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A Book of the Riviera/Index

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802980A Book of the Riviera — IndexSabine Baring-Gould


Absolution from vows, 164-5, 303

Adam de Craponne, 8

Addison, 53-4

Ægitna, 180

Æschylus, 8

Agay, 152

Agricola, 121-2

Aix, 14, 55-71

Alassio, 288-90

Albenga, 293-5

Albizzola, 312-3

Algerine pirates, 225

Aloes, 7

Amadeus, Duke of Savoy, 209

Ambrons and Teutons, 56-9

Ambrose, S., 28-9

Andora, 290

Ampelio, S., 273-4

Amphitheatres, 14, 15, 119, 120, 206

Andrew, King, 136

Angers, 70

Annulling of marriage, 239-40

Antibes, 3, 14, 165, 187-8, 190

Architecture, domestic, 279-80; Gothic, 22-3

Arco Romans, 289

Argens River, 97, 114

Arles, 6, 13, 15, 16, 18, 25, 39

Arluc, 185-6

Armentarius, S., 131

Augustine predestination, 100-1

Augustus, Emperor, 241-2

Aurelian Way, 55, 118, 148, 261, 272

Avignon, sale of, 3, 137; union with France, 17

Baal, 13, 121

Bagne, 76-7

Balaun, Pierre de, 35

Balbs, Bertrand de, 208

Baptistery, 272, 294

Bar, le, 174

Barbarossa, 211, 292

Barjac, Pierre de, 35

Barma Grande, 261

Barras, 82

Baux, les, 236

Bazaine, Marshal, 195-9

Belzunce, Bishop, 51

Berengarius, Marquess, 107

Bishop and chapter, 179

Blanc, M., 237-8

Boccaccio, 37-8, 139, 143

Bonaparte, Joseph, 52-3
—Napoleon. See Napoleon

Bordighera, 264, 267, 273-5

Bormes, 175

Bourbon, Constable de, 48-9

Bozo, King of Arles, 17, 207

Bravade, 111-12

Bresca family, 285-6

Brougham, Lord, 2

Brumaire, the 18th, 126

Burning Bush, triptych, 70-1

Butillo Prignano, 142, 144

Cabane, Philippine, 135-7
—Raymond, 135-6

Cabasse, 11

Cabastaing, William de, 37

Cabris, Louise de, 169-72

Cæsar, Julius, 27, 41-3, 118

Cagnes, 224-5 Californie, la, 183

Calvinus, 14, 56

Camporosso, 273

Cannes, 2, 180-204

Cap Roux, 153

Carbo, 57

Carcists and Razats, 90, 111, 132, 176-7

Carlone, 225

Carnival, 19, 127-8

Carob tree, 100-1

Carteaux, 79, 80

Cassien, S. 185-6

Castellar, 259-60

Castellaro, 282

Cavalaire, 98

Caveau Moderne, 127

Cemenelium, 206

Chalk, 8-9

Charles of Anjou, 134-5, 160-4, 269
—of Durazzo, 135-42, 144, 209
—the Lame, 163-5
—V., Emperor, 149, 150, 210-12

