A Catalogue of Books
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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Near 600 Volumes, in most Faculties
and Sciences, viz.
thematics, Philosophy, Phy-
FINE large Folio BIBLE, compleat, Oxford 1727.
2 Ditto, with Maps, Notes, &c.
3 Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, 3 Vols
4 Bayley's universal etimological Dictionary.
5 Marlorati Thesaurus Scripturæ.
6 Wiquefort's compleat Ambassador, translated by Digby, finely bound.
7 Hobbes's Leviathan, very scarce.
8 R. Barclay's Works, compleat.
9 D. Rogers's Lectures on Naaman the Syrian.
10 Bunny's Head Corner-Stone.
11 Sturmii Mathesis Compendiaria.
12 Brown's Vulgar Errors.
13 Boccalini's Advice from Parnassus.
14 Bunyan's Works, 2 Vols. with fine Cuts.
15 The Common Prayer, black Letter.
16 Astronomia Anglicana.
17 Culpepper's English Dispensatory.
18 History of Edward III.
19 Wood's Institutes of the Civil Law.
20 Coke's Institutes, 4 Parts in 3 Vols. 3d Edition.
21 English Pilot for the Northern Navigation.
22 Sea Atlas of all the known Coasts of the World.
23 English Pilot for the West-Indies.
24 Livii Opera omnia quæ extant, cum Chronologia & Notis Glarianis. Basil 1555.
25 Leeke and Serle's Euclid, with Dee's Preface.
26 Concordantia Bibliorum.
27 Carkess's Book of Rates ; with all the Acts of Parliament relating to the Customs.
28 Novum Testamentum Græcum, cum Interpretationibus Bezæ & Castalionis.
29 Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity.
30 Hormi accuratissima Orbis Delineatio, containing (besides an Introduction to Geography) 67 curious Maps of ancient Geography, both sacred and profane.
31 Cambden's Britannia, containing the History and Antiquities of England.
32 Lock on human Understanding.
33 Herodotus, Græce & Latine, by T. Gale.
34 Malyne's Merchants Law, 3d Edition.
35 Domat's Civil and Publick Law, with additional Remarks by Strahan. 2 Vols.
36 Wingate's Maxims or Reasons of the Com. Law.
37 Thesaurus Brevium, or Forms of Writs.
38 Leonard's Reports, 4 Vols.
39 Cases in Chancery, 2 Vols. with M. S. Notes
40 Ventris's Reports, 2 Vols. bound in one.
41 Modern Reports, 2d;3d,4th and 6th Parts.
42 Hobart's Reports, 3d Edit.
44 Stapylton's Juvenal, with fine Cuts.
45 Monteth's History of the Troubles of Great-Brit. 2 Vol.
46 Philips's New World of Words, being a compleat English Dictionary.
47 Minshew's Dictionary of nine Languages.
48 Brown's Anatomy of the Muscles, with fine Cuts.
49 Pindaris Opera omnia græce, cum versione Carmin.Lyr. N. Sudocii. Oxon. 1697. N.B. This is the best Edition extant.
50 Syderfin's Reports.
51 A Collection of State Tracts, among which are. Truth confest by Papists, Growth of Knavery, Oats's Plot, Trials of S. Colledge and Sir Tho. Gascoigne for High Treason, &c. &c. &c.
52 Scapulæ Lexicon Græc. Lat.
53 Aristotelis Opera omnia, Græc. & Lat. 2 Vols. 1695.
54 Compleat Collection of all the Laws of Virginia.
55 Hyldersham's 152 Lectures on the 51st Psalm.
56 Tyrrel's Enquiry into the ancient Constitution of the English Government.
57 Boccalini's Advice from Parnassus, revised and corrected by M. Hughes. 58 ACOSTA's Natural History of the East- and West Indies.
59 Maps for the Greek and Latin Classics, by Dr. Wells.
60 Clenardi Grammatica Græca.
61 Latin, French, English, Welsh and High-Dutch Bibles, of various Sorts and Prices.
62 Pemberton's View of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy.
63 Lenfant's History of the Council of Constance, 2 Vols.
64 Cumberland's Law of Nature, Englished by Maxwell.
65 England's Morals of the Ancients.
66 Sprat's History of the Royal Society.
67 Clagget's Tracts against Popery, very scarce.
68 Hatton's Merchants Magazine.
69 Heereboard's Meletemata Philosophica.
70 Wendelini Contemplationes Physicæ.
71 Collection of scarce Pamphlets,about Plots, Popery, &c.
72 Daillie's Right Use of the Fathers.
73 Littleton's Dictionary.
74 Boerhaave's Chemistry, with a curious Appendix by Dr. Shaw. 2 Vols.
75 American Library.
76 Ciceronis Opera omnia, cum Notis Gruteri & Gronovii, 2 Vols. Typ. Vander Aa.
77 Barrough's Method of the Physic.
78 Freinshemii Supplementum Livii. N.B. This completes Livy's History, N. 24.
79 Corpus omnium Poetarum Latinorum.
80 Hodgeson's Mathematicks, 1st Vol. containing Geometry, Trigonometry, Navigation, Projections of the Sphere, Use of the Globes, and Logarithms.
81 Hatton's Arithmetick.
82 Philosophia vetus & nova, Burgundiensis, 2 Vols.
83 Lord Bacon's Letters and Memoirs.
84 Shepherd's Touch-stone of Assurances, and Faithful Counsellor, 2 Vols.
85 Vossius de Græcis & Latinis Historicis.
86 Chirurgie Francoise, par J. Dalechamps, avec plusieurs Figures des Instruments necessaires pour l' Operation manuelle.
87 Powel's Attorney's Academy.
88 Godwin's Roman, Greek and Jewish Antiquities. 89 Dictionaire Francois, Espaignolz & Latins.
90 Poetical Works of S. Daniel, dedic. to Q. Elizab.
91 Stillingfleet's Weapon-Salve for the Church's Wound.
92 Feltham's Resolves.
93 Culverwell's Light of Nature.
Danger of little Sins, of abstaining from all Appear-
ance of Evil, &c.
95 Ovidii Fasti, Tristia, &c. cum Notis variorum.
96 Edward Ward's Miscellaneous Works in Prose and Verse, 3d Vol.
97 Pagnini Thesaurus Linguæ Sanctæ.
98 Cooke's Marrow of Physic, Surgery and Anatomy, with fine Cuts.
99 Allestree's Funeral Handkerchief.
100 Polybius's History, translated by Sir H.S. Bart. 2 Vols.
101 Rollin's Roman History, 3 Vols.
102 History of the Heavens, with fine Cuts. By the Author of the Spectacle de la Nature.
103 Xenophon's Cyropædia, translated by Ashly, 2 Vols.
104 Rights of the Christian Church, 2 Vols.
105 Mudge's Sermons.
106 Johnson's Sermons on the most important Points of the Christian Religion, 2 Vols.
107 Lock's Letters concerning Toleration.
108 Enquiry into the Nature of the Soul, 2 Vols.
109 Terracon's Dissertation on Homer's Iliad. 2 Vols.
110 Richardson's Observations on Homer.
111 Chandler's Defence of Christianity.
112 Butler's Analogy.
113 --------- Sermons.
114 Baker's Reflections on Learning.
115 Burnet's State of the Dead.
116 Clarendon's History of the Civil Wars, 6 Vols.
117 Life of Sethos, 2 Vols.
118 Life of God in the Soul of Man, by Scougall, with the Author's Funeral Sermon. (The best Edition.)
119 Gentleman's Magazine for 1731, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
120 London Magazine for 1738.
121 Horneck's Crucified Jesus.122