augusto, Ph.D.
- Verdi, Giuseppe
- Verestchagin, V. V.
- Vergniaud, P. V.
- Verhaegen, P. T.
- Verhaeren, Emile
- Vernes, Professor Maurice, D.D.
- Vernet, Horace
- Veron, Professor Eugene
- Verworn, Professor Max, Sc.D., Ph.D., M.D., LL.D.
- Viardot, Louis
- Vico, Professor G. B.
- Vignoli, Tito
- Vigny, Alfred de
- Villari, Professor Pasquale
- Vincent, Henry
- Virchow, Professor Rudolph, M.D.
- Virolleaud, Professor C. G.
- Vischer, Professor F. T. von
- Viviani, Rene Eaphael
- Vizetelly, Henry
- Vloten, Johannes von, D.D.
- Voelkel, Titus
- Vogt, Professor Karl
- Volkmar, Professor Gustav
- Volney, Count C. F. C. de
- Voltaire
- Vosmaer, Carel, LL.D.
- Voss, Professor J. H.
- Voss, Richard
- Voysey, Rev. Charles, B.A.
- Vulpian, Professor E. F. A., M.D.
- Waddington, Samuel, B.A.
- Wagner, W. Richard
- Waite, C. B., A.M.
- Waitz, Professor Theodor
- Wakefield, Edward
- Wakefield, Edward Gibbon
- Wakefield, Gilbert
- Wakeman, T. B.
- Walckenaer, Baron C. A.
- Walferdin, F. H.
- Walker, Ernest, M.A., D.Mus.
- Walker, John, M.D.
- Wallace, Alfred Russel, O.M., LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S.
- Wallace, Professor William, M.A.
- Walpole, Horace
- Walpole, Sir Robert
- Walsh, the Rev. Walter, D.D.
- Walther, Professor Johannes, Ph.D.
- Walwyn, William., [Supplementary List]
- Ward, Lester Frank
- Warren, Josiah
- Warwick, the Countess of
- Washburn, L. K.
- Washington, George
- Watson, James
- Watson, Sir William, LL.D.
- Watt, James, LL.D., F.R.S.
- Watts, Charles
- Watts, Charles Albert
- Watts, George Frederick, R.A., O.M., D.C.L., LL.D.
- Watts, John
- Watts, John, Ph.D.
- Watts-Dunton, W. T.
- Weber, Karl Julius
- Weismann, Professor August, M.D., Ph D. Bot.D., D.C.L.
- Weitling, Wilhelm
- Wellhausen, Julius
- Wells, Herbert George, B.Sc.
- Westbrook, R. B.
- Westbury, Baron, Lord Chancellor
- Westermarck, Professor E. A., Ph.D., LL.D.
- Westlake, Professor John, B.A., LL.D., D.C.L.
- Weston, S. B., A.B.
- Wettstein, Otto
- Whale, George
- Wheeler, J. M.
- Whistler, James M Neill
- White, Professor Andrew Dickson M.A., LL.D., Ph.D., L.H.D., D.C.L.
- White, William Hale
- Whitman, Walt
- Whittaker, Thomas, B.A.
- Whyte, Adam Gowans, B.Sc.
- Wicksell, Knut, Ph.D.
- Wieland, Christoph Martin
- Wigand, Otto
- Wilbrandt, A. von
- Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
- Wilkes, John, F.R.S.
- Wille, Bruno, Ph.D.
- Williams, Sir Charles Hanbury
- Williams, David
- Williams, Roger, B.A.
- Williams, W. M.
- Willis, Robert, M.D.
- Wilson, Andrew, Ph.D., M.B., F.R S E
- Wilson, David Alec
- Wilson, Sir Roland K., M.A., L.L M
- Wilton, Wyndham
- Winckler, Professor Hugo
- Wise, John Richard de Capel
- Wislicenus, G. A.
- Wixon, Susan H.
- Wollaston, William, M.A.
- Wood, Sir Henry J.
- Wooler, T. J.
- Woolner, Thomas, R.A.
- Woolston, Thomas, M.A., B.D.
- Wright, Chauncey
- Wright, Elizur
- Wright, Michael
- Writer, Clement
- Wundt, Professor Wilhelm Max, M.D., Ph.D., Jur.D.
- Wunsch, Professor C. E., Ph.D., M.D.
- Wurtz, Professor C. A., M.D.
- Wyrouboff, Count G. N.
- Yearsley, Percival Macleod, F.R.C.S.
- Youmans, E. L., M.D.
- Youmans, W. J., M.D.
- Younghusband, Sir Francis Edward, K.C.S.I., K.C.I.E., C.I.E., LL.D., D.Sc.
- Zanardelli, Giuseppe
- Zangwill, Israel, B.A.
- Zarco, Francisco
- Zeller, Professor Eduard
- Zerffi, George Gustavus
- Ziegler, Professor H. E., Ph.D.
- Ziegler, Professor Theobald, Ph.D.
- Ziehen, Professor G. T., M.D., Ph.D.
- Zimmern, Helen
- Zola, Emile
- Zorrilla, Manuel Ruiz
- Zueblin, Professor Charles, Ph.B., D.B.
- Zuppetta, Professor Luigi
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