Choirs at West End, 23, 167

Cians, Gorge of, 226

Cimbri, 56-9

Cimiez, 206-7

Clary damsels, 52-3

Clement IV., 160
—VI., 136-7
—VII., 141-2

Clus, 4, 222

Cœpio, 58

Cognard, 77-9

Cogolin, 109, 110

Colouring of Provence, 10

Collet, 217-24

Conradin, 134, 163

Cork trees, 99, 100

Corniche Road, 148, 156, 225, 241, 256, 261

Court of Love, 33

Crowned images, 311

Dance of Death, 174

Dancing in churches, 19

David, the artist, 225-6

Desangiers, 126-9

Devota, Ste., 243-4

Dolceacqua, 273

Dolmen, 131

Dome falls in, 213

Doria, Andrew, 232-3, 290-2
—Bartholomew, 231-2
—family, 269, 273, 278

Durance, River, 6, 7, 49

Embues, 204

Estérel, 4, 9, 147-56, 183

Eze, 225-6

Farcing canticles, 21

Faron, 72, 81

Fauxbourdons, 20-1

Fayence, 132-3

Feast of Fools, 69

Fieschi family, 293

Flowers at Grasse, 179

Folk song, 18-22

Font, large, 272, 294

Fos family, 88

Foux, 4, 158, 204

Fragonard, 178

Francis I., 210, 212, 291

Franks, 206

Fraxinet, 113, 114, 126

Frederick II., 268

Fréjus, 113, 114-26

Fréron, 82

Fronde, 131-2

Gallinaria, 289-90

Galley slaves, 74-5

Gambling, 244-54

Garlenda, 295-6

Gapeau, River, 87, 88, 97

Garagoul, le, 62

Gaspard de Besse, 150-1

Genlis, Mme. de, 52-3, 313-4

Genoa, 266-7, 278, 314

Geology, 4-6, 8

Gerard de Roussillon, 31-2

Gibbets, 234-5

Godeau, Bishop, 165-7

Gold dust, 4

Gorge of the Loup, 172-4

Granite, 97

Grasse, 18, 23, 157-9

Gregory IX., 159

Grimaud, 109, 110 Grimaldi family, 109, 208-9. 224-5
229-37, 258-9, 269
Grossulano, Bishop, 308-10
Guelfs and Ghibellines, 267, 278, 317

Hamilton, Lady Mary, 239-40
Hanbury, Sir Thomas, 261
Hannibal, 14, 294
Henry IV., 73
Heraclea, 12
Heracles, 8, 12
Hermits, 185
Hilary, S., 122-4, 153
Honoratus, S., 123, 153-6, 200
Hospice, S., 207
Hugh of Provence, 104-7
Huguenots, 174-6
Hyères, 84-96, 138
Hymn, lucky number of, 233-4
Hymns, 25-9

Iron Mask, 191-5

James, of Aragon, 139
Jeannette, Ste., 158
Jenkins's Ear, 181-2
Jerusalem, Crown of, 133, 134
Joanna I. of Naples, 3, 133-143
"II."133 145-6
John XL, 106
Jouvines, les, 18
Julius II., 304-5, 313

Lampedusa, 282-3
Langue d'Oc, 24, 29
Lascaris family, 269-71
Lazarus, S., 47-8
Lemons, 275-6
Leprosy, 281
Lerins, Iles of, 181, 183, 186. 190- 203
Levant, Ile of, 93-5
Ligurians, 8, 11, 12, 14, 39-41,
121, 148, 180-1, 206
Limestone, 9
Lombards, 206
Louis of Tarentum, 137-9
" XL, 67; annexes Provence,
Louis XIV., 191-3, 242
Loup, Gorges of the, 158, 172-4,
Love, Troubadour, 31-7
Lympia, 205

Majolus, S., 107-8
Marceau, General, 216
Margaret, Queen, 66-7
Marius, 14, 56, 59-61
Marozia, 105-6
Marseilles, 4, 12, 13, 18, 39-54,
118, 138; Marquesate, 88
Marie, sister of Joanna I., 143
Marquisates, 311-2
Martha, Ste., 48; sorceress, 60
Marriage, Troubadour idea of, 31-7
Martin, S., 289-90
" IV., 164
Mary Magdalen, Ste., 48
Masséna, 213-6
Massacre at Toulon, 82-3
Matthews, Admiral, 181-2
Mattioli, 193
Maures, Montagues des, 3, 4, 9,
87,97-112, 114, 138
Maxim, Sir Hiram, 248
Maximin, S., 23
Megalithic monuments, 11, 131
Melkarth, 12, 13, 227
Mentone, 228, 231, 255-63
Merle, Captain, 91-2
Mellin, 151-2
Mirabeau family, 169-172
Miramas, 8
Mistral, 7, 88, 113, 257
Monaco, 12, 226-54, 259
Monte Carlo, 1, 239-54
Montpellier, 1
Monans Sartoux, 174-6
Mulberry trees, 101
Music, 26-29
Muy, le, 149, 150

Napoleon I., 4, 80-3, 115-8, 126,
193-5, 305
Napoule, La, 186-7
Narbonne, 16
Nervia, River, 273
Nice, 12, 13, 205-226, 255
Nicolas IV., 164
Nîmes, 16
Obelisk at Rome, 285-6
Olives, 7, 84-6
Ollioules, 79
Oneglia, 290-1
Opimus, Quintus, 180-1
Oranges, 86-7, 275-6
Ospidaletta, 314

Pagan customs, 17-18
Paillon, River, 205-6
Palaces, Italian, 314-5
Palermo, 163-4
Palestrina, 22
Palms, 285-7 Patrick, S., 202
Paul III., 210-1
Peter of Aragon, 163-4
Phaeton, fall of, 225
Phocœans, 13, 14, 39, 206
Phœnicians, 12, 13, 39
Pius VII., 305
Plague at Marseilles, 49-51
Pompée de Grasse, 175
Pompey, 41
Pomponiana, 89
Pons, S., 207
Porcarius, 203
Pourrières, 61
Predestination, 200-2
Prehistoric man, 261-3
Procession at Aix, 67-9
Provence, Roman colony, 14, 206;
union with France, 70
Puget Théniers, 226
Pytheas, 43-6

Quarries, Roman, 153

Rancher, 216-17
Raphael, S., 113-19
Raymond Berenger, 158-60
Red caps, 75
—ochre, 262
Reformatory, insurrection in, 93-6
Reign of Terror, 52, 81-2
Relics, 274-5
Remo, San, 274, 276-86
Réné, King, 3, 62-71, 101, 286
Rhone, River, 5-6
Robinet de Donzère, 5
Roman settlements, 14, 206
Romeo de Villeneuve, 158-61
Romulus, S., 278, 281
Roquebrune, 236, 259
Roslyn, Lord, 248-9
Roulette, 246-9
Roya, River, 271
Rudel, Geoffrey, 34
Ruffini, 282, 285

Sabreurs and Canifets, 111, 132
Salt, 88, 89
Sans phrases, 125
Santuario, 311
Saracens, 3, 16, 47, 73, 90, 101-9,
202-3, 207-8, 260
Saussure, 151
Savona, 296-315
Sea-fight, 42-3, 290-2
Ségurane, 211-12
Sicilian vespers, 163
Sieyès, 124-6
Silkworms, 201
Sixtus IV., 296-303
—V., 285-6
Spélunges, les, 238
Springs in the sea, 203
Stones, cult of, 188-90
Suicides, 245-6
Sumac, 87
Susanne de Villeneuve, I75~7

Taggia, River, 284
Taia River, 186
Templars, 92
Tende, county of, 269-70
Terpon, 188
Teutons, 56-61
Théas-Thorenc, 177
Theatre, Greek, 15, 16
Théoule, 156
Thouet-de-Beuil, 226
Toulon, 4, 72-83
Towns, structure of, 10, 11
Tropez, S., 110-12
Troubadours, 29-37
Turbie, la, 227, 240-1, 256
Tyrian dye 73

Umbrella pines, 110
Urban IV., 134
—VI., 140-4
Utriculares, 190
Valence, 5
Valescure, 114
Var River, 130, 158, 212, 226
Varazzi, 312
Vauban, 73
Vegetation, tropical, 5, 184, 277
Veille, la, 254
Venaisin, bought, 3, 137; annexed
to France, 17
Vence, 23, 167-8
Venus Victrix, 62
Ventimiglia, 264, 266-72, 275, 278
Vesubie, River, 226
Via Aurelia. See Aurelian Way
Victoire, Ste., 61-2
Victor, S. Abbey, 47-8
Voragine, Jacques de, 312

Weihe, Captain, 245-6, 249-50
William, Count of Provence, 108,
York, Duke of, 254