A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Bu
- 巫-1
- A sorcerer or enchanter; magic.
- 誣-1
- To deceive; accuse falsely; superstitious.
- 廡-1
- A shade; porch; a vacant house.
- 膴-1
- Flesh dried without bones; fat; beautiful.
- 蕪-1
- Overgrown with weeds or wood; shady; dirty.
- 侮2
- Neglect; disrespect.
- 㒇2
- Affection; love; also used for contempt.
- 撫2
- To soothe; to hold; to keep down with the hand.
- 憮2
- Affection; love.
- 舞2
- Dancing; sleight of hand; tricks.
- 武2
- Warlike; military; a footstep.
- 碔2
- Name of a valuable stone.
- 鵡2
- A bird that can talk; a parrot.
- 務-3
- To apply the mind and strength to any object; effort.
- 婺-3
- A widow who does not marry again.
- 𩥦-3
- To run with haste and precipitation; violent.
- 霧3
- Mist; fog; vapor.