A Blighted Life/Index to Supplemental Notes
- Allpuff, Sir Janus, 102, 105, 106, 107
- "An Englishman's" letter to the Daily Telegraph, 97
- Athol, The late Duke of, described by Lady L., 103
- Brentford Asylum, Arrival at, 87
- Clarke, Mrs., refuses to allow Lady L.'s goods to be removed, 83
- Clapper, Bob, 105
- Cockburn, Sir Alex., alluded to, 102
- Daily Telegraph, The, Extracts from, 90, 94, 99
- Forster, Mr. John, 102
- Gorgon, Lady, 105
- Hertford Election, 83
- Hill, Mr., the keeper of the Brentford Asylum, and his grievance, 101
- Hyde, Mr., Lady L.'s solicitor, alluded to, 88
- Income of Lady L. shamefully small, 82
- Jabber, Mr. Jericho, 105
- Knebworth to let, Advertisement of, 102
- Letters to the Daily Telegraph, 90, 95, 96, 99
- Letter of Mr. Lytton to the Daily Telegraph, 96
- Letter of Mr. Forbes Winslow to Edwin James, Q. C., 96
- Letter of Dr. Connelly, 97
- Leyton, Mr., alluded to, 106
- London, Lady L.'s visit to, and abduction, 85
- Lytton, Lady, described, 79
- Lytton, Sir E., on the scene of abduction, 87
- Lytton, Lord, the first, 102
- Madhouse dens and the Lunacy Laws, Preface, iii.
- Meeting of the inhabitants of Taunton, and the resolutions passed, 88
- Sketch of Lord Lytton, 93
- Somerset Gazette, Extract from, 79
- Thompson, Dr., visits Lady L., 84
- "Very Successful," Extract from, 102, 